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November 26, 1942 Golden Valley News | |
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November 26, 1942 |
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Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sokoloski I Ted Thompson and son had ton-
are the pareats of a baby boy. I silectomys performed at the hos-
Mrs. J. W. C*alnan of Bismarck pital in Glendive.
Js visiting a the home of her Mrs. Fred Stacker and Mrs. Bick-
<laughter, Mrs. Maurice Rohan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kukowski, Ed-
gar Kukowski and Lillian Thill went
to Marmoth Sunday for a visit with
Mrs. E. F. Hasbrook left last
week for several weeks v:sit with
relatives and friends at Bemidji aml
Minneapolis, Minn.
nell of Sentinel Butte were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis
I Mr. and Mrs. K. Stout and daug-
/ter, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sout
/visited in Baker Sunday.
/ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Freese were
]Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Feldman.
Russel Rex Holstead has written Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kress and
the "News" to thatnk those who are children went to Miles City to visit
sendmg the paper to him. He is relatives.
svationed at Ailyson Field, Pensa- Harris Gilman left for Missoula,
cola, Florida. Montana after a vis't with his
superintendent of the Yellowstone i
divishm of the Northern Pacific ii
railway at Glendive. Pr:or to his if.!
Fromoton, Mr. McCauley was sup- Zii
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Beckley
of Rochester, Minnesota, announce
the birth of a son. John Fraser, on
November 18. The young man
weighed 8 Ibs. l oz.
Harry Erbeis left for his home at
jamestown after visiting his sister
Marvel, and other relatives here
:and in Idaho, before his iduction
into the service.
The ladies of St. Mary's church
m Golva will give a card party Sun-
,day evening, Nov. 29th. The Pin-
wheel quilt will be given away at
Nancy Hallenbeck and William,
spent the week end at Killdeer wth
their sister and daughter, Mrs. Her-
man May. They also visited with
xelatives in Dickinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Michels were
pleasantly surprised when a group
of friends, representing fifteen fam-
ilies, dropped ifi on them Sunday,
Nov. 22nd, with food and gifts, re-
minding €.hem that their 28th wed-
this time. Everyone welcome. Monday on business and came into
Mrs. Faith N. Menke went t°Ithe office to have his subscription as guests Lion Arvid Wicklund,
Secretary-Treasurer of District 5-N;
Bismarck on Wednesday of laSt]renewed. He is one of the county's Mr. M kelson of Sentinel Butte; Mr.
week. 0In Saturday she attended old timers.
:a meeting of county superintendents Walker of Bismarck, representing
called by the State Department held Mrs. Woodward, of Seattle, a sis- the OPA; B. M. Minnis of Bismarck;
ter-in-law of Woodward Bros., is ex- Editor Fred Shipman of the Golden
in Dickinson.
Mrs. Sam Wilson and two chil- petted here for a visit this week. Valley News; LEugene Will of the
At present she is visiting in Wi- Red Owl store; and A1 Ueckert of
dren, her mother and brother, Mrs. baux. 1Beach. Also, Mrs. A. M. Leverson
Miss Mary Jane Alguire arrived and Mrs. Gerard Muggli of the
yesterday from Hettinger, where she Beach Womens' Club and the Ameri-
is teaching school, to spend the can Legion Auxiliary respectively,
Thanksgiving holidays with her par- who solicited the support of the club
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Algu're. members in tha sale of War Bonds
A warning from the office of and Stamps.
Price Admin!stration to merchants For ent'erta'nment Wesley Kosh-
warns against "tying-in" agree- hey was there w th his cornet and
ments whereby a customer is re- played two cornet solos very nicely
quired to buy certain products to with Miss Gwen Bartholomew ably
ding anniversary was near at hand, obtain others, pr-'ding at the piano.
"-the date being Tuesday, Nov. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Thompson, Mes- Progress made in preparations for
A pleasant social afternoon and ev- dames Minnie Sm!th. L. A. Kirst :ristmas activities was reported by
,ening was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Faith N. Menke,, Mr. and Mrs. Lion Seight.
Lion Bbb Coutts asked the opinion
father. Tom Gilman and family, erintendent of the N. P. ore opera- i
Careful inspection of passenger tions av Superior, Wis. He has ii'ii
automobile tires will be an integral been with the Northern Pacific since
part of the mileage rat!oning pro- 1913.
H. H. Burchette of Trotters was Beach Lions Enjoy
a visitor in the city Monday. He s
looking and feeling well again after A Fine Chicken Dinner
his accident of a year ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hathaway en- Every place was taken around the
tertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. dinner tables at the Lions meeting
and Mrs. Harold Feldhusen and last Monday evening and all en-
I children and Marvel and Harry joyed a delicious chicken dinner pre-
/Erbels. • pared and served by Lion Elmer
/ John Christianson was in the city Hasbrook and his aids.
The club was pleased to entertain
Mrs. Michels also received a lovely Floyd Houck, Mrs. J. Clayton Rub-
gift:from their daughter, Annabelle, sell, Mrs. T. M. Leverson, Mrs. Ed-
who is in Detroit, Michigan. kins, Lester Freese, Connie Mosser,
Misses Wyman, Hagen, Kaiser and
" - ............ Mrs. Goddard atgdnded the concert
in Glendive, Sunday, sponsored by
the Community Concert Association
nd featuring Lansing Hatfield.
These are solemn days. Now
we have come to realize the
full meanina of Thanksgiving.
Let us give anks that we live
here, under no shadow of op-
preseon, in the only land of
plenty left in the worm.
And while we are ging
thanks, lee us take heed that
we have many sacrifices and
adjustments still to make, to
preserve this way.of life.
We must wo.'m,e. t. We
must do without, and invesv m
War Bonds, our guarantee tar
future Thosglvings.
The Penney Company, with
stores in over 1600 American
commmtties, plays an im.por-
ont port in making possible
the national war-time savings
for War Sands and Videryl
of the chub on some phases of ar-
rangements for the 15th ann versary
celebration, some time being spent
in discussing these matters.
Secretary Wicklund brought greet-
ings from the Bismarck club and
said he was !01eased to be with us.
Greetings were read from former
Vernon Brockmeyer, son of Mr. District Governor W. M. gates of
and Mrs. A. G. Brockmeyer, was Sioux Falls who was D'strict Gov-
promoted to the rank of sergeant, ternor at the t'me our club was
He is in a fighter squadron station- / organized"
ed a,t Bolling Field, Washington,
D.C. At present he is receiving Schulz Elected Member
two weeks training m radio work
at Orlando, Florida. While in Wash-
ington, he meV his two cousins,
Duane and Herlin Geyer, former
Beach boys, who are staff sergeants
in the Marines there.
Douglas MacDougall, a seaman
from the Great Lakes training sta-
tion, son of Mrs. F. A. Shipman,
of Beach City Council
Only 21 voters turned out at the
Beach special city election held last
Tuesday, held for the purpose of fill-
ing a vacancy on e council, due
to the resignation "of Dan Cafferty.
W. C. Schulz, prominent garage
and a brother of D.xon MacDougail. owner and automobile dealer, was
spent the-last week end visiting in elected to fill the unexpired term of
Beach, Towner and Leeds, North Mr. Cafferty as councilman from
Dakota. Douglas, was until his en- the first ward, without opposition.
listment in the Navy, telegraph and The light vote is a clear indication
sports editor on the Moorhead. that the people of the ward were
{Minnesota) Daily News. He has confident that Mr. Schulz would be
just completed his "booff' training elected, and it also indicates the
period and upon his return expected present lack of interest in politics.
to be assigned to active naval duty. We understand that tis will be
Mr. Schulz' first term as a member
!L)_., ..... ..................................................................... = of the city administration, although
Montana Nlclntosh
40 lb. Box $1.49
at one time he served as a member
of the school board.
At a very pretty ceremon: o
Saturday, November 14, at 2:30 P.
M., Miss Virginia Rich became the
bride of S. Sgt. Harold Hayden.
The bride wore a biege colored
dressmaker suit th brown acces-
sories and her flowers were orchids,
The bride's attendant was her sis-
ter, who wore an orchid-colored suit
with black accessories and a cor-
sage of gardenias. The groom wore
his Army uniform. In the evening
a reception was held for fifty guests
at which time they received some
very lovely gifts.
.-"@'$,':'*"'" On Sunday evening the couple
left by train for Sioux Falls, So.
Dak., where they will be at hqme.
Here the groom is stationed With
• the Army Air Corps where he is one
• of eight radio instrnot3rs, having
.. 160 students under him.
They ,Are At It Again!
Friendly Heart's
Leo's flecreati0n
Ice Cream . Soft Drinks
Mrs. Henry Feldhusen will be
hostess to the Beach Homemakers
Club on Tuesday, Dec. ist. The
members will have their gift ex-
Will the party who took the deck
of plastic playtng cards from Leo's
Tobacco's . Malt Recreation Monday afrnoon, please
return at once, and nothing will be
@,,,t,,.O,, O,..,'. - , - .-,. • said or done. Leo's Recreation.
Have You a Man
in the Service
of Our Country?
Son ! Husband ? Brother ? Father ?
] :mpl00)ye? (Daughter? S/ster?)
Then You Must Be Proud Enough o£ Him "(or Her:)" o=
Display An Official War Service Flag In the Window 0][
,Y0ur H0m_e or Store or PlanI. Think W__lia Th_ey'r_
Doing For You.
*e Size 8"x 12 "
• Guaranteed Wasliable
O A Blue ar for each person In servI¢
i0' 'le adddi Symbolizes
Flag of Today
e :Not a prlnt but a lieavy woven marlaI
i0' This is 1942 velon of offitl
used in World War 1
Secure Your Flag at:
Golden Valley News
When you buy WAR BONDS you're
SAVING, NOT giving!
You can start gettingWAR BONDS
by gettinj WAR STAMPS for as
• little as 10t
WAR BONDS are sold on a money-
back guarantee by the U. S. Govern-
You can have enough money for a
new car after the war by saving WAR
WAR BONDS are worth 33P9 MORE
in 10 years!
When you hold WAR BC)Nb$ I0
years you get back $4 for every $3
you save!
Series E WAR BONDS pay you 2.9
interest on your money l
You get $25 WAR BOND (maturity
value) for only $18,75.
: ;%. ¢,