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November 26, 1942 Golden Valley News | |
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Subscription Offer
That's Why They're All talking!
coming at a time when you pay more for everything else.
[ This Special Offer is For 'November Only
For the last time until the war is over, we offer you the opportunity to subscribe for the
Golden Valley News for a whole year--- 52 weeks for Si.5 }, a saving of 25 per cent. This
offer applies to new and renewal subscriptions. Here is a real money saving opportunity,
This special offer positively will not be renewed or extended this year. You must subscribe during November if you want
to take advantage of it. Please do not ask us for the special rate after December 1st.
III I I I III I I k' [111 I ] I I
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I .I
Your Most Enjoyable
Weekly Visitor
Opportunities Like This
Are Rare These Days
Most newspapers hesitate to make a special sub-
scription offer, and many are advancing their rates
owing to the increase in the cost of production.
Advertising revenues of newspapers--their princi-
pal source of incomemhave decreased materially during
the past year. At the same time newspaper costs
like everything elsehave gone up.
The Golden Valley News values the good will and
friendship of its hundreds of subscribers in south-
western North Dakota and southeastern Montana above
any financial consideration and for that reason we have
decided to make this special again this year.
Unless conditions change--unless America wins
the war during the next year--it will not be possible
for us to renew this offer in 1943.
Even at $2.00 a year the Golden Valley News is a
grcat bargain in good reading material. Under present
conditions this 25 percent saving is something which
should appeal to everyone.
Please remember that due to postage rates, this
offer of $1.50 applies only to residents of North Dakota
and southeastern Montana. Elsewhere our offer is
$2.00 instead of our regular $2.50.
Ill _
There is little need to tell present News readers
about this newspaper. It is the only newspaper in
Golden Valley county. It covers every, nook and cranny
of Golden Valley county and the trade territory ad-
jacent to the city of Beach, with trained, alert writers
whose contributions each week mirror the happenings
of every community in the county.
A corps of more than 20 correspondents and re-
porters and a trained staff regularly employed, bring
you all the news that's worth while each week.
The Golden Valley News brings you each week en-
tertaining columns, news of your friends and neighbors,
news of our boys in the armed services, the people you
know, official legal publicationsin fact, everything
you want in a county newspaper.
The Golden Valley News is the official news-
paper of Golden Valley county and the city of Beach.
In its columns are printed all of the official notices of
the county, city and state. It contains weekly markets
and messages from the various Beach business houses,
also national advertising that makes buying easier and
more profitable. It enables everyone to keep abreast
of rapidly changing business and social conditions and
through its columns neighbor meets neighbor.
This would be an ideal time to subscribe for the
Golden Valley News and send it to a friend or rela-
tive. Its weekly visit would be better than a letter.
Why Shouldn't .the Whole
Town Be Talking?
YES SIREE! You can now subscribe
for the "home-town paper" for $1.50. A
• this time the accounts of many of our sub-
scribers are due or will be very soon. Look
at the date on your label RIGHT NOWif
it shows that your subscription is due or
running out soon, cut out the coupon and
mail it with $1.50, or call at the News
office and make sure that you do not miss
a single issue. If you are not already a
subscriber, take advantage of this offer and
become a regular reader of the Golden
Valley News.
Act Now!
This Opportunity May Not Be Given Again!
Golden Valley
Beach, N. D.
Phone 39
II i II i
Golden Valley News, Beach, North Dakota
GentlemenHere is my $1.50 for which you are to send me The
Golden Valley News for one year.
My Name Is
My Address Is
(This is . (New__) (Renewal_._.) subscription)
Pletsv ttdd 5 cents exchange for cheeks on out-of-town banks.
i j --