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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 17, 1938     Golden Valley News
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November 17, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 Seed Loans Are To Be Available Early This Year For the first time, funds mr emerg. ency seed loans are avaflabe long be- fore they Will be required, prob~ly minimizing all chance of delay in the granting of loans on approved applL This fact developed at a meet~E called in DickL,~on Oct. ~nd by C. A. Conaway, secretary of the N. D. Far. m~rs Grain Dealers association. The lm~lon had been called with a view to ~ldr~ an early setup for 1939, to care for the anticipated needs of certain areas which had suffered crop reverses again this year, Among those present were L. C. StTeator, manaEer of the ~mergency Seed and Feed section in Minneapolis, Pat McDonald, Sentinel Butte. state administrator, 15 county agents, representatives of commission firms, northwest railroads, and eleva- tor companies. It remained for Mr. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS ~~:' + ]J. P. McDonald Is SENTINEL BUTTE Named Key Banker HOTEL CHANGES HANDS During the recent period of absence of Sentinel Butte News, a local busi- ness change failed to get into print. The Butte Hotel, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Wlll~ Higlin for the past fifteen yea~as~ sold to Clifford Phillips..~# dea~ included building and f~s. | ~. By careful m~ent and h~ work, the Htg/ins#gave Sentinel ~tte clean and excellent ~+servic~~ and they were reward~~with ~ go~ pat- ronage. They have move~ ~lenalve to enjoy ~well earned re~ ]+ + Mr.'-Phlllips, the new p~etor, has for many years been a r~her east oi town,--having only rec~tly sold out his ho~ngs: ~dt~L~s ~ ~t ~ is determined to contMue the excellen reputation of the Butte Hotel, and lo- cal people wish him the best of luck. IN SERIOUS CONDITION It is with much regret that news is J. P. McDonald of Sentinel Butte, who is associated with the Interstate Bank there, has been named key bank. er for Golden Valley county for the coming year. He was appointed by F. A. Irish, Fargo, chairman of the agri. cultural commlttee~of the North Da- kota Bankers association. He succeeds T. E. Hudson of Beach. Key bankers in each county carry out the state.wide agricultural program of the bankers, whose activities arc worked out bf the extension division of the agricutural college, and the Greater North Dakota association. For the past seven years, North Da. kota bankers have been awarded a 1,000 efficiency rating for agricultural activ- ities from the Agricultural Commission of the American Hankers Association. Only two other states, Georgia and Ore- gon, have been equally honored by the national organization, Mr. McDonald says. Wateh and clock repairing. IVL P. Lovgre~ AT THE METHODIST Grant S. Moore, Pastor Services for Sunday, Nov. 20: Sunday school 10 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Preaching service at I1 a. m. Preaching service at 7:30 p. m. The Win-My.Chum meetings which started Nov. 14, will continue each evening at 7:30 p. m. except Saturday, closing on Wednesday night, Nov. 23 These meetings ,are being well at- tended. We have a fine chorus choir which has special •music prepared for each evening. All young people of hlgh school age who attend the meetings will be invited to u free banquet at the closing of the series of meetings. This banquet will be served by the losing side. The captain8 appointed for either side of the church are keeping a record of the at~adance for their respective sides. Rev. George O. Pariah, our district superintendent, will be the speaker for the Sunday mornig and evening services. We want that these services should be a moral and spiritual uplift to this community, and to th'~t end we weL come you to these services. received of the serious ¢ondltio~t of Mrs. Emil Wellner. While going about THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 wrecked on the here from rounding up cattle at the Meyer Minnesota. ranch. Irene slow. Kenneth Shoen made a business trip ly from her to Medora Monday. Don Buell was and Bill Davis have es- a¢ I~arold Hollar's ~unday. on the Adolph Jennie Phillips spent the will trap coyotes here. trapped their firn Harold Lowman was a school Monday. J I II GARNER Johnson this one F. Schmeling weut ~o to get acquainted with gnandson. Congratulations. I ,i I I I li H! A1 Dletz returned home last week frorn a trip to Wyoming. PICTURES Harmon Oistad was a caller at the ShOen home~turday. ' A. M. 1~ters~n made a business trip, , Tinted to B~ck Tt~esday. + I Mr/~and Mr~T. A. Wosepka visit-, / an~Fram)~d ed t~elr chlld~n in Sentinel Butte] Sunday. Mr. mldMrst~..Schmeling, Mr. and' A'~ f~r ~/~ Mrs. M. Krause, M~ and Mrs. T. Wo_ sepk~ and Victor l~enstrom attended the silver wedding ~nniversary dance Drug l for Mr. and Mrs. J~nes White at t~e the c Aipha hallSunda, eveningandthey~ ~lry Co. all report a good ~e. E. O. Shoen ~ ~ended a committee I I' meeting in Beacl Saturday. 19. i!i~ t ' . A Trim 5-piece ' akfast Set I~eal i~r the breakfast I+ rdpm o~ for the dining r~ of ]the small apart- me~! I~ a ehoice of e oh ors .~ recommend this, +'+ I ' G+eat~r~ue! • ""'i $10.75 to $19.50/+::: FRAMING For Xmas Early 20 PERCENT ON ALL PICTURES AND FOR NEXT Get Your Pictures Fra Congoleum and Armstrong Rugs At Special Prices +HL,:+, MAIL T~DAYI NORTHLAND GREYHOUND LINES Mimmmpolis, Minnesot~ Wly tnlvtL; THANKSGIVING Do as all smart women are MACHINE] 0AS BEAUTY SHOP • • + PALACE BEAUTY SHOP De~ Mr. William8: ]Please wmd at once complete .information, f~ and ~cheduk~ regardlng a trip f~m (N~m of ~o~r tmoa or city) (b'unt* ~f de*tiaa~ion) I phm tc leave on or about- ....................... idol) Addreu above information to: Name ........ Street NO..__ City ............................ ~W'P~--6 (lf YOU need immediate travel se[v~ce we aul; gut thtt you call or lee your lOCl~l ~a~e~nou-'~