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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 26, 1942     Golden Valley News
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November 26, 1942
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THE Gel,DEN VALLEY 26, 1942 DANCE EVERY SAT AT SAM'S NEW ARCADE GLENDIVE, MONTANA Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By Veterans of Foreign Wars ROLLER SKATING EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT ' I _.. l , " -_ " __ .... / -_ -- _ - - - ' --- " ....... I .__ - I  ...... 011i i Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rustad and € /Roland Schrader were Saturday visi- tos at Baker, r Mrs. Donald Blair was a house W MUSIC BY CHET GRIFFIN AND HIS DIXIE LANDERS ,, ,, i i ,, i , , i II I I -. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Storkel and Miss Olive Welsh helped at the i Mr. and 3/Irs. Glenn Scammon and Garner daughters accompanied by Mrs. C. M. Dickhlson home in Beach last week l children were shopping in Glendive Fulton and Miss Grace Hammond in Miss Margie Baird's place. Margie on Saturday. were visitors in Baker on Tuesday. was ill with a bad cold. ] Mr. and Mrs. Fred Korneychuck John Stull was a Beach shopper [o b Keith Woods came Sunday from and children and Mrs. John Bechtold !on Monday. 1 allX the Great Lakes Naval Training t came h'om Baker Sunday to attend Mr. and Mrs. John Stull and Mrs. 'Station to spend his furlough at the/church services and spend the re-]George Stull were Sunday dinner home of his par.ns. Mr. and Mrs. mainder of the the day with Roy. !guests at the Ed Stull home in Beach. I Mrs. John Johnson returned home gues of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stark during the past week. She also visit- ed oher friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Stark took her to Plevna Saturday. Miss Inez Sather left aturday morning for Fargo where she will visit her sister and do private nurs- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Waiter nd family spent Saturday at Baker. Mr. and l{rs, George Cox and song spen Saturday at Baker. Mrs. Anion Sather. Arthur and Inez were supper guests at the John Sliper home Friday evening. Fred Reinecke was having dental J. D. Woods. work done in Glendive last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Steele and Mr. Mrs. L. A. Woodhouse and son were and Mrs. E. Goosen autoed ro Glen- business vimtors in Beach Thursday. dive last week where the Steeies vis- Mrs. C. E. White spent tile week- ited A. McDonald a= the N. P. hos- end in Glendive at the home of her pital. dauLhter. Mrs S. L Sherman. The basketball game played ,qt J. W. Greenup from near Trottcr. Bea:'h Thursday evening resulled iu was a business visior in Beach and ',mother victory for the Wibaux learn Wibaux Thursday, ill a closely contested game. Score - Mrs. Jelnie Jones is here from ] was 14 to 15. California for a vi:dt with relatives Mrs. Maud Johnson frolll noa.r St. and friends, Phillips staved at tile S. L. Peterson Mrs. Saral] Lynn accompanied Mr. home last week while she was de- and Mrs. Edwin Goosen. i Mrs. Dan Sutherlaud was hostess!on Sunday from the Frank Johnson to the Women's Club at her home on! home , where she had spent the past Monday afternoon. After the regular order of business the hostess served dainty refreshments. It is reported that Mrs. Maggie Scott and Chas. Heckmnan from south of Beach were married in Bill- igs Sunday. Whey 're expected to retm'n and make their home on the groom's farm. Congratulations! Tile C. F. Missionary Society will meet Tuesday afternoon to pack box- few days visiting. Mr. and Mrs. John Stull, Mrs. George Stull, Mrs. Ira Voss and Mrs. John Johnson attended the show in Beach Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassman and Mrs. Ira Voss were Beach visitors oll : Thursday. Mrs. Lloyd Wassmann aad Carolyn returned home on Friday night from Ronald houboe was a supper guest at the Archie Slter home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sherva and daughters and Mi Mildred Vatrouba spent Wednesday evening at Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Ferrel and ,children were Sunday guests at the ;L. M. Morrtson home. Mrs. era Stark spent the week with er daughter, Mrs. Rudolph Lutts, who .has had the flu. C. O. Nelson left from Wlbaux last week for Chicago wlh e carload of cattie. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker and Joan, and Clinton Baker were Sunday din- :her guests at the Claud Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rost and "family were Sun@ay diner guests at the lay Shepherd home. J. M. Buckley returned home Tuesday from Rochester, Minnesota, where he had spent several weeks at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Perry and daughter of Cabin Creek were over° night guests at the C. F. Shephetd :home Friday. Ralph Rustad went to Butte Tues- • day where he was inducted into the :army. He returned Thursday for his .seven day furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baker motor- ,ed to Baker Saturday. Mrs. Baker remained for a visit at the home of :her parents. Mr ,and Mrs. Win. Fer- .Ign of Fertile Pralrles. Claud Baker and Mrs. Fay SheD- herd went to Baker Friday afternoon. Cleo returned home for the weekend. Lavern Shepherd also accompanied them home from the hospital feeling much improved. The county as been graveling the roads around town during the past week, which ls a big improvement. Men have also begun work on the bridge west of tvL which las been out for some time. The Junior and enior classes pre- sented their play "Two Days to Marry," Friday evening at the hall to large crowd which enjoyed it very much. The cost was as follows: on Chase, as black as his race. Hubert Abrams; James J. Dare, a wifeless heir, Eugene Flsk; Ruford B, wYer, a timid lawyer. Dale Shep- rd; Emily Ptnk, blacker than ink, :Laura Stark; Sadie Boise, a widow y choice, Betty Shepherd; Imogene 7Mhane, the sweet yotmg thing, Rost; Waiter M. Blair. a mill- nalre, Clifford Bech. The time wa  present, and it took place in a New Y apartment house. Following the play a lunch was ser- • red in the basement and a dance gien Ultat. mg for a month. She will not be and Mrs AI Ley to Glen(tire Thurs- called for service with tile Navy un- day. til January. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Goosen wen CarNie L. K. Morline of Baker was here on Tuesday in e interest of the Yale Oil Company. Senator and Mrs. Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lurid were Wlbaux callers Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartse at- tended the show in Beach Sunday afternoon. Miss Almee Storkel and Patsy Lurid were eremite guests of the Hammond girls on Friday. Mrs. J. E. Martin and Mrs. W. H Swanbro were shoppers on Beach on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartse and daughter Jean were business callers in Baker Tuesday. Clarence Everson, who has been in the service, came home on a furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hartse and daughter were Beach callers on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hammond and daughter Grace and Aimee Storkel were Beach callers Friday, where Grace had dental work done. Mrs. Henry Jacobsen and child- ten, Mrs. Hurly Workman and daughter were Sunday afternoon guests at the Bury home at Alpha. The Adult Bible Study class meets in the Sunday v2ool room at the church on Friday P. M. A cordlal invitation is extended to each and all. A meeting of the Sunday School Teachers and the church board was held at the church Tuesday evening. It was called to order by Rev. W. L. Wetzel of Ollle. Gas Rationing registration was held at' tre school house on Wed- [neday, Thursday and Friday. Miss Gwendolyn Fulton, the primary teacher, was in charge. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Krueger and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Rode, y were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton IEnudson and son of Wlbux. Several from here attended the class play In Ollie Friday night. Eugene Fisk, a member of the east, is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Flsk and Mr. and Mrs. John Hartse of this village. Mrs. Hans Jacobsen and son Dick, Mrs. Henry Jacobsen and Henrietta Bargleld were Beach and Wibaux callers Saturday. Mrs. Hans Job- son took her son Dickey to consult Dr. Dale. to Baker Monday mormng to visit relatives until Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Earl Baker went to Bismarck Thursday for medical attention. She returned lriday. Mrs. Ethel Johnson left Friday for Renan, Montana to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. Bob Symington and family. Miss Peggy Collins went to Glen- dive Friday to visit friends. She re- turned Saturday. All Helvlk came home rbm Louis- lana last week to spent his furlough with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keys and children surGed to Glendive Satur- day. They were accompanied by Mrs. Schwartz. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Welsh and Russell visited Mrs. N. Tangen and [the AI Wosepka family south of Beach Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Cowee 'is visiting her d,ughter. Mrs. Robert Alton and f:ur]v in Misoula. She expects tc be gone until after Thanksgiving. q he M'-;scs Luise and Mary Bail- -':. R. 'N. left Friday for Lead, S. , Oak,. where they have employment at • hospl'al, qr. nd Mrs. Jack Still and Mr. tad Mrs. Frank Teeters and children • "ere among those who autoed to, lendive Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oertenson from near Hedges were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh. Mrs. Stalner Pederson entertained relatives at a birthday dinner Mon- day evenihg in honor of her father, Clarence McClaln. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and sons of Sentinel Butte and Miss Grace Berg of Beach called on friends here Sunday afternoon. Lyle Nelson and sister Dorothy and Miss Virginia Bailey, who are em- ployed in Glendive, spent Sunday with home folk. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Summerfelt and Mrs. Gusta Summerfelt were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.  B. Sherman Sunday. Mrs. Margie Wing of Olendlve autoed to Miles City lait week and brought her father, L. C. Faltermeyer, home from the hospital. • Miss Emma Jean Peterson came from Billings Friday and spent the weekend at the parental S. I Peter- son home. Miss Ludmilla ,Hladick has been appointed deputy recruiting nurse for Wlbaux county according to word re- ceived last week from the Emergency Medical Division at Helena. , , , , , _ Top That 10 Percent to Win This Banner . ] t  , , ,,,, , The Flag of Aehlevemenl-More than 2,000 foe- [ Campaign is under way from November 16 to New ioties and business firms in the nation are eligible I Year s to enroll every worker in a payroll save now to fly this T emblem, symbolizing the fact that ] ings plan with gross deductions tovuing the 10 nero employees are converting 10 percent of their g oss ] cent mark. ayroll into War Savings Bonds every pay Y. [ .3. :r,,rxD@rt*. rained in town with infecLion in her hand. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fischer and little son left last week to visit Mrs. Fischer's people at Columbus, Mon- tana before returning to the U. S. Army at Medford. Oregon. Mrs. Claire Samson went to GIen- dlve Friday where she took the Mer- it System examination for senior clerk Saturday morning. Miss Phyl- is Oison went Saturday and took ex- aminations. Mrs. I. Tennant passed away at her home in this city Sunday morning after a lingering illness. She re- sided on a farm for many years un- til she and her husband moved to town on account of their advanced age. She is survived by her husband and sons and many other relatives. Funeral services will be held from the M. E. church. We extend sympathy to the family. Calvert Stair and Kenneth Baird returned Thursday afternoon from a pleasant trip on which they visited at Glacier Park, Mlssoula, Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Colorado and many other interesting places. Their trip was shortened by Calvert's call to service. He had enlisted last summer and Just received his call to report to the Flying Cadet's school at Santa Ana, Calif. He left from Beach Friday night. es to send to the various missions for which they work, as wish the boxes to reach their destination before the Christmas rush. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Parker took their baby son to the hospital at Beach Thursday morning. The little fellow was very ill with pneumonia, but is reported to be improving at this time. The grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C1axence McCIain, were at the hospital Thursday afternoon. A committee consisting of Mrs. Glenn Scammon, Mrs. Win. Welsh, Mrs. S. Hazelton and Mrs. Albion !Welsh entertained the C. F. Ladies Aid at the Club house Thursday aft- ernoon. After the business meeting a nice program was given and the ladies served a very race lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Marian (Bud) Drake and son, and Mrs. Alice Brown of Livingston and Mrs. Mike Kern Of Big Timber arrived Saturday to vis- it relatives. They left Sunday night for their homes. Bud is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Drake and his wife and Mrs. Brown are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dick. Mrs. Kern is a sister of Jim Grlfflth who took her to her mother's south of town to spend Sunday. Hitler should have no difficulty in reading the handwriting on the wall, although it is collapsing about him. the John Fakler home where they i have been the last couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Fakler and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassmann, Mrs. Ira Voss and Mrs. John Johnson were entertained at a Sunday dinner at the :Fred Wassmann home. When the Allies take over Italy, it would be an act of poetic justice to install Halle Selassie as king. i prompt, effective. 30¢ and $0#. High Vitamin potency at low e.t--- ONE-A-DAY Vitamin Tablets. A and D tablets in the yellow box plex tablets in the grey box. For Shmpleunea  I bffitr, Headscbe, and | Reat14maneu. when due to Nervoul J • ,aoa. Use oa,u lrtL j TInS NEWSPAPER (g YEAR) and SIX GREAT MAGAZINES • OR.O.. s4oo NEWSPAPER and MAGAZINES (ltOUP --.eleet Two [] Better Homes & Gardens..l Yr. 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