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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 12, 1931     Golden Valley News
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November 12, 1931
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PAGE EIOHT THE BEACH. N.D., ----,,~r~'," THURSDAY, NOVEMR~ 12, Turn to page three for further details about this ~Model High a touch down in thei [ ] I latter being the bane of all char]t- CARD OF THANKS H.A. Bury was up from first quarter: They failed to make] [ The Greater Hero able efforts . --- I Saturday to see the Wh their extra point. In the second] Tile man who trier and sue-j at Sentinel Butte Schools quarter the Sentinels were strength.I eeeds is one degree less a hero ] Nobody that the average man We wish to ~hank our many a great city al~d to see the i~g ]~i ened b~ the delayed players andt than thereon who fails ~nd yet [ woul~ want in such a pmce, wants friends for their, kindness duringithe Bijou. Are Do on a few plays, Theisen went] goes on trylng.---E. Fowler. [ the job. All have to be fairlylthe sickness a~d~lfter the d2ath of dragged into service, and such be-four loving vc~teC~nd motbe,' Wm ~hrough tackle on a spinner line t--'--" ing the case. helpful assistance lRocksvold al~l Family. .... I tackie opened up a hole whichI Glerles of the Past no more unpleasant duty laid up- ~- The f was very t'avorable, thus making 60 ACRES OF CORN IN gram was carried out at tl~e Sent- Several operettas have a~rlved no interference until the Model Hi l The rich who lose their fortunes or, committees or public officials R[ary S~odd~rd of Sentinel Butte shock. WilI trade for ~han ~hat of t]aving to separate the was a Beach shopper Saturday.Dykins. lnel Butte High school: I and Miss S. Kremenetsky is busy ~ secondary defense came in These ~ aren't the only ones to regret lo~t "ul- Opening number, "America," fol-[ selecting the best one for the were sidestepped and turned off i vantages. Thepoor man can remem- just from the unsus~ in claims for lowed by Rifle Rangers, band sen Christmas operetta to be given by and resulted in a touchdown. The, bet when he had liver for dinner b.elp. ectlon, the grades of our school, extra point was added. The re- any time he chose.--San Franeisc~ A~ far as the local Red Cross is Talk, by Robert Meyers. t Several mothers of the football ! mainder of the game was played on Chronicle. concerned it h~s nothing [o con- even terms until the last minute ---- ._ teal. When the campaign for re- "Debt," a poem by someone, sel- boys journeyed to Dickinson to see i their bnys play football against the of play. At this time the Model lief funds is over a meeting of all ected. • Model l'{igh feotball team. While High took away to a long end run And Say Very Little members of the Red Cross in the Reading, "Unknown Soldier," their boys didn't win the mothers [and scored again. They failed to ,qome people, like parrots, talkcounty will be called and a report Margaret Boisen. ~were very proud of their perform-,add the extra point. The final too mueh.~--Chieago News. el all moneys taken in and spent Glee club. war song collection. ,~uees both on the field and off. We score was 12.-7. will be made so that "all who run ma:," read." and if any reorg~.niz- A 40 cent value Halter Rope with 160 assisted by the assembly, like r.o see such spirit between the The Dickinson State Teachers The bes~ churning [em~era~ure in~ is ~o be done that wilt be the vnap, for . ......................................... Exercise. "]:n Flanders Fields,", by]bOys,co and their mothers and the favored the local boys with comp- for cream in win~er but~er makinz, time to do ~. But in the meant.]me ~:-Ineh Blue Heart Pure Manila Rope. 7 feet 10ng William Johnson Answer 'A Am-'r~'ho')l" AS a school we are proud tickets for the afternoon game. is from 58 degrees to 66 degrees yT. it's hoped many more peoi?e of ~he erich Answer." 'Or'~,ille Roesler. of all whom played in the game or This was enjoyed very much. Assembly singing, "Star Span- witnessed the game, a~d we have If green feeds are not available county will po]n the Red Cross glde Banner." a right to be, "more power to your for the poul[rv flock in winter, give and ~hus be able to take part in A LARGE NESV STOCK t ~ them well cu['ed leafv alfalfa or tl~e local chap*,ers future plans OF ITEMS FOR ............. | ~11~ Football game, H. S. team against mothers, boys" and our loyal sup- HEADS MA~L CARRIERS soybea,~ hay. These roughages sup- and policies. SOME REAL BUYS FOR"I"8"'CE'NT'S'" Town team candidates, porters, ply vitaminswhicl~the ct~ickens This program wa.~ well rendered The second iss u e of the 'Sentinel n~ed' ~T~ and enjoyed by all present. The Butte High Echo comes out this 45-Volt Heavy Duty Radio B ~ ~]~ football game was a fine amusing week, don't forget to advertise, or There is no reason why d,)n- affair. Stellar work of P. Wagner secure a copy. sumers should discriminate against Batteries for~ . .... ~ ............................... ~ | ,~ "processed" eggs, says the U. S. and B. Hogoboom and the Waldal School patrons and friends, don't Dep,~rtment of Agr'iculture. Pro- Thursday Noon A Good Three Bladed ~" ~m brothers will long be remembered forget the free movie at the play- cessing--~reating ~he shells to ~)re- No~:~hern wheat ~ ............ $ .61 Knife for ~ ~ in our football history, house Saturday, November 14th. A ~:erve the eggs--is no more ob~ee- --" s ted gOOd western movie will be shown, i tional than the pasteurizing " of Winter wheat ................. 4£ M n 1 ................................... Girls basketball practice .tar There will be a boxing exhibition milk. It preserves the flavor and'Durum wheat ................45 this Monday evening. We are in at the playhouse next week. Friday ~l:eeps the eggs from deteriorat~g. ~:Flax ....................... 1.18 / hopes of scheduling about seven or Nov. 20, at 7:30p.m. Everyone ! Houzekeepers have for some time Rye ......................... 31 a t es eight girls basketball games Sol packed eggs in water glassor inIBarley .....................24 12 for ............... ~ far we have only, one and that one t come. ~ ...................... ~UI~ with Carter County High school, l salt or brine. The newest meth-CreamOats ....................... ....................... 2214 Ekalaka, Mont., on December 6. 1 FOOTBALL 'od, which is now used c°mmer'~Eggs tin trade) ............... 27 The boys wilt start basketbal]I Last Saturday the local boys cially, is to dip them in a special:Butter ....................... 23 SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY OF OUR SALE ON next week according to the plans]were aroused early to Journey to mi.ueral oil which seals the p6res ~ H of their coach Principal F. ODland. IDickins°n where they met the Me- ~f the shell but does not pene~:'~te We are mem~)ers of the NorthernI del High in a football contest, ~he e nten s at all ardware - Furniture Missouri Slope Conference and our t wt~ich took place on the High in this way when fresh may be ~chedule is already set for us. We Isch°°l field at 10 o'clock a. m. This ~ held in cold storage for several ,.~--- i months without n.~ateri, a~ ¢;~etar- teamh°pe Weas inCanthehaVepastan°theryears, winning, i gamelSeems butt° bethosean earlYthat hOUrwere fortherea i !oration. says the department. Weather report Ior the wee]~ DON'T ~'AIT, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE The l°cal t°wn team is planning 1 seemed t° enj°y it' and the players [ ~[~[V~K0 ] [0C~-!---~-~S~ : ending November 11. 7 p.m. WE ARE OFFERING on a Thanksgiving dance to raise tseemed to be as active as ever. , Max. Mln Precip. funds for their basketball season, t The IocaI team was elected to :November 5 ... 56 14 It is hol:~d that the Beach High tborrow some players from the Me- : November 6 ... 69 36 school, or some Beach organization del Hi so as to start the game at (Conlinued from ~)age one) 'November 7 ... 66 44 will sponsor a Gold Medal basket- the scheduled time. The local team Edward J. Gaiuor of Muncie. Ind.. November 8 ... 73 43 • ball tournament for independer~[extends their appreciation for this who wus re-elected, for the eight- the Red Cross. the townsl~ip board. November 9 ... 43 24 teams this winter. The committee favor. Due to the fact that theeenth consecutive year. pre,~itlent of or ,the coun~f~" commiasioners, to November 10 .. 45 18 BEACH in charge at Indianapolis, Indiana, Sentinels were considerable weak- the National Association of Letter shut ou~ the ever-present claimants November 11 .. 41 26 ~ N, D, have asked that a ~ournament be ened, by players who were delayed Carriers at their convention heh? h~ for aid who do no~ deserve it or J. CLAYTON RUSSELL. staged again this year in this ter- by automobile trouble: gave the Oakland Calif. ~do no~ need it, the greed of these Cooperative Observer TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY " ,,, IIII II l II Q • ] ~or the ,. , . , . . .. . ~ Dole ~ffed SELL WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF SATISFACTION " ea lans, tl You are dealing with our personal representative when you sell to the Getz Square Deal Poultry Car ....' RIGIfr NOW IT LOOKS LIKE WE CAN PAY 15c ON NO. 1 OLD AND YOUNG HEN TURKEYS AND YOUNG TOMS I 311 No. Curtis $treet, Fulton Market, Chicago The above address on your express shipments of dressed poultry will mean satisfactory Ask for shipping tags at car or express office. visi