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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 17, 1938     Golden Valley News
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November 17, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 THE ?OLDEN VALLEY NEWS LOCALS The War Minister Takes a Sight Homemakers Club Saturday. Herman Feldman returned to Beach last weekend from t~ardin, Montana, where he has been employed the past couple of mo~tths.~ " '~ ......... ~ See oar new Iblle og/Xewelry priceq very low. M~. :,~~~: "~ te glass window was installed in the local Red Owl store. Last week P.J. Edkins returned from Alken, Minn.,, where he and his wife has been called by illness. Mrs. Edktns is expected home some time this week. SNOW! RAIN! ! STOR ll! Means "Colds" Work Is Reviewed We have a Selection of Cough and Cold Preparations which will alleviate this Condition ~i/: ,:~! Eby's Cold Capsules Minister of War Leslie Hore-Belisha of Great Britain sights a mortar being used by the Eighth Royal Fusil~ers on his ,¢isit to inspect the unit's camp at Lympne, in Kent. The minister is speeding Britain's rearma- ment program. ~Mr. and Mxs. R. Breitenfeldt and family of Great Falls, Montana, are vsiting a few days at the Albert Klein home before going on to Minnesota. Where they will visit for a while. Mrs ~rettenfeldt is a sister to Mrs. Klein. Watt Johnson and Marshall Miller drove to Dickinson yesterday. Word has been received here that Aaron Snook who left here a fowl weeks ago is now employed in Los An.i Roles with Swift & Co, HIs family~ Chest Rub I Mrs. Oladys Ooddard entertained plans to Join him later. - ~the MissesCyclle Hagen, Vera Heech, Mrs. E. A. Wellner of Sentinel Butte J'Oladys 1~sinskl, Ur~t IAtmon, Blan~_. was released from the local hospital |Klrctmer, Sophie J~hr, MIMred ~tell~ l~st Friday after ttavtng been confined ]and, Marcella "Kul~w~k Cathei~ne. there the past few weeks with a brok~ |~eeT, and Mr. and Mrs. Le°nard]en leg The injured limb ~ now. in |Wollen at the Strum home Sunday ! a cast. " ~ • .~ ,;,~ vflle, Montana last weekend to see his grandparents. His grandmother had broken her leg and is in the hospital at Williston. Miss Orace Berg, operator at the Beach Beauty Shop returned on Tues- day from a couple of weeks visit with relatives at Velva. Last week Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Noben left for Fargo where they will visit relatives for ~ while. Sunday evening, November 20th at 7. o'clock p. m. The proceeds will go fpr church benefit. Mrs. Hans ,PL~uka~ of Golva spent the weekend at the Mona Haukaas home in the city. Charlte Johnson, Mrs. Ewald John- son and Vlc Renstrom Beach For This County (B J. C. Russell) The Golden Valley county Homemak. ers clubs have just finished another year's work. The (:~olva and Thelen clubs are the .oldest active Homemak- ers clubs in the state and have been organized for seventeen years. The Sadle Butte Homemakers club has been organized for fifteen years, There are SLX active Homemakers clubs in the county. The Beach Valley Home- makers club is the youngest in the county and was organized in Sep. ternber. Total membership of the six clubs is a~bout 100. There is still room for another Home- makers club in one or two additional communities of the county where ten or more women could organlze to carry out an interesting program. The social side of homemakers club work has been found to be well worth while. To organize a new club all that is necessary is for ,a group of ten or more women to get together, elect a presi- dent. vieepresident, secretary and two project leaders and repor~ the organi. zation to county agent Russell. At a second meeting the new club will make plans for the program for the year by months. The first training class meeting for project leaders will be held at Beach at 10 a. m. Thursday, Dec. 8. All clubs should see .to r ~ ~t '~e project .leaders have been selected before that time and be notified of the date. Car;y!e--The ~olva Homemaken c~ we,:entertained Wedne~ay of week at the home of Mrs• Oscar Lep. ;pin Wand a fine dinner was enJoye~ by ~$ fine attendance' of membe~ and .visitors. Mrs. Hammond gave . the :le~p~z "A l~0bby for everyone.. Roll ~al~ ~wa~ answered with '~tY favorite l~obby." T~e next meeting will be held with Mrs.. Pl~q~ens on Thursday, Dec. 8th. TURKEY RAFFLE ~Thls coming Saturday evening, Nov. 19th. there will be a turkey raffle held at the Vince Wicka farm five miles S@uth of Beach. There will be plenty ~fat birds there, according to those Clmxge, and all kinds of games of skill and chance whereby the birds may ~' won. shoppers z.~y., t, ~ Christmas Cards Come in and see our Specials on] :p kltche~ sets. Overstad's. "] ~ews office wBl az~n have ~eir line of ~hristmas cards in stock again, and a~ attractWe line of greeting cards will be~displayed as Usual. As in former years, the News will again sell only the cards with the customer's nsme imprinted on eac~ card. ALPHA Mr. and Mrs. John Irons are the proud parents o~ ba,by boy the Beach hospital last morning. Edward a attended£ last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Golva o~n attend Maurice Hogoboom was a Sentinel who is attending in Beach spent the week home. THA K YOU in Beach May I express ny sincere apprecia- tlon to the vote who accorded me such a splendid te in the recent Carew moved to general eleetlo~. that the children Trusting thaP~a ~ll merit t~tat con_ fldence, I heartily'~~-~[xtk--you, SPECIAL All PIE NEW PALACE CAFE CA R RA G E we'° give you heated live or car or, truck Twoe e 348 gBh CornegHunter your We can also for Winter Driving LOGAN AUTO SERVICE Plymouth & Chrysler These items have been reduced in price to clean House. Santa is coming and m order to make room for 0ur huge stock of Christmas Merchandise we are offering you these items at clean up prices. MEN'S JACKETS ~/ Heavy Rubberi~~ Suedecloth. Talea Fast- ener Front Only 7 Left: • Sizes ~6 to 48 .~ While .~. 1 MEN'S Flannel Shirts Part Wool .Reduced From Higher $1.66 Lin~ Each BOY'SS~S Oddd~md Ends of Hi~her Priced. Lines ~, .,#~ .:~ HOT BLANKETS ,, /~bie. Blanket Made From Good Clean American Grown Wool We have too many WHILE 99c LAST Pr. SHOT '~ ......... --- - ....... ' Nu-Tone Percale See All The Gay Colors And Patterns. At the surprisingly low price. ONLY A LIMITED QUANTITY Don't 5c yd. ME~'S Sheeplin~ Navy Blue ONLY : '7 '.~ Each l~i ........ : ..................... ~" PART :WOOL+ I '-MEN'S ' Double .Blankets VALUE SMASH Dress Socks LADIES RAYON Smart Colors and new ; 72X84 ~:' pattermsl Double dur- Marked Vown To Clear. PANTIES § able soles l Priced low. No Strain on your gift A Remarkable Value Only 10 Dozen to be ~ " Budget . Pastel Shades Sold At This Price While 200 1 ~ _ While 15 /3~O~ ~flt Sizes Small 1£1.. ~[||; PerPairpairlast~ J[~ Last, Pair ~~ medium, large IUU ~~.~~ -_--- _ -: -__- - .... m ] ~q I t t 1 THEWEA THE"R=IDRAST]( DR[SS 6[iiAi( [ November 9 November 10 39 27 November 11 28 19 : November 12 2"/121/ SPECIAL, FOR qovember 13 26 -2 qo-: ~mber 14 39 -2 urs.- Frl.- Sat. G. A. Stevenson) by the of t'q~e Last A. Stev- Steven- North 0 NLY! To make Christmas stock we are 100 attract- ive Fall and Dresses Values k98 Tw~ for $3.50 to 44 ,.:, $5.00 , $2:88 '~ Two Dresses for $5.50 ...... "Sized 12 to 44