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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
November 3, 1932     Golden Valley News
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November 3, 1932
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THE BEACH, N. D., ADVANCP. t THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, /" THE BEACH ADVANCE W. F. CUSHING, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Men~ber National and State Edltorlal Associations ~mLISH/~D AT BEACH. NORTH DAKOTA, EVERY WHURMDAY ]~ttered at postofflce at Beach. North Dakota, on Mar 8, 1908. as secon~ class m~tt.te r "~bseriPtlons In North Dakota• South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota. $2.00. To all other states, 12.50 OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY NEWSPAPER WORTH THINKING ABOUT We cannot but speculate on the effect of the moratorium, ff passed, on the Frazier bill should Congress pass the meas- ure which is of so much importance to those farmers who are borne down by mortgages. It is said farmers who received funds for seed and feed purposes cannot benefit by the 25 percent payment now offered unless the anti-crop mortgage passed at the June election, is repealed at the coming election, because it will be impossible for those farmers to give a crop mortgage for next year on the other 75 percent due. With a moratorium in effect and the Frazier bill passed, would any farmer be able to give a mortgage to the govern- ment under the terms of that bill and the moratorium in the l transfer that would be necessary ? It seems to us that here is a matter entitled to deep con- sideration, for we are of the opinion that the coming short term of congress will be largely devoted to bills for the relief of agriculture and that present conditions in the farm world will add great strength to the Frazier measure, and that even if it does not pass at the coming congress it is bound to be- come a major interest to the statesmen wl en congress meets a year from now. We are fully in sympathy with Senator Nye's prediction that at last eastern business interests are realizing the farm- ers' plight and that the new Congress, with its changes in membership, will be much more prone to lend an ear to the cry for help going up from the prairie states, the cotton states and the farming interest in general. But whether or not the relief comes through the Frazier bill, we are confident that another great try will be made in the coming short ses- sion to lift the burdens from farmers of all denominations. Surely there must be a solution to the agricultural pro- blem. And surely it will be found in constitutional ways ra- ther than by rough methods, for farmers as a class are the backbone of constitutional America and entitled to a tremen- dous effort by Congress to lighten their burdens. ®:_: ? ANOTHER BLUNDER One of the glaring defects in the initiative measures is Bhown in the bill to do away with the publishing of the delin- quent real estate tax list, which, under the present law, must be published before December 8, the date Cohen any law fa- ored at this time goes into effect. Any county commis- loners taking the new law for granted stand a good chance \ \ / ! ..... ....... I BEST CHEESE TASTER GOLVA Bob Stone and Miss Evelyn Peter- son came out from Beach Sunday and spent the day with the latter's parents, returning to Beach in the evening. GARNER Election day, Nov. 8, you will be general election November 8th. l heartily welcomed at the Bazaar office of State's Attorney held by the Congregational ladies'with it considerable power and aid in the Oisdn building. Cafeteria cretion to spend or conserve the tax,, lunch will be served at noon and payer's money• My twenty years evening. There will be many at- and more of experience in public ~ tractive and useful articles you can fairs, years spent in the service buy in the decorated booths. 25-3t cities, of counties and the State, I feel, proper credential to before the voters this fall. POLITICAL iFOR COUNTY TREASURER ~NN0~NC[M[NT~ At the June Primary I asked ]voters for your support to the ex- tent of my nomination which was FOR SHERIFF duly given and highly I Now I am asking for your • -- . to the extent of election to I am a candxdate for reelectmn to ......... offi~o ~f ¢~f~ ~¢" ~,~ ~ro~ ~ wmcn H you see n~ m comer on the ....................... - i ley county, and wish to thank the~ vember 8th will be regarded with voters for the splendid endorsement higher sense of apreciation and the given me in the primary election. Myl' ..... fulfillment of duty to the best. of my - ~ OltlCy long residence as a taxpayer, aria my ] experience as an official of the 1 25-3t --FRANK FAKLER. county will enable me to exercise~, , -- -- that discretion and judgment which " FOR TREASURER is necessary to discharge the~uties ~/ of the office If re-elected. • as-~" sure you that I will conduct th~af/l At this t'n~e I wish tothank, vo~ers ~or me nne majority fairs of the office in the same c~- I" ful and efficient manner I have lgave me in the primary election • a candidate in a field of sple~ done m the past two years. . ...... ..._~'rT'r:;,,"r'T~ ~TTZ. cancuua~es Ior county ~reasurer, ........... to appreciate the work done by ~ ---:- ~ friends. The time is FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS when the voters will upon to express their Having been nominated as a can- didate for the office of register of deeds at the June primary, I am a candidate for election to that office at the general election November 8th. Based on past experience, I feel that I have the necessary qualifica- tions to conduct the affairs of the office, and if elected, I promise to carD, out tl~e duties in an efficient and economical manner. Your vote and support will be ap- preciated. --C. N. HAUGSE. COUNTY JUDGE and CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I am seeking re-election to the [ Mrs. Harry Wassmann has been abo~e named office. Your vote on the sick list for the last week or and influence at the fail election ten days, suffering with a bad case will be appreciated. If elected. I of tonsolitis. candidates for office I beg say that if elected I 2evote best ability and the of this office, a ance of that in expressed in the primary. GASHO. FOR SHERIFF I beg "to remind the voters tney made-me one of the for sheriff at the June primary, honor I very much appreciate, that I solicit their votes in general election. In this tion I want to emphasize that elected I will devote every I possess to the duties of the which will be run solely in reTest of the taxpayers and the closest economy. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Howie were promise efficient and faithful seT- of invalidating the entire tax list, as the list under present Mrs John Fischer and children, ~oo~ ,,~,~ "-~i- "" H . ~ vice, and conduct of the affairs of • ~,~,~., ..DivoTs I~T any mrs owle i 'law, must be published two times before the date of sale, AdeUne and Tessle were calling on ......... /.. " , the office in the most economical TO THE VOTERS OF pala a visit; i~o me aencls~, i friends in town Saturday . . .. manner. VALLEY COUNTY ~hich would be before the new law becomes effective, if fa- be~toret~2~e~gnu~-rec:l~nnt?°:n~ nick were among those who shipped i " " Having been nombmted for :vorably acted upon. -v-*e .............. " .... Tom wosep~a and Lewie ~rew-i --A E KASTIEN But this is only another illustration of the foolishness of he Y g ' cattle to St. Paul Friday. ~~ allowing a half dozen private citizens to do the work the real je .h hg2: ca rl sifbei, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shoen were in iI FOR COUNTY. AUDITOR office of auditor at the June P aries, I wish to a~ure the w ~ lawmakers should do. Sometimes laws are made retroactive, He Madison and daughter Anna ~ Beach on business Thursday. i ..... that I will appreciate your cani but that retroaction does not take effect until the law creat- May, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Page and i Friends and neighbors of Mrs. i As the time approaches for a fin- ed support and y~r votes at ing the retroaction goes into effect. This measure says Miss Hong spent a pleasant evening Dell Howie gathered at her home on al decision as to who shall fill the November electionJ something shall be done, before the bill making that decree l at, the Ed. Fischer home Saturday. I Thursday, to help her celebrate her:county offices, I beg to ~gain pre- During the l~Iod I have is of legal force and effect. More opportunity for a multitude Miss Cecelta Miller was a dinner i birthday. The guests took along the i sent myself to the voter~as a can- charge of the auditor's office, I : guest of Miss Dunstan Sunday :eats which was served at noon. The ldidate for county.audito]~, for which treads an earnes~effort to give of law suits, with tax collections questionable before the mat- Miss Edna ~ae ~ters~,~ ~o - ~" ,-o~ I ' afternoon was spent in playing ! office I was one o~ the ~ominees at I affairs a businesS-like adminisl ter is settled. • [of Miss Ru h'Hon this""g s .... [ whist. Seven tables, played, five the June primary. ., foul" vear's i ton and have practiced rigid ec tvlrs i~ell ~ane all{/ ntl~le oaugn- This t~ent, t~o ,'eat o'~' -"ql o~ -- . : . " .... - " _.l $ , . _ Never before has th(re been so much hostility to~initiat- _ ........... : . [ games 5'ITS Schmehng' getting in- experience I have ~ad~n the coun- omy in its conduct. !ter ~-* ....... "~ *- *~-~- ~ ..... ~^, ...=~. I ~- -~ - ,u y,u~ • o~es mgn prize. Mrs. rmwm recetve(t ty ~reasurer's offi~e-~whicn ~s so Upon my record as an official, t ,c~,,,~, ~u v,c, ~,~mv oa~u~u~y~ Thrasher M~ss, Donald Smith is veral lov 1, lfts ed measures as no~. Republican, Democratic and Nonparti- i o.A.:.'^^.. " i , " • • , se e ) g " closely related ~p ] the d~ties base my request for a favorable v san leaders are i)ractically a unit in opposing the present ........... sai o hay ' " } Mr. andMrs. Frank Scbouboe!,. dt je the nost sen t!vetaste Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fasching visit- of the auditor's hi'flee -,- surely November 8th. measures as the consensus of opinion in all directions is that were ~uests of Mr and Mrs Bert I '~ __"~",,~'~--~'"~ '~ •.~.~.~_ ~ ed at the Harry Wassmann home on qualify me for the latter work, there 121-7t CHAS. CHRISTIANSI the present law proposals are entirely unnecessary, with a,~ wovert Sunaay.- ~ " " " ' s r "cnveSe'co e m nethe ranannualUP cheeseme mgaeS~tasting "" '~'~'~'~-'" I"being nothing in the auditor's of- --~FOR STATES~o~ATTORNEY session of the legislature but two months away and the tea- ~ TM ~r~.,, ................... l " Mrs Oscar Gigstad and Mr and rice that bars any woman from that ] ~a. ~'. J. UIA J,~ ~Ll~t¥1/l$ ~, ~£11itll ~UI~/C cont-~t nf tha T~n|Pv [ndzlr~h, iag av : " " i -- lures of the bills exceedingly obnoxious to man), elements of ]of rheumatism caused from getting ,osit~lon~l'n'~,rol:"wi=:7~:"~'^~'~" Mrs. Henry Omsberg were guests at, position, although some may have our people because of their vulnerability to attack, Besides, wet and cold in the last snow st0rm Year colle Us ho~t'arsh"l"'"~n "-~"~" i the Howie home Thursday. I gained that impression, for many ving been- [ As stated in our news items 1-~t[ y - . g.e c . p _ ~a~ry i Miss Ethel Krause who is atten(t- i women hold that and similar offices important office of State's Atto~ most of the bills are imperfect in their phrasology and con- . - _ w I scmnee m the orm a cnecx mr ....... l elsewhere I sincerely appeal to the 'struction.and if passed, mean endless litigation, with the peo-Iweel Herman wassmann moved/tol ing normal as Dickinsgn, carnyI • ple put to additional expense. We allowed special interests the Wise house, later they were~n- [ ~'~'~ . home Friday to spend the/Week end voters for their support on Novem- at the June Primary Election, honor for which I wish to expx able to remain in the house /and ~ i with her Dad and Miss I~rause met her 8, and if elected I again pledge my sincere appreciation to the v ~o put it all over us when we adopted the 50 percent valuation moved to the home of his m~ther Ish°w. her at Sentinel Butte. ] my undivided time and best energy measure last June, while the denial of the right of a farmer p eahr d • • .; • ers of Golden Valley [until another lace can be s red Frank Kreltinger and Mrs A H Fred Wassmann was ransacting to the duties of the office County, I to fillance his own affairs through a crop mortgage has done Henry Funk received the s~news'[Kreitinger were at Beach Saturday. :business in Beach Wednesday. 25- --MINNIE E. SMITH. taking this opportunity to tl~ great harm and made repeal necessary at this election. Such Thursday of the sullen and~ unex- [ Mr. Kreitinger was slightly injured i George and Marian ]|Vosepka at- I ~ them for the support they 1~ misfits and "put overs" would not have occurred had these peeled death of his~fathe~, Geo. lin a runaway some little time ago i tendsd the dance at S~ntinel Butte l ....... ~,,~ .~,~o~ given me and to assure them E o ' and was not getting over zt as t ev ~ ~.,ffi.~ ~,,va,,,, I will greatly appreciate a conth matter~ been left to the legislature, where they would have Funk f Hebron. Mr. l~nk l~d beeh [~ " ' " !Friday eni~g. ] t " .... h Ukt ~stricke, t~q ........... i OX~bs' g/ can t This will repe notice of my can- have shown in me by voting been threshed out, with the people reading in the papers what in ms usual health u til tricken quickly as he, should, so went up to ~ Kenneth O her came from ~ ~. ation of the confidence which tl zt was all about. The initiative law is all right if used with ~ . s peU. Mr~a~d Mrs. l~ " Sch " " i Wyoming last w~k, ~ is his first ~didacy for the office of State s At- me at the general election Nove common sense, but to usurp the functions of the legislature un~ and Marjorie and v~I~rry jr. | Mr. and Mrs. P.J. im~z enter- ] visit home since Xla~t spring. He I torney The splendid support ac- went down Thursday and lV~hs Vera trained Rev. Father Lack, Miss Flor- I made the trip witl~lJa friend on a i corded" me at the June primary is acarryber 8thon theIf Iworkam ofelected'the officeI st all wrong, and Buddie Haigh went Sunday to[ence Schulte, Alberta Barthl, Mr. I motorcycle "just before the big snow, I source of great satisfaction and I the very best of my ability. attend the funeral. His mother, } and Mrs. Oswin Schmizt and J. L. l so they were compelled to make st fee1 that it will be extended to the[ --A. M. Last spring Congress appropriated $125,000,000 for the Mrs. Funk, has been suffering for [Tschida and wife to Sunday dinner, i longer stay than they had planned. I eral Land banks, it being a matter of general understand- some time with a broken arm and[winch was greatly enjoyed by all. I Mr and Mrs Harry Wassmann that this was to enable the banks to carry farm loans to had just returned from the Bismarck| Mrs. Irene Lundin moved to Beach and- 'Hazel and Victor Renstrom hospital when her husband was lwednesda her dau hter Mrs Wm relief of the farmers owing them. We are told by • . . '_ . . Y, g , • . were Beach visitors Thursday. Mrs. farmer of the county that extensions of farm s~rlc~:en. ~ympamy zs extended from Kremer is staying with her a few Wassmann went to consult a doer- all to the bereaved relatives, days until she gets settled in her or Than He Wan at Twenty being made by the bank, but that the farmers are .......... . . ,, , ......... -.a, ascner were new home. Delbert Howie came home Wed- ne pel ent additional interest on all sucn ex enslons, shopping in Beach Saturday S the case it isa crying shame, and not within a mile I-/ecke stad, a sheep mmn from Mr. and Mrs, Fritz Noll, Eddie nesday so as to be home on his mo- Nistler went to Beach Sunday to ther's birthday. ~stensible purpose of the grant to the banks, and if Wibaux, Mr. Wing, Ed. Sifert were visit Mrs. Ed. Nistler and little Victor Renstrom, Tom Wosepka, eari figure out the beneficence of this we'll eat our in Golva Sunday enroute to the Tom daughter. Charley and Otto Johnson, left Fri- But we hope our informant is in error, for to thus pen- farm to look over his bunch Mr. and Mrs. Nell Kanes baby was day morning with several carloads oz sneep with the view of buying if the unfortunate, under the guise of helping him, ould .... , baptized Sunday. The little lady of cattle for St. Paul. saczszac ory parody on governmental helpfulness . A. .: . . was given the name Vivian Maey. •" Tne weamer nas ~een so unfavor- Bey. Father Lack. Mrs. Catherine Mr. and Mrs. Henry Omsberg ~ table the past two weeks that the Lorenz and Miss Florence Schulte gave a party Wednesday evening It is to be regretted that as the political contest 1 bazaar which was to have been giv- went to Dickinson last Tuesday to for their son Kenneth and friend, S en during that time was postponed comes to a conclusion that so much bitterness has been arom -1 , attend a Priest': conference, before they returned to Wyoming• The Garner Whist club was en- i edover it. This is exhibited in all parts of the country andlb :nt e ladviee t°tfh hwe2ta2 hs°c :Y Seb. Strohmeyer was in Dickinson tertained Friday evening at the Fred has arrayed neighbor against neighbor o er presidential _ '. last week for medical attention. Wassman home. The writer was ' ' "" .... id " the laz ernoon ana evening, all will choices. 1¢ seems us ii more a ven lon was pa I be sure of a good time who attend Mrs. Strohmeyer and Mrs. Pete not able to be there so do not know elections for congress, which body makes the laws, it would County Auent Ru ueu ws .... Weinreis drove to Dickinson Satur- the particulars. more definitely bring about the changes in law and new and !at the A. Pet-erso--n'-hom"-eFri da y day to bring him back. __ .... helpful measures for which the people are so bitterly cry ing, afternoon. Mrs. Pete Schillo visited at the NYE FORECASTS CONGRESS for all the talk of presldential candidates is fruitless unless Marguerite Kreitinger is having a home of her parents near Beach last WILL SPEED FARM DILLS the Congress first passes the necessary measures, presidents ege of jaundice the past two weeks Thursday, she returned with them and at present is slightly improved. Friday wlmn they went to Lower Belief that congress would "very being practically powerless in their own right. Her friends hope she will soon be Valley to ge~ their daughter Lenore fully rcovered and back to school, who teaches in the Cripps school to early adopt a far-reaching farm pro- gram" which would restore purchas- 'We think the state land department has made a mistake g the practice of permitting the poor of the to mine free coal on the public lands. It is reported that last winter wherein parties, not only mined public coal for them- but mined and sohl it in competition with the regular owners. • But this is not the fault of the free system, of such offenders, and because of could well again be granted the privilege serious loss to the state. We hope the discon- be rescinded. and other wise guys who make a seem Mrs. Wallace Page has been on spend the week end at home. ing power to the farmer was express- the sick list the past week. Mrs. Hayden ST., returned home by Senator Gerald P. Nye in an ad: FIFTY-FIVE years old, and sti~ Hubert Flnneman has rented the from South Dakota last Saturday. dress at Rolette, N.D. Fear of the going strong! Maanum house and his children will Leo Tobias and wife were guests "increasing bad temper of the farm- Do you want the secret of such occupy it and attend school, It be- of her mother, north of Beach Sun- ers," he said, would have much to do vitality? It isn t what you eat, or ing too tough weather to make it day. with forcing recognition of the'farm- any tonic you take. It's something back and forth from the farm. Mike Flnneman was a business ing industry. He read editorials up- anyone can can start today and see results in a Lewis Drewnlak shipped two car visitor in Beach Friday. pearing in the eastern press which weekl All you do is give your vital Chris Johnson finished work he said were indicative of the organs the right stin~ulant. loads of cattle from the Pierce ranch grading near Belfield last week and "changing eastern mind which has Friday. A famous doctor discovered the [ Mrs. Lewis Drewnlak and little returned home. had difficulty in grasping the ira- way to stimulate a sluggish system son returned the latter part of the Mrs. J. L. Tschida was in Beach portance of a farm buying power in to new energy. It brings fresh vigor week from Sanborn, Minnesota, Saturday having dental work done, affording prosperity for business." fo ever/j organ. Being a physician's where she spent the past four weeks Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tschlda were __ prescription, it's quite ha rmlesa.. visiting relatives and friends, callers at the Leo Tobias home Sat- Ross Haibeck and son of Steele Tell your dru_~st you want a bottle Homer Madison and Ed, l~nda~ urday night, won first place in the 1931-1932 of Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin. Get the benefit of its fresh laxative and Harold Zlmmer attended the Mr. and Mrs. Glen Alstott and North Dakota Carlot Baby Beef herbs, active and that pure show in Beach Saturday night. They children were Golva visitors Friday. Project. Their 15 Shorthorn calves pepsin, liver to work, on the rettn'n trip They also called on Mrs. Rose Wass- averaged 946 pounds each at 14 ihbee into action. months of age. as it is permitted system. men and of Dr. Ca been use~ ~ much the syster Get a bottle of this d, syrup and let it end that c~ worry about the condition of bowels. Spare the children t bilious days that make them m able. Save your household from use of cathartics which lead chronic eonstipatiom And against auto-intoxication grow older. Dr. CaldweU's syrup ~h a well \