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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 17, 1938     Golden Valley News
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November 17, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS y GEM HEATA E C ALL Ki~"OF AMUSE: IEN~'FOR EVERYBODY. DON'T MISS IT .... IT'S GOING I O THURSDAY-FRIDAY DECEMBER Ist.2nd TO BE BETTER THAN EVER! AAA Elections Set br~geclub Friday afternoon and all sisted by Ms. Earl Dunsworth, Mrs. ~ /~ ,~e, ~ ~ had a merry ti~e. Mrs. Tschida won lR. S. Eisenbart and Mrs. Welliver. .................. " ......... F°'r -NOV° ~'lflec* ~ high and Mr~Ernie Schmitz sec°nd" Thres~t J°nes furnished the treat f°r I~~:-- • Del~ious re~shments were served. ~the crowd. :~/~~ ~~~,~:. I ~.lection of community committee. M~.. and~rsA~.~,~ Madison were Mr. and Mrs. W. Burns took their men and del~ates to county convert- guess a~ ~Jho I~ert ~cka h~ near little son to Billings last week where ~~~ tions which will elect members of coun_ .S . ~PhiU~ s.un...~t ~V~expected he is a patient at a hospital. ~ t.~,::! ~ - '~i : ~ :;. ty AAA committees to serve in 1939 will ~o g~ w~t with them. ~ Mrs. Louise Larson who was suffer. : r ^,~ ,~. ..... + ~..~, r~,÷~ TI~ ladies of the Alt$~ society of St in from nasal hemorrhages, was taken ~~~ | ~ be h~,~ ~,,,, ............... the L~ .... II -. " g ~,oot* ^~ ~^,, ~R +~ r~ a e # Maryw church will ~e a card party to the Glendive hospital Wednesday .................. 3, _c~ordino . ...... ~ ......... +^ ~,,u, ~, ~ ru,~,,-~ ~ • Thursdsy night Nov. 17 at their hall morning b her daughter, Mrs Ray ................ die, ~tate executive , • Y • Officer Everyone is cordially invited. Scammon and Mrs. Ballard. She re- ~ ' Instrtlctlons to county and commun. ~ turned Friday evening. . ity C01~l~t~tses for holding the elections =~~ -- The Ladies Aid of the C. F. church have been transmitted by the state ~rr~ ~T ]met at the club house Wednesday a~ ~~ ~. committee headed by A. S. Marshall, wlDaux ]ternoon. Mrs. Earl Baker was . r~ :-' Forbes. "" charge of a fine program, after which All farmers cooperating with the IlI ll I I I . I all enjoyed w lovely picnic lunch. Government in the various.a.grlculturali Mrs J. R. Bailey is confined to I~,~Mr~:~ 02rd~en ~r~r~dved t~ ?n°m~ ?ht ~~: ~)~' ~~:~:i~;~ }: s programs are qualinea ~o raze par~ m ~.~. ~.~,o ~,~ ........ ld I~.v'.-'~' .T" .--" .-'"T.~ ..... "-- --J ~,:~IIIII~iI ,!. :--. .................. : ....... Fred Reinecke was a business vimmrl~ti,~ek and husband ~o oe regarded as a memoer of the ~ ~" - 1939 C'~unt", a~'~'~,,1• .... , ........ t',,- in, _ .. • ] Mrs. Dan Sutherland is visiting her # ~ ....... , w,.,~,, .... Lesser ~opti and James ~co~ wen~l • ,~,^., ....... ,,~,,~ ._.--~u~ mother and other relatives at Newark, ............. w ~.,,~v,, ~,~ u #. ~ Ohio and St Louis Mo amp m reqmrea. ~pecau zorms Ior ~ A " ' " ........... Mesdames D. E. McC~nn, P. "l Mr and Mrs C A Steele and John • purpose wm ae provlclecl prlor ra) vet, • • • • _ Fischer and James Elllott were Glen_ {Ken..on were Sunda,, dinner ~uests at g." . dive visitors Wednesday. ~ ........ n "'elsh hem- AgricultUral conservation associa. ~or,o v.~,,,,o~ ~-oo,,o, -f nuluth im~ ~u~o ~-, . v. , . . ....................... , venm the ' " is tiGriS are the organizations set up to ~in~ ...... + o+ +~o W J I Thursday e g S.W. c o cooperate with the U.S. Department Burns home last week was organized ut the Rein eke hem of Agriculture in carrying out the pro- Kenneth Melrose was in from the and chinker ehek was the diversion of visions of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, and the Agrt cultural Adjustment Act of 1938. Com. munlty and county committee members to admh~ster the programs are elected annUally by cooperating farmers. Phone Your News to 39 .FI~) .... l ............. GOLVA .... A. M. Feterson made a buainess trip to Bm.marck, returning home the same daY (Wednesday). Henry Bundren of Wheeler, Montana was an over Sunday guest of relatives and friends in town and also visited his little son, who is at present stay. Ing With his grandparents. Mrs. George Hammond called on friends in town Tuesday afternoon and ~tttended Eastern star in Beach" that evening. Mrs. Robert Menke and Mrs. Otto Hanson also attended the meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Haigh and daugh. ~er Fatty were dinner guests at the H. M. Funk home Sunday. Leo Dickerson was a business caller In Oolva the past week. Ed Fischer and wife made a trip to the Oldis ranch near Alpha Friday night. Mrs. Homer Kreitinger In Beach Howard Hardy• Thos. ~rom with his and Marguerite the bridal shower honoring Mrs. returned home past week to stay during cold months north country Friday. HIS son Neff who attends school here went home with him for the weekend, returning Mon. day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall and sons and Colleen Reinecke visited friends in Glendive Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. White of Miles City visited friends here Friday. Dean Rimel came from Livingston ~last week and is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Barbara Rimel. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott were business visitors in Miles City Satur- day. Mrs. C. L. Ralya of Montley, Minn. the evening. Mrs. Fred Reinecke was hostess to the Sewing club at her home Saturday afternoon and served dainty refresh. meats. The Cottonwood Homemaker's Club enjoyed a lovely picnic dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bold last Sunday. The local football team met defeat: at Glendive Saturday at the hands of the Nashua team. From all reports this was a serious game as four of our boys were taken to the hospital as a result of injuries. Dick Bushman had a badly spained ankle, Cornell Soko- autoed to Glendive Wednesday. Mr. and~'~ Arthur ~rams and son Ray!~j~nd ~rom nea~; Skaa¢ were Wibaux #fnd ~ach vlsi~rs ~y. The ~ason~eld the* re~ .~ ing Th~rsda~ d~ening~ I~. ~. ]~lott served ~ j~elunch. ~/~/~-[- Severa'Y~frien~s gathered at t~I/e ~ur= ton Welsh heine election n~h~and enjoyed playin~ chinker cI~l~Iwhile wating for elect~n returns. ~/ Mr. and Mrs.~Stmon Hazdlton and daughter and Mrs:\.FAsie Williams were Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. P. loski a broken collar bone, Job an in. gOlStb~, ,on~ fo-~, ..... t,1 ~¢+o. ~r~ Jured chest a~ 1 J. Coffman internal • ,-~ ............................. I injuries " • T e regular ~ ~eeting of the Woman's Dr. Keller reports the birth of two] 1 ......... h~hi~,~ th~ n~t w~ . h~x~ ¢~ ~r~ I c UO was nela vlonaay afternoon a~ the ome o ~rs Robert Anderson. and Mrs. Howard Tennant on election[_ II ~ "" i ' " i ~.o au we answered with Peace morning, and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. _ | _ l Hollis Adams of Beach .~ongs|or Pc f~s. The leader of the • • peace rogra~ was Mrs James Elliot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manning autoedl ~ • • to Glendive last week. Mrs. Manning[TM h~stess ~¢ rued a lovely lunch. spent the day with her daughter Dor. I Muc~ inter~ t was snown in the elec_ othy, who was unable to teach on ac-!tion l~t wee] and the following coun- count of having hurt her ankle. Ity officers w~ :e elected: W.L. Ham.~ Me~dames Sig Pederson, Howard I mond ~nd CIem Parker, represents, Finkle, and R~uben A~hnrud autoed}tives; ~- L. Stagg, commissioner, Ell out to the Dry Creek school Thursday lSwartz, Sheriff, F, E, Payne, Treasur- and had a picnic di~ With Mrs.Ier, Ray Elsenbart, Supt. of Schools, Mabel Oulbrait and her pupils. ~ W, C. Howard, assessor; I~ C. Falte. Mr. and Mrs. Beaman Sherman |meyer, clerk; and Seth Manning, Atty. [ Mr. and Mrs. Rhyne Breitenfeldt vis. lied relatives at Wibaux and Beach over the week end. They were en- route to Minnesota to visit Mrs. Breit_ enfeldt's relatives. Miss Lois Erickson of Beach spent and do Miss Magnum ~mme home :from Sunday. - Mr. and Larsen were Beach visitors Mr. and left Tuesdya for a visit and may decide to spend winter there. Clarence leave this the weekend]with Emm~an Peter. son at Wibs~x. / WibatLx l~ople in J~eh Saturday included M~. and~Fs. E. L. Watkins, Mr. and I~rs.~mon Hazelton and daughter, ~. Ira Williams, Mr. and l Mrs. Erv Breitenfeldt and children, I Sunday dinner guests at the H. Baird Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Welsh and D1~IraJ Emma Jean and Bobbie Peterson, andI week for the -west where he will seek Mr. and ~Irs. Ennis who were called Mr. and Mrs. Glen I~.ays. . I ~mpl0yment. R. KmOl~ wll also "~o here by tl~ seriotts lllne~ of Mrs. -- I west. ~ j- Ennis' moiler, Mrs. Law~hce, left for L~Uis WTdte and ~ ~ching their home ~a Sioux ~, Is. Saturday PROFESSIONAL • ame home from Sl#ney ~Iday to morning. T~ey w~t~ accompanied by "pend the weeke~Id w'h "me f°Iks" M" V'°" ~leel~h° will ~pend some :DmEC ORy_ I White took them ~ba~Ir to Sidney, time vlslt~g~II~tive~ ti~re, Irene Moen has recSQ~ed from her ==- ...... home. The Brownies met at the School recent coM. house Friday afternoon under the lead- Mrs. ~ Menke entertained the ership of Mrs. Reinecke who Was as. DR. V. MORRIS ~ ~$$$~ $$$$$~S$~ ~ -: --: "" ~ -:- -- ~ BEAOH, N ,~/ DAKOTA • I / HOUSg---~ i ,m OFFICll-- ]it p gd~/han~ }1 YOUR PHOT0 I / Ii ~} . and only you can gi~it~ ~I IfCome In this month and take~nSage of i) Se..-e, ..t~. ~, m~ ll , Our Special 0 ef DR. LORNER. FORBESoste~h~ |'If ~s'c~d~t S~°N If II WELCH STUDI& I{ " o,.-- ,, WD : il a $1.00 AND UP/I o R. 1t :If Com nIty O vidend/! , -" !I If WALL DRUG 0[3 )1 ' ' If Prescrlptmn SpeciaIi IIII) TM,hy.. an, ,.,,-.° .. i!1' Phone 31 Beach, No. Dak. IVhene U m ~:-.Ii .::'7Y2-...~ ....... ' ........................ ............... That ever served give you two coffee you say! The final test of any coffee -- the only test that really matters to you -- m family this is the finest coffee we'll likes it. We believe da will bc the rues, ~ou ever served. We wane you to broader guarantee that any dared to make. Use a your own home. Then, not ~sider it th@ finest coffee you have ever used, if your family does not agree that it is th¢ most satisfying coffee you have ever served, we'll send you, absolutely frce, TWO pounds of thc coffee you consider superior to ours. The Nash Cof.f~ Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, "x H ll~'cha~ a ~mad o~Nuh's To~ .ore, as you would am, co~. a full I~. ~ do age ~ T-~, ~ a x~. m the Mash C~ t~t you w~r~ not satt~•d. ~o~ th~ ~1~ IIiP, aud tall iS thai IIU~no Of llk~ b~,alI~d 7OI _r.ou, ~mout ~ cea¢ o~ co~ two ~ of me ¢ou~ ro~. aan~ as supedo~ m ou~s. oa~ t~aemtmou to s f~. All datms fo~ tedeml~on madeg ~bI ter~ Of Ibis I~Vg~. tisemegt must be msdled not lst~ than midnight December 1, 1938. I ----- Again More Quality : ,. i. .: