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Beach, North Dakota
November 3, 2011     Golden Valley News
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November 3, 2011
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Page 4 November 3, 2011 Zoning Meeting Time: 1:00 PM Date: Thursday, November 10, 2011 Place: .Billings County Commissioners Rm, Billings County Courthouse Medora ND Purpose: Application for a conditional use permit to allow an RV to be used as temporary housing for 1 year during the planning and construc- tion of a residence upon a 17.3 acre .tract in the NW1/4 6-139-102. Purpose: Request to rezone 10.1 acres in the SE1/4SE1/4 10-142- 99 from Agriculture to Commercial. Application to build a 60'x100' mainte- nance facility, a 40'x60' office, and a garage on site. Conditional use permit to allow up to 10 mobile homes on site to house employees. Purpose: Application for a Variance to allow 2 RV's as temporary sleeping quarters in the NE1/4SE1/4 7-142-98. Purpose: Request to rezone 15 acres from Agriculture to Industrial 'in NWl/4 21-141-99. Application for a conditional use permit to mine scoria on the 15 acres. Purpose: Request to rezone 5 acres from Agriculture to °Commercial in the SE1/4 21-141-99. Application for a conditional use permit for a temporary crew housing facility consisting of two modular skid struc- tures that .a(e 14'x60' and 12'x30'. Purpose: Discuss Old Business Purpose: Discuss New Business Dated at Medora. this 21st day of October, 20tl by order of the Billings County Commission Joan Jurgens Billings County Auditor/Treasurer/Secretary (October 27 and November 3) Bids FOR SALE ON BIDS Kohler R Series Model D302-2 diesel powered generator- 208 volt 30 arhp. Currently set--for 'three phase. Minimum bid-S750. Call 623-4363 for further information. Sealed bids marked "'generator bid" must be submitted to the Billings County School District Office, Box 307, 350 Broadway, Medora, ND 58645, by 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 9. 2011• to be considered. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, .: ..... ( Octob'a  l'a ber 3) Belfiel00 pu bl00c'00S'0000hool REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION, BELFIELD PUBLIC CHOOL DISTRICT #13 October 14, 2010 SCHOOL LIBRARY .(Subject to approval of the board) Th..rfieeting wasc[ed to order by board president'Precwe,at,7:00 p.m - Present: Emie BucEma'n,, Delbert Kadrmas. Anthony Kreb& Edward Procive. Supt. Remington, Elem Prin. Lorge, Bus. Mgr. BorDer and Billings County School representative Rodne. M/S Kadrmas/Krebs to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2011, regular school board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. M/S Krebs/Buckman to approve the agenda. Motion carried unani- mously. Supt. Remington reported the foot- ball bleachers were corn pleteC and he was waiting for a quote to finish the gym bleachers. Elem Prin. Lorge noted an increase of enrollment in the elementary of tl students. She gave dates for par- ent/teacher conferences and SW District Health visits. The business manager gave the financial reports for September 2011. She also noted the school received an extra $965.70 towards the ARRA Jobs Grant. M/S Kadrmas/Buckman to adjust the budget to show this extra revenue and expense. Motion carried unanimously. 26524.CREATIVE ENERGY 438.47 26525,DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, 280.00 26526.MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES, 24.62 26527.MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES. 30.54 26528.NDPERS. 456.16 26529,SCHNEIDER MARYLOU. 61.20 26530.SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES, 44.80 26531 ,SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES, 44.80 26532.STAMP FULFILLMENT SERVICE. 540.60 26533.HUTzENBILER, KENNETH. 4368.00 26615,SCHUMAcHER. TAM MY. 4435.18 26619,DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, 250.46 26622. CENTURY LINK. 284.31 26623. CENTURY LINK, 83.28 26624.CAPITAL ONE. 2403.65 26625 .WAL-MART STORE #1567, 775.02 26632.ACTIVITY FUND BHS. 56.68 26633,ALTERNATIVE SANITATION. 255.00 26634,AT & T, 272.68 26635 B&K ELECTRIC, 625.50 26636.BADLAND TRAILERS LLC, 35.09 26637,BELFIELD PLUMBING & HTG., 121.30 26638.BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER, 252.94 26639,BOSCH LUMBER CO. 99.58 26640,CASS CLAY C REAMERY, INC, 1590.92 26641,CITY OF BELFIELD, 458.04 26642.CREATIVE ENERGY.2073.11 26643,DAN'S..,',.' SUPERMARKF-:', *. 299.06 26644,DEP.TBL-IC • • INSTR U C TIq,:"t',;:," : :. 230.47 26645,DORVA#LETTE, 153.60 ' 26646, D'U KAy: ';fHE L LY, 22.20 26647,ESP'COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE, " 934.00 26648•FOLLETT "EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, 1284.43 26649, FREY SCIENTIFIC. 87.41 26650,GEIGER, ALAN, 440.64 26651 .GREAT ,WESTERN NET- WORK, 14762.00 26652, HM RECEIVA'BLES CO LLC. 270.63 26653, HOBART SALES & SERVICE, 931.87 26654,INTERSTATE BRANDS,460.90 26655,JW PEPPER & SON INC. 1574.29 26656,KEVIN'S AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR, 317.42 26657,LAMPRECHT, JEFFREY,50.61 26658, MAKEMUSIC, 176.00 26659,MCDOWELL KRISTY,152.91 26660,MCGRAW-HILL, 22.06 26661, MEDCENTER ONE INC. 9.00 26662,MENARDS, " 477.62 26663,MESCHKE LINDA, 142.2 26664,MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL. 119.44 26665MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES, 2703.66 26666,NEWBY'S ACE HARDWARE, 138.40 26667, PEARSON EDUCATION, 192.38 26668 POPP BINDING & LAMINATING INC, 120.97 26669,PRAXAIR, 46.50 26670. QUILL CORPORATION,522.09 26671 RADISSON HOTEL, 277.20 26672, RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES, 108.05 26673 REMINGTON, DARREL 428.40 26674.ROUGHRIDER AREA CAREER & TECH CENTER,4600.00 26675 RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC, 15.57 26676.SCHOOL OUTFITTERS,53.25 26677,SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC, 767.58 26678,SMOLNIKAR. CAROLE,294,78 26679,SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES, 425.82 26680.STATE TAX COMMISSIONER, 1914.00 26681,STOPPLEWORTH & SONS INC. 100.00 26682,SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES OF AMERICA, 418.92 26683,TESSIER, GUY. 60.00 26684,TIME FOR KIDS. 3.87 I 26685.TOM S SERVICE STATION, 227.00 26686,US FOODSERVICE Inc, 3264.63 26687,VANDERESCH• IVAN, 500.00 26688,VIKING GLASS OF ND,31.50 26689,WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES, 2878.10 26690,WORDWARE INC. 920.00 26691 ;WORTHINGTON DIRECT 289.95 STUDENT ACTIVITY 6359 RICHARDTON-TAYLOR SCHOOL, _,. .- 125.00 (J36(, ST EC.LIJ 0;, 12,O0 6361, FRID.EY, 1, .288 636 SCH):DIN "JON , ,: 2.'00 636,SCHA, a, . -,¢"2.20 6364.WILLIAMS; MICHEAL, 125.00 6365. GROUP TRAVEL PLANNERS, 1290.00 6366. ABRAHAMSON, DONNA; .112.50 6367. ABRAHAMSON, JOH N, 132.50 6368. FOURNIER. RANDY, 90.50 6369,FRIDLEY, GUY, 70.50 6370,ANDERSON, KIM, 70.50 6371 .SCHARDIN, JON, 70.50 6372.RICHAR DTON-TAYLOR SCHOOL, 125.00 6373,WAL-MART STORE #1567, 308.50 6374,BARES, DONALD, 69.00 6375•BARES, DONALD, 82.50 6376,BOWMAN COUNTY SCHOOL #1. 100.00 6377,FOURNIER, RANDY, 102.50 6378.FRIDLEY. GUY, 82.50 6379,JUST, BRADLEY. 69.00 6380,MATHCOUNTS, 190.00 6381 ,MOSER, FERNAND, 69.00 6382,REGION 4 FOOTBALL,350.00 6383,SCHARDIN, JON 69.00 6384,SCHARDIN, JON, 82.50 6385,THORSON, CARLEN, 89.00 6386,ABRAHAMSON DONNA, 132.50 6387,ABRAHAMSON, JOHN, 112.50 6388.ANDERSON, KIM, 89.00 6389,BARES, DONALD, 44.50 6390,BARES, DONALD, 69.00 6391,BEACH HIGH SCHOOL,125.00 6392,FAMILY, CAREER, COMMUNITY LEAD, 735.00 6393.FOURNIER, RANDY, 64.50 6394.FOURNIER, RANDY, 69.00 6395,FRIDLEY, GUY, 44.50 6396.FRIDRICK, JASON, 69.00 6397,HOSELTON, CATHERINE,40.00 6398,SCHARDIN, JON, 44.50 6399,SCHARDIN, JON, 69.00 6402.ABRAHAMSON. JOHN,132•50 6403.ANDERSON'S, 154.73 6404.BINSTOCK. LAUREL, 24.92 6405,BRAUN DISTRIBUTING. 136.96 6406,CITY OF BELFIELD, 100.00 6407,COCA-COLA BOTTLING, 1736.56 6408,DAN'S SUPERMARKET, 93.74 6409.FOUR SEASONS TROPHIES, 253.20 6410,GEIGER, ALAN, t97.80 641t. HAZEN HIGH SCHOOL, 125.00 6412,KADRMAS, ROSEANN, 97.82 6413,KDXN-FM, 60.00 6414.LOGO MAGIC, 1824.00 6415.LUDWICK, TAMEE, 132.50 6416,MIDWEST VOLLEYBALL WAREHOUSE I, 153.93 6417,NEW ENG LAND PUBLIC SCHOOL, 1263.76 6418•PEPSI COLA BOTTLING, 937.50 6419,PHOTOS BY JONATHAN,63.90 6420, REICHERT, PAM 112.50 6421.RUDY'S LOCK & KEY. 36.50 6422,SCHANK, KARLA, 112.50 6423,STECKLER, JONAS, 118. 6424,OOLEY, RHONDA, 67..; 6.42' ,RAINING ROOM, 339, 6426,;/ALBY, JACQUELINE, 112) 6427,WALBY, JACQUELINE. 13;2',0 • Supt..Remington discussed the tax metig held prior to this meetg, foqtba!l playoffs, and the scale intranet system. He presented the Health Inspection for the Child Nutrition program. He also noted that he had approved an open enrollment application for the Young family from Billings County. Procive gave a report on the RACTC meeting. Supt. RemingtOn gave a report on the RESP meeting. It was' noted to schedule sports coop meeting. M/S Kadrmas/Buckman to approve the bills. Motion carried unanimously. Supt. Remington noted the need to amend the budget to correct the tax property revenue. M/S Kadrmas/Kre'bs to change the budget to read District Property Tax revenue of 295,500.00 for a total revenue of $2,585,429.70 (including additional ARRA grant) and Operation and Maintenance expenses of $318,984 for total expenses of $2,474.340.70 (including additional ARRA grant). Motion carried unanimously. The football fence was discussed. The next meeting s set for November 8. 2011., 7:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm. Board President Date Business Manager (November 3) Belfield Public School SPECIAL MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION, BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #13 October 13, 2011 6:00 p.m. Library Meeting was called to order by board president Ed Procive 6:00 p.. for the purpose of HBl194. Present: Tony Krebs, Err{ie Buckman, Delbert Kadrmas, Ed Procive Absent: Tim Ebert No patrons were present for the meeting. Superintendent Remington pre- sented the items addressed in HB1194 and answered questions for the board. M/S Kadrmas/Krebs that the board set the final budget at the regular meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m. October 13, 2011. Motion passed unanimous- ly. The meeting was adjourned the meeting at 6:32 P.M• Darrel A. Remington, Supt. Edward Procive, Board President Date (November 3) Bids FOR SALE ON BIDS The City of Beach is accepting bids on two overhead doors and a radiant tube heating system. Both items can be viewed by contacting 701-872- 4103. Bids should be submitted to City Hall by December 5th at 7pro or mailed to City Hall PO Box 278 Beach, ND 5862t-0278. The city has the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Kimberly Nunberg City Auditor (November 3 & 10) Beach City Council CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND REVISION A regular meeting of the Beach City Council was called to order by Mayor Walter Losinski at 7:00 pm October 17. 2011. Present when the meeting was called to order was Council Tim Marman. Mark Bones, Wade Walworth Mike Bingeman. Paul Lautenschlager, Jeanne Larson Public Works Supt. Dell Beach, PW Kent Shaw, City Auditor Kimberly Nunberg and guests Roger Barkland Emanuel Culman and Buster Finneman. Committee Reports: PWS Beach reported on final street repairs and preparing equipment before winter. Mayor Losinski report- ed on progress of the building project. Nunberg requested a committee assist in developing a rental agreement for the use of the building. Nunberg men- tioned Fall Clean Up week went well. Mayor Losinski and Nunberg reported on the ND Oil & Gas Producing Counties meeting held on October 6th in Medora. Unfinished Business: Nunberg reported she received the ND DOT specifications for speed signs to be placed on 1st Ave NW between 6th and 10th Street. A letter request- ing permission to install the signs will be submitted to the ND DOT. New Business: A recommendation from the Zoning Board for a Conditional Use Permit at Beach Co-op Grain Company was presented. The recommendation was to approve the Conditional Use Permit if Beach Co-op Grain Company adheres to the contract of only 10 rail cars per week and Beach Co-op Grain Company agrees to not protest a Special Assessment District for repairs on Main Street when necessary. Bingeman- yes, Marman-yes, Bones - yes. Larson - yes. Walworth - yes, Lautenschlager abstained from voting. Standings Racing Trivia Last Week's Race Turns Fast Relief 500 month Motion carried unanimously. An Application for Property Tax Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses submitted by Beach Co-0p,,Grain Company was reviewed. Lrson moved to approve the Application' for Property Tax Incentives. second by Marman. Bingeman- yes, Marman- yes, Bones - yes, LarsOW '-z yes, Walworth - yes, Lautechla, der abstained from voting. Motin','r(ed''--  unanimously. Marman mo,el to advertise for bids on ttiiD.15;e't'head doors and heating system/".;'{b,t Was removed from City Hall, ,0nd by Benes. Motion carried unan!mouslY. Mayor Losinski suggested c.amps not be allowed with n the',€'i,ning jurisdiction. Discussion. Marman moved to enact an ordinance to pro- hibit "man-camps" within th#, city zon- ing jurisdiction, second by Lautenschlager. Bingeman - yes, Marman-yes, Benes - yes, Larson - yes. Walworth - yes. Lautenschlager - yes. Motion carried unanimously. No other business was brought for- ward. Larson moved to adjourn, sec- ond by Walworth. Motion carried unan- imously. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Attest: Walter Losinski, Mayor Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor (November 3) Notice v. NOTICE, OF CLAIM OF MINERALS ',.'NOTtGE IS HEREBY.GIVEN Pursuant to Chapter 38-18.1-06 of the North Dakota Century Code that the undersigned does hereby give notice that he inends to succeed to the own- ership of the entire mineral interest in and under the following tract of' land. said ownership hayieg lapsed by rea- son of abandonment and nonuse. 1. The surface of the land on which the mineral involved is located is: Township 137 North, Range• 105 West of the 5th P.M., Golden Valley County, ND Section 24: NWlA 2. The names of the record owners of the mineral interest are: Rosey Goyne, aka Rose Goyne, aka Rosey Fandrich P.A. Goyne Albert Fandrich Theodore Wise Margaret E. Wise Katherine Wise Harry Wise Virginia Wise Veronica Wise Lynn Goyne Alvin Goyne Linda Weigum. aka Linda Goyne Janice Goyne Arthur Goyne David Goyne 3. The name of the person giv- ing notice of lapse of mineral interest is: John J. Wise 5160 163 Ave SW Golva, ND 58632 .D.tq! tbi 25t.. dy of October. John J. Wise State of North Dakota, County of Golden Valley: On the 25th day of October 2011. before me personally appeared John J. Wise. known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within and foregding instrument and acknowledged to me that he exe- cuted the same. Duane Maus• Notary Public, State of North Dakota, My Commission Expires July 23. 2015 (November 9, 10 & 17) Notice .- Notice of Filing Of Petition to Determine •Heirship and Notice of • Heang In the District.'•Court of Golden Valley County .. State of North Dakota In the matter of the estate of John C. Alexander. deceased Probate No. 17-2011-PR-00031 Take notice that Kathryn Remington has filed a Petition to Determine Heirship to Real Property with the Golden Valley County District Court. The Petition will be heard before the Honorable Zane Anderson, Judge of the District Court. on December 22. 2011 at 9:00 o'clock a.m. (Mountain Time) at the Golden Valley County Courthouse, Beach, North Dakota, for the entry of a decree determining heirship, as stated in the Petition filed with District Court. Dated this 24 day of October, 2011. Malcolm H. Brown, P.C. Attorney for Petitioner 209 East Broadway Avenue, P.O. Box 2692 Bismarck. ND 58502-2692 Telephone: (701) 224-8825 Facsimile: (701) 224-8820 By: Malcolm H. Brown (#02842) (November 3, 10 & 17) Meeting Notice Notice of Annual Meeting of the Golden Valley Manor, Inc. Board of Directors • .The Golden Valley Manor, Inc. will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday, November 15 at 4:00. p.m. at the Golden Valley Manor. The following members of the Board whose three year terms expire are:Paul Thompson and Bonnie UnderWood., (November 3 and'10) Products Contact Gloria Ueckert (701)872-4263 Agri Insurance Inc. • Term Life Insurance • Universal Life Insurance Fixed Annuities • Index Annuities IRAs • Long-Term Care Ins. 110 CentralAve. South, Beach, ND (Across from Bank of the West) m Bruce Ross (701) 872-446t (office) (701) 872-3075 (home) Home On The Range invites you to join them for the Open House Celebration of 1 their Animal Assisted Therapy Facility and Indoor Arena Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011, 3:30 - 6:00 At Home On The Range Tours and animal demonstrations 00hroughout the afternoon Refreshments, , served" Eve00one00.  r welcome ..... . ......  -• ; ':,:+!i i:;,:.: " • .......... Racing News, Stats & Trivia AAA Texas 500 Nov. 6th, 3:00 pm ESPN Texas Motor Speedway T3: 3 IU,I 1 Track Details Location: Fort Worth, Texas Distance: 1.5 miles Shape: Quad-Oval Turns I Straights: 24 ° / 50 Qualifying Record: Terry Labonte 192.137 - 2000 Race Record: Cad Edwards 151.055- 2005 AAA Texas 500 Preview  There's an old adage Jlq the Lone Star State: "Everything is bigger in Texas." One of the country's largest sports crowds will descend this weekend on the Texas Motor Speedway for the AAA Texas 500 NASCAR Spdnt Cup Series race. This is one of the finest NASCAR facilities on the circuit. It is a 1.5 mile quad-oval with a controversial dual banking setup of 5 and 24 degrees. Additional facilities include a 1/5-mile short oval and a 4/10-mile clay oval. The track was completed in 1997 and has been used for NASCAR and Indy Racing League events. It currently seats 155,000 fans and has 194 VIP skybox suites• Through Oct. 30, 2011 2011 Sprint Cup Series 2011 Nationwide Series 1) Carl Edwards Points: 2273 Wins: 1 Top 5:16 Top 10:23 2) Tony Stewart Points: 2265 Wins: 3 Top 5:6 Top 10:16 3) Kevin Haick Points: 2252 Wins: 4 Tol:) 5:9 TOP 10:18 4) Brad Keselowski Points: 2246 Wins: 3 Top 5:10 Top'10:14 5) Matt Kenseth Points: 2237 Wins: 3 Top 5:10 Top 10:18 6) Jimmie Johnson Points: 2230 • Wins: 2 Top 5:14 Top 10: 2! 7) Kyle Busch Points: 2216 Wins: 4 Top 5:14 Top 10:18 8) Kurt Busch Points: 2215 Wins: 2 Top 5:8 TOp 10:16 9) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Points: 2200 Wins: 0 Top 5:4 Ton 10:11 10) Jeff Gordon Points: 2197 Wins: 3 Top 5:12 Top 10:16 11) Denny Hamlin Points: 2193 Wins: 1 Top 5:5 "Too 10:13 12) Ryan Newman Points: 2184 Wins: 1 Top 5:6 Top 10:16 Driver Points 1 ) Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 1100 2) Elliott Sadler 1085 3) Aric Almirola 1013 4) Justin AIIgaier 1009 5) Reed Sorenson 1006 6) Jason Leffler 949 7) Kenny Wallace 894 8) Brian Scott 877 9) Steve Wallace 870 10) Michael Annett 859 I No. 38 Front Row Motorsports Ford driven by Tmvis Kvapil headed home to North Carolina Sunday night after sustaining injuries dunng  NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Turns Fast Relief 500 at MadJnsville Speedway. He suffered a concussion, neck strain and medial collateral ligament sb*ain in his right knee. He suffered the neck and knee nnjuries and lost consdousness after being hit by Die No. 5 car of Mark Martin on pit road dunng a pit stop early in the race. What edition of the Daytona "  500 did Dale Eamhardt win? a) 39th c) 16th b) 57th d) 40th -fo.o!^ 00 euoleQ AlUO pue ,sg s!q seM 1! pue 9661. u! seM 11 'q:10t (P : ] Driver Tony Stewart 4 Jimmie Johnson 7 Jeff Gordon 10 Kevin Harvick 5 Denny Hamlin 11 Jeff Burton 23 Dale Eamhardt Jr. 9 Martin Truex Jr. 24 Carl Edwards Ryan Newman Sta Finish Points/Bonus Tony Stewart passed Jimmie Johnson on a restart 1 47/4 with three laps left in Sunday's Turns Fast Relief 500 2 43/1 at Martinsville Speedway. He held off Johnson's 3 42/1 desperate bid for the win on the final lap. The 4 41/1 victory was Stewart's third in the Chase for the Spnnt 5 40/1 Cup and vaulted him into second place in the 6 38/0 standings. Tony won for the 42nd time in his career. 7 37/0 Cad Edward's salvaged a decent run with a ninth place finish and retained his lead in the Chase Year 8 36/0 1 9 36/1 12 10 35/1 Driver of the Week, , Tony Stewa #/ Cup Position: 2nd Born: May 20, 1,971 Crew Chief: Oarian Grubb Car: Chevrolet TOP 10s Av. Finish standings• Jeff Gordon ran third followed by Kevin This Season 3 16 13.0 Harvick. who climbed to third in the standings. There Career 42 263 12.6 are three races left in the Cup season. ::': Now onsale: (NIIPA) I:r00 3M Worker Safety Kits, Several eye and ear safety options, : Shop Vac, wet/dry utility, 12 gal., $119 REAL . ?' i.?.: D EALS:}II,;: Belfield Auto Supply 505 6th St. SE {701) 575-4228