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Orluck a national
1783: With the Marquis d'Arlandes,
Pildtre de Rozier made the first free
flight in a balloon, reaching a peak alti-
tude of about 3,000 fi and traveling
about 5 1/2 mi in 20 min.
1789: North Carolina became the
12th state.
1922: Georgia's Rebecca Felton was
sworn into the U.S. Senate, becoming
the first woman U.S. Senator.
1934: Cole Porter's musical Any-
thing Goes opened in New York City.
1969: For the first time since 1930,
the U.S. Senate rejected a Supreme
Court nominee, Clement Haynsworth.
1973: The 18 1/2 min gap in the
Richard Nixon Watergate tapes was re-
Land Board
makes $12.2
million in grants
By Richard Volesky
The Board of University and
School Lands has awarded $12.2
million in Energy Impact Grant
funds to help fund emergency serv-
ices and fire districts in the state's
oil and gas counties.
"These grants are an important
part of a larger state commitment
to help the oil and gas region meet
the challenges created by rapid
growth," Gov. Jack Dalrymple,
chairman of the five-member state
land board, said in a prepared
statement. "The Energy Impact
Grant Fund allows us to address a
wide range of challenges, but we
must always be prepared to adapt
our response to help meet the re-
gion's dynamic and ever-changing
• Amidon Rural Fire District:
turnout gear, $7,000
• Beach Community Ambulance
Service: 12-lead cardiac monitors,
$24,000; staffing/paramedic,
$62,000; manufactured home for
crew members, $64,000; new am-
bulance, $100,000
• Billings County Rural Fire
Protection District: technical res-
cue project, $20,786, fire suppres-
sion and safety project, $97,704;
tactical tanker project - Fairfield
station, $200,000
• Billing County: cot loader,
$22,400; staffing/paramedic,
• City of Beach: 2013 Ford F-
150, $15,000
• City of Belfield: cot loader,
$22,400; staffing/paradmedic-
EMT, $96,000; building addition,
• City of Medora: new emer-
gency services building, $250,000
• Grassy Butte Fire District:
safety gear, $14,080
: • Sentinel Rural Fire Protection
District: new truck, $40,000
• South Heart Fire District: new
fire vehicle, $35,000
, Stark County: staffing,
$25,000; Dickinson ambulance
staffing and equipment, $182,133
The Land Board will award
about $240 million in energy im-
pact grants during the 2013-2015
biennium. The grants are for a
range of needs in western North
Dakota, including enhancements
for law enforcement agencies, up-
grades to airports as wells as
county and city infrastructure and
support for growing schools.
Other members of the land
board are Attorney General Wayne
Stenehjem, Secretary of State A1
Jaeger, Superintendent of Public
Instruction Kirsten Baesler and
state Treasurer Kelly Schmidt.
By Jane M. Cook
Jenae Orluck of Beach
is competing in Se-
vierville, Tenn., in the
2013 National Bible Bee,
Nov. 20-23.
Orluck has excelled in
Bible memorization and
studied for almost 2 hours
a day, plus more one week-
ends, enough to secure one
of the 360 top scores from
across the country during a
Bible Bee contest held this
summer in Minot. She
memorized 24 Bible pas-
sages and studied the Bible
book of 1 John in depth
over the summer, and now
has another 750 verses and
Ephesians to study for the
national competition.
Jenae is home schooled
and studied the verses be-
tween her chemistry and
other school assignments,
working hard to learn the
lessons. During the na-
tional competition, the 360
national qualifiers will
demonstrate their dili-
gence in scripture knowl-
edge and memorization
through oral and written
rounds. The top winners
receive a share of more
than $260,000 in awards
and prizes, and every con-
testant will be encouraged
Jenae Orluck poses for a photo at Beartooth Pass in Montana. (Cour-
tesy File Photo)
and recognized for their
Biblical excellence.
Asked what her fa-
vorite Bible verse was,
Jenae quoted Galatians
2:20: "'I have been cruci-
fied with Christ and I no
longer live, but Christ
lives in me. The life I now
live in the body, I live by
faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave
himself for me.'"
"I learned that verse in
the Bible Bee 2012," said
Jenae. "I like it because it
reminds me that it's no
longer me that lives, but
Christ in me, and that He
gives me strength to live
like He would."
Stenehjem: City violated open records law
By Richard Volesky
NI/akota Attorney General
Wayne Stenehjem says the city of
Golva violated the state's open
records laws by taking three
months to respond to a request for
Stenehjem's Nov. 8 opinion re-
lates to a May 28 request from the
Golden Valley News. The News of-
fice on May 28 asked for a copy of
city expenditure and revenue re-
ports for 2012 and 2013 and the
city's 2013 budget. After no reply
was received, the News office on
July 17 renewed the request by
sending a second letter to Golva
City Auditor Bobbie Maus.
No records were later received,
and on Aug. 16, the News office re-
quested an opinion from the attor-
ney general's office regarding
whether the state's open records
law was violated.
It was only after prompting from
the attorney general's office that
Maus contacted Richard Volesky of
the Golden Valley News/Billings
County Pioneer and asked for a
clarification on the records request,
according to Stenehjem. As of Aug.
26, Maus believed she had properly
fulfilled the request. "Although no
actual records were turned over,
Ms. Maus gathered from source
documents she believed to be re-
sponsive to the records requests,
and forwarded the information on
to Mr. Volesky in a series of e-
mails," Stenehjem said in his opin-
ion document.
Stenehjem said in his findings
that when a public entity receives a
request for records, it must, within
a reasonable time period provide
the records or explain why the
records aren't being provided.
"Here, it took three months to
respond to the request for records
and then only after intervention
from this office," wrote Stenehjem.
"The city auditor gives several rea-
sons for the delay in providing the
requested records, including: tend-
ing to other responsibilities inher-
ent with the part time job of being
Golva's auditor, personal responsi-
bilities and commitments, not reg-
ularly checking Golva's mail or
,cording to Steijem, Maus justifie
Golva's delayed response by questioning
the motives behind the request. Maus, as the
request was being fulfilled, asked what
would be done with the records. "What is the
reason behind asking for these?" she wrote
in an Aug. 25 e-mail to the News office.
e-mail, not being aware of the re-
sponsibilities under open record
laws, not understanding the records
request, and forgetting about the
records request."
However, Stenehjem determined
that the explanation did not justify
the three-month delay.
According to Stenehjem, Maus
justified Golva's delayed response
by questioning the motives behind
the request. Maus, as the request
was being fulfilled, asked what
would be done with the records.
"What is the reason behind asking
for these?" she wrote in an Aug. 25
e-mail to the News office.
The initial request for records to
Maus didn't state why they were
requested, nor did the request have
to say so. At the time the request
was made, Golva officials were re-
portedly concerned about the cost
burden of publishing in the news-
paper. It was suggested that the
city's financial records be reviewed
to detdrmine Golva's finances, and
it was found that publication costs
don't have a specific line item
within the city's general fund ap-
propriations for 2013 of $112,600.
"As previously determined in
numerous opinions, every person
has a right to inspect or receive a
copy of any open public record and
the motive and identity of the per-
son requesting an open record is
generally irrelevant," Stenehjem
wrote. "Being unfamiliar with a
city employee's obligations under
open record laws also does not ex-
cuse the lengthy delay in providing
requested records. Ms. Maus has be
the auditor in Golva for over
twenty years."
Stenehjem said that his office in
past opinions has said state offi-
cials and employees of any depart-
ment should know the open records
laws. His office provides a manual
and reference guides regarding
open records on its website. "Even
a cursory review of any of these
materials would have prevented
these obvious violations of the
open records law," wrote Stene-
"It is sometimes difficult for
small public entities staffed with
part-time employees to respond im-
mediately to requests for records,"
wrote Stenehjem. "However, al-
though certain circumstances may
justify a brief delay, a public
records request cannot be indefi-
nitely ignored."
Stenehjem determined that since
the information responsive to the
records request was ultimately pro-
vided, no further action is needed
to remedy the situation.
The News office in the end did-
n't receive a copy of the budget
from Maus, but obtained it by ask-
ing for a copy from the county au-
ditor's office, where it was filed in
The News office chose to con-
tinue with the request for records
instead of dropping it because such
was done based on the public's
right to know, which is essential to
a fair, honest and open way of gov-
erning, no matter how small or big
a citY government may be.
The News office last week sent
written requests to City Auditor
Maus and to Mayor Darin Maus
asking for their input, providing
them with an opportunity to com-
ment on the attorney general's
opinion, to state their reactions, or
to offer any additional explanation.
No responses from the city auditor
or mayor were received as of press
Shown from left are Craig McKenzie, Clint Neshem, Robert
Sperry, Jim Roedeske and Jason McNally at a competition in
Billings, Mont. (Courtesy File Photo)
N.D. ranch team
competes in Texas
By Richard Volesky
A team with members from North
Dakota placed sixth in the World
Championship Ranch Rodeo held
Nov. 7-10 in Amarillo, Texas.
The team included Clint Neshem,
team captain from Des Lacs; Robert
Sperry of Trotters; Craig McKenzie
of Murdo, S.D., who works season-
ally at the Neshem ranch; Jimmy
Roedeske of Cartwright, and Jason
McNally of Sidney, Mont., who
works seasonally at the Roedeske
The rodeo was an event of the
Working Ranch Cowboys Associa-
tion. The WRCA's focus is on the
heritage of ranching and the way
those skills are brought to the mod-
and team penning.
"After the first go-round, we were
leading it," said Marcia Sperry of
Trotters, mother of Robert Sperry. A
total of 24 ranch teams participated.
While ranch rodeos are less com-
mon in the North Dakota area, they
are popular in Texas. The civic cen-
ter where the Amarillo event was
held was packed, said Marcia Sperry.
The North Dakotans competed
under the name of Neshem-Rodeske
Ranch. The team first had to qualify
in competitions in 'Sidney and
Billings, Mont., before going on to
Marcia Sperry said the event in
Amarillo was particularly fun to
watch, especially since she knew the
members of the North Dakota team.
ern-day2E,ehtgatitirroderiilc'lu-de'd ................ The #hampionship rodeo team
stray gathering, ranch bronc riding, was Sandhitl Cattle Co. of Earth,
team branding, wild cow milking Texas.
50 years ago this week
Editor's Note: The following is
reprinted from the front page of the
Golden Valley News and Billings
County Pioneer, Nov. 28, 1963. It
originally was headlined: "Presi-
dent's death stuns residents," and it
included photos of John F. Kennedy
and Lyndon B. Johnson. Walter R.
Bratton was the editor-publisher of
the News and Pioneer, and Ruby
Tisor, the managing editor of the Pi-
oneer at the time.
The sudden and tragic death of
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
last Friday, Nov. 22, at approxi-
mately noon, in Dallas, Texas, has
left residents of this community
saddened, puzzled and angry that
such a vicious crime could be per-
petrated in our highly civilized
The very thing which made Pres-
ident Kennedy such a good target,
his desire to please those who
turned out to see and greet him on
his tour in Texas, was the opening
the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald of
Dallas, seized upon, and ended his
life as the Kennedy motorcade
drove slowly toward the Trade Mart
where a large crowd awaited his
luncheon address.
The president was sped to the
Parkland Hospital, and died there
about a half hour after the sniper's
bullet found its mark. We Ameri-
cans, dazed by the tragedy, have
asked ourselves repeatedly, why did
this have to happen, why should one
person be so filled with hate for
everything decent and good that he
would kill the President who sym-
bolized intelligence of the highest
level, kindness, humor, culture, and
above all, a keen understanding and
a courageous spirit to guide our
country to a better, more secure fu-
ture for persons of all colors and
The streets of Beach were de-
serted after news of the tragedy be-
came general knowledge, several
social events were cancelled, and
many local churches held special
memorial and prayer services for
the President. Beach schools and
most of the stores were closed this
Monday, day of the funeral, in line
with the mourning proclamation is-
sued by N.D. Gov. William L. Guy.
Flags were everywhere, at half-
mast, a fluttering reminder that the
thing most of us thought was im-
possible, had happened.
It was an ironical turn of events
that saw the killer, Oswald, in cus-
tody soon after the slaying, meet his
death violently, by a sudden bullet
in the stomach fired by: another Dal-
las man, Jack Ruby, night club
owner, less than 48 hours after the
president was mercilessly shot. We
all were stunned anew that some of
the doctors who worked vainly to
save the President, also performed
every medical feat they could to
save the assassin's life, at the same
The impressive funeral on Mon-
day, attended by most of the world's
dignitaries as well as by the "little
people" President Kennedy loved
and was so concerned over, will go
down in history as one of the finest
tributes which could be paid a mor-
tal man.
Despite the violence of the Pres-
ident's death, and later of his assas-
sin, which will be exploited, no
doubt, by this country's foes, the
tragedy to our country has already
strengthened our national unity, and
made us aware as never before of
the real threat of communism, and
the many other threats to the secu-
rity of our country.
In our great loss, we are fortu-
nate indeed to have a man of the
stature of Lyndon B. Johnson, the
former vice president, who assumed
the duties of the highest office in
(Continued on Page 8)
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