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November 18, 1943 |
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Thursday, November 18, 1943
,¢'."-- .............. [ Editor's Note: The folowing let-
! I~]~R~ FROl lt~r was given to us by Mrs"
Scheffer for publication.
Somewhere in Sicily,
their country has Just surrendered ment and materials used in treat-
lunconditionally. Their army and lng common livestock parasites is
naval officers rival the French for available from county Extension
flashy uniforms and it appears that )agents or the NDAC Information
inone of their soldiers have been i Department.
I disarmed. Food and clothing seem l --.V--
to be plentiful and people appear lTROUBLES OF A
l~> !)~, W~;{I lid :t~](i '+~t'i] (trc:~,cd. RI;IL'ti, CAI{I{II-:I[
to be able to look at the paper wouldn't know where to start,i ......... v .......s ........... - -
• i along with what I s~nd to her. week in July. Correcting the ud- crude oil or used crank case oil tlon of mosquitoes in North Da= t!
way over here. Wish I could run They'd sure be lost. But if it is Of course I don't have too much [ dress may help to avoid quite so before they are put in the hog kota the past 6 years have revealed n
Into some of the Beach b°ys good enough for them it's okaY[left cause I only get about thirty-[much delay. After spending sev- house for the winter. 18 species, n
"way down under" in l~e "never :with me. Of course I don't in-ifive dollars a month and in a year's] eral interesting weeks in Sicily. Examine poultry for lice and V- c~
newer land" beneath the Southern tend to stay over here, Tell Ken i ', I Lave now been sent here to Italy. mites and treat if necessary. These Most of us in Beach will still it
time sent her three hundred '
_ ,,her_rintinn_Q l:nr Any Manazine or Periodical Taken Here