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Page 6 ' November 8, 2007
Meeting Notice
Sentinel Civil Township has moved
its meetings to the second
Wednesday of each month: The next
meeting will be November 14, 2007.
(November 8)
Meeting notice
Notice of Zoning Meeting
The Golden Valley Planning &-.
Zoning Commission will hold a public
hearing on Friday, November 9, 2007,
at 3:00 p.m. in the Commissioner's
Room of the County Courthouse.
The purpose of the hearing is to
review and make a recommendation
on a setback variance for Midstate
Communications for the proposed
construction of two storage sheds in
the SEl/4 of Section 21-T42N-R103W
and in the NWl/4 of Section 9-T141N-
Stacey Heckaman
Zoning Director
(November 1, 8)
Notice to bidders
The North'Dakota Department of
Transportation is accepting bids for
caretaker/custodial services at the
Beach Visitor Center in Beach, North
Dakota. Bidder packets can be picked
up during normal business hours
(7AM to 12 Noon and 1PM to 5PM) at
the Dickinson District Office, 1700 3rd
Ave. W Suite 101, Dickinson, ND
It is anticipated that the successful
bidder will begin work on January 1,
Sealed bids are due by :12 noon,
November 20, 2007 at the Dickinson
District office. The envelope should be
marked "Bid for caretaker/custodial
services at the Beach Visitor Center".
The NDDOT reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
(November 1, 8)
Notice of
Annual Sale
the following real estate has been for-
feited to the County of Golden Valley,
State of North Dakota, for delinquent
taxes; that said County has taken tax
deed to such property and will offer it
for sale at public auction at the Office
of the County Auditor in the Golden
Valley County Courthouse on
Tuesday, November 20, 2007, begin-
ning at 9:00 A.M MST.
Each parcel of real estate will be
offered separately and sold to the
highest qualified bidder thereof, but
not for a sum less than the minimum
sale price. This sale will continue from
day to day until complete.
DISABILITIES: If you plan to attend
this auction and you need special facil-
ities or assistance relating to a disabil-
ity, please contact the Auditor's Office
at least 10 days prior to the sale.
Lot 10 Block 5 Hunter's 2nd Add 4th
Dated this 25th day of October,
Cecilia Stedman
County Auditor
(November 8)
Money Market Premier Account
relating to
Eligibility for Medicaid "and
Children's Health Insurance
North Dakota
of Human Services
will hold a public hearing to address
amendments to N.D. Admin Code
chapters 75-02-02.1 and 75-02-02.2.
AV Room, Room 210
Second Floor
State Capitol, Bismarck
Fri Dec. 7, 2007
2:00 p.m. CT
(will continue until 3:30 p.m.
or until no further testimony is offered,
whichever occurs first)
A copy of the proposed rules are
available for review at county social
services offices and Human Service
Centers. Copies of the proposed rules
and the regulatory analysis relating to
th~se rules may be requested by
telephoning (701) 328-2311, Written or
oral data, views or arguments may be
entered at the hearing or sent to: Rules
Administrator, North Dakota Department
of Human Services, State Capitol-
Judicial Wing, 600 East Boulevard Ave
Dept, 325, Bismarck, ND 58505-0250,
and must be received no later than 5:00
p.m. on December 20, 2007. If you plan
to attend the hearing and will need
special facilities or assistance relating
to a disability, please contact the
Department of Human Services at the
above telephone number or address at
least two weeks prior to the hearing.
icare open aroun
ND Insurance Commissioner might be interested in switching affordable and offers adequate cov-
Adam W. Hamm recently reminded plans or those that are signing up for erage."
seniors that the annual open enroll- the first time should phone "2-1-1" Specifically, consumers should
meat period for Part D prescription from any telephone in North Dakota consider when the "donut hole,"
drug coverage is right around the and answer a few questions to nar- which is a temporary break in drug
comer, row down plan options. Shortly coverage when beneficiaries and
The open enrollment period for after the call, a customized compar- the drug plan have paid $2,510
Part D runs from November 15 to ison listing Part D plans will be pre- towards the cost of prescriptions,
December 31,2007. pared comparing premium costs for occurs in their current plan.
"It is very important that seniors suitable plans and sent to the caller. Beneficiaries should also make sure
and other beneficiaries make the Once a plan is chosen, joining is their specific prescriptions are cov-
most of their Medicare coverage easy. Beneficiaries have the follow- ered and that the plan contracts with
and consider whether or not they ing options: their preferred pharmacy.
should change their drug plan for Enroll directly with the select- Beneficiaries who are satisfied with
2008," Hamm said. ed plan by calling the plan's toll- the plans they have, do not have to
For the past two years, the free number; do anything--they will be re-
Department of Insurance through its Call their insurance agents; enrolled automatically.
State Health Insurance Counseling Visit Medicare's website, Those who wouldlike assistance Fire Hall tour
(SHIC) program has been the main or. callin person should consider attending
source of impartial, personal coun- Medicare toll-free at 1-800-633- a community enrollment event in Golva students who went on a tour of the Golva Fire Hall
seling on the Part D policies. 4227; their area. on Oct. 29, are, from left, Brady Norton, Brannon Davidson,
This year SHIC has partnered Call RSVP at 701-258-5436 on Upcoming events will be held in Anthony Hard;hess; cayden Sarsland, Samuel Stoveland,
with the ND Community Services Monday, Wednesday or Friday Bismarck, Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Lucas Nistler, McKenzie Volk, Breenna Davidson, Casey
Helpline known as 2-1-1 and the between 12:30 pm- 3:30 pm; or Forks, Jamestown, Minot and Fischer and Rachel Bosserman.
Retired Seniors Volunteer Program Call SHIC toll-free at 1-888- Williston.
(RSVP) to be sure all Medicare ben- 575-6611. For dates and locations of these
eficiaries get the information they Hamm said, "Before switchingevents or for other information,
need plans or signing up, beneficiaries including assistahce, the SHIC toll-
Eligible Nort,h Dakotans that should make sure the plan is still free numberis 1-888-575-6611. Schieffer Benefit
ould take notice when parking v, November 17, 2007. Backyard Bar
The North Dakota Game and Kading said. of the road. Free will offer supper. Chili & Baked Potato
Fish Department reminds hunters to During hunting season, farmers "We are just asking hunters to 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
park their vehicles in a place that and ranchers are busy with fall farm make it easier for landowners by Raffle Drawing and Live Auction 8:00 pm
will not block roads or approaches duties, including harvesting crops, being aware of the surroundings If you would like to donate to the auction, items can be dropped off at
to farm fields, moving cattle and hauling bales, when parking a vehicle," he said. the Backyard or at West Plains Implement
Kevin Kading, private land sec- "Some landowners may have "You can find a place to park that Any questions, call Andy Zachmann or Ladonna Egan 701-872-4154
tion leader, said this has become an land enrolled in the Working Lands won't infringe on the landowner." Benefit sponsored by Thrivent Financial
issue for landowners who arePLOTS program," Kading said.Kadingalso asks hunters to prac-
enrolled in the department's Private "These lands may cpntain crop or tice proper etiquette, such as pick-
Land Open To Sportsmen program, hay fields, or pastures with cattle, ing up trash and empty shells, and
and for those who are not enrolled The farmer or rancher needs access not to clean game in the road ditch ,
in PLOTS. to those fields or pastures, especial- or by PLOTS signs.
"This serves as a good reminder ly this time of year." "Hunters must respect the =, ~F
for hanterstopayattentiontofarm One landowner mentioned to landowners and the land," Kading yOU Jr~lSS
equipment, and to park their vehi- Kading that it was difficult for him added. "This is private property, m
cles inn place that will not block a to get his equipment past a himter's Keep the land the way you would Billi
roadway, field approach or gate," vehicle that was parked on the side want it if it was your own." Subscribe to the ngs
County Pioneer or the
annln, recrea Golden Valley News!
Winter is now upon us and if you ing the body's extremities: head, Finally let people know where
are planning recreational activities face, hands and feet. These are the you are going and when to expect
this winter here are a few things to areas most apt to be frostbitten, you back. If stranded, stay with your
keep in mind: Also carry essential winter sur- vehicle. If lost while participating in
Expect the unexpected - North vival gear--matches, (cotton balls any outdoor activity, find shelter and
Dakota's weather can be very covered in Vaseline and stuffed in a stay put. Remember that being pre-
unpredictable and change on a film canister work excellent for fire pared for any weather condition will
moment's notice, starters) high energy bars, space save your lifein the outdoors.
Dress for the weather- Wear blanket or bag, a[ong with water or
multiple layers of clothing to regu- a container that can be used to melt --
late your body's temperature, snow for drinking water. A cell
Check out new technology being phone, GPS unit or even a compass
used in extreme weather fabrics, are also handy. Bring extra batter-
(Wind stopper and Gore-Tex mate- ies as cold weather drains them and
rial) do not rely solely on battery-pow-
Pay special attention to protect- ered equipment as it may fail.
ley ,
Sun.- Nov. 18 4:30-7:00 p.m.
Free-will offering
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Open a Bank of the West Money Market Premier account today, and earn a very competitive 4.50% APY. All you need
is a minimum deposit of $25,000 from another financial institution. So act now, An offer this good won't be around
for 10n . And bank at a place where you and your money are treated with the respect you deserve.
policy from RCIS.c~
Bennett Houglum Beach
A g e n cy 115 Central Ave. South
(701) 872-4191
contact us at-
800- 7 84-2 1 0 6 *,PY (Annual Percentage Yield)as 0f November 5.2007. The advertised APY is subject to cha nee at any time.
2007 Bank of the West. Member FDIC. APY offer only for funds new to Bank of the West; no transfers from Bank of the West accounts permitted for opening deposit. Personal
aCCOunts only, no institutional money please. Money Market Premier is a tiered rate account. Interest will be paid on the entire collected balance at the interest rate set for the tier
16201 Old Hwy 10 into which the entire balance falls. Account balance tiers and corresponding APY accurate as of November 5, 2007:$0-$9,999 at l.O0% APY; $10,000-$24,999 at
Sentinel Butte l N D 58654 4.00,% APY; higher tiers starting at $25,000, $50,000, $[00,000, $250,000, $500,000, $1,000,000 and $2,500,000 are all at 4.50% APY, Minimum account opening deposit of
$10,000. Maximum balance of $5,000,000. Rate on $0-$9,999 tier may change at any time after account opening. Rates on all other tiers may change after Janua~' 31, 2008,
. No monthly service charges if $10,000 average monthly balance is maintained. All other standard fees and charges apply. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. Additional
This entity im an equal opportunity provider, conditions and restrictions may apply, Rates vary by state.
2007 Rural Community Insurance Agency, Inc,
All rights reserved.