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2008: Democratic senator Barack
Obama wins the presidential election
against Sen. John McCain, taking
338 electoral votes to McCain's 161.
Obama makes history as the first
African American U.S. president.
• Beach School Board regular
meeting, 5:30 p.m., Wednesday,
Nov. 10, Room No. 11, at high
• Veterans Day program, 1:30
p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 10,
Belfield School gym.
• Beach Veterans Day
Program, 11 a.m., Nov. 11, with
guest speaker. Free chilli after the
• Beach Area Chamber of
Commerce Annual Meeting
(rescheduled from Oct. 28). New
time is noon, Tuesday, Nov. 9, at
the La Playa Mexican Restaurant.
• Senior Citizens Activity
Club of Beffield, Nov. 7, 12:30
pan., Thanksgiving Dinner.
Man accused of
attempted murder
By Richard Volesky
MEDORA - A warrant for
attempted murder has been issued
for a man accused of stabbing his
brother during an Oct. 31 incident,
Police Chief John Bey Says.
Gerald Tobert allegedly stabbed
his brother, Greg Tobert, twice,
with one of the wounds being in his
neck and the other in his chest, said
Bey. The Toberts are subcontractors
working on the Maah Daah Hey
Trail and are believed to have been
in Medora for a couple months.
"They apparently got into some
sort of altercation over a family
matter," said Bey. The incident
occurred approximately between 1
a.m. and 1:30 a.m. at a rented resi-
(Continued on Page 8)
Beach High School student Ashlee Cook casts a mock ballot and is trying out an automated
voting machine at the high school on Nov. 2. (Photo by Richard Volesky)
County voters go with
the local incumbents
By Richard Volesky
Voters in the Nov. 2 election in
Golden Valley County decided to
keep the local incumbents.
Golden Valley County Auditor
Ceil Stedman reported the unoffi-
cial results at 7:31 p.m. on Nov. 2.A
total of 749 votes were cast.
In one of the contested races,
460 votes were cast for incumbent
Sheriff Scott Steele. Challenger
DaLane "Dewey" Stedman
received 258.
In the race for a District 3
County Commission seat, incum-
bent David Quale received 394
votes. Paul Schmitz received 294.
There were 16 other write-in votes
for this position.
In the race for a District 1
County Commission seat, John
Thompson was the only name on
the ballot, and he received 470
votes. It had been mistakenly
reported in the News last week that
Bob Schmeling was waging a write-
in campaign in the race involving
Quale and Schmitz, when
Schmeling was actually seeking the
District 1 position. A total of 161
votes were received in opposition of
Thompson. It wasn't clear at press
time if all 161 belonged to
The following are some of the
Golden Valley County votes cast in
statewide races:
U.S. senator: John Hoeven,
638; Tracy Potter, 91.
- U.S. representative: Rick Berg,
512; Earl Pomeroy, 219.
State representative: Keith
Kempenich, 525; David Drovdal,
494; and Aaron Judkins, 151.
- Secretary of state: Corey Mock,
152; Alvin Jaeger, 566.
Attorney general: Wayne
Stenehjem, 606; Jeanette Boechler,
Agriculture commissioner:
Merle Boucher, 124; Doug
Goehring, 587.
Public service commissioner:
Brad Crabtree, 173; Kevin Cramer,
Tax commissioner: Cynthia
Kaldor, 114; Cory Fong, 569.
..... iii ii i i i:i!,
County voters said "yes" to state
Measure No. 1 regarding an oil and
gas fund with 378 votes to 290 "no"
votes. Measure No. 2, which was
regarding fee hunting, was rejected
in the county with 488 "no" votes to
208 "yes" votes.
The sole voting precinct in the
county was at the Beach High
School gym, and teacher Rod
Merkel took that as an opportunity
for students in his American g0v-
ernment classes to learn about vot-
Raynette Szudera, one of the
election officials, showed students
how an automated voting machine
works, and she explained voter eli-
gibility requirements. Szudera said
the question of whether or not to
vote was as simple as: "If you don't
vote, then you aren't counted."
Szudera went on to say that
(Continued on Page 8)
Ueckert carries his U.S. flag at the World War II Memorial.
(Courtesy Photo)
Beach man completes
his protest walk
By Lynne Wojahn
Ross Ueckert, of Beach, has
walked many miles, starting in
Medora on Aug. 2, 2009, and arriv-
ing at the steps of the Lincoln
Memorial in Washington D.C. on
Oct. 12 of this year. Reaching the
memorial by Oct. 12 had been his
All the way, during the trip over
two summers, with a teak for the
winter months in between, he car-
ried the American flag, which was the words, "PFC John D. Ainos II C
donated by the Beach Food Center. Co 1-21 Inf. BN." Amos was killed
Ueckert walked the route in an in Iraq on April 4, 2004. He was the
effort to make a political protest, brother of one of Ueckert~s best
Driven by the need to "make a friends.
change," Ueckert walked in protest Over the years, Ueckert said he
of the way politicians are running had lost his "honor and integrity"
the country. He is hoping people and this walk has helped him to
will wake up and take a stand, regain it back and hopes it will do
"We have to start pulling togeth- the same for many Americans.
er, no name calling," said Ueckert. Traveling in a support vehicle
He met many people along his jour- was Ueckert's sister, Myrna Miller,
ney and hopes he has made people also of Beach, They slept in the
think about the country's true prin- truck and ate MREs (meals ready to
ciples and values, eat) and sacrificed family time for
Ueckert met with Sen. Byron what he hopes may help this coun-
Dorgan, D-N.D, at the Hart Senate try pull together.
Office Building. Dorgan has taken Ueckert will be putting together
Ueckert's American flag and stated a slide show of his journey in the
he will fly the flag over the Capitol near future, which will be available
in Washington D.C. in the near for all to see. Both Ueckert and his
future. Ueckert had also met With sister thank the many supporters on
congresswoman Michelle Bachman their journey and hope to see many
of Minnesota. more, as Ueckert will be carrying
Ueckert's protests have allowed the United States flag every year on
him to be a guest speaker at The Oct. 12 between the Washington
American Patriots Program (TAPP) Monument and the Lincoln
in Fargo, the Traveling Vietnam Memorial.
Memorial Wall in Minnesota, and a "It was well worth doing,"
Tea Party rally in both Fargo and Miller said. The satisfaction comes
Minnesota. from all the conversations with peo-
In support of his cause, Ueckert ple that they participated in or gen-
wore a bracelet along the way with erated along the way, she explained.
Halloween fun
At left: Beach first-graders create a web with yarn during a Halloween-related event on Oct.
29 at the school.
Above: Head Start children, from left, Kinze Steiner, Emery Noll, Dean Carrington, Octavia
Jones and Mackenize Peiffer participate in story time on Oct. 29 in Beach. (Photos by Richard
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