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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 21, 2013     Golden Valley News
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November 21, 2013
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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November 21, 2013 Golden Valley News Page 7 I GLENDIVE SALES ill Guns N Things Sa,,YLicensedAberenthYReal CORPORATION Ill LLC ,:state00,:, an,:,AoentMrin • Lease & Fleet Vehicle Ill 305 N Merrill Ave. , Remarketing Ill Glendive, MT 17 years of experience! News/Pioneer Classified Ads: • Wholesale & Retail III Guns Bought, Sold, (701) 260-5087 or • III Repaired, and Traded (701) 872-4674 A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words III FFH Licensed and 10 cents per word thereafter. GARY BRENGLE Ill Ernie Huether, Pres. ,,,,,,:;,v,:%,.,.,... III  :. Card of Thanks: Minimum charge of /021W. BELLST. III 377-3969 .OP3an $7.00 for 75 words and 10 cents per word GLENDIVE, MT59330 111 Firearms Gun Safes i!! ........ ! the reafte r. PHONE: 406-365-4407 III Smart Wool Ammunition d HOME: 406-365-8104 ............... i" r  ' 1''--' J' "" ..... Deadline for Classifieds & Display Ads: TOLLFREE: 1-800-726-6763  Rcat E,,,,, Pr,,[,,,,,,,,,,!. 12:00 p.m. Friday preceding publication date. __ ____.____ • " Contact me for Ill, .FELDMANN Phone: 701-872-3755 all your Farm,  J] " Jwu ..a m .Ji I' Fax: 701-872-3756 Service Ranch, r ONSTRUCTION Email: Residential, or since 1936  Commercial "701-872-3317 • Carpet and Upholstery Real Estate Licensed Contractor Your local HELP WANTED HELP WANTED The position for an advertising manager and office assistant at the Golden Valley News and Billings County Pioneer office in Beach is vacant. To apply, send a resume to, or to Golden Valley News/Billings County Pio- neer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621, or call us at (701) 872-3755 and we'll send you an application. The Billings County Pioneer has an open- ing for a correspondent to assist with news coverage in the Billings County area. This is a work-from-home position. To apply, send a resume to, or to Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621, or call us at (701) 872-3755 and we'll send you an application. The Golden Valley News is looking for an additional correspondent to assist with news coverage in the Golden Valley County and Wibaux County area. This is a work-from-home position. To apply, send a resume to, or to Golden Valley News, P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621, or call us at (701) 872- 3755 and we'll send you an application. Wibaux County Nursing Home has open- ings in different positions: - RN or LPN to work part-time and/or full- time, with openings for all shifts. Salary t vades depending uport experience. - Housekeeper/laundry to work part-time varying days of the week. WCNH offers excellent benefits and is an equal opportunity employer. Applications may be picked up at the nursing home, or for more information contact business of_ rice between 8am-4pm Monday thru Fri- day. Telephone is 406-796-2429. Open until positions are filled. Newton Corporation Carl Newton General Contractor/0wner Excavation. Foundations Flatwork, Sidewalks, Basements Residential & Commercial P.O. Box 507° Beach, ND 58621 (360) 903-4033 carlnewton22@live,com N.D. Licensed #43216 FOR RENT Clean and comfortable rentals in Wibaux and Glendive, nightly, weekly or monthly; weekly cleaning, cable TV, WiFi, kitch- enettes available; studios 1, 2, and 3 bed- room mobile homes, rooms starting from $195/week; RV spaces from $450/month. (406) 253-0451 or ROLE'I-re COUNTY IS seeking a Stateis Attorney. Full-time until December 31, 2014. Send resume to Rolette County, Box 939, Rolla, ND 58367. 701-477-5665 MCLEAN COUNTY IS hiring two o)r more full-time Deputy Sheriffs. Apply by 4l:00 pm CST on December 4 by calling 70)1-462- 8541. OFFICE SURVEY TECH - Minot, North Dakota. Job Description: Process, draft and calculate various types of Survey field data into exhibits, drawings, plats and maps. Works with vanous software packages in- cluding AutoCad, Cadson, Trimble Busi- ness1.Center and otherl"online applications in the course of work.1.Reports directly to the Survey Manager. As an essential job function, a survey tech must maintain a high level of technical survey skill and must always strive to improve skills, production methods and talents. Must also understand Land Surveying Practices and procedures; processing field and office data; supports field and office pemonnel; land records re- search; preparing plats, maps, exhibits, construction calculations, preliminary align- ment data, topographic and boundary sur- veys. Up to 10% travel may be required. Must have a strong Land Survey back- ground, Proficient in AutoCAD and poses a good understanding in survey plat genera- tion, data management and exhibits. PLS or LS| ce_rrticatisa.ldus='out noLrequir.ed. Salary range: DOE. Benefits to include: Medical, Dental,1.Vision, STD, LTD, Life In- surance, Accidental Death, 401K, 9 paid Holidays and PTO. Please sand resume to ANALYTICAL & MEASUREMENT TECH- NlClANl-Williston, North Dakota. Maintain and calibrate analytical instruments, sam- pling systems and regulating and measur- ing equipment used to monitor gas quality. Visit for more informa- tion. We are a drug free workplace. Equal Opportunity Employer. OILFIELD SERVICE COMPANY looking for an expenenced Operations Manager in the Ray, ND area. Must have knowledge in drill pipe and1.connections. If interested call 337-330-2331. EXPERIENCED AUTO BODY Technician AND Technician Helper for established, flounshing auto body business. Salary and benefits depend on experience. Call Doug, 701-693-2804 or 701-693-6180 (c).I 3 bedroom home for rent in Beach, ND. All appliances - including washer & dryer. 1 1/2 bath plus 2 bedroom apartment for rent with all utilities and washer and dryer. Call 701-391-1232. Cbaning * Strip andWax Floors * Disaster Cbanup * Residentaland Commercial Ken & Virginia Young Owners Glendive, MT Call 406-377-3597 www.keyj needs! ABR,CRS,GRI 260-5555 Don Schmeling Continental Real Estate Dickinson, ND Office: 483-4400 Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations, t Beach, ND 58621 telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte & Medora areas For service please call 1-800-523-5436 Jennett Houglu00 Agency All Risk Crop  Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 P.O. Box 157 16201 Otd Highway 10 Sentine[ Butte, ND 58654 1-800-784-2106 hougtum@l.orete[.net www.federatcrop, net John Germolus Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud ...... This entity is an equal opportunity pr0videt BUSINESSIBuDDY • Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisor • Bookkeeping • Payroll & Quarterlies • Notary Public & More Cory McCaskey, Owner Phone: 701-290-9006 Website: SOUTHWEST ELECTRIC New Construction Trenching Agricultural Residential "For all your Electrical Needs" Cliff Maychrzak 701-872-2060 5370 van Daele Rd 701-206-0067 Sentinel Butte, ND Licensed tn ND;'SD atd MT American West Real Estate P.O. Box 263 112 4th St. NW, Suite 3 Beach, ND Cell # (701) 690-7847 e-mail  Kim Krull Sales Associate ...... Travis Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Office: 701-872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 C Licensed in N.D. and MT T&A Seeds "Where you can get all of your farm seed needs." Andrew Smith Phone (701) 872-3248 RV PARK REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED THE STEELE COUNTY Job Development Authority is seeking an Economic Develop- ment Coordinator to assist with business development and grant writing. Applicants must be self-motivated and detail oriented with good communication skills. Economic development experience, bacheloris de- gree or equivalent combination. Competi- tive salary and benefit package. Send resume, references and county job appli- cation by December 2, 2013 to1.steele- jda@mlgc.coml"or PO Box 492, Finley, ND 58230. Job description available. Equal op- portunity employer. Contact 701-524-2645. FOR SALE CLINIC MANAGER: Linton Hospital has immediate opening for clinic manager, RN/BSN preferred. Sue Meidinger, Human Resource Director, Linton Hospital, Box 850, Linton, ND 58552. 701-254-3113 Equal Opportu- nity Employer. THE VALLEY COUNTY1-Airport Commis- sion is seeking an individual with strong leadership andl"organizational skills to serve as manager of Glasgowl-lntema- tional1.AirportNVokal Field in Glas- gow, l"Montana.l" Thisl"position requires knowledge in public administration,-l-airport management, aeronautics or civil engi- neering or related field1.coupled with ex- tensive expenence with aviation orl-airport activities1.related to operations, mainte- nance and administrative supervision.'i'Preference will be given to candidates who have pnorl-aeronautic1.ex- perience.l-ln addition, thetValley County1.Airport Commission is also seek- ing support personnel to work under thel-supervision of the1.airport manager.l" Prior expenence in aviation, airport activi- ties, operations, maintenance isl"preferred but notl"required.l"Applications and com- plete jobl"descriptions may be obtained by1.contacting the Valley County Airport Commission at vcboards@valleycoun-; 501 Court Square, #14, Glas- gow, l-Montana 59230;1-406-228-6214.1- Deadline for1.applications is Monday, De- cember 2, 2013, 5:00 PM. OILFIELD Journeyman and1.Appren- tice1"Electdcians fortEmployment in ND. Please send resume to: Blind Box c/o Williston Herald, PO Box 1447, Williston, ND 58801. H & H ELECTRIC, Inc. a local established electrical company in Williston, ND is seek- ing Journeymen and Experienced Appren- tice Electricians. Oil & gas ndustry experience a plust Competitive pay and benefits. 701-774-1001. AG DIESEL MECHANIC'I-at New Holland dealerships in Park River,1"Cando and1"Rolla, ND.1.1- Productl-training will be provided.1"Expedencetwith CNH equip- ment a plus.1"Competitive wage and bene- fits DOE.1" Apply at www.parkdvenmplement.coml-or call John 701-284-6316. MCLEAN COUNTY HIGHWAY Depart- ment will fill one Equipment Operator II po- sition based in Washburn, ND. Call 701-462-8818 or email for more information. CDL w/class A tanker endorsement in Sid- ney, MT. Must have a clean driving record, at least 3 years of expedence & pass a drug test. Commission based pay with a potential of $100,000.00 or more. Manage- ment position also available. 218-259- 2780. BUILDING SALE PERSONALS MOBILE HOME FOR SALE: 14 x 70 Mobile Home 5 BR Duplex in Crosby, ND. Perfect for corporate housing or investment. $44,900 or best offer. Call Matt 701-575-7015. RVs REAL ESTATE LARGE COMMERCIAL FACILITY for sale with 11 offices, 2 meeting rooms, kitchen, 13 sleeping rooms, 12 bathrooms & more on 10 landscaped acres near Cando, ND, Contact Amy Nikolaisen, Can-Do Auction & Real Estate 877-812-4305 or see videos atl" NORTH DAKOTA FARMLAND values are at all time highs! Contact Kevin Pifer 701- 238-5810 ( for Free Farmland Valuation Land Auctions & Farm- land Management Services. WANTED: MINERAL INTERESTS/Oil & Gas Leases - Experienced Family Owned Oil Production & Exploration Co. Weill Help You Monetize Your Mineral Assets. Send details to P.O. Box 8946, Denver, CO 80201., 877-754-3111. LAMOURE COUNTY FARMLAND FOR SALE: Pkg. 1:SWI/4NWI/4 of 14-134-66, SEI/4NWl/4 of 14-134-66, SW1/4 of 14- 134-66; Pkg. 2:SW1/4 of 15-134-66. Bids by Noon 12/2/2013 to: Duffy Law, PO?Box 5, LaMoure, ND?58458. Questions: 701- 883-5600. 40 ACRES INl"South Dakota $19,960! $460 down; $1g5/mo. No credit check! Owner financing! (800) 967-7868 John landbrkr@gmail.cem STEEL BUILDING, BUY LOCAL. Build This Year! Turn Key Availeble. 40'x80', 70'x100', 80'x180', 120'x200'. Will Build to Suit. Free Quote. Call Wane 701-365-8509 or 800- 741-9262. FOR SALE: 1987 Fleetwood Motorhome. 36', couch, swivel chairs and table, FULL- SIZED FRIDGEf Everything works. In- cluded: square straw-bales, plastic, and insulation for skirting, 100# propane tank. $7,500. Call Mark @ 701-690-7540. RESPONSIBLE, OLDER COUPLE looking to rent private RV spot with elec., water, sewer. Within 10 minutes from Williston. Long term lease is desirable. 1-605-393- 1060, 701-580-8485. 2014 42' Elevation 5th wheel toy hauler - never used - fully self contained - sleeps 6,1"317-654-3116 forldetails - $74,900. FOR SALE: NORBERT Horse Trailer, stalls for 12. Hydraulic Livestock table trailer. Uni- versal Ultra Sonic Dragnestic instrument. 91 years, retired. Norman Glinz, 701-228- 3800. LOOKING FOR THE most complete listing of ND Media? ND Media Guide. Only $25! Call 701-223-6397, ND Newspaper Associ- ation. A 25-WORD AD costs only $150. Runs in every North Dakota newspaper. What a deal! Contact your newspaper to place your ad. HEALTH INSURANCE FOR EVERYONE. Confused about how the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) will impact you? We can help you understand your options and pro- vide you with coverage. Great Individual, Family & Group plans are available at low cost or even free! Contact Cando Insurance Agency to obtain a quote! 800-993-4307 or submit application www.candoinsurance.net1. You donit have to be left uninsured! WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one or all 90 North Dakota newspapers. One order, one bill, one check. We provide the ad de- sign and tearsheets. Call the North Dakota Newspaper Association, 701-223-6397. MJ Plumbing A Anthony Medina Master Plumber #1192 • Sewer camera & location • Sewer rod • All new plumbing services • New & old construction (701) 301-7465 PO Box 68, Glen Ullin, ND For all your plumbing needs! We have coupons on website for service calls and new customers. FOR ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! E/L ESTfffE wr/H HONESTY. INTEqr(Y NO PeONL sEwcer Patti Davis, Broker, ALC, GRI 701-690-7763 NDPEDE@GMAIL.COM The area's only Accredited Land Consultant! Rent this space for only a few dollars a week. Call 872-3755 for more details today/ Simplex Leasing of Jamestown _ - is Seeking 0111 Drivers In our p Van & Specialized DMsion LEX LEASING= provides: ,401K • Assigned Trucks • Good Home Time • Dental and Medical Benefits Contact Dave at 1-800-252-6451