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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 28, 1935     Golden Valley News
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November 28, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• Mr. rived Red Lake Falls, Thanksgiving with flies here. Dick Carew of Alpha left here by last Thursday afternoon for Cal- "ifornia where he plans to spend the winter months. FOR SALE---Small house in Beach. Inquire at Beach Review. 3tp George and Roy Oech went to Min- neapolis last Thursday to spend the Weekend. In the Minnesota-Wiscons- In football game Saturday, they saw Vern Oech play the last game of his college career. Playing guard, Vern has been one of. the stalwarts in the line on Minnesota's national champ- ionship team for the past two years. Vern was this week honored by be- Ing given honorable mention on the all-conference team of Big Ten schools, picked by coaches of those institutions. When thinking in terms of 5c, 10c, and 15c, try the Fair Store for real Values, O24-21~tf t The Fortnightly Club of the Con- gregational church met on MondaY evening at the church parlors. L The United Lutheran Ladies Aid 'Will serve a dinner at Moyer's Care on Saturday, Dec. 7th. FOR SALE HIGH GRADE LIGNITE $2.50 per ton delivered STECKER COAL MINE iPhone" 73 Beach, N. D. "Old Faithful" in Its Glory doesn't compare to the scene pictured above. If you want to ~oid such calamities, use our i radiator solutions at the first signs of cold weather. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG! in today and let us give your car a complete winter ov- erhauling. Sh~ft the worry to our shoulders. BATTERY ' TIRE SER~/ICE W' C. Schulz GARAGE Job Printiug in Your Business In your business, whatever it is, you are in constant need of printing of some sort. At The Beach Re- view you can get the best at "the most reasonable prices. CALL US FOR AN EBTIMATE ON YOUR JOB BEACH REVIEW JOB PRINTER8 J The Ladies Auxiliary will hold a regular meeting at the home of Mrs. B. P. Brunsvold on Thursday, Dec. 5, the date having been changed from Tuesday, the 3rd. A Thanksgiving dance is being held at the Alpha. hall tonight. Rev. B. "T. Osborne has been on the sick list the past week. Mrs. Osborne was in charge of services at the Methodist church Sunday morn- ing in the pastor's absence. Curt Sill, one of the state highway patrolmen, has been spending the past week at his home here, being laid up with a had cold and sore throat. Thanksgiving Special Plum Pudding Ice Cream PINT 24c QUART 44c Rice Drug Co. Fresh from our freezer daily. We make our own. Mrs. Andrew Carlson and little son went to Marmarth last Thursday for a visit with-her aunt. Roy Cooper arrived from D,uxton, N. Dak., for a several weeks' visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. L. A. Barrows. A Bismarck paper reports that Mrs. Otto Bauer (the former Evea Pericle) has replaced one of the teachers on the junior high school staff there. FOR SALE--Two high grade bucks. See Fred Wassman. ffx Mrs. L. R. Duffield, and children, from Yakima, Wash., arrived oil Mo~day to spend several months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. ThHI. Mrs. Duffield will be re- membered as Margurete Thill. THE BEACH P~WEW Miss 'Mildred: Kuster returned to Beach Sunday and is now employed at the Palace Beauty Shop .... Another change was made in the local Rbdr OWl store last ~ve~ when Tony ~e~rg, wile has ~1~ ~anager here the past f~w months, was re- leased, and a clerk who came here a week or so before that, assumed the managership. Paul Beckley has ac- ce~ted a, position as~lerk ia the dt0re Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rice and fam- ily accompanied by Matt Zimmer and Diane Specker, 1eft yesterday morn- i~g for Ellendale where they expect to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Riggs. They plan to re- turn on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ayers left last week for I~aCrosse, to spend a short time with Mrs. Ayers' mother who has been ill for some time. When holiday shopping see our new complete line of toys and gift goods. The I,~air Store. N28-tt 111. AN APPRECIATION |1 The Mandan Creamery and Produce Co. wishes to thank the farmers who have done business with them during the past month. We will be looking for your Xmas turkeys and will give you the same fast and courteouv service that we have in the past, Watch for turkey announcement next week. Mandan Creamery & Produce Co. Beach, N. Dak. Ill First Bread Made Wholewheat bread, although the first bread made, is often referred to as the "invention" of Sylvester Graham, an American lecturer on temperance and food reform. In l,q35, in a treatise, "A Defense of the Graham System of Living," he set forth the attributes of wholewheat bread as a health food and included it in hls vegetable dietary regimen, which at one time had many thonsands of adherents ~¢hroughout the United States. Ill; The "Bermuda Hundred" A tract of land in Chesterfield coun- ty, Virginia, once belonged to Bermuda. The "Bermuda Hundred," as it is still known, was given to the men who bought the island's from Virginia. |ill' The Royal Neigbors will meet on next Wednesday evening, Dec. 4th, at the Masonic Temple~ There will be election of officers and also the an- nual Christmas party. A ,arty of Masons, consisting of A. E. Kastien. Stener Ekre, Roy Johnson, John Raisler and E. M. Enderle drove to Dickinson Friday to attend a district meeting there. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Grtndstuen ntertained the local faculty at their home last Saturday evening. A surveying crew from Bismarck was here last weeke~nd looking over the proposed overpass in Beach. Dr. Fuller returned to Beach last weekend. Dr. Rlesland, the eye sight spec- ialist, may be consulted for finest opticaI ~s~ervice at reasonable :Prices at the ~Iden Valley Hotel, Dec. 12 :to noon the 15th. N28-tf Wins By Knockout DICK DEI~ARA Y If any organization is not liK- ed here, or if there are uy cor- rection to be made in those listed, please phone 14. 1 Round Table M~tt every other wednesday even. fng,~ Catholic Ladies Guild Meets last ThurDday afternoon of each month. Woman's Club Meets every other Monday evening. Beach Lions Club Meets second and fourth Monday evenings of month, 6:30 p. m. at Golden Valley Hotel. 'Beach Chapter O. E. 8. Meets second and fourth Tuesday evening of month at Masonic Temple Builder's Class Sunday School session every Sun- day at 11:$0 A. M. Study Class meets first Friday nite of e~'ery month. |, Sunset Lodge No. 88 Meets at Masonic Tempxe first and third Tuesday evening of every month V~est Gate Chapter DeMolay Meets second and fourth Wednesday evening of month, Masonic 'lMmple. Beach Assembly Rainbow Meets first and third Monday even. lng of month at Masonic Temple, Women's Auxilim-y Meets first Tuesday evening el each month. , , , | Salzman Pest, Am. Legion Meets second WedneSday evening c: ::,)nth at Legion ,Hall. Beach Volunteer Fire Dep't Meets last Thursday eyeing of month. 8 p. m. at Fire ~Iall. Social Hour Meets every other Tuesday after, noon. Royal Neighbors Meets first Wednesday evez~g of each momth. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REVIEW ~ " . in aN ] I [ I I ),l[ 'n' ~ I , I~, • ~"',~, r WeMee/ or Biat A nyb wo.hip [qi "D Jr. League--WednesdaY, 4:30 Epworth ~Le~unday 7 pom. [SUITE JeWRRY lie Choir practice q~httr~ay 7:~0 g. m. Mid-week' devotional hour on Wed- hesday evening. We welcome you to our services. i - till ...... ~., • CHURCH OF TH]~ UNITED BRET~ - / , REN IN CHRIST s:s0 p. m. c. m. So,sty '~:30 p. m. ~venlag wombS. ;111" ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC Wm. Fr~ Hake, Pastor. Masa at Sentlel Butte Sunday at 8:30 Masa at Beach at 1O:00 a. m. -III!" CONGRI~ATIONAL CHURCH "'l~e lZ~le~ldly Church" l~v. C. G. E~liager, Pastor 41 10:00 A. M. ~ Church.School 11:00 A. M. -- Morning Worship 2 p. m.--Junior Christian Endeavor 7 p. m.~Intermediate C. Endeavor SENTINEL BUTTE 9:30 A. M. -- Church School 10:0O A. M. Morning Worship CAMEL'S HUMP SCHOOL 2:30 p. m. Church Worship _ C.C.C. CAMP 6 p. m.--ChurCh Worship MEDORA 7:~0 p. m. Church Worship till. UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH Beach~ No. Dak. Rev. E. T. Anderson, Pastor 41. Stmday School -- 10:00 A. M. Services -- 11:00 A. M. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. There will be services sunday af- ternoon with Holy Communion at 2 o'clock. Young Columbus Made Maps During his boyhood, Christopher Oo- umbus was a seaman and an expert map and chart-maker. The latter quall. flcation made him popular among ~ea captains and e~rentually led him to isabella and Ferdinand, the Spanish sovereigns, who financed his voyages of explor~t|on. IIII C, 0, HALVORSOfl Agent for the Travelers Fire Insurance Co. of Hsdford, Co~n. The Massachusetts Fire and Marine ~urance Co. of Boston, ]~s. ~d the Provident Life luguramce Co. of Bi.mate.k, N. D. A Skar# of Y~r B~Jt~t it R#spcel- .fatty Sdi¢it~i. Phone 84 W. HOLIDAY SPECIAL8 ON ALL PERMANENTS. YOU MAY FEEL ASSURED THAT THE BEST OF PAIDS AND SOLUTIONS ARE US~ FOR THOSE HOLIDAY PAR, TIES AND DANCE8 WOULD YOU LIKE A NEW STYLE COIFFURE? SEE US. Palace Beauty Shoppe PHONE 126 EVELYN ZOPFI ~ MILDRED 'rK USTER Ill l ostoria OLD GLORIES LIVE AGAIN I. new "AmeHcmlt, g|mm In these charming fashions in glass by l~0storia, the makers have cau~b~g the spark of inspiration tl~,at ts tl~b hall mark of early America s inslfl~ed c÷~ftsmen. Here beauty lms been wedded to durability. For in these ~ne pieces of flashing crystal y~ see the same ability to withstand the . rigors of daily use that have m~de' the glassware of the past the ~elr~ looms of today. See these maaterPiece~ in glass today' and you'll see What smart hostesses acclaim the loveliest tableware mow available -- at prices that are tlrrtl~o ~Ty Iow. Over a hundred pieces to choose from. And they all make "splendid gifts. M. P. Lovgren I I JrE1NELER -- BEACH ....... Give Photograph, This Christmas and solve your gift problem in the easiest and most pleasing way. We haoe attractive offers for November only. Come in and see them WELCH STUDIO, Beach See The FORD DEALER YOU CAN BUY A USED CAR FROM FORD DEALERS; WITH FULL CONFIDENCE. HIS REPUTATION IS I~. HE HOPE8 THAT SOME DAY YOU WILL IN THE ,.. MARKET FOR A NEW FORD V*8 AND HE WANT~OU TO SELLSBE 100 YOU. PERCENT SATISFIED WITH THE USED CAR HI~...~ All makSes. All price~. Small down payment. Easy ~erms~ Johnson Motor Co.,