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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 21, 1935     Golden Valley News
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November 21, 1935
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at the a young man, and number, ~ouck and ~ed. ej~. 'load on Sunday. NOTES was a boys' party given hall Monday, November 18, of the new letter-men in new letter-men will be and the evening will be with a weiner and sauer- schedule in regal'd as follows: , and Wednesday-- Physical Ed. and Boys' basketball S. Girls' basketball. tO 10:00--ToWn Girls basketball Tuesday and Thursday~ tO 4:30~--H. S, Girls' basketball. to 5:50~Grade Girls basketball to 8:00-~H. S. Boys" basketball. Boys basketball. and Mr. ~arsch motor- Metiers Sunday to look at the maehlne. It is a very it is hoped that a sire- be installed at Sent|ne~ future. 20 Years Ago 1915~ Butte Commercial club ~aturday evening and Guy Lee president, Jay vice- President. and C. L, turned on first time in Sentine| Butte The first place to up was the hardware store where the lights oUt. Sentinel accepted a posi- trip inlo states. of of town Albert Gilbert rest- Ago 1906-- the .Stone i J / i , , ANNUAL SENIOR GLASS PLAY FRIDAY NI6HT j -----4b---- (t~rom Sentinel Butte School Notes) The members of the Senior Class with the help of some borrowed school children are giving a D~Y entitled "Lady Spitfire" Novemberi 22 at 8:00 P .M. Admission is 10c for children, 20c for high school students, and 30c for adults. This is to be a fine ptey, and every- .is invited to witness the great of the out-going Senior Class. .The play cast is as follows: Miss Prudence, owner ,of a school for girls--Margaret Ziebarth Cindy Dale, a student in the school --Margaret Botsen Ginger Reid, another student~Ruth Nunn Flobell Berthon, another student~ Clara Wassmann Kay Sutton, Lady SP4tflre ~Vera Powers Tom Brown, pahRer--loo~ing for work--Hero---Leo Brown Bud Jones, Tom's pal--Billy Burns Jed Buell, the constable~an old hayseed~Frsd Rhienholz Henri Dufrane, Kay's friend--un. derhanded stockbroker-Rodney Sheen Stephen Sutton. Kay's father~Les- ter ' Dempsey The profits from the play go to- wards getting the school a memorial. Let's see a big crowd Present. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS II The Congregational church "repairs are progressing rapidly. Many of the congregation are helpizlg when they can spare the time from their own work. Mrs. Nell I~ogoboom, Mrs. Guy Hall and Mrs. C. J. Englund drove to Beach Saturday and attended the Congregational bazaar and dinner held at Moyer's Care. Mr. and Mrs. James Andrus of tl~e Equitable Insurance Co of Bismarck arrived in~ town Monday morning. Mrs. Andrus returned on No. 4.. but Mr. Andrus remained to work sev- el~tl days with W, E. Burhans, the agent in this community. The Study Club was entertained at a deliciou$ 6:00 o'clock dinner with Mrs. Aud Nunn on Tuesday night, Nov. 19th. Current events were given for roll call and Mrs. Velma Tovey gave an interesting program on our foriegn relations ith Italy. A new member, Mrs. Byron. Hogoboom, was welcomed into ~the club. The next meeting will be with Mrs, Fred Smith. Mrs, tIenry Lehmann entertained the Attar Society at her home on Thursday of last week. A delicious lunch was served. Mrs. Jolm $ordan was hoste~s to at her home Tuesday s~ternoon. Bridge was played at tables and the score resulted in going to Mrs. Helen Hovland, to Mrs. Ernes~ Nelson, and ~onsola~lon tO Mrs. Oas. A delight. tul lunch was served after the play W~ S • over. ............ ql Square .Butte Harmon Olstad took cattle to Me- dora to ship Saturday. daughter Gladys Rogers were Beach and ThUrsday. deer. Mr. and Mrs. Fad Sheen and faro- Bismarck is iy were visitors at Elnor Ostad's one over the field day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barcel knd son won the $50 talk- Kenneth were Senti~l Butte visitors raffled by R. L. Bar~ at Beach has been have moved and son Harmon were Sentinel Butte visitors = THE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1935 NUMBER 29 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ---.--.-II Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burns_ and son Win. were, Dick~son visitors on Thilrsday~ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Oas and son drove to Dickinson Saturday, Chester remaining there for temporary em- ployment with the Haggart Construc- tion Co. as caterpillar tractor opera- tor. Archie Bolton of Sentinel Butte and his sister, Mrs August Henley of Fallen. Montana, returned Monday from Cannon Falls. Wls. where they went to attend the funeral of their niece. They made the trip by bus and as the result of the conveyance sliding off the icy roads into the ditch at Medora, they missed the funeral bY a few hours. Miss Kathleen Murphy made a trip to Dickinson Saturday, visiting her father Who is receiving medical at. tention there. ilU THURSDAY, NQ.~IBER 21; 11~ ,Lignite coal $2.50 Per Ton (DELIVERED) From Runio~ C~I Mine SeNTINeLS BASKETBALl. ] Postmaster Paul Wagner returned LOUIE HOVLAND SCHEDULE I$ ANNOUNCED[Saturday from his boyhood home at SentinelButte, N.D., Phone 21 --It-- [Sparta, WIs,, where he spent a few • The Sentinel Butte high school ~ weeks visiting home folks and friends ~asxetball schedule for the comlngl i season is as follows: ' ' Friday, Dec. 13--Golva there. (Boys and girls) Tuesday, Dec. 17~Wibaux here. (Boys and girls) Friday, Jan. 10--Model High here[I] DANCE (Boys and girls) ". Friday, Jan. 17--Belfleld here Friday, Jan. 24--Beach there FridaY,and girls)Jan" 31--Golva here. (Boys[~ Thursday November 28 | Friday, Feb. 7~Model High there Tuesday, Feb. ll--Baker. Mont. there Friday, Feb. 14--Beach here IJ[] Sentinel Butte Hall Friday, Feb. 21, Belfleld there Inson SUBSCRIBE FOR THE I II I I MON. NOV. 25 STARTS AT 8 P. M. Benefit of the Church t ST. JOHN'S HALL BEACH Dick Demaray " | MAIN EVENT--8 ROUNDS T Bismarcck DICK DEMARAY vs. ETHAN CARTER ~berdeen, S. D. Demaray needs no introduction to fans in this territory. Since his last appearance here, he 'has won 4 fights, all by knockouts. Carter is new to fight fans here, but is no newcomer to the game. He is a tough two.fisted fighter who received his training in the marines. This is without a doubt the best boxing card that will ever be presented here--a real Madison Square Garden attraction! BATTLING I I I II SEMI,WINDUP -- 5 ROUNDS NELSON versus Bismarck I BOB MILLER- Belfield SPECIAL FOUR ROUND MATCH Rusty Grambling vs Kid Frisco Bismarck Chicago REX GILMAN vs. TUFFY ANDERSON- 3-ROUND CURTAIN RAISER by the Class of 1936, Sentifiel Butte Hi me SPECIAL EVENT: JIMMY MORAN, who fought Joe Gans and Battling Nel- son about 30 years ago, will give an exhibition. This is guaranteed to be good. ALSO A BATTLE ROYAL . ~ I I I[1 I I I I I II . . D. E after the Boxing Match Supper will be ser'~ed by the Catholic Ladies Guild at midnight and Dance ----.