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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 17, 1938     Golden Valley News
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November 17, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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% THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS [llli•l/ [llll/I Illllllllllll Illll' =lll llllll rI' II ...... "---- I I/ I III DON'T MISS THE q~ I I 'li SENTINEL "BU 'TE, THURSDAY, NOV. Music By BERT'S GANG I¸''l I lllllll I I II I THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 I llllI I Benefit S. B. High School Athletic Ass'n ] II higl~ StridesAhead for 19391] bed for the past four weeks with rhe. umatism is some what improved. Church services were held at the U. B. Church Sunday morning, co!~- ducted by Rev. Reichert of Ollle. Tt~re will be services again ir~ four ~eks. Roy. Relcher~was a dicer g~t of Mr. and M~. ]~. A Bury~ J Mrs. ~ ~ag= Ln~ ~u~r of Bismare~ arrlv~l Sunday|afte~oon for l a v~¢wit h4 parent~, ~r.#nd Mrs. I family spent SUnday~ at ~e Robert I Somlek home. if I A nlce sized creed attended the chicken supper an~bazaar at the U. B. churc'~ Saturda~evening which was Sl~n~red by t~e lt~dies aid. The so. clety netted a little over forty dollars and the ladies wish to thank al those I that helped to make their bazaar such a grand success 1 Aud N unn and Donald were visitors l at the Leighton Nunn home Monday. ! ' LOCAL3 Franklin Smith, Elmer Hasbrook, Jim Odenbaugh and Harold Smith were ~pleasant visitors last Friday. i Miss Annabelle Ml~heis was employed at the local bakery last Saturday. Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ran- ?al Thompson went to Bismarck, where :Randal was summoned as juryman on the federal grand jury term beginning there the next day. J. M. Still of this c~unty was also summoned. Mrs. Nettle Heath and Mrs. Lu_ cinda Johnson left Saturday morning for points in Minnesota. Mrs. Johnson has been here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Nutter. Wednesday morning of last week Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnston went to Hawley, Minnesota, where they intend- ~d to visit relatives. A birthday surprise was given Mrs, Nora Bart!ey last week when a' number ef her friends and neighbors dropped in and brought a fine lunch along, and a w:ry pleasant time resulted. Mrs. New Ae~o-stream styled bodies combine with maj~ ~ i~a~ts to provide ~ beauty, ~y, Bartley received many pretty gifts. comfort and operating ease. in the 1939 Chevrolct~ ~ Octcb~ 22. snd featured at the b~ e~to shows thin Mrs. Earl Miller plans to leave this month. The new models are offered on two eha~i~, the Mssum" De ~ and the Mast~ 85, both of which are wlth Chevrolct's famous six-cylinder valve-in-h~ed ¢ngin~ mornin~ for Wlnon~a, Minnesota, and A new wamum gear shift mechani~n with ~ring ~ ~ ~ o~ all models at small ¢m~a emt~ dam points in Wisconsin to visit relatives ~.r cent of the work ~ shfft~ gear~ The M~te~ De Luxe ~ featur~ a new riding ~ in whk:h a b~m~d and friends for a mont~ or so, Chevrolet ~ee-Action mechanism i~ ~ ~ with ~ew ride ~ eml dc~b~ MaUrice Hardy, who is attending col- ~hydraul~c shock abI~be~ to furnish a Imc~tl~ ~ ride, - Iege at Dickinson, was a weekend vis- Central ~cture m the new Ma~t~ De Luxe Sport Sedan. Uppe~ right: ~ end view of the 1939 car; Upper left: Itor with home folks. Master De Luxe front ~pen~on unit. complete; Lower leR: ~ ram:! f~r-tip esse of operatic~ Ire two m~r features o~ Ch~n~'s vacuum gear shift with ~ ~ ~; l~.. ¢r right: A~ the ~on Monday evening Chas. Purvis, Bob all ~ it re-located under the cowl, front com~ ~" t~ ~ tm ~m, witch ~ ~ ~ Jones, Donald Evans and Donald ~ ~thaway drove to Dickinson to attend ~ BOGEY MAN usually consist of the hi~ner branch. " " ' ' I a tire meeting held there. - ~ ing rarities of trees and the resulting ~LP~-IA Miss Llllian Maanurn left Sunday open growth does not afford the cover ~m- ...... - . ~: _ _ evenng for Bismarck after having preferred by birds." spent the weekend here and at Gol~a Omitted Last Week with relatives. ~c~ordiny to Saugstad, the S. C. S. ~he,t ~5elts are arranged with the low H.A. Bury and Oloyd were Di~lnson ':.,'au~,h ng shrubby v~rleties in the out. visitors Thu~day. : rcw~ and taler varieties in the !,~r. and Mrs Neil Hogoboom a~d Mr: ~ " -= ----=- " -- -" n ~p t~ ~.::~:.r, so .,~:t the wind is eheck.d near and Mrs. 0. T. Thomt~on ~l~en~ SUn. BULLION NEWS h.+ groun4 a~d the air current turned day at the M: ~. Hog~b~m~o4e. - " -- -~~ ~" : " ~ -~ /- -t~ ~:'S and over ~he growth, Mrs. Frl~ng~ return~cr~e Mrs. Robert Johnston will en~rtaln ~A~-~ian Olive and Caragana, both Tuesday f~om/the "li~kinson hc~pital, the Alpha Ladie~ Aid society Th~rsday, sc~ tn the plantings, are hardy shrubs, where she~h~ recelv~medical aid. Nov. 17 at her home.] . ~cll zuti~d for shelterbelt purposes, Mr. an~.frs. Jak~ ~Dngsley and Because of inclemeu| ~at~r the a:,~ their fruit and seed provide food family of B~ker spe~ ~turday and dancing party planned f~r t~ ~lth by ~r h~rds. Other shrubs sucl~ as June- Bm~day with l~'s. Kln~r~y's 'l~trents, Mr. and Mrs. James WI~ t~ctebrate ber::,', chokecherry and Hawthorne also ~'_r. and Mrs. Carew. their silver wedding ard~ver~l~' was .~;upply food as well as shelter to wild_ We are glad to report that W. E. postponed to Sunday night, when a ~fe. ~eManlgal who has been confined to large number of their friends gathered Extension Workers i Map 1939 Program, the state InI I ~ stage ~ radio, whose re- eluding all county and H. G. Wells' completed their mmual ,H~ :or Heate nd P ts ~Uleradl* the NDAC Nov" 9" ase !~ t]~d~ Of devoted to themapping wt a wave o~ for 19~9, In charge rs a ar of the Baker, actng director uom ~. ~ong the p~c~p~ ~.~e. a~ ~I~ ~fl-t " Grant Storage Batteries conference was H. J, C. um~erger, ¢11. ~ ! - rector of the K~nsas extension ser_ tt ~sti, - Tire Chains-SPark plugs v~eo: ~e z ~. ~tor of ~e Fro the in AAA westrn region M .W. Thatcher, By Tree Plantin ~er o~ the ~ V~o~ o~ "Wea r Stripp g T~I association; Walter J. Mad~ ~ock. sta~ ~ s~ty d~o~r: A. Insulated Floor Mats • ~ O .. In: fact, Everything t make your winter Driving Comfortable }Crolva Monda~da~ to be nearer FANNY'S F~EE i school,]Their~ephews and the Misses ~::~t~:. Helen/and I~liristll~e .... l ola-~nne~m W~ ~~!!~::! through t~ wi~r~ :iii!i!i!:::~'.::i: i Th~ sufper and I~~ ! the ~e~lent :~:~ ' !~ov. ~t" w~ :~:~