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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 17, 1938     Golden Valley News
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November 17, 1938
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PAGE 8 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23rd BEACH AUDITORIUM FI ATTEND THE M 'S BALL//WBEDNESAAY~O'123rdEACH ~I~OR UM MEET THE GANG AT THE COZY CAFE FOR YOUR DANCE LUNCHEON I I I lll II I II II II II P. V. Homemakers Ho..er0uestlon- i! wsrrs~__~ ZIPPER HOT DOGS Plebiscite Taken i Try the Want Ads L-l-L. ~ CHristine Ftn~y~n;Sta~e~. At Local Church ..... a e a ~rtments in North Dakot~ spent Frt- An Economc Plebiscite, dealing with r/j~ll The PleS~nt ~ Yalley Homemaker's ~ at the BeaCh ~lgh school. The Interestin_~l nm~ the current issues in natonal affairs,I club helff:Ak's regular meeting at the ' S ~. room into a ntunbe~ :6f small kit_ churches at Beach, Sentinel Butte, and I " " E. L~ Watklna home on Wednesday, ~ for rear.ranging the large cook. was taken at the CongregationalI NOV. 9th, A delicious fried chicken __ ahen units so ~ts to make the train- m.A=~ dinner was served to fifteen members Medora ~ast sunday• Some lnterestingl I~P and their husbands at noon. During (By J. C. Russell) ~ conditions correspond- more nearly the afternoon the following program A questionnaire which hadbeen tb those found in the homes was era- results came forth. On the subjects, was enjoyed: Song, "Now Thank We mailed out to the township gras~opper phaslzed. Miss Finfayson stated that "Should labor be encouraged to or-I All Our God." Roll call, name a Pll_ control committeeemen is bringing out Bea~ may be able to secure the ser. ganize," "Should we maintain or in-1 |hQ $ont$ vices of u traveling teacher to hold crease tariffs," and "The extension of i grim father." Usual routine of busL some interesting ~oint~ relative to the classes for adults. Topics to be dis. t public ownership of electric utilites," 1 B]~ ness• location of the heavy infested areas bhe majority of the ladies did not vote1 The lesson: "colors for the lndi- of the county during the season. It Is cussed would include Consumer Buy- ing, Child Training, Nutrition, Cloth- as the mapority of men did. The men vidual" was presented by the leaders I interesting to note that so many of the were for labor unions and extension ! committeemen have observed the ing Selection and Construction or Mrs. Erv Breitenfeldt and Mrs. Wat-lsame conditions. From these question, such other topics as the local people of public ownership of electric uttli_ kins. Thls lesson proved to be unusaL people mlght desire ties. the ladies were against it. The I aires it is possible to map out the areas 15' interesting as well as instructive and l of heaviest infestation. We would be men were opposed to tariffs, the ladies i for lt. Taking all groups together the was thoroughly enjoyed bY all the I glad to get the remaining few question~ BIRTHDAY PARTY members present• This demonstration of the new hot majority favored the Federal Govern- l aires that have not been returned in Monday was Mrs, Jennie Penney's dog with a "pres~ and it's off coat" ment continuing with relief, the use of The program closed by singing [order that the whole county will be 7~h birthday, and a nun~er of her WU made at a re©ent convention of federal measures to support agricultur. "Lead Kindly IAght." The next meef~lg will be held at. 'represented in the summary, friends dropped in that afternoon and butchers in Mllwauk~, W~. The al prices, the malnten'ance of tariffs, the H• H. ~-heme on December 1 It is our opinion that the hopper in- surprIsed her With gifts and good new type of wienie hal a perforltf~l the further extension of public owner- • /th. festation for 1939 will be some lighter things to eat• Mrs• Penney is one of @lSt~q[ which ol~rat~ on ~ p~ol- ship of electric utilities, the organiza. Mrs. R. H. Welsh, than it was the past action. However, the oldest settlers of this community, i~ 0~ a lipp~ro tion of consumer cooperatives, and the Secretary. if nothing happens to the hopper eggs fur~er control of our economic sys- before spring an inf~tation of constd~ ~ .tem. Very few checked, "No Christian Pia erable extent can be expected next 'issue involved." There was a small nning Board year. The bee-fly has destroyed a large majority opposed to encouraging labor Wear ~ m ui~e~or~ number of eggs bUt not enough to In" ~/k to organize. Meeting At dicate that the pest is under control: ~ or dowa Tuesday a specia'a~mmeeting W. oslled Te~Leggs are wide spread in stubble ,,.en ~0.~ ~o,~~.,~ ~o ~ • ~ .~ ~- hv the ~tate Plaautng Board at ~sde~ It ~ the general opinion of farmers " • • --~=~---:=-- ~---A'E'[Fi~-. --;" .... Top.. i enjoy winter tO discuss various problenm of tl~ -mreft tl~..t ti~e local •l~a~ ho'~s were ~ties I ! ~,~o~c~ (~,_~,s .~+t.~ . .,. t. ~. and a number of local cttize~s wea'e weal under con~rot anu only little loss I~ TRAIN SER C l~a$~l~l t aD ear mui~ ....... ~ VI_E tten nee at that time woui have been the result had it not in a da • ~ ~.~ * ' : ~ • fit snu~ over the ears. those who'~ down were J O' l~t~ been :~or the inward migration from ~ 1 ~o.4..~ ...... ~... ~ ~n ~.~. Turn {~ n u~ whtm iFn sell ,Mark Lovell, John Brown, Lewis other c ns: The ~ a~on on the You are sure ~tb~;ty and only :following important ~tehanges in Ima- war/~I..the Hugger Top Odland Oaxl Halvorson Eldon " par~ of me xarmers in me~r a~emp~ o streth ~d Herman ~etz of BYacn~h: to save their crops was excellent. Mc~t wh'en your s~ n is ~tess, your h softly in ~n~~~eg~r~ p~: 19oks~cute_.both ways. ~tJ: and E D Nelson and ~Ivd~ p~.~v of the bait was spread by various sorts , - / ~/~ ..... ~r~~ ~,o~,~.^..~ram~r~,.~,^ ~; Waler~rel~llent material | of Sentlnei Butte ....... of machine spreaders built by the place, your ~a s ~ nands wnlre, :~q nu grace- }..~.~k~v...L~.~.~ ~.~, in all th~ smart shades... | They report that after the discussions farmers themselves. Most of t.he me- ful. Visit ~h~ ~ ;at ~ Beauty Park,fl t ~;i~[ leaveat~'~4 "a.~:m" ~r~'" , ' the ear mu~ a:e in match- | resolutions were drawn and ~opted, crimes nave Been muna to ce very nr~.~ ~ . . " f~ ~ ~ I If you-ar~lanni~ a trin: ¢~-~v- ing or inoon~atflillgLozles. |~ With most of th lk satis~ac~ory and gave a much better , ~ • --~- - ~n e ta being on land t where go s co'r~rtably econ use and water conservation distribution of the bait than *~e h.and '1'1~ [ st,lvln~ St)~ 1 ,o~i :"g~qe~' .~ :- ' ~ .- .... ~ ' • ( C~ l ~ ... ealiy, Oll 1ram.,: wall tL~• Blalr, l~lPlf|'~T~C~awa., k~.,~. spreading. It also made it possible to * ,~ ]cover -ro - u ..... 113) _ _| _ Os) m/~,' gll .............. Oq Jl~/~ tAlent, Nort~t.4~tci~c l~.,Jl{ach, phone I/IUI[KIIR/3UII/3 ~., g una m cn more rapm~y anq ~r.; 38 f r • w HOSPITAL NOTES mad- it cs i............ he_mar¢Oolbl-ermanellt or ~b,WW 1 , o travel ~orma~%n. There Is ~ ..... ~u~o e p s me ~o ge~ me Dai~ spread " C~ ' no obl"-ati ..... ~__7-__':~'__-_= ....... _ ~.~ .u.,•~ ~ .... - -- let the proper time• , ..... +: ~ ~~0~vPar~. aov. ~.~at~ .LOV, Jettltu ~ay Hathaway had his tonsils re-i We ap-recia+e the s-lendio coo-era ~ - + ..... I~-- -- -- ~ "]A-- Ao A babyglr~swasb°rntoMrs•~n~'who assisted with the con~rolworkl BEACH BEAUTY P RL R t K~s~ Bea~ry,GoWensd~ay, Nov: 9th. !in their communities. T~uese menl P1'i~he 177 ~1TU~UDO~|I~O £flflfl Ulfll/ET ~, • FY 10I WII~UX re',worked without compensatior { " ~',2 1 0 ~~ny~ eeived treatment returning toherhome:, , I/llOl,lrOUIt 0 IUUV B/4flEL/ Mr. Halvor Brunsvold Of Sl~r~*had! .pl~,. . ~ . ......... ,,, -I UUV Tuesday, Nov. I~th ~ 26' .... -silverware i t ~'ish 9~'! ,- | We Denver : i ls -- -- -- - - -- 'II " --~p-~,,~a,~c cans ~oc ig~ ! Reynolds Co • ...... ~; Iti ~;llnee iVleat .........Z BEGS. lgc I~~1 i i-'F?- ""! mJ[a I,, " !1 i n ....................... .~ r--~ ~ ..... ¢1] ~1! Omons, lge. ye~low Globe,10 lbs...29c ! | COFFEE 18-K ....... lb. glass jar 29c [ " " " ~ Cra rries .......... . .... 2 ' Cabbage, ~nnter keepng, solid, lb. l'~e ~e s. 39 ! ~! ,, ~ --"" . -n i~[[|l, Celery, 1arge bffnches, each .. .... !4c il m'm [!. . , m ~ ~'lll Cranberries, 2 ibs for .~... /137c n I Sweet Potatoes.. j. i. £'~ larze can 17c ~i ' ' "" " ":'" " " " "~?" D ' :~ ] ~5-Da s Be "nnin Frida ' ~/[[1~" ]ll ""'' " ~' 1 [~~~ Y g~ Y l les, fanc , red, lb. 0~c Chocolate Chem i Cranberries Ill L~ 8ib. pkg. ~:_ :< ...... 90C !/I " " l'* i Cranbe Lard, pure, 8 lb. pkg. ........ 90c ~ ~ ..... " hey *~" ..... 2 lb °' I Large, for perfect s~iuce. 2 lb139c hi!Lard, pure, 4 lb. pkg. ............. 46ei{[.Peanut Brittle, fa ]~ So 23c- |~ii '°° I IIl c Ill ; ; ii Pitted Dates CarloadSpec of [[] GoldinB~tam C0rn,3 Nol 2cans 29c i Ii ¢ a,:sco 3 lbs. 49c!iI. " SYRUT' 10 54C [[We Have'' ~ A Complete ~eof X~t.~' mas HGrapefruit, Texas Seedless .6for 19c1 i " I/! ' !1 Tang " s, C ry, Lettu Lefs~J i • ,,-v-,.-..v....~ ,,, ~. ~. Candy and Nuts InStock Now. I erine ele ce, • ill • • i|i • • v.~o~ ,. ~o~An s~a.~ ~ S ~ r.u 30c • Fresh -- F~sh - - Cod Fish 'Sweet Spuds, Radishes, Green O Watch for our Bargain Circulars Phone 75Watch for our Bargain Circula~ ~, '~,:'C~4, _