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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 19, 2009     Golden Valley News
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November 19, 2009
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Page 4 November 19, 2009 SmQ Wibaux County Nursing Home is looking to hire a full time Certified Nursing Assistant. Salary dependant upon experi- ence. WCNH offers excellent benefits and is an equal opportunity employer• Contact Kristie Nielsen, DON at (406) 796-2429, Mon-Fri, 7:00-3:00 p.m. for further infor- mation. Two-bedroom apartment, includes all appliances and washer/dryer at Harbortown Apartments, 701-872-4674. PART TIME HOUSEKEEPER needed. Please call Jeanette at Parshall Motor Inn, Parshall, N•D• (701) 862-3127 Needs to be reliable, honest, and work independent- ly. DRIVERS HOME EVERY week! Regional hauls. CDL required. Health insur- ance/vacation paid. Dispatch Bismarck. Baumgartner & Sons. Call Bill (701) 527- 7215. ALL CASH VENDING! Do you eam $800DISH NETWORK. $19.99/mo, Why Pay in a day? Your Own Local Vending Route. More For -rv? 100+ Channels. FREE 4- Includes 25 Machines and Candy. All for Room Install• FREE HD-DVR. Plus $600 $9,995. (888)755-1358. Sign-up BONUS. Call Now! 1-866-283- 6390. EVERY NORTH DAKOTA newspaper• 20 ACRE LAND Foreclosures. Near That's where your 25-word classified ad Growing El Paso, Texas, No Credit will appear for only $150. Contact this Checks/Owner Financing. $0 Down, Take newspaper for details• over $159/mo. payment. Was $16,900, NOW $12,856. (800) 755-8953, ND MEDIA GUIDE: Names, addresses,, phone numbers, e-mails of all ND newspa- pers, radio/TV stations, specialty publica- WANTED: MINERAL INTERESTS- tions. Only $25. ND Newspaper Experienced Family Owned Oil Production Association, (701) 223-6397• & Exploration Co. We'll Help You Monetize Your Mineral Assets. Send details to P.O. Box 8946, Denver, CO 80201. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE "ENOCH'S SAGA: HORSEPOWER to Satellite in a Single Lifetime", 228 page book, 90 years of personal histo- ry/technological history, legislative experi- ence, ups/downs of a cattle feedlot. A great gift idea. Will send anywhere. $10. Enoch Thorsgard, 325 39th Street NE, Northwood, ND 58267 or GRANT COUNTY GRASSLAND, 1280 contiguous acres including 840 in native pasture, 230 in CRP, remainder in hay ground. Includes dugouts, well with elec- tricity,, (877) 523- 4909. We would like to thank the Beach, Golva =and Wibaux fire departments for helping #ut our a fire in our field along the state line. Also, the Hildebrant families for their help. The Peplinskis The Eleanor Clarin Family would like to extend its heartfelt appreciation and deep- est thanks to the following: -For the many relatives and friends who blessed us with prayers, Masses, memori- als, donations, cards, flowers, calls, visits and who brought food to the house. -To Father David Richter for all his wonder- ful words of comfort, for his caring and support and for making the services so special with the beautiful homilies at the vigil service and the funeral service. -To the pallbearers, ushers, servers, read- ers and all the many special people who helped at the vigil service and the funeral service, especially the musicians: Michelle Hardy, Mary Lee Schmitz and Elaine Nell. -To St. Anne's Altar Society for preparing and serving all of the delicious food on the evening of the vigil and for the wonderful funeral luncheon. -To John Foster and Silvernale-Silha Funeral Home for their comforting Tielp and many kindnesses and also for the special memorial DVD tribute. -To the staff of the Golden Valley Manor of Beach for their cadng support to Eleanor. -To the Wibaux County Nursing Home and staff for all the wonderful and extra special loving care of Eleanor this past year. -To Dr. Tdvisonno, Paul Wheeler, PA, and the nursing staff at the Fallen Medical Complex in Baker, Montana, for their com- passion and loving care of Eleanor. God Bless You for caring, your memo- rable kindnesses and for your many bless- ings to us in our time of need. Beverly & Jerry Nell, Joyce & Tom Ray, Laurie & Phill Hurley, Leon & Dianne Nell, and Danny & JessiKay Nell and families• MISSING. RUGBY AREA: Dexter, sun WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one or conure parrot. Bright yellow and orange all 90 North Dakota newspapers. One upper, green wings, long blue & green tail order, one bill, one check. We provide the Size between robin and sparrow. Can ad design and tearsheets. Call the North speak• Contact Harvey Police (701) 324- Dakota Newspaper Association, (701) 2225 with any information on bird- dead or 223-6397. alive. No hassle. News/Pioneer Classified Ads: A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Card of Thanks: Minimum charge of $7.00 for 75 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Deadline for Classifieds & Display Ads: 12:00 p.m. Friday preceding publication date. Phone: 701-872-3755 Fax: 701-872-3756 Email: We Billings County Pioneer and Golden Valley News, 22 Central Ave, Beach 50 cents each will ship orders by U.S. Mail, with an additional postage charge. 872-3755 I the BLENDERS Saturday, December 19 • 7:30 PM Sunday, December 20, 2:00 PM Belle Mehus Auditorium Herberger's Dan's Supermarkets tBisrnarck north & south} BAGA (701-223-5986) Sponsored by COOL 98.7 FM KFYR-TV & BAGA This space is available for only a few dollars a week. Call 8 2-3755 for more details Old Grand Farm, Inc, Fence Builders & Roofing • Pasture Fence • Pipe Rail & Wire Corrals • Corral & Arena Design • Roofing; Residential &:Commercial Greg Or Ben Mullet 406-796-7030 Licensed Contractors in MT & ND All Risk Crop & Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 1-800-784-21 06 P.O. Box 157 16201 Old Highway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 houglum John Germolu$ Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud S heetrock S hingle Aaron Overbo Licensed & ......... Insured Beach, N.D. 218-0460 George's Barbershop Hours: Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch: 1:30-2:00 p.m.) Sat.: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 18 1st St. SE Beach, ND ° (701) 425-8197 ELECTRIC Cliff Maychrzak, Owner Sentinel Butte, ND Shop -- 701-872-2060 Cell- 701-206-0067 New Construction Farm~Ranch Commercial Residential ML No. 2298 KEY Janitorial Service * Carpet Steam cfeanin0 * Str/p arufwax tile floors * %tphotstery Cleanir Ken & Virginia Young Owners Glendive, MT Call 406-377-3597 Body Works Massage, LLC Cassie Szudera, LMT 61 S Central Ave, Suite 4 (Down the hall from New Beginnings) Beach, ND 58621 701-872-3176 GLENDIVE SALES CORPORATION • Lease & Fleet Vehicle Remarketing • Wholesale & Retail • Cars & Trucks GARY BRENGLE 1021 W. BELL ST. GLENDIVE, MT 59330 PHONE: 406-365-4407 HOME: 406-365-8104 TOLL FREE: 1~800- 726-6763 Remodeling. Decks • Garages • Siding • Laminate flooring • Basement Finishing • Tile & More 5 year labor warranty Licensed & Insured Jeremy Bulger ~ / 112 4th St. NW ~L...~. P.O. Box 745 owner -- Beach. ND 701-729-9967 58621 97 EAST MAIN STREET BEACH, ND CALL us -- we will be there! PATTI DAVIS BROKER 701-690-7763 KIM KRULL 701-690-7847 S "Where you can get all of your farm seed needs." Andrew Smith Phone (701) 872-3248 I Jason Hanson, GRI 701-260-3020 or 701-483-6789 Your Land Specialist Land C 0 M P A N Y Bob & Beth Nistler Available for: Weddings • seminars • business meetings • banquets • company picnics • business offices • parks • game day events • holiday party trays • meals to go • private parties 701-872-3614 or 701-218-0295 4591 171st Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 No Hunting Signs Billings County Pioneer and Golden Valley News, 22 Central Ave, Beach 50 cents each We will ship orders by U.S. Mail, with an additional postage charge. 872-3755 Sally Abernethy Licensed Real Estate Agent in N.D. and MT. 12 years of experience! (701) 260-5087 or (701) 872- 4674 Land (i' 0 M P k N Y Real Estate Professi mals FELDMANN ONSTRUCTION since 1936 701-872-3317 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations ! Beach, ND 58621 Guns N Things 305 N Merrill Ave. Glendive, MT Guns Bought, Sold, Repaired, and Traded FFH Licensed Ernie Huether, Pres. 377-3969 Firearms Gun Safes Smart Wool Ammunition Reloading Equipment Golden Valley News Call us for your printing Your local | Travis Hauck Owner needs: business cards, envelopes, raffle tickets, " telephone company I invitations, invoices, Serving the Beach, I I posters & more! Golva, | We Blank also envelopes, have in stock: poster Sentinel Butte & Medora [ board and copy paper. areas I Main Office, 22 Central For service please callI | ,, Ave., Beach 1-800-523-5436 I (701) 872-3755 I