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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 18, 1943     Golden Valley News
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November 18, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ff Thursday, November 18, 1943 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE . } Thanksgiving Day Dance, Sentinel Butte, November 25th. Sentinel Butte Community Hall. Good Music and a Bi0 Time Assured. Let's All Go! )or- eth )er- ax~g: Beach, North Dakota Bmeh: Church School at I0:00 A. M. Morning Worship Service at 11:00 A. M. Young People's meeting at 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 p. M• Sentinel Butte: Afternoon Service at 2:00 P. M. Young People's meeting Monday at 730 'P. M. Medora: SUnday School at 10:00 A. M. Afternoon Service at 4:00 P. M. Thanksgiving Services Sunday, November,21 at the three churches. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH n pit 1 N s Vita May Hess arrived home o ort , OS a ote Tuo+ ovon,n rom amaro where she has been employed in the J. C. Penney store. She has Those hospitalized for treatment ! accepted a position at the telephone at the Johnstone Memorial Hos-I office here. pital during the past week include:I Roger Muggli arrived home last From Beach, George Jeffrey,[Thursday evening from Grand November 10-11; Jack Ballard, No-IForks, where he has been attend- 'vember 12,13; and Mrs. Louise ling the University. He left Mon- Menke, hospitalized November 14. I day for Fort Snelling to be in- Miss Sally Beggar, daughter of iducted into the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. John Beggar, Wibaux, I Mrs. J. C. Butterfield returned Flake naphthalene or "moth was brought to the hospital No-;Wednesday evening from Hettinger, flakes" is a protection against [vember 10. Also from Wtbaux iS iwhere she visited her son-in-law Iboth mice and clothes moths but Peter Weska, who came in Novem- 'E . ' Dr. C. E. Fuller and family. Lt.:for different reasons, pomts out ber 12. I Marjorie Fuller was home on a I Julia Brekke, NDAC Extension Those from Sentinel Butte were:i few days furlough from Camp[Service clothing specialist. Mice Mrs. F. F. Schmelling, November lBowie' Texas. /dislike the "fragrance" of the 111-13; and Charles Davidson, No-i A few friends and neighbors i flakes, while moths die from the vember 14-16. I gathered at the home of Mrs I fumes. ,, Carl Moen, Ollie, was hospitalized Jenny Penney Sunday to help her As the flakes evaporate, they November 11. November 13, John celebrate her 92rid birthday. Mrs. give off a vapor which, if concen- Bosserman, Golva, came into the Penney received many lovely gifts trated enough, kills moths. So wool WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE If you wan! to buy or sell Something: if you need help or wanf a job, you can get r~ults from News Want Ads. No ad accepied for less than 25c per insertion. A service charge of 25c will be made for "blind'" ads. CARPENTER WORK of all kinds at reasonable rates. Frank Thei- sen, Beach. 6-3tp FOR RENT--Modern two room furnished apartment. Denton Apartments, Beach. 8-1tp FOR SALE--Some cattle; twenty sheep; some feeder pigs. Mrs. H. R. Stedman, Sentinel, Butte, N.D. 7-2tp FOR SALE---Four Chester Vc'hite Purebred boars from NDAC stock. Charles Bohn, Sentinel Butte, N.D. 6-3tp STRAYED--Two whitefaced sorrel horses, one branded lazy E on left shoulder. Please notify G. E. Schallock, Beach. 8-1tp are, iA [ffi- ~ncs ght ned )aid ring . + r• 'ops )her in ~ere FOR SALE -- Allis - Chalmers 60 combine with rubber tires and pickup attachment. Box 1737, Billings, Mont. 8-1tc hospital. Peter Hanson, Belfleld, i spent three days in the hospital, November 12-15. From McCluskey is Mrs. J. C. Wahl, hospitalized November 10. A tonsillectomy was performed November 12 on Mrs. Ralph Kirk- patrick, Sentinel Butte. ---V,-- OLLIE SCHOOL NOTES (By Dale Shepherd) In spite of bad weather and a small crowd, the Ollie School car- nival turned out well. The receipts i were $146.35, not counting the ex- penses. Games, dancing and a program added to the fun for all. The carnival opened with a pro- gram consisting of: "A Welcome" by Janice Rustad; "Playmates" by the Primary Room; "The Tur- key" by Douglas and Bonnie Plum- mer; "When Sammie Put the Paper on the Wall" by Venita Sherva, Myrtle Hudson and Delores Rustad; "The Dea!f Old Lady" by Richard Cox, Gordon Steen and Bernard Madler; and a skit by the High School entitled "The Chocolate Cream Wedding". The school was dismissed Friday to make preparation for the evening's entertainment. We want to thank all those who patronized the car- nival and helped to make it a success. Terrance Cameron, who is leaving shortly for the Marine base in California, was a visitor at the high school last Wednesday. FOR SALE--Three burner kero- The American History class is sene stove; 8 x 12 trailer house, studying the Civil War. May be seen--at Frank Netzer The Third Grade is studying ~. lace. A. F. LeMire, Beach, t about the cave men. The class is • D. 8-1tp lmaking stone hammers and knives. I'.~----~--(,~ ....... i Miss Fulton is reading the book ":+---~oout three years ago, one t,,The Later Cave Men" to them. ~Y~'~ " old Whiteface Steer, one Due to bad weather and bad teface Cow, branded on left roads, the Grammar room teacher, Side, M lazy L. $25 reward• Nick i Mrs. Norman, did not get back Logosz, Gorham, N• D. 6"3tpifrom her FOR SALE--Two pair ice skates, sizes 10 and 5; child's coat, size 8; kerosene refrigerator, excellent shape; kitchen range. Fred Mass, 8-1tp Cadet MSM Robert Doerner call- ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doerner by phone last Sunday evening on his 19th birthday. He is coming along just fine and ex- ,pects to be assigned to sea duty some time in May. --V-- MOTHBALL SMELL WILL DRIVE AWAY MICE Beach. FOR SALE---6 volt Wincharger home near Baker for In +'r a] ',ence [rs. ++r an. Mrs..~oss C m- .er pl :e. ;h gr~ e is ~orkin~ on Hardy has left his ] )si- ;he Seattle, Wash. ~ ip- Gin the Merchant Ma ne. taistead left Monday for Calif. to visit his ~on, he is stationed there. He s to visit his sister be- ning. ,~t. Henry L. Lechler, zho stationed at Newport • received his discharge Army +nd ,as I ;url ,'d ,me he in Beac Dykins was here for a l ! With battery, wire and bulbs, $30. 5 burner kerosene range, $10.00. 3 whitefaced bucks, $5.00. Carl Moen, Sentinel Butte. 8-1tp STRAYED OR STOLEN~I white faced 2-year-old heifer branded O--U on right hip; one 2~year- old steer branded L---T on right shoulder• Will pay $10 reward for their return. Leonard Tres- ter, Sentinel Butte. 8-2tp PERMANENT WAVE, 59c. Do your own Permanent with Charm- Karl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including June Lang, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. Woodward Brothers Drug Store, Beach. 51-10tp t two days. In her absence Mrs. i Pat Plummer and Mrs. Ross Cam- ieron took her place. The Eighth grade is working on l invoices in Arithmetic. Maurice Hardy has left his posi- tion at the Seattle, Wash. ship- yards to join the Merchant Marine. Harry Haistead left Monday for Hanford, Calif. to visit his son, Harold, who is stationed there. He also plans to visit his sister be- fore returning. Tech. Sgt. Henry L. Lechler, who has been News, Va. from the Army and has returned to his home here in Beach. Justin brief visit with friends and rela-I I rives from Iowa City, Iowa. HeI is expected to be transferred toI another station when he returns to Iowa. Attention Owners of A critical shortage of combine repairs is anticipated. To avoid those disappointing delays next summer, we are now, in cooperation with the factory, accepting and filling orders for combine repairs. We urge and recommend that you check your combine now and order immediately the repairs you will need. TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. ~tnb~o~ 31 flney.. Montana and cards. All her friends wish her many more happy birthdays. Neighbors of the Saddle Butte vicinity had a party Monday eve- ning, November 8th, honoring Mrs. Alma McDanold of Bellingham, Wash., who left by car with her mother, Mrs. Emma Brown, for Bellingham the eleventh. For the convenience of those] who are required by law to file declarations of estimate tax, on or before December 15, a deputy col- lector of Internal Revenue will be at the Golden Valley Hotel in Beach on November 22, 23 and 24, to assist taxpayers in preparing their declarations. No charge will be made for this service. it and furs are safe from moths if stored in tightly sealed trunks, chests or closets with plenty of flakes to fumigate the interior. A few flakes scattered in open closets or bureau drawers, even if they give off plenty of odor, will not harm the moths, Miss Brekke says. Mice, on the other hand, have a keen sense of smell and partic- ularly dislike the "mothball smell"• In the fall, when mice from out- doors come into cellars and attics, flakes scattered over and+ around stored mattresses, upholstered fur- niture, clothes, books and bags of seed are good and cheap insur- ance against mice. Fagln For Sale I have for sale a 320 acre farm located about four miles northeast of Golva. Practically all of it is under plow, with about 100 acres SUMMERFALLOW with a good set of build- ings, plenty of good water. Will sell cheap for cash or on terms. SEE B. T. Piesik Beach, N. D., or phone 120R for appointment. ii KEEP YOUR FARM +I ! RUNNING ~ Hardware FOR VICTORY. LET US KEEP IT IN ~ Tools Furniture REPAIR TO ~ " PRODUCE THE ~ Housewares FOOD NEEDED Under the new WPB program, you can now buy up to 25 dollars worth of the 78 items on the Long-range List and 66 items on the Emergency List by presenting a signed cer- tificate. Beyond this amount, you'll have to have your request approved by the Ration- ing Committee. However, if you already have these items but they're out of condition, let us supply repair parts. If Hardware is Obtainable We Can Supply It! BEACH, A. OVERsTAD & SON NORTH DAKOTA RELATIONS OF COMPETITORS It was characteristic of business people in the "good old days" to be suspicious of competitors. They i often had the feeling that their rivals were addicted to unfair and tricky practices, and jealousy and dislike were common. That made it difficult in those times to ob- tain effective action. Today business people have gen- erally learned that their com- petitors are good fellows who mean to do the right thing. Also that they all accomplish more by work- ing together for objectives that will help everybody, than by iso- lation and suspicion and jealousy. Cities and towns began to go ahead when they got that unified spirit, and new power of achieve- ment was developed• ~V~ People usually get out of their home town just about what they put into it in the way of useful service and cooperation. --'V~ WANTED--An afternoon cook at Doerner's Care. Good wages. Apply at Care. 5-4tc iiiiii i ii FOR SALE One Ten-Ton Fairbanks Platform Scale Has been used until two weeks ago in Carlyle Farmers Elevator. Bids to be submitted, sealed and marked by November 30th, 1943. CARLYLE FARMERS ELEVATOR CARLYLE, MONTANA FOR SALE One 56-inch Air Hoist Has been used with above scale. Bids to be submitted, sealed and marked by Noven~ber 30th, 1943. CARLYLE FARMERS ELEVATOR CARLYLE, MONTANA i i SHIP THE COOPERATIVE WAY l! Your Golden Valley Coop. Shipping Association is ready to ship either HOGS or CA2+rLE at any time. List your stock with the manager so he will know the days shipment can be made. Any shipper who is not prepared to haul his stock can have trucking service at a nominal charge. Write or Phone KNUTE FARSTVEET, Manager PHONE 6-F22 -- -- BEACH, N. D. , . ...... +++ ®' ~. BEACH LIVESTOCK MaRKI:'T i! Friday and Saturday November 19th and 20th FARMERS AND HOG RAISERS Due to markets flooded with light weight hogs, there is absolutely no local market at any price. A short- age of cars and a shipping embargo into the terminals, makes it impossible for me to maintain an open market. Do not bring your hogs into Beach for sale unless you call me by telephone before hand. TOG HOGS, $11.75 to $12.00 SOWS, $11.00 to $11.25 NO LIGHT LIGHTS OR FEEDERS WANTED You'll Always Get A Square Deal With~ JACK BALLARD Beach, North Dakota Phone 40