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Page 6 November 19, .200..9.
Notice is hereby given that the
Billings County Board of
Commissioners will receive and open
sealed bids to sell the following for
cash "as is'Bid#
100 4 - 4' Electric Baseboard
101 1 8' Electric Baseboard
102 5 - 6' Electric Baseboard
103 8 - 4' Fluorescent Lights (4
105 2
- Mount in
106 1
107 1
108 4
109 4
110 1
111 7
117 1 - Coffee Table
118 1 - Table Lamp
tl 9 2 - Adirondack Plastic Lawn
Chairs - White
12 - 2'x2' U-Band Lights
- Fire Extinguisher Boxes
- Bemis Dehumidifier
- Ke.nmore Dehumidifier •
- 32" Tan Mini Blinds
-55" Tan Mini Blinds
- 36" Tan Mini Blinds
- 75" Tan Mini Blinds
10 - 70" Tan Mini Blinds
1 - Oasis Water Cooler
2 - 4'x51/2' Mirrors
2 - 4'x4' Mirrors
1 - Wall Mount Magazine
13094 Dakota Dust Tex 30.60 23573 MCGRAW-HILL 474.65 Procive gave a report on the 11519 Dan's Supermarket9.88
13095 Fallon County 1207.04 23574 MILLER, EUNICE 15.00 RACTC and RESP meetings. 11520 Dean Foods Inc 241.87
13096 Fargo Water 180.03 23575 MONTANA-DAKOTA M/S Ebert/Buckman to'approve the11521 Denise Soehren 138.40
13097 Farmers Union 27.58 UTILITIES 496.37 first reading of policy regarding 11522 Diane Murphy 132.28
13098 Floyd Braden 227.40 23576 NASCO 47.13 Honorary Diploma for WWtl veterans. 11523 Dickinson Public
13099 G & G Garbage, Inc. 960.00 23577 NATIONAL Motion carried unaqimously. Library 3,928.81
13100 Golden Valley County 6087.00 SPECIALTY SUPPLIES 140.76 M/S Kadrmas/Ebei~l to approve the 11524 Dickinson Tire Inc65.04
13101 Greg Davidson 3000.00 23578 ND ASSOCOF bills. Motion carrieci"uhanimously. ~1152.5 Donna Barnett1.760.48
13102 IndustriaITowel 13.12 OIL& GAS PROD COU 220.96 Next meeting ts scheduled for ~1t526 Department of
13103 International Inn118.00 23579 ND CENTER FOR November 1~.2009, 7:00 P.M. Public Instruction 378.22
13104 Kimberly Nunberg 144.00 DISTANCE EDUCATION 145.16 Meeting~ljourned at Edutech 100.00
13105 MDU 3762.05 23580 NEWBY'S ACE Ed Procive, Board P~t~ident 11528 Electro Watchman
13106 Mid-American HARDWARE 115.24 Barrel Remington,.~;~l~erintendent Inc ' 653.63
Research Chemical 325.55 23581 NORTHWEST (Noveml~:f 19) 11529 Esand 55.00
13107 Midstate IRON FIREMAN, INC 89.82 .. -.•.,~ ~: 11530 Farmers Union
Communication 275.72 23582 PEARCE & DURICK244.15 N0tice to Creditors
13108 ND Dept of Health32.00 23583PEARSON EDUCATION204.12
13109 NDLC 390.00 23584 PROBU ILD 298.53
13110 NIMCO 62.46 23585 QWEST 235.36 . _ , Nof~e to Creditors
13111 NW Tire 570.48 23586 REALLY GOOD STUFF 38.99 Proba[e r~Ib. 17-09-P-23
13112 One Call Concept 9.10 23587 REMINGTON, DARNEL415.50 In Southwest Jud~.~ial Court,
13113 Oriental Trading 539.58 23588 ROUGHRIDER Golden Valley County, S~te of North
13114 PACE Construction 5097.60 AREA CAREER & TECH Dakota:
13115 Prairie Fire Pottery 48.00 CENTER 1000 In the matte[ of the Estate of Ella
13116 Q Business Source 408.67 23589 RUBY'S LOCK & KEY 8 M. Schaal, Deceased.
13117 Radisson Hotel 63.00 23590SCHAIBLE, TIMOTHY O641.52 Notice is hereby given that the
13118 Railroad Management 181.50 23591 SCHOOL SPECIALTY undersigned I~as been appointed
t3119 Rohan's 65.31 INC 338.83 Personal Representative of the above-
13120 Southwest Electric 210.94 23592 SEWING MACHINES named Estate. All persons .having
13121 Southwest Water PLUS 299.00 claims against said Deceased are
Authority 7569.45 23593 SMOLNIKAR, CAROLE123.75 required to present their claims within
13122 Steve's Service 268.62 23594 STATE TAX three (3) months after the date of,the
13123 Stockwell Cleaning 200.00 COMMISSIONER 1775.00 first publication of this Notice or said
13124 West Plain Implement 69.09 23595 TOM'S SERVICE claims will be forever barred. Claims
13049 Office of STATION 68.00 must be either presented to Anne K.
State Tax Commissioner 361.95 23596 UKESTAD, RICHARD 666.54 Muggli, the Personal Representative,
13050 MDU 3613.27 23597 US FOODSERVICE, at Mackoff Kellogg Law Firm p.o. Box
13051-13055 & 13063-13075 inc 4858.66 10, Beach, North Dakota, 58621 or
City Employees 13926.47 23598 VANDERESCH. IVAN 350.00 filed with the Court.
13056 ND Child Support 100.00 23599 VIKING GLASS OF ND640.97Dated this 2nd day of October
13057 NDPERS 100.00 23600 DEPT. OF PUBLIC 2009. .,
13058 City of Beach 96.90 INSTRUCTION 230.45 Anne K. Muggti, Personal
13059 AIItel 132.24 23601 INFORMATION Representative
13060 Blue Cross Blue Shield 340.00 TECHNOLOGY DEPT 195.00 Charles J. Peterson
13061 Blue Cross Blue Shield3565.10 23602 MONTANA-DAKOTA Attorney P e'.rsonal Representative.
13062 USPS 161.84 UTILITIES 2769.07 Mackoff Kellogg Law Firm
13076 ND Child Support 100.00 23603 MENARDS 418.37 P.O. Box 10
13077 NDPERS 100.00 23676 HUTZENBILER,, Beach, North Dakota
"Oil Co. 88.72
11531 Gary Meduna 3.955.20
11532 George Stverak 1.000.00
11533 Gerry's
Plumbing 1,962.83
11534 Great Plains Clinic 108.00
11535 The Horace
Mann Companies 195.22
11536 The Horace
Mann Companies 19.57
11537 Instructional
Media Center 24.00
11538 Information
Technology Department 44.00
11539 Jacobsen Music Inc 27.95
11540 Jennifer Vetter 40.00
11541 Jessie BerBer12.52
11542 Jordanne Huffman56.10
11543 Kathleen
Chernenko 40.00
11544Kathy Malkowski 3,182.00
11545 Kayleen Obritsch 55.00
11546 Kim
Anderson 243.10
11547 Elizabeth
Odermann 40.00
11548 Marcia Pool 58.49
11549 Marjorie Jensen 56.66
11550 Martin's Welding272.75
11551 Medcenter One
Health System 100.00
11552 Midstate Telephone
Co. 257.40
At 6:55 p.m. bids to furnish ProPane
to the District were opened. T~e bids
received were from Best Energy for
ten cents per gallon below the current
pnce, and West Dakota Oil for $1.16
per gallon until September 30.'2010.
Rodne moved, O=Brien seconded, to
accept the bid of West Dakota Oil.
The motion carried unanimously,
Representatives of the County
Sheriff's Dept. and Co. Commission,
along with several patrons of the
Highway 85 bus route met with the
Board to discuss safety issues with the
pick-ups and drop-offs along the high-
way, due to the heavy traffic. The
District has offered to pay mileage to
parents to drive to alternate spots off
the h ighway as an immediate solution,
and" some of the patrons have chosen
to do that.
The possibility of the County build-
ing some off highway approaches that
can be used and where they should be
located was discussed at length,
County Commission Chairman
Kasian stated he would bring this up at
a Commission meeting, and talk to
some of the landowners of possible
sites in regard to access for building
the approaches.
Michael Oehler,,Andrew Klym, and
John Egly met with the Board to pres-
ent information on the National FFA
Convention to be held next week in
Indianapolis. and to request assis-
tance for the cost of their attendance.
Malkowski moved to pay half the
cost for each of them. O'Brien sec-
onded the motion, and it carried unan-
The Board began reviewing the
new section D policies, and will contin-
ue this section at the next meeting.
The Board briefly discussed extra
curricular transportation, and agreed
that the mileage for Route #2 should
120 1 - Plastic Lawn Chair - 13078 First State Bank KENNETH 3145.91 ND Bar ID # 04009 11553 Nasco 347.30 be measured from Belfield School and
White of Golva 2685.82 23677 OBRIGEWlTCH, (701) 872-3731 11554 ND Ass'n of Oil and return.
121 2 - Bathroom Sinks 13079 NDPERS 983.80 TAMMY 2782.18 (November 19, 26 and December 3) Gas Producing Co. 3,000.00 The meeting was adjourned atB:07 I
122 1 - Kitchen Sink (single) 13080-13089 voided 23678 CITY OF BELFIELD 92.44 115.55 ND C~quncil of , , p.m. - : -:, ~
123 2 - Half Moon Mini BlindsDeputy Sheriff Arian Swanson pre- 23679 QWEST 64.99 Billings County School SchOol Attorneys 360.00 Barren Baranko, President'~•;~"i~
124 2 - Corner Desks (6 pieces sented the Sheriff's Report for the 23680 QWEST 276.15 115.$6 NDPERSGroup Darlene Mitchell ' .B~s4ness
to each desk) 6'3"x6'3" month of October consisting of 19 calls 23682 TIME tNC 44.20 Billings Co~i"nty School District # 1 Health Insurance Plan 5,523.14Manager ~ .,:.~
125 3 - Metal Doors and 1 citation. 23683 CAPITAL ONE 144.79 Minutes of Regular Meeting 11557 ND School Board
126 1 - Electric Handicap Door PWS Beach reported on tree 23687 WAL-MART STORE October 15, 2009 Ass'n 375.00 (November 19), ' •~f;
Openers removal that is being done. There was #1567 162.01 11558 Pearson
127 1 Typewriter Desk on discussion on maintenance of water STUDENTACIVITY CHECKS The regularmeeting #f the Billings Education ....... 927.08
13 bbU ~llllngs ~ounzy
wheels-18"x56" meters and water loss. Nunberg5702 MOSER, FERNAND 24.00 Counity SCh6ol Board Was Called to ... 1"" 70
128 1 - 5 Shelf Wooden reviewed the financial statement for 5703ANDERSON, KIM 42.00 order at 6:;}0 p.m.~ M'r Thru sday ............ ~-oneer u~'.
]] b~u t-'opp ulnolng
Bookshelf the month of October and the budget 5704 ABRAHAMSON, DONNA 77.50 October 15 2009 • at the DeMores •
129 1 - 3 Drawer Metal Fireproof remaining for the year 2009. Benes 5705 ABRAHAMSON, JOHN 95.50 School, ,-,,,," ';'~ ,,,~,,,u~-.~-~-xr.-o . ,.,,~r~"r'"",~,, & Laminating Inc 326.09
File Cabinet moved to approve the financial report, 5706 ABRAHAMSON, JOHN 95.50 Baranko, Dean Rodne, Dennis 11561 Postmaster 90.007
130 1 - 3 Shelf Wooden Printer second by Walworth. Motion carried 5707 MOODY, KAY 77.50 O=B~'ien, Stacey Kessel & Darnyl 11562 Qwest . . 296.8
11563 Reservation
Table unanimously. Correspondence was 5708ABRAHAMSON, JOHN 125.00 Malkowski, and Principal Soehren 2
131 3 - Medium 2 Drawer read from the ND DOT regarding5709AMERICINN 303.00 present. AlsO0 present .were aarjorie Te~ph°neC°°P~,n - 95.0
Desktop File Cabinets - Metal upcoming projects. 5710 ANDERSON'S 130.93 Jensen, BCTA and Ellen Feuerhelm ~ ~ oo,~ n=or-
132 3 - Small 2 Drawer Desktop No other business was brought for- 5711 BEACH HIGH SCHOOL125.00 Bilhngs" CoLfnty Pioneer~ ' 11565 Rita Denning . 11. 2.20
File Cabinets - Metal ward. Stockwell moved to adjourn, 5712 BOKINSKIE, CHUCK 65.5.0 Malkn.wsl~' moved, Kessel second- 11566... .......... Roughrider Electnc
133 8 - Wire Desktop File Folder second by Walworth. Motion carried 5713 BOOTS, JESSICA 144.00 ed, to . approve the minutes of L, oop mc ~.. , . •. ~,,/a~.uu
11567 Ruay s LOCK
Holders- Black unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5714 BOOTS, ROY 144.00 September meeting, and the motion 14 "0
134 1 - Rolodex 8:10 p.m. 5715 BRAUN DISTRIBUTING 897.02carried unanimously.-O=Brien moved, &Key .... .u
135 6 - Desktop Lamps - Black ATTEST: 5716 BRENNAN, TESS 218.89 Rodne seconded; to approve the con: .
] ] ~t~ Hunnlngs buppty
136 11 - 265 70 R17" Used Tires Walter Losinski, Mayor 5717 CLEAR CHANNEL RADIO35.00 sent ..agenda, 'Which' incruded the mc , 63, .41
11569 Southwest
137 1 - 32" Very Used Storm Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor 5718 COCA-COLA BOTTLING966.28 attac~ed check list the business man- ~. " ' 2
Door (November 19) 5719 DAN S SUPERMARKET 430.59 ager•=s f,.,=.~,i"la r~""rt=~,v, ,,"n"4u the addi- ~usiness [v]acnines.1 ,000. 8
11570 Schmldt Repatr
Pictures of these items may be 5720 DISTRICT 8 FFA 35.00 tion of two it.~s to the agenda. The ......
viewed on the county website:Belfield Public School 5721 DIX, TYRONE 90.00 m0tioncarrie'd'unanimously. /nc ........ .uzu.e,~, or can be 5722 DORVAL, PAULETTE 27.01 " T~he NDS~u~lD~E:~8~Oonventinn--, ~]~/] ~ ~cnolasuc t~OOK ~A pubJic notice is informat]ol3
arid ~"ttor,k,~,£~,M~i~'~ be held i,~