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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 26, 1942     Golden Valley News
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November 26, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lursday, Trotters / __ Mrs, Kyle caller at the J. E, Metc home on Arthur Nellermoe has been visiting Thursday. his parents in Minnesota. Co. Supt. Mrs. Menke visited the Trotters school on Friday. Bonnie View Mrs. Dorothy Grove called at Kyle Sperry home on Friday P. M, Hank Madison and son Tim truck- Mrs. Tom Gamroth spent Wednes- ed cattle to Beach for Bert Sperry day with Mrs. Godfrey Pasha. on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Still were Glen, Zlebarth and Mrs. A. r.iebarth drove to Bis- marck Monday on business. Mrs. LeT Drewniak and Shirley re- turned Friday alter spending a few days visiting friends and relatives at S-nborn. N. D. Sentinel Butte John and Gerald Combs attended Harvey Madson returned o camp dive visitors. Saturday. the show in Beach Saturday night. on Thursday morning after being Frank and Virgil Braden were vis-I Mrs. Ole Omley visited with Mrs home a short time on furlough, itors at the Lyle Adams home, Satur- Nels Waldal Saturday evening. There will be Sunday school and day. Paul Wichow went to Fargo on church services at Trotters on De- Mr. and Mrs Frank Nehls were on- Tuesday with a load of hogs. cember 6th. Everybody welcome, ernight guests at the Mike Thelsen Bin Adams was on the sick list I H. H. Burchette and Norman Nel- home in 'Sentinel Butte on Friday. last week. being in bed with the flu. lermoe trucked several loads of'cattla Miss Margaret Houck was a guest Jlas Mrs't Inga Carlson spent four days to Beach for the farmers last week. of her cousin. Miss Betty Lou Abra- week at the Otto Nordin home. J The Kyle Sperry family and Mrs. ham, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waldal and sou Ella Henderson and daughter were Johnny Feldman received injuries Darrell were dinner guests Sunday Saturday evening visitors at the Bob to his leg, last week, when he was at Mrs. Nels Waldal's. Stevens home. caught in the corn picker, but he ls Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nordin were Glen Olson is busy building a barn. getting along all right now. visitors at the Lloyd Yates home KJqe Sperry has been assisting him A parw was held at the Reeve Wednesday night. with ]le work. Kyle Sperry plans schoolhouse. Saturday evening, for John Honnold, Harry l/likely;on and to build a new barn this fall, also. the benefit of the Junior Red Cross. Norman Haugse spent Sunday hunt- A large crowd attended church set- About $6.00 was realized from the ing in McKenzie county. vices at Trotters on Sunday when affair. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zinsli wen to Rev. Kenney preached his usual fine Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Pasha and Fargo last week where Mike is tk- sermon. Geneese Omley acoom- family, and Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon ing treatments for an eye ailment. Mrs. Harry Lowman and children panied the Kenneys to Trotters that Stacker and Marilyn were visitors at day. t the Leo Neilsen home on Saturday spent Saturd.ay at the Dick Sechrist home. The Kyle Sperry family, Mrs. Ella evening.   Mrs Frank Nehls returned to her Henderson and daughter and th= o., F. Crook family were Sunday dinner home, Saturday, after being a pa- and supper guests at the P. V. Moore tient at a hospital in Bismarck for home. Frank and Francis Boyce about two weeks. She is feeling were evening callers there, much improved but it will be neces- sary for her to take a complete rest, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf and for sometime. sons are spendlng a pleasant Thames- giving vacation with Mrs. Melcalf's relatives at Drake, N.D. Mrs. Met- calf will prepare a Thanksgiving din- net for the family at the home of her father. Allen Pilot, who is stationed at an army camp in Tennessee, and Art Pilot, who is employed in Portland, Oregon, spent a few days, last week, visiting with their mother, and sis- ter, Mrs. A. O. Pilot, and Mrs. Lyle Adams, respectively. HEN Functional Nervous Disturbances such as Sleep- ]eneas, Crankins, Excitability, Restleswaess or Nervous Headache interfere with your work or spoil your good times, take Dr, Milu Norvino (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) Nervous Tension can make you Wakeful, Jittery, Irritable. Ner- vous Tension can cause Nervous Headache and Nervous Indiges- tion. In times like these, we are more likely than usual to become overwrought and nervous and to wish for a good sedative. Dr. Miles Nervine is a good sedative ---mild but effective. If you do not use Dr. Miles Nervine you can't know what it will do for you. It comes in Liquid and Effervescent Tablet form, both equally soothing to tense and over-wrought nerves. WHY DON'r YOU TRY IT ? Get it at your drug store, Effervescent tablets 35# and 75, Liquid 26# and $1.00. Read direc- floz and use only us directed. -:. :-  -i :, -- i |- I Your Photograph will be your soldier's most prized Christmas gift. Have a new portrait made today for your soldier, sailor or airman, in an attractive Service Case. Vhy rot ha re that i mily grol or while he is home on furlough. Mrs. Harry Smith and daughter Bonita were visitors at Mrs. Nell Hogoboom's Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Orris Lovell is assisting dur- ing the evenings with the work at the Butte Drug store. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Decker left Fri- day morning for Texas after having spent a short furlough with the Math Decker family here. Mrs. Paul Wischow ,and sons, and Grandma Wischow were callers at the Victor Carlson home Sunday af- ternoon. Mrs. Bert Waldal entertained the Altar Society at her home Thursday 00tinlla afternoon. After the business meet- ing Mrs. Waldal served a delicious -- lunch. Mrs. Daisy Wassmann entertained Anthony Tescher came home by the Bible Study club Friday evening, train on Tuesday for a few days fur- Mr. and Mrs. John Knopp and lough to be with his folks here. ,An- Erma, Andrew Kohler, Daisy Wass- thony has spent the past month at mann were Beach shoppers lriday, the Great Lakes training station in Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bury motor- Illinois. ed to Dickinson Monday on business ' The Math Decker family celebrated and from there drove to Amidon. Thanksgiving last Thursclay With a Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fasching, Mrs. family re-unlon dinner. All the Daisy Wassmann, Mrs. John Irons members of the Decker family were and Edith Caret were Dickinson home with the exception of William shoppers Wednesday. Decker. Mrs. Miler spent  week with Mrs. Ed Dietz entertained a num- her daughter Sada and then went ber of relatives at a party Wednes- to work for H. B. Finneman on Sun- day evening in honor of ,her hus- day. band's birthday. The evening was Miss Virginia Oldis has been con- spent socially after which a delicious fined to her bed the past few days. lunch was served. Her friends wish her a speedy re- Mrs. Frank Nehls was an overnight covery, guest at the Mike Thiesen home Fri- day. Mrs. Nehls came by train from Mrs. John Wtlkins entertained the Bismarck where she had spent the U. B..Ladies Aid Thursday. Every- past two weeks in the hospital. On one enjoyed a delicious dinner serv- Saturday she visited with the Bert ed by the hostess. Next meeting will Waldal and Nick Uetz families. be with Mrs. Herman Brockmeyer The members of the Study club on December 17th. were entertained Tuesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Frltz Fasching en- the home of Mrs. Ted Rink. Bridge tertained the following guests for was played with high prize going to dinner on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Fred Smith and second to Bert Fasching and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Delicious re- Mrs. Ed Nistler and family of Wi- freshments were served at a late baux, Montana, Mr. and Mrs. Earl hour. Fasching and son of Seattle, Wash., Mrs. Taylor Cook entertained a Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fasching of number of her daughter-Meredith's Golva, Clarence, Leroy and Mike Fas- little friends at a birthday party ching, Warren Irons, and the iisses Thursday evening. Games were plLy. Edith Sehmltz, Edith Oarew and ed and a lovely-lunch including Sada Milner, Andrew Kohler and large birthday cake was served before Daisy Waamnann.- the guest departed for home. Mere- dlth received a number of lovely gifts from her friends also. Mrs. Margaret Boisen entertained the W. B. A.'s at her home Wednes- day afternoon. Bridge waa played with first prize being won-by Mre. Reed and second by Mrs. Lehman. Honor prize went to Mrs. Bertha' Cook and the all-cut to Mrs. Jordan. Lunch was served after the games Why not have that family group taken before he leaves whi]  he is hq me ( n furlo tgh. Appointments taken for Sundays and evenings. Welch Studio BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA | II Mili|ia|llleiliimiin|ailllillllailminiililillilaltiila I Elgin Watches Diamonds Clocks-- Watches Complete line of Gifts "But Hurry" -- "We Sell Them" BUTTE DRUG Sentinel Butte, N. D. NEWS SOLDIERS' THANKSGIVING PACKAGES ARRIVE--Army mail clerks now have a new and important status and are busy handling the great volume of parcels from the home folks which are { reaching the camps and posts at home and overseas. Here i a typical scene in a southern camp. sued to M. C. and Antionette Te- George I, Lee, Salary & seller, expenses ................. 120.20 Lot 1, and the Nortll 30 feet of Golden Valley News, Print- Lot 2 of block 3 H.obinson's 1st ilg ..................... 90.76 addition to Sentinel Butte was (]olden Valley News, Print- sold to J. P. Jordon for the ap- ing ..................... 2,0;19 praised price o£ $4.00 and a tax J. M. Still. Canvassing deed issued to J. P. Jordon. board meeting .......... 5.00 The following bills were audit- R. C. Doyle, Canvassing ed, approved and ordered Imid bY board meeting ........... 5.00 the board of county commission- Beacon Oil Co., Gas ....... 29.95 ers, subject to Personal property The Texas Company, Oil ... 77.57 taxes due and delinquent. Homer M,adison, Oil ...... 2,6.18 Chester Gasho. Inspector of George Lardy, Cutting Election ............. . .... $ 8.00 weeds ................... 6.00 Ralph Mosser, Judge of Anton Kreltinger, Operat- election ................. 4.00 inr patrol ................ 5,.50 Hilda Metcalf. Judge of Lewis Odland, Commission- election ................. 4.00 er's services ............ 10.20 Meta Mosser, Clerk of M. C. Tescher, Commission- election ................ 4.00 er's services ............ 12.48 Kyle Sperry, Clerk of T. A. Wosepka. Commie- election ................. 4.00 siGner's services ......... 15.88 J. D. Davidson, Inspector o£ 5:00 P. M. the Board adjourned election ................ 8.25 to meet December 2nd 1942. O, W. Youells, Judge of MIN'IIE I*. SMITH, .election ................. 4.00 County Auditor. J. E. Houck. Judge of Golden Vail ey Couniy, election ................. 4.00 North Dakota. Art Brown Clerk of election ................. 4.00 Mrs. H. E. Dalley, Clerk of CI'I'ATION HEAHING election ................. 4.00 PROOF OF WILL Rudolph Ramstad. Inspector STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) of election .............. S.00 County of Golden Valley ) Erwin Gordon, Judge of IN COUNTY COURT election ................. 4.00 Before Hen. A. E. Kstein, Judge M. J. Ueckert, Judge of 1N TH] MATTER OF THE E- election ................. 4.00 TATE OF KATHERINE O'DAY, Mantella Butterfield, Clerk ALSO KNOWN AS KATE O'DAY, of election .............. 4.00 DIi]CEASED. Charles Llngk, Clerk of T. Grant Rourke, ) letion ................. 4.00 Petitioner.} Frank Zook, Inspector of vs. } election ................. 8.20 Lucy Rourke, Will) K. K. Farstveet, Judge of O'Day, Ads McConkey.) election ................. 4.00 Alfred Grieln, and ell) Fred Kannenberg, Judge of oVher persons inter-) election ................. 4.00 ested in the ]is.tate of} Harry Kukowski, Clerk of ILatherine O'Day, also) election ................. 4.00 known as KateO'Day,) E.E. Ueekert, Clerk of Deceased, ) election ................. 4.00 Respondents.) M. P. Lovgren, Inspector of THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA election ................. 9.20 OF THE ABOVE NAMED RE- John Brown, Judge of SPONDk]NTS: election ................. 5.00 You$and each of you, are hereby Lewis Zielsdorf, Judge of notified that G, Grant Rourke, the oecton ................ 5,0:0- Petitioner herein, has filed in this T. M. Leverson, Clerk of Court a document in writing, pur- ,election ............... 5.00 porting to be. the Last Will and H. H. Hubble, Clerk of Testament of ICat herine O'DaY, election ................ 5.00 also known 'as Kate O'Day, late H.H. Halstead. Inspector of the County of Golden Valley, of election .............. 9.00 and State of North Dakota. De- A. C. Mogle, Judge of ceased, with his petition, praying election ................. 5.00 for the admission to prol)ate of R. E. Arnold, Judge of said document as the Last V¢ili election ................. 5,.00 and Testament of said deceased, C. O. Halvorson. Clerk of and for the issuance to T. Grant election ................ 5,.00 Rourke of Letters Westmentry Jack R. Callahan, Clerk of thereon, and that the said petition election- . ................ 5.00 and the proofs of aid purported Victor Johnson, Inspector of Will and Testament v, qll .be heard election ................. 900 and duly considered by this Court Felix Murphy, Judge of on Tuesday, the 15th day of De- election ................. .00 cember A. D. 194Z et ten o'clock in H. Huseby, Judge of elec- the forenoon of that day, at the tion ..................... 5.00 Court Rooms of this Court, in the C. W. Myers, Clerk of elec- County Court House, in the City tion ..................... 5.00 of Beach. County of Golden Valley It. A. Grims, Clerk of else- and State of North Dakota; and tlon ..................... 5.00 you, and each of you. are itereby Gee. ] lammond, Inspect- cited to be and appear before this or of election .......... 9.25 Court at said time and place and A. M. Peterson, Judge of answer said petition and show election .. ................ 5..00 cause, if any there be. why the John A. Fischer, Judge of prayer of said Petitioner shnuld election ................. 5.00 not be granted, and you are here- Frank Schrom, Clerk of by notified that the residence of election ................. 500 said decedent at the time of her Frank Schouboe, Clerk of death was Golden Valley COurltY, electlon ................. 5.00 North Dakota. Jerry Kouba. Ins,pector of Let service of t'bis Citation be election ................. 8,.00 made as required by law. A. A. White, Judge of elec- Dated this 19th day of November tton ..................... 4.00 A.D. 194& by the hostess. H.A. Bury, Judge of elec- BY THE COURT, tion ..................... 4.00 A. Friends of Mrs. Paul Wagner's were M. M. Iogoboom, Clerk of Judge Eof KASTIEN the County Court. sorry to hear that it was necessary election ................. {SEAl, ()b" COUNTY COURT) for her to be removed to the Dick- w.H. CareT, Clerk of elee- ,4..00 JOHN KEOHANE ¢ion .................... 4.00 Attom : for Peti inson hospital Friday evening. Mrs. The Florence Crittenton :ea(h Xorth Da Wagner was taken sick with the flu Home, services rendered 2.5.00 (Nrov. i, D('. 3, on Monday. Paul Wagner drove to  - Dickinson Sunday afternoon and re- ports that although her condition is I RUBBER BOATS rOB improved she will have to remain another week. Attorney for Petitioner }ea(ft]. North Dakota fast friends, (Nov. 26. Dc. 3. 1942) Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Polley returned to their home Wednesday morning after having spent the past six weeks visiting at various points on the wes coast. While in Seattle they visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Peterson and other acquaintances. They en- joyed a meal with the Wm. Roealer family in their new home in Port- land also. PROCEEDINGS State of North Ikot ) )sm County of Golden Valley ) November 17th, 1942, 9:00 o'clock A.M. The Board of county ca m - missioners met pursuant to ad- Journment with all members pres- ent. 1000 o'clock A.' M. the Board commenced the sale of pro erty on which the county had acquired tax title under the provisions of section 2202 compiled laws of 1913 as amended by section 12 of Chap- ter 286 laws of 1941. 12:00 Noon the Board adiourned and reconvened at 1:00 P. M. with all members present. Payments on the land contract were completed, covering the SE- 1-4 of section 1, and the NE1-4, and the N1-2S1-2 of section 12- 140-104 and a' tax deed wa is- CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR LEIVPlmRI OF ADMIN $TRAT|ON STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) County of Golden Valley ) IN COUNtry COURT Before Hon. A. (. Kastien, Judg In the Matter of the Estate of Ira O. Allen, Deceased. verett J. Beach, Petitioner, t vs. ) Alvin Allen, Arthur A. ) Bea(h, Emerson A. ) Beach, and Estella L. ) M. Geurin, ) Respondents ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAo KOTA TO TIIE ABOVE NAME:D RESPOND ENpS: You, and each of you, are here° by cited and relulred to ad>pear before the County Court of th County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota. at the office of th County Judge of said County, a the Court House in the City ot Beth, in said County and State, on the 14th day of December A D. 194, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, to show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of the Petitioner that Letters of Axlministration in th Matter of the Estate of Ira. G, Alien, Deceased, be issued to Johr I Tschlda, of Golva, North Dk0 ta, should not be granted, and ye are hereby notified that the rio denee of the said decedent at th@ time of his death was at Golds Valley County, North Dakota. Let service be made of {:his Cit- ation as required by law. Dated this 23rd day of November A. D. 192.. BY THE COURT A. E. KASTEffN" Judge of the County Court (SI,AL OF COUNTY COUT) JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Petitioner Beach, 'orth Dakota. November 26, December SALE OF LAND STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA • ss OUNTY CF GOLDEN VALLEY) NOTICE IS IItREBY GIVEN, That nnder authority of an Order of Sale granted by the Honorable A. E. Kastien, Judge of tbe Count" Court of the County of Goldea Valley, In the State of North Dakota, dated the 16th day o November A. D. 1942, the under° signed. 'the Guardian of he ]s- tare of Lee Alton, Incompetent, of the City of Sedro Wooley, 111 the State of Washington, will sell a't private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to cone flrmatlon by the Judge of sal County Court, the following deS- cribed real estate, to-wit: An undivided one-half () ln- erest tn and to Lot One (i) and the North Twenty (30} feet of Lot Two (2) in Block Three (3) of Mrs Rlchard's First Addition to the City of Beach, North Dakota, The sale will be made on 0 after the 8th day of Decemoer A. D. 1942. All bids must be in writing and may be left at the office of Keo. hane & Kuhfeld, at North Dakota, or filed with the Judge of said County Court. Dated November 16, 194. LOLA ALTON Guardian of the Est&te of Lee Alon, Incompetent. JOH,N KEOHANE Abtorney fo Guardian Y3each, North Dakota (Nov. 19, 26) Fast company is apt to bring Fol7 FIGHTING I | _ Two of the many types of boats that are being turned out by the rubbe industr for use of the military forcea are shown above. Products of The General Tire & Rubber Company, the small boat In the foreground is a parachute boat, used by pilots shot down over the water. The boat is attached to the pilot's chute and is tnflate after he has dropld into the water. The oler is a  boat  by the Navy. In atntilar boats th Marines invaded the Solomon Ilan.