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November 12, 1931 |
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Peggy's face. It is white as a be worn on different occasions are McCollum Sunday•
Music by Pete Gonsioroski and Art i
~et." causing the Sophomores in Sewing The Bradshaw Land and Live- south of Claude Schouboe's home.,~
:This excitement passed, you re- II. to spend much time in excessive stock Co. of Miles City shipp~ ox- Moline of Carlyle• !
study and hunting up the necess- er 600 head of cattle from Wibaux Leon Smith, Hilmer Lindstrom i
and wonder what on earth they cry ~illustrations. Thursday by special train to Chi- I and Nets Lindstrom made a tr':p to i
will do next• The plot is discover- cago and Iowa markets, the Cedars the first of the week i
by the fair Peggy and she there- -- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Quale vis- and brought back several fine loads i
fore scorns her past lover. BRIGHT BOYS! 'ited at the Chas• Delthorp home of wood.
"Poor man,' ~ys a sympathetic Did you ever wonder why boys Friday• - Lucille Erickson and Irene
voice, "He t-tried so hard to-to choose sweaters or red. blue, or- The Carlyle U. B Ladies Aid met Schouboe were six o'clock dinner[
please the little cat, and look how ange or green of fullest intensity? Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Tom
repays him for his noble heart Many moments I have meditat- Fulton. A goodly attendance was guests of Verna Scheffer Tuesday•
a~d kind love•" ed and pondered upon this ques-
"Just like some of these young tion with many answers coming to appreciated. The annual reports Jack Ballard left last Thursday
were read which shows good work for Billings, where he attended the
moderns," comes viciously from an- mind Some are" to attract the ....... Notrhwestern Turkey Growers as-
~he " " uone in many ways oy me alo. an lie
r. attention of girls--to satmfy thmr Th ~.~ ,,, .... , ~,~ sociation for three days d k
AS the plot nears the end you native (or inborn) vanity But _ ere weresev .... ~'~'~=° ~.~ ~'72" wise learned all about grading fur-
' ' • zar work leIt" irom our sale ~ne , .
find yourself delighted with the none of these were suitable to all r'c ....... " keys and will act as buyer for stud
~l~racter's pleasant young voices, boys who wear suc~l appearel• p~'.e nas,~een recuce2 on ~nes~oarf company for ehe Christmas and
"They'll get some where," you Today as I sat musing upon the _~ .... ._""'~"-~'~..*~'.~ ~.:~.,~"~,~ New Year holidays.
any one wlsn~ ~ ~uj, ~,,~ ~,~
remark soulfully, feeling that it situation and considering the ne .......... '~ k Miss Viola Quale of Wibaux, Tom
v~ meeung WlU oe m mar wee
WaS well worth your money, characteristics of a boy I reached ........ Quale young folks Miss Jessie Kin-
------- this conclusion: "They: get 'em wl~Zc~llrs'Er~Uc~saon of Sot~th Valley sey and Mr. and' Mrs. Neice of
NEWS bright so they can find em easy in ................... ' Beach, Mrs Rhyne Bre~endfeldt.
' ' , " v' violet wamai Irom ~en~nel ~lu~te, • •
AII the students as well as teach- the mormng. T,~+. ~m -- ^* ~o~ -"~ Mr Mr. and Mrs. Art Bryce and Will
.... "" Ru i n f - tin ..... corn Smith an old timer of thin cou -
-- - n o o ~en el ~#ut~e ac -
• - = ............... DROUGHT HAS DRIVEN pani(ed Su~t. Went~edr t~e BJ~- tur~eAUt?~viSfaC21~°s~..iGe:r~r~i~l,
ma c~:we scay e ~ y - " " ' 1
~.~ ....~-~ ........ CARS OFF ROADS .... !e¢~e2' __ ~nm Ed sey Sunday Dr Neme did denta
tencea tne orm aKo~a auca- ". ' • •
l~V~l~'l:.I ~']_L/~'l'~ ,~ci~ n ]l.m~ work for M~ssEva KAnsey, who 1S
~lOnal assoc o a i
Week of wincl and rain while on iation that horse and buggy days guests of Mr and Mrs. C. Delthorp Vioiet A~thony has missed soy-
their visit nave come ~)acz ~o me araugn~ S.....,~_ " ..........
~v • f.. .... v x,~.+, ....... ~t^.,~. r~.,. u,m~. oral uays of scnool tnls week on ac-
Mr Robert Kramer left Wednes- sc~.u.:, u~ ~.v...:~,. ..,~-u, ,.,a,~- .. ...... -
~" - .... *a ~nd ~n the roads me-" be freNw ana Mrs ~eorge uearey ana count of sickness.
da_v afternoon for Coloraao to seek u~ , a u ~ ~- ~ . ~" ......
---~ ............. uentl'" be seen surln- wa~.onsson crove to um~mson weanesaav
employment wl~n tne ouuaers OI ~,a e~o~^~,~ ....... t ~ ~o.~o' afternoon to bring home Miss Ida SEV~ING CLUB {
the big Hoover dam. ~'~+~'~:~,~t~ ~;/~-'~..~^_~" ~,~',~.~ to s0end the week end. " The Pioneer sewing club of Car-]
While on the road with a load,-^-- ~+ ....... +h~ ,, ,~t.~,, Miss Dick of Great Falls,, Mont., lyle held its annual meeting at the !
teal last Wednesday afternoon the "~e'r~son ~s" aD~arent" ...... many attended U. B. church at Carlyle home of their leader, Mrs. C. M.I
i~ekert boys sighted a coyoee ¢a~- ~ ...... ~'~ .... ¢-'.,~ ,,,-, {Sunday morning and sang a beau- Fulton Saturday afternoon Nov. 7. I
sun slQeof the ............... ,.~-~u, v~,-I , , - .'
trek a sun on the ny iams Burke and other counties tiful solo. 'Thtas Why I Love Record books and storms were
Of a hill, but as it happened they ~nnot affo~a ,n ~,,~h~ o..~ I Jesus" with guitar accompaniment collected to be given to the county
had no gun. They:beat it bac.~ line for cars .... ~ ............. ',Miss'Dick will assist with revival agent Whil'e the club girls took
home and returnec~~: with a higi~. In man~, cases i~ is-~clar~a ~he I services which will soon be held charge of the ,eguiar business of
imal ~" ' ~ ~= ~'~ ~
~,wered gun to ~: ~r~,~2e anherelCOming winter's snows will re~'nove{here• the meeting, their leader andcm~e i
~. lie .was su~ ~-.~ - - ,c-~this last means o~ transportadonl Frank Haigh and Mrs. Moody ty agent, Mr. ostby. ~aniec [
!i: t]le~, saw_ fllt~ ~as~. so,_~llrea too~ i for struggling families for the a~d son visited with Mr. and Mrs. i score card to find the c mDs s~an__o[ {
a ~no¢ a~ n.~m a~o_~v~'Iu~uJ~'~ iqucst~on~ u,~,~ u,. of feed for the 'horses will iRalph turk Wednesday. ling zorme year• n fine re~or~
~Ugfl ~kl~lll nl~R fl' {hoenm~ nm~fp ~n¢t- fnrrueI3 will' The Oolva Sunshine society met mee~s me approval oI me StAte
three hun~k~ed ~Itrds. ~,~ ~l\,~"~'what-c~ttle the~ l Wedneedav with Mrs Mable~ club leader, th~s will be a 100 per-I
r madel ....... ~ ........ ~ " ~
Mr. and ~rs.lA.l. Ueek~ t . ~can, and dispose of their holses, Baughman.A fine attendance t cent club. . ........
trip to Bi~rck last sa~uraay, )feeling that the small income and ;there was of members and visitors] Mr. ostby tnen tola tne g~rls
returning Sun~ty evening. __ - i rhe milk from their cows are prime i and Alvera Funk was also present :~this was the most successful year
Charley Kramer and Win. ~e.CK- lnccessities with her whole school, consisting!this club has ~nown; jt oemg }no
eft attended the Farmers umon I ,, ..... ,. ~, ........ a ...... ~ +~ I of six nice young "real young" men. 1 first time Judging ana oemons~ra-
Oil meeting in Beach Sunday ~ore- ! ..... - ......... b:~"~th- Red ! After a fine dinner President Ham- I tion teams and exhibits were s..
n . cry areas wm ue ~u ~ c " • •
not , t ....... , ...... ,....a .........i mond called the meeting to order ~to the Midland Empire ~•alr, me
Eleanor Ueckert returned to ~,u~ u.~z mu, u,, a,~, -,,,,~ -,~,,~,
S" nda after"oon -¢+o,-!are the remarks that the ~ttemptland business resumed as always•{first time all community activities
Beach u Y ........ " .... I e Sick were remembered letters of l were taken care of and the first
d the last half of the week m carry on woum ~)e hope ess wer
spen ~tng . -: - - ' .... ~^- "America's Mother" ,thanks from many were read. The ltime delegates were sent to the
wn ,u ,,v~ ,~,, , n nvenuon
With l~er parents soutn oz ~o ..._ " i~ociety is now sponsoring a dime{Bozemaco •
First Person: "What is ~ne _caI ..... ishower for a friend of many and{ He then distributed .the .prizes1
foresee between a woman s ~,~,e Fallin~ in Love a Dlseue a relative of one of our unshine}which the girls won at me wmaux
a bed?' S eCon~d6~ura~oo;ce ~A scientist has discovered that {members who is an invaled at{County fair. These were as fol-
Only has to be P falling in love Is a disease whose {Dickinson hospital since June, and|lows:
~2' victims are Just as much at its [as a result of an auto accident, { First Year Sewing 1"
mercy as are the pneumonia pa- perhaps may never walk as~in.{ Irene Stryzwsld, holaer, s~;
Mrs. Scheffer is ~ axed will[apron, 2nd; stooki~ dea~l, 3rd.
expect a dime from all member{ . ear e_ng a'-"
an~ ~nv cme else who eares to send ~ Barbara WOOaseno: ~iem p T~n,
.... • n
Solid Leather
We offer you in this ad merchandise that is.,
up to the highest manufacturing standard at
comparable only to those in effect twenty years
Cloth Top. Size 4 to 8, " ,\'hile they last,
while they last, pair ....... ,,vu pair ..............
FI.ANNEI, ligh and dark 13c all sizes and colors, pair..
patterns, 36-in. wide, yard ..
BOYS' LONG PANTS Heavy Wool Lined. A
Now, pair ........... Real Buy .............
UNIC)N SUITS Now ...................
COATS Now ....... UNION SUITS, now .....