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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 3, 2011     Golden Valley News
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November 3, 2011
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.t.. l&apos;, JLL.Jli'JI :.. '..L!; i1 3 .!. JLI.AIi.I kll hi2 .:!LL c£ t.lLll:Ht[llLlll!JLl.tL!ltlJl.mtJi Illl I]L:thlIU::EIII!IIUJl;I ltHlllielllilLr[Inlll|llJ.JilJll IL!II!! t lJ .Liil_! IAllll L .L lJ L  ;J . . ....., ' /L ..i i J i • , , [ :i Iii;U lijlIIIIllE.,/ , .fil.:U- November 3, 2011 Page 5 Out on a Limb by Gary Kopervas MAMA'S BOYZ \\; LooK, DD, talEa tLS Bq WWW.MAMASBOYZ,COM by JERRY CRAFT ONE OF Fi9 ILL-\\;/'qi4E Kil:)5 IRE fiLU31WS..5,gh)E NOT  (,,a 1"7..lqn/' TIE. FAVORITE I(50 NICE 91ND INSIGHTFUL' LIKE. KIDS) II Ull¢,},'/_./" COMIC S'rRiPSf .IND INTgLLIGF-MoJ TODAV# f ( UPLLJ o Amber Waves by Dave T. Phipps OK, EVERYTHING IS IN 1 F WE'RE HITTING THE ROAq ANY QUESTIONS? rWE'RE STILL STOPPING AT  )LACE. WE ARE GOING TO I IA5 REBELS, LIVING OFF / ITHE LAND, REJECTING ALL I -E-CHEESE, RIGHt. . ! ! g. t ! Week,t SUDOKU by Linda Thistle 1 8 8 9 5 4 8 3 93 3 1 6 2 4 3 : ' ,,  f R  [ |. ' ", i c 3 2 5 i ; 4 8 9 1 2 9 6 7 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.  .... DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: *, * . Moderate ** Challenging * ** HOO BOY00 The Spats : • "For that nagging toilet where the - chain on the flush lever keeps getting stuck, here's what 1 do: Trash that chain and use some curling ribbon, Tie it on and adjust the length. Once you've got it set, yo u shouldn't have to mess with it again for a very long time!"-- M. in Minnesota • Need pumpkin pie spice'? Mix 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ginger, 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves for each tea- spoon needed. • "Clearance aisles and sales are a savvy shopper's best friend. I buy age-appropriate games and toys all year from the sales rack and with cou- pons, so that I'ni always armed with birthday presents 'and donaii'ons for holiday drives." .= A.R in ,pennsyl- vania • "I try to keep a backpack of 'jus! in case' items in my car trunk. In th summer, it has sunblock, bug spray', etc. I have just refilled it for winter. There is a bottle of water and snack items, large towels that double as blankets, tools and a road flare, socks, an extra ])air of shoes, etc. It pays to be safe!"  C.C. in North Carolina • Make your own "hot pocket" using rice: Fill an empty sock with rice to about three-fourths full. Tie or "" 'se closed: Create a pouch by using a bandanna to wrap it up; either tie or : sew the bndanna into a removable pocketb use, microwave the sock fbr 1 {6;.?i/ minutes. Remove care- fully. Remove bandanna and wash from time to time. • Here's a great cooking hint: When you want to sear meat, make sure you pat it dry using either paper towels or a kitchen cloth specifically for that purpose. Any moisture on the meat will cause it to steam-cook. ......... " by Jeff Pickering ' Pasta Month and Pasta Lovers'Week in North Dakota ,':/ m.._ lldguez '1. RELIGION: Which religious CI.IIIUNnJTINlll text is divided into chapters called to our pasta %uras"? prize winners! 2. HISTORY: When did the War Of 1812 end? 3. TELEVISION: The character Jim Phelps starred in what long-running spy drama? 4. MUSIC: What kind of instrument [s a dulcimer'? 5. MONEY: What is the standard currency of Vietnam? .6. FAMOUS PEOPLE: Who was Time Magazine's Person of the Cen- tury in 1999? " ' 7. GEOGRAPHY: Where is the Bal- tic Sea located? • 8. ANATOMY: What is "necrosis"? :9. NATURAL WORLD: Where is the geyser Old Faithful located? 10. MOVIES: What 1970s film's theme song was titled "Evergreen"? Answers 1. Quran 2. 1815 3. "Mission: Impossible" 4. Stringed instrument played with hammers 5. Dang 6. Albert Einstein 7. Northern Europe 8. Death of body tissue 9. Yellowstone National Park, Wyo- ming 10. "A Star is Born" ACROSS I. One pound of pasta should be boiled in four to six of water. 3. A piece of equipment that measures the strength of the semolina dough. S. The first pasta plant in the U.S.was powered 6. heac, the type used to produce pasta, is the hardest class of wheat 7. -- time varies for pasta dough, depending on the shape. 9. Italian sailors often ate leftovers stuffed in this pasta. I I. Colored pasta is produced using. 15. The most popular pasta shape in the U.S. 16. Tomato based sauces are rich in which can lower the risk of certain types of cancer. 18. Pasta producers want a low number of or dark particles in the finished pasta. 19. Each tear, the average American eats about 20 __ of pasta. 23. This region of North Dakota has the largest concentration of durum production. 24. This South American country is a large export destination for U.$. durum. Mo.ments mtlme N • < .... DOWN 2. A sauce consisting of butter, Parmesan cheese, cream and black pepper. 4. One bushel of durum weighs approximately 6O 7. The most popular variety planted in North Dakota. 8. A tomato based sauce with vegetables like carrots, celery and peppers. I 0. This country is the largest export market for U.$. durum. 12. Torselloni are different from tortellini in that they are 13. Whole wheat pasta is a good source of 14. Pasta is made by mixing __ and water. 17. For Moroccan millers, semolina is the most important quality attribute. 20. North Dakota durum producers grow about 1.6 million of durum each year. 21. A quality test that measures the amount of solids lost during cooking is referred to as cooking. 22. A pasta shape named with the Italian word for barley. _ t Proudly apon=ol by: Your Local Newspaper, American Italian Pasta Co., Dakota ll,i NORTH DAKOTA o,e,, Pa, Com,,V. I wItrarr COMMISSION :.g/Mi q #e ,taa.rk*.r and the U.S. Durum Growers Association Puzzle contest winners named Thank-you to the readers who entered October's "Use Your Noodle" puzzle contest! The completed puzzle is above. A random drawing for a pack:age of pasta related items was done using the con'ect entries. The win- nets are: Diane Hollar, Evansville, Minn., Agnes Custer, Belfield, Karen Fisk, Bel field, Emma Koshney, Cando and Clara Portscheller, Golva • On Nov. 17, 1421, a storm in the North Sea batters the Europema coastline. Over the next several days, approximately 10,000 people in what is now the Netherlands die in the resulting floods. Fatal floods struck in 1287. 1338, 1374, 1394 and 1396. After each, residents fixed the dikes and moved right back in. • On Nov. 14, 1851, "Moby-Dick," a novel by Herman Melville about the voyage of the whaling ship Pequod, is published. "Moby-Dick" is now considered a classic of American lit- erature mad contains one of the famous opening lines in fiction: "Call me Ishrirael."' : -"  : "" : • On Nov. 15, 1867, the first stock ticker is travelled in New York City. The advent of the ticker revolution- ized the stock market by making up-to-the-minute prices available to investors around the country. Prior to this, information from the New York Stock Exchange traveled by mail or messenger. • On Nov. 20, 1923, the U.S. Patent Office grants Patent No. 1,475,074 to 46-year-old inventor and newspa- perman Garrett Morgan for his three- position T-shape pole traffic signal. By having a position other than just "Stop" and "Go," it regulated crossing vehicles more safely than earlier sig- nals had. Juet IAke Cat00 & bg Dave T. Phipl Faculty published in Roosevelt book DICKINSON - Dickinson State University faculty members Dr. Jan Brudvig, vice president of academic affairs and Dr. Steven Doherty, associate professor of political sci- ence, were recently published in A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt. The book is one in a series of Blackwell Companions to American History printed by Wiley- Blackwetl. The book's editor, Serge Ricard, professor emeritus of American studies and U.S. history at the Sorbonne Nouvelle. solicited the contributions of Brudvig and Doherty tbllowing their participa- tion in DSU's 2007 Theodore Roosevelt Symposium. "It has been a privilege for us to participate in writing chap- ters to the Companion to Theodore Roosevelt. Witey-Blackwelt is a prestigious press and the edi- tor, Serge Ricard of the Sorbonne is an internationally-acclaimed TR Scholar," said Doherty. "To have us contribute chapters for this work draws much attention to the special and unique relationship that our region and Dickinson State University has with the life, political career and legacy of this great president." A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt is the first all-inclusive anthology to embrace Roosevelt as whole, highlighting both his multi- faceted personality and his skilled diplomacy. It provides content for the average reader, historian or scholar. Goehring: EPA dust oecision welcome BISMARCK Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring says a declaration by federal officials that no plans are under way to regu- late dust from agricultural opera- tions is welcome news for North Dakota farmers and ranchers. "The very real possibility that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could use existing rules and regulations under the Clean Air Act to govern dust from farming and ranching operations was a matter of grave concern to our producers," Goehring said. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson informed a group of U.S. senators and representatives of Congress that the agency is sending a regulatory proposal to the Office of Management and Budget that retains the current PM10 standard on dust. Goehring said he was told of Jackson's decision by EPA Region 8 Administrator James Martin, Denver. Goehring said he does not believe the issue is dead. "I believe this decision was based in part by the by the firm opposition by members of Congress, who in turn were hearing from producers and agricultural organizations and state officials," he said. "It is very important that we continue to monitor this issue and all regulatory issues facing agricul- ture." Weinreis leads in regional standings : TORRINGTON, Wyo. The Jake Clark, Eastern Wyoming in the average. Wyatt Clark, of Eastern Wyoming College Rodeo I f.ow 00.ooL 00+ii voo T-- I team completed the fall 2011 rodeo I II season at Laramie ounty. ," Commumty College m Cheyenne. k4Z --{  i€ [ The EWC men's team fS in third \\;( place in regional standings:Only [/ 335 points separate the Iirst.ihrough third place teams ..... "' r( 1- "The top {wo teams qualify for ithe College National Finatg:Rbeo," College rodeo coach said. "The men's team had a great fall and we will keep working hard to earn a spot to the CNFR :!., Ewe had four)if the 10 tie down ropers in .- the '-ishort round. Sophomore Tee ai:e ;0f White Owl, S.D., placed fifth in the average. Freshman Di:e nreis of Golva made the sbort ronnd andwon sixth Wellfteet, Neb., split filth in the first round. Three Ewe teams qualified for the short round in the team roping. The freshman duo of Derek Weinreis and Levi O'Keefe from Mohall continued earning points splitting fifth in the average. Weinreis and O'Keefe lead the regional s, tandings in team roping. /T I ql ql i II7,17:!: I:J:NtNNIIll II [Ill ,111171 lll]illllll 7iI1 II lllll litlllllllllll IIiF]I HIll It  II-] IN / Ullll rll!, 1# lllltf lll llllt'l,, li 'l 1 111 ,!'Ii lib tllll/Fllllll