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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 5, 2015     Golden Valley News
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November 5, 2015
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The doors of the 15 units of the Beach Inn remained tied with sheriff's tape on Oct. 30. (Photo by Richard Volesky) By Richard Volesky because Padgett and Roberts had ac- inhale, or otherwise introduce into Editor/Reporter cess to all of the rooms, said Steele. the human body a controlled sub- Two Beach men are each accused No defense attorneys for the two stance when ... in possession of nu- of four felonies related to alleged men were listed in court records as of merous pipes, numerous bongs, drug crimes at a Beach motel.Oct. 30. numerous needles, and/or several Boyd Dale Padgett, born in 1960; According to a criminal corn- grinders, with methamphetamine and John Carlton Roberts, born in plaint, Padgett and Roberts were residue on the same." 1964, are caretakers of the Beach charged with possession with the in- Padgett can be released from the Inn, said Golden Valley County tent to deliver methamphetamine and Southwest Multi-County Corrections Sheriff Scott Steele. The two were that they had the packaging, weigh- Center if he posts a $200,000 cash brought before a Southwest District ing equipment and materials to do so. appearance bond. If released, the judge on Oct. 23. The second charge alleges the men judge ordered that he not leave the The rooms of the motel remained conspired with one or more people to state, that he not possess firearms and tied with yellow tape for the week deliver methamphetamine, that he wear a 24/7 drug patch, after the charges were filed. Steele The third charge alleges they pos- among other conditions. said he didn't believe there was a con- sessed methamphetamine, and the The same conditions were set for cern that drugs were being made in fourth charge says they possessed Roberts, except his cash appearance the property. The rooms were closed drug paraphernalia "to inject, ingest, bond was set at $250,000. Brockmeyer, Farstveet receive Legion honors Longtime Beach residents and in thePacific Theater after a quirk of ater as a motor machinist and spent members of the local American Le- fate cancelled his planned departure the entire war effort aboard the naval gion Post No. 5, Vernon Brockmeyer on a troop ship traveling to Europe. supply ship U.S.S. Bushnell, a ship and Alvin Farstveet, recently re- That same ship later sank during the he personally helped build and outfit ceivedAmerican Legion certificates Atlantic crossing. He was dis- while stationed in San Francisco. and pins recognizing their individual charged in Hawaii after the war He was discharged in San Francisco 70 years of "faithful and dedicated" ended and returned to Beach, where after the war ended and returned to allegiance to the ideals of the Le- he became a successful businessman, western North Dakota where he be- gion. Like so many Beach WWII vet- came a successful farmer. Enlisting in the Army Air Corps erans, Farstveet, now 90, enlisted in Brockmeyer and Farstveet con- during World War II, Brockmeyer, the Navy soon after his 18th birth- tinue to serve as faithful and dedi- now 97, served as a radio mechanic day. He served in the Pacific The- cated members of the Legion. Halloween fun Above: Isaac Meyers and Aubrie Dykins enjoy snacks at a Halloween party coin Elementary in Beach. Below: Raina Davidson, left, and Sicily Kula, look through books that will be ,,coin Elementary's library. (Photos by Richard Vo!esky) on Oct. 30 at Lin- up for sale in Lin- ]- Meetings on pipeline reclamation scheduled The North Dakota Department of sistance in working with pipeline Agriculture (NDDA) will be hosting companies to learn about the pipeline two town hall meetings to discuss restoration and reclamation pro- their pipeline restoration and recla- gram," says Agriculture Commis- mation program on Monday, Nov. 9 sioner Doug Goehring. "The at 10 a.m. at the Tioga Farm Festival program can help resolve land sur- Building, 640 6th St. N., and at 2 face issues and concerns." p.m. that afternoon at the Watford Goehring will lead the meetings City Civic Center, 213 2nd St. NE. and will be available for questions. "This is an opportunity for North The public is invited to attend the Dakota farmers, ranchers, landown- free meetings. ers, tenants and others who need as- In addition, NDDA has a new brochure on pipeline restoration and reclamation. The brochure, The North Dakota Game and "Landowner Tips for Successfully Fish Department's fall mule deer Working with Pipeline Companies," survey indicated the population con- outlines areas for landowners to tinues to recover in the Badlands. think about when working with a Biologists counted 2,157 (1,958 pipeline company to successfully site in 2014) mule deer in the aerial sur- a pipeline on their land. The brochure vey in October. The buck-to-doe is available at or ratio of 0.42 (0.50 in 2014) is simi- by mail. To request a free copy by lar to the long-term average of 0.43 mail, contact NDDA at 1-800-242- bucks per doe, while the fawn-to- 7535. doe ratio of 0.84 (0.95 in 2014) is tin slightly below the long-term aver- changes in habitat quality due to age of 0.90 fawns per doe. fragmentation and disturbance, "The buck-to-doe ratio remainspredators and weather. stable, and we had another year of The fall aerial survey, conducted good fawn production," Stillings specifically to study demographics, said. "Overall, the numbers are en- covers 24 study areas and 306.3 couraging." square miles in western North While mule deer numbers look Dakota. Biologists survey the same promising for the short-term, Still- study areas in the spring of each ings said challenges remain for con- year to determine population abun- tinued population growth, including dance. Our military veterans have helped make the United States the greatest nation in the world. On November 1 1, Veterans Days, we salute the brave men and women who have served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. We thank them for their patriotism and protection of our country. First State Bank Golva Medora Beach 872-3656 623-5000 872-4444 ~m m ATM in Beach & Medora lobby Member FDIC