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November 12, 1931 |
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~t~em~ber National and State Nditorlal Associations [ Lorena Hurd, Reporter
~tered at postoffice at Beach, North Dakota on May 8 1908, as second ~ ji I CARD OF THANKS
, class matter " I !iI[ We wish to express our h~art-
~iptloas in North Dakota South Dakota MOntana and Minnesota,I l felt thanks to all those who as-
: $2.00. To all other states, $2.50 .:
&~]~ ~ communications to the DEACI~I ADVANCE Beach North Is!sled during the sickness and af-
[ter the death of our beloved hus-
Dakota " " band anc~ father. Also to those
," OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY NEWSPAPER wh? sent floral" and spiritual of-
ferings. --Mrs. Richat-d Lorenz and
While we are talking somewhat in this issue of ta~ matters, the follow-
Mandan Pioneer casts another angle on the situs-
the Only difference between the Pioneer and us is that the former
than we as to the outcome of the new Taxpayers' as-
~mciaticm. The Pioneer, however, brings into view a number of things
by every taxpayer. It says:
t of county tax payers associations with a proposal that a
meeting be held this month to consider ways and means of secur-
reductions, that each county send representatives, was the sug-
)~ a meeting held in Minot last week.
L. B. Hanna in addressing a Cass county meeting of
the blame for the present high rate of taxation to the
a dozen years ago in making a level raise in the valuations
~f real estate, which made it possible to double the tax receipts with-
Mr and Mrs. Pete Schmltz and
son Arthur left Sunday morning
for Los Angeles, CaHfor~da. where
they plan ~o spend th~ winter.
They returned recentIy from Wis-
consin, where the:," were visiting
Mi~s Cecil Cook and Mis~ Nobin
of Beach were visitors in OGles on
Mrs. 0. Rishvand. Mrs. F. 0'Keef
Mrs. Olaf Phreston Mrs. Helvick,
Mrs. F. A Davidson of Wibaux
and Mrs. Andrew Grey were af-
ternoon guests ar the Murdock
Cameron home Thursday.
The Town team is putting up
baskets in the town hall where
~Ut violating the state law as to the maximum rate. In addition to this ':i ..'; they will play basket ball this win-
~vernor Hanna is reported to have said that business' is carrying too ~. ~.:. ter. ,
Mr. and Mrs. O. R~.hvand and
~u'ge a ~en ~f the tax, It is encouraging to have such a statemen~ "~ Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Davidson were
~rom one so influential and so well versed on commercial and political supper guests at the M. Cameron
a~fafra in North Dakota. home Sunday.
Inprovements on city property bear a heavy load, while improvements ~ Mrs. Phillip Page who has been
visiting her parents in D~scoll, re-.
farm property are exempt. With such discrimination it is easy to *" turned to%her home 9ear Golva,
%mderstand why manufacturing and extensive building projects are the latter p~l-t of the ~'eek.
~toU~able for their absence. Outside of public buildings, which pay no Mr. and M~rs. L. E./Curl and Mr.
the record for construction in North Dakota during' the past few ! ~Ak/r~l and Mrs. W.~ W. Piece were five
:Years is disgracefully small • 1 ~ o'clock dinner~guesfs at the home
e~r~::ednino hw::ite:::ts hfo3:::t::: f°H:=:! cf Mrs. Ellen \We]~h, Monday. On
W; ~r; l~rticularl; int t {X~ II i951
Tuesday morni~Mr and Mrs.
~t there is too much dupl" t f c Y , I ¢c,,,r - . . Curl left for Iowa and Omaha, Ne-
~mhoo]s now absorb 3~ cents of every dollar of tax money. This has often I - . , ~,t wm ~ braska, to spend the winter with
referred to in these columns, and it is worthwhile noting that Gay. / FIRST STRAIN OUT SELFISHNESS .................~a~_ ~,~,~,~.~. .....r~ relativeS.relatives nearEnr°uteBismarck.they will visit
~na~ home city of Fargo is the greatest offender in t,~s matter. We [ -----o---- MARKET Miss Mildred Funk and Miss Ida
have in the state university a splendid institution covering most [ We note with considerable interest the movements in the state by tax- Gearey spent the week'end with
re hl all the branches oI collegmte training and yet because of pa ezs to at m
the ug y • " , [ y " te pt a reform in taxing methods, in expenditures and what Many farm chickens and Tur-home folks.
rid and b virtue of the votes controlled in the legislaturel not to reduc ' ir elf rt ar tt When kilhn it tas it b theandA largemany crOWdmiscellaneousattended thearticlesdin-
" town p e, Y , | e the public burden, ~hich, in spite of all the talk on behalf keys reach the market in poorher given by the ladies of the St.
t eve dollar appropriated tc the Grand Fo~ks institution must be [ of economy seems mountin~ hi~her and hi~her " cond~tmn be a
IT , , o ~ ~ • "" c use they are not Mary's church Sunday. Chickens
ildin u the North Dakota Agricultural College at Fargo It 1S m r
matched in bu g p , " " te eating to note in this behalf how earnest these tax reducers killed and bled ~ror~erl- Hun~
Imtfl we have a duplication of almost every hranch of study in two state | are, and no doubt most of them are in a determined mood to bring about the bird by it'~ Ieet'on" a ~ire h=~
were raffled oft m the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Page and
~nstRuttons only eighty miles apart. [ these reforms, but when success has crowned theo s we e qu'el " " g g" P " Y Mrs. Glen Page we.e guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Den-
The Agricultural College has its place in this state where agriculture ]confident human nature will have greatly changed and all men will have i b°~" :a~trira°~~, ~, ~ _,~the skull. Don't
the chief industry, but there seems no valid excuse for both iustitu= [become entitled to haloes and things like that i often caus'es b~discolored~Cks~t':is
tio~ covering the technical f~eld of engineering and other sciences. And In a long life we have observed that each and ever one of us wants Usn n " rpo~s• Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hoveland of
t Y e a shar..-._omted na ....
~et when an effort is made to make such revisiOnsmillionaS wllldollarsCUt out the / the tax expense that benefits the other fellow cut down, or off, entirely, I bladed knife. Makeon thea smallrightCutsideOUt-of Sunday.Sentinel Butte were Oolva visitors I
~lupllcaticns, saving the state perhaps a quarter a year, [ and that no amount of arguing that the tax that benefits us also ought ~d: theo mOUth
ore than that it is only" ........ t r at cutting downward and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Page, daugh-I
the move is blocked by political comhinations. M a o colle es | to be knifed makes an impression on us. Tnus in every airec~ion tna~ to tt~e right Thrust the knife ter Iris and Grandma Page were I
• . ] g g e Ono the m~d-
:recently that our normal schools were advanced to the cl ss f g President Hoover has looked for reduction of useless expense stone walls throu h the roov al -~ . dinner guests at the W. W. PageI
home in Golva Monday. ]
a era The taxpayers are paying xor , ' x d
at a heavy expense to the taxp y . . ........ ]have been erected by those ~ho benefit by this or that government • - t.!le of the roof.of themouth until Mr. and Mrs. J. "L. Tschlda were ]
1Goat pride, for were a suggestion made to save the state a nal~ munon |penditure or institution ] t~ p:erces tne Grain. rmngmg the guests at the Wm. Kremer home ]
uid easfl be done by curt'rag out the du-lication~ " "a • .... I bird head down and braining it Sunday evening. [
~loIlars yearly, which co "Y - -- ct~ies with ~ When the selfish element in hum n nature can oe arawn out o~ us we ] carefully makes it bleed well. Poor- Many Golva people drove to ]
Fns~ii~u]t i Mn ~n ire uD1 iCiomb!f :~tv~ °d~fiyt i~:: f ] ::lli=~l~l h f o e sWerev~g ~hte i lsfi~ bled !n~ltarn~:;e~t~:ea~rkar~!i:dco! Beach Saturda~ to take advantage
~,h~°'h~ghae~di i:;~Icy C~:Yn :; p=12~c~ eb:: i:m:hdeS~::d a~fdt~ ty~il to~ ~b I Of "'Beach Day." ]
" ~age of any such e enemy measure, t's ry |working out of every movement for governmental expense reduction, we. , . PP " Several ladies met at the home
home institution ....... ~ana ma~e the flesh spoil more
e~nomY, except where it hits right at a - o" ~- ~-~- i-to [are absolutely without faith that such a glormus remrm wm ~e accomp- !qmckly. :
~%W~c~a~S~no~taxes; of ~Yhe unjust burden to the fa:m:: th:::g!~:;a~ |the movement, and other prominent men ~ the commonwealth were !
• ~ e Iosures of sla~e loan d
ownership of land, ohrcu~h for c ~ " ' o ce n "Loans I stam~ch yeomen in the good work, men just as promlnen~ the~, as the
• - . cause for seep c n r .
of such land from the tax tolls, here is a ~ 'o h ldin~ ]men m the persent movement are. Much fulmination resulted, but when
~. • , • "eclosed left the n.ortg,~gor o
by private compan,e~ wheL, fo~ irate loans nave .... oeen anven ou~ the legislature met, the combinations formed by the state institutmns
he paid the tax, but the pr " it- the blocked every effort at retrenchmeut and the same goodly appropria-
his taxes must compete w n
and the farmer who pays tiGriS were made as before The requests for townships, school districts
land adjoining, leased by the state on which the state and county re-
calves no tax money.
Certainly there is opportunity for a vast amount of work by s~ate and
t r~mbers of the legislature are e[ectea WaG w)~'~:*~:~'i.fluenced by
the whole state paramount to sectional m~vrw~ ~,-, -,. -:. .........
__ft..w ..... "--'~--~ whose prime qualification is the amnr, y ~o ~ay
]~l"(~e OI OIIlCe ~J.U,~Uu~.~ - - ...... laces for
~he l~n~ for holding on to their own jo~s and creaung m~~ g
their friends.
~aY not be at all popular around these diggin'~ to say a word of
~als~ for President Hoover, but we're going to say it, anyway.
Wt w~re not one of the "original" Hoover enthusiasts, as readers of the
remember. We gave him full credit for his great and
for being probably the best acquainted
world affairs, and a citizen to be proud of, but somehow
cities, counties and state to pare appropriations resulted in a mere ges-
ture. and while some of the things complained of were remedied, new
needs sprang up in other directions, and instead of a reduction in tax-
ation, increases were noted in most lines and the taxpayers' association
faded into a dim memory, to be resurrected only when distress again
bears heavily on the people.
We do no~ wish to be put in the class of th~ utter iconoclasts, for we
believe that constant agitation for better things will eventually make a
dent, at least, in the selfishness that has ruled the world from the begin-
ning. But our experience makes us doubtful of the thoroughgoing sin-
cerity in a lot of the talk about expense reduction. ,because generally
zhat talk applies to cutting off the other fellow while leaving our per-
sonal interests alone.
When the agitators in such lines have learned the real lesson of self
sa orifice for the general good, we wilt join the glad hallelujah and believe
High school students admis-
sion reduced to 25c
From now on there will be
two changes of show a week
with NO show on Monday
dldm,t enthuse over hL~ candidacy for the presidency. However, we fell
~t line with our party, and when Candidate Hoover made certain prom-
to agriculture, we believed him sincere, and have not for a moment
~ed that belief, for we think he has done for agriculture all that It
I:~albIe for a president to do, and, in spite of the contumely heaped
~p~ him, we believe he still has the welfare of agriculture close to his
heap closer than many of the blatant politicians in high places,
are wonderfully warm friends of the farmer in their campaign
make the fight almost entirely on the presi-
Just ms our greatest fight in the state is on governor.
governor is all-15owerful. Neither can do this or
of congress or the legislature, and if these leg-
more of politics than of the national and state good,
~,ancl they frequently seem to--the national and state chieftains are
largely hamstrung, and get the cussing that rightfully belongs to the
sections of the government. But many people in this great free-
thinking nation of ours. take "Iree speech" literally, but, unfortunately,
by any hard luck, proceed to run amuck in their des-
and move heaven and earth to knock what under-
is left from under the men they enthusiastically placed in of-
add to the difficulties of the situation. And much of the time
not well informed, as none but those who have
in high official life can accurately judge the trials and
from great responsibilities.
and none can object to it. but few
but a saw-filing noise to the discussion of public
has made a greater effort to reduce governmental ex-
Hoover, but when those efforts run contrary to private in-
,rid the interests of communities, or associations, we have seen
meetings, protests, the pledgL~ of eongre~men and senators
proper expense reductions, and Hoover, in~ead of being
for having the "sand" to propose the cut~, is set upon as though
buccaneer stying to wrest from the interested folks the many
that. while once useful, have long since faded into
for the community In which they are located,
for hundreds of highly paid men--friends of senators and
boards and commissions.
of another man, in any political party, who would have
better than Hoover in a period--in its way--the most remark-
, of the world.
,'ome to us, as they surely will, we will look back
and IZnover Will be given
of ..~Ir~. Ellen Welch last Tuesday
to sew for needy families. A pleas-
ant as well as a busy time was
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schobie and
Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Curl drove to
Baker Tuesday.
The International Co. sent three
of their men to Golva to attend
the funeral of Mr. Lorenz, and also
beautiful flowers and a telegram of
Iconsolation to the family.
Storing Linen
It is an old hint that advises the
storage of linen in blue paper so
that the whiteness of the material
may be preserved. If blue paper
is lacking, dip some old cotton ma-
terial In very strong blue water so
that it acquires the neces|yary pro-
tective tint. This will do equally
something really worth while is going ~o be accomplished.
At several places around the sm~e those who have been so busy relat-
ing the misdeeds of the Red Cross have been brotlght to book and made
to confess that they knew nothing of their own knowledge of said mis-
deeds but had taken "it is said" as their authority for statements made•
A general running down of current gossip of many kinds, common every-
where, would undoubtedly have the same result.
While many stories are undoubtedly founded on some small truth
And Friday and Saturday
A Fox Picture
Thrilling Melodrama
give powerful performances
as does
heroine of "Song O' My
That's the combir~tion that is helping thrifty families
everywhere in the Northwest to live well at small cost.
They find it easy to make ~ads meet by saving every
day the Red Owl w~]t' on their grocery needs.
'Double Q" A18sk8 Pink
The Quality TaU
Brsnd! Cans
You will want to buy a dozen cans at this low price!
Your Choice
Po~.,~ 25C
~%] ~ "Boone County" 2 No. 2½
PORK and .... 25c
FRESH PRUNES "FreshSeal'.r..d 39C
"Flavoree" Prepared
M U S T A R D French or German Style Quart Jar 19c
most of the scandals current in all walks of life have been found, upon
investigation, to be not only greatly exaggerated, but, as a rule, altogeth-
er untrue. Much unhappiness has been caused in this world, characters
ruined and great damage done by assertions based on no other ground
than "it is said."
No great edifice has ever been erected to humanity that has not had
its detractors, non-helpers and wreckers. It seems to be a mean trait in
human nature the world over. It is always added to in times when gen-
eral distress is rampant and when the greatest need of the "milk of hu-
man kindness" is demanded.
The honest man, the square dealer, respects the honesty of his neigh=
bet and values his square dealing. Because occasionally one black sheep
appears should not ~ondemn the entire flock, and those who always
doubt the integrity of their fellow men without proof leads those who
hear him to doubt his own integrity should opportunity for graft arise.
Great for the family laundry.. La~n¢
For dishes and for all cleaning Pookug,
Heart" purposes
~so LIFEBUOY H • ~.,, ~o~, ,9,
"" Stops Body Odor (B. 0.) -'
may KLEIN'S CHCtf'¢' l^V : C Uo h..,
afer~ Sdver dis and .Clara g
fr' ~AW: CALARIPL &@RI/COTS o.;:c:.19c
LA ' P H E S |7½c
~/~he. novel bythe novel by Robertl. W. K ELLO( G'" S KRISP' ES :..11c
Chambers, with or.ra..a~es..-~--r.~,~., "---'~-- "-sty
,eEL M~REA Dependon"@~offee
And A ComeCiy Lbs.
zAll who have recently been about the state and come to Beach say
:v~e are on "easy street," as compared to the rest of the state, and op-
'pulent as compared to the northwestern counties, and we believe they
are correct. We have with us some in hard luck, but we have those
every year, or we would not have the ever recurring county and city ap-
propriations for relief of the poor, but as a general proposition no such
hardship is ours as has come to the people of some of our neighboring
counties. To refuse to share ever so little of our better luck with those
so bitterly in need is but breeding~ uncharitable thoughts of us should the
the day of a like calamity ever dawn upon our people.
Somebody robbed a safe in a police station at Cleveland. Now they
are talking about hiring a night watchman.
Of Different Species
Brazil nuts and butternuts are
not the same The brazil nut is
native of Brazil On the tree the
nuts form a bowllke pod contain.
lag six or eight nuts. The butter-
net Is a species of American white
, and grows Gag nut to the
"Making Good"
The spirit with which you tackle
your Job Is ~Ust as important as the
mechanical equipment you bring
to l~. Going at it with your mind set
on winning Is the first essential to
of any work you
Second episode of the serial,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Saturday Matinee
10c and 25c
A simple story, fine and hu-
man, that has stirred People
the country over.
Here are actors and a no-
table film.
And A Comedy
A ~. satisfying blend of sweet drinking fine
Be~lrm~. Co'tees... ~ ~remium ~ualitF eoffm~
DOLE .... No. 1 Grade Hawaii~
Sliced or
No. 21-2 can
Harvest Queen .... Fancy Quality
Bananas, 3 lbs. - .
Cabbage, per cwt. -
On" p cwt
ions, er . - -
Farmdale Flour, 98-1b. sack
Guaranteed First Patent, Ble~ehed
The i
the fo
are a,