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October 29, 1942 Golden Valley News | |
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October 29, 1942 |
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Thursday, October
Mrs. Jr. Schulz t ,s being
quie ill.
Mr. and Mrs. end
Mrlyn were Bubteffleld
home ¢m Sunday.
W. L. Carlson and family have
gone to Hollywood, Califocni, fur
several months visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stout and
dughter attended the dinner given
Sunday by St. Mary's church in Oolva.
also visited at the Louis Schmel-
, lug home•
Mrs, Langness of Custer. S• Dak.,
arrived on Tuesday for a few days
I visi% with her parents, Mr• and Mrs,
Fred Spetgelberg. She returned to
her home on Friday•
I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oannon have
returned from a trip to Tucson, Ariz.,
where they visited with their son
!Henry, who is stationed in an army
camp there•
l Misses Betty HeUeman and ClaTa
Mrs. Fred Voorhie of Glendlve Klppley were hostesses to a supper
visited several days with Mrs. Md party at he Park Cafe on Wednesday
Steddard. Friday, she was a guest at evening. Their guests were Bernice
the home of Willhs Wtllace. , Gilman, Bob Hardy, Justen Dykens
Mrs. R. Menke etended a meeting and Corporal Harry Speigelberg.
' The annual roundup meeting of
f tle N. D. E. A, in Fargo on Oc-idtstric t
her 23rd.
Mr• Mrs. Win, Ueckert enter- and Auxiliary, was held at Dickinson,
talned Charles Kramer and Chas• Tuesday, October 20. A number of
Smith at dinner Sunday , legionnaires and auxiliary members
Mrs. Fred Speigelberg, son Harry from here attended.
and daughter Margaret anent last The Reservlsts leaving for Fort
Weekend vlsi%ing'¢heir daughter and Snelling October 26th are the follow-
sister, Mrs. O. K. Nelson at Bismarck ing: Hugo Kreitinger• Donald Hatha-
Mr. and Mrs. L.ghton Nunn and way, August Bobiney, Ward Butter-
]Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Boehlkee from field. Arthur Konzen, Harold Moe.
Alpha were Beach visitors on Sat- Reinhardt Fischer and Howard VLn-
urday. I quist.
Mrs. R. Min Nichols of Milaca,' Mr. and Mrs. "Stub" Noyes returned
Minnesota. is here for an exnded Monday evening from a trip that took
visit with her daughter. Mrs. R. them o Nashville, Tenn.. where they
Menke. I visited their son, Corporal Kennel
Pober WycKoff of Medora was a lNoyes, stationed at Forest Camp near
Beach visitor on Monday. W2tile hers'there. They Rise visited at Atlanta,
he had his name entered as a new Georgia, with Mrs. Dickerson. the
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ueckert, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and Miss (}race
Berg were Dickinson visitors on Mon-
day afternoon.
On October 12, Carl Ueckert was LR-
:former Betty Miller, and at Denver.
] R.A. Wynn. of Fargo was a Beach
business visitor over the weekend.
[Mr. Wynn is an old friend of Editor
Shipman's. their acquaintance dating
ducted into the armed forces and is back to the early ninteen hundreds
now located in a camp at New Orleans, t in western Montana an0 up along
L<mlsiana. ,the Canadian border, where both were
homesteaders, Mr. Wym] on the
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown and Mrs. !Canadian side and Mr. Ship.Man on
H. Brown were Dickinson visitors on the Montana side.
Thursday. Margte Betterfield visitedi
with her sister Zona. I Word received here satcs that Ver-
non Hathaway of Beach. junior in the
Frank Dykens reoently shipped %we. School of Arts and Science at the
registered Polled Shorthorn bulls to N. D. A. C. has been named a mere-
head a large herd of registered bet of the Wmhip committee fr
horthorns at Cutler, Calif. t the Y. M. C. A. at the college this
Mrs. Earl Miller left Tuesday morn- Iall. Each year a N. D. A. C. the
ing for Winona, Minn., to vlsLt her y. M. C. A. spmtsors numerous actii-
on, Maurice Miller, and family and]tie s designed to broaden the exper-
.o get acquainted with the new grand- ienec and education of men student.
i The Women's Missionary Federa-
After spending a nine day furlough' tion of the Norwegian Lutheran
with his parents here, Mr. md Mrs.' church of America held their circuit
Fred peigeIIxe, Corporal Harry i meeting at Taylor. on Tuesday, Oco-
Dpeigelberg left Thursday evening for bet 20. Featured speakers were Mrs
FoPt Worden• Washington.
Announcement h. been received
here of *,he blrth Of a 7 3-4 lb. boy
Douglas LlOyd, co Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
GrHfith. of Livingston, Montaxta. The
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Douglas and Mrs. M. P. Oriffith.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller and
daughter Oayle came up from Her-
linger l,a week o visit with Mrs.
Fuller's brother. VTard Butterfield.
who left MoPd..y for Fort Shelling
for induction into the army• Several
parties were given in his hgnor dur-
ing the past week.
Laura Olson. missionary from Indm.
and Mrs. E.. Gilbertson. state presi-
dent. Mesdames Rudy Ramstad. An-
na Olson, E. C. Nelson and d'.ughe,
Evelyn atended from Beach, while
Mesdames C. Carlson, David Davidsgn
and H. Olson repesented Sentinel
D. E. Kenney, Pastor
Rally Day, November 1st, 1942--
10:00 A. M. Program by the Sunday
Hospital Notes
The hospital has ,been a busy place
this past week, seventeen person,
having been hospitalized.
Mr. Frank Huber, BeaCh, came in
on October 20 and left OctOber 21,
feeling much better. Mrs. George
Bass, Wlbaux, and Mrs. Roy Kramer,
Beach, were hospitalized October 22 I
for treatment. Mrs. Kramer left the
next day. I
On October 26 Frank Ella, Wibaux ,
and Mrs. Margaret Woods. also of
Wibaux, were brought o the hospital.
Bert Covert, Golva, came in the even-
lug of that same day. Mrs. Robert
Wlcka• Beach, was hospitalized on
October 27.
Miss Evelyn Nelson, Beach, spen
October 25 at the hospital for treat-
ment of burns.
Tonsillectomies were perforned on
Earl, Loretta and Betty Wymore,
children of Mr. and Mrs Ray Wymore
of Wibaux, October 27. Mrs. William
Swanbro, Carlyle, had a vein ligaton
fen that date. October 23 an appen-
[dectomy was performed on Lewis E.
Odland of Beach.
] Six babies arrived at the hospital
this week. On October 20 a 6 lb.
112 1-2 oz. girl was born o Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Watembach, Wibaux. and
a 7 lb. 8 1-2 oz. boy was born ¢o .r.
and Mrs. Morris Douglas, Beach. Oc-
tober 23 was the birth date of two
girls--a 6 lb. 8 oz. baby born to Mr.
and Mrs. Orvide Orenier, Medora,
and a 6 lb. 4 3-4 oz. baby born to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Calkins Carlyle.
i Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoeck, Beach, are
the parents of a 9 lb. 2 oz. girl born
,on OeLobr 26. Also born on that date
wan a 6 lb. 3 1-2 oz. boy to Mr. and
Mrs. Magnus Bruski. Wibaux.
If you wane to save yourself in
these days of sress learn to take
things calmly. Excitement and tem-
per wears down your energy and does
one no good.
Call For Pictures '' The Cegationa, l. Aid will I FOUND
{hold a food sale and bazaar in the
- i Eloason building. Saturday, NRember' On TueIay, November
Parents and fiends of men in the 7th. 5-2tp p. M. at the George Syull
armed service, whose pictures are on i The O. E. S. held their regular miles south and wo miles
display at the City Drug Store. are. meeting at the Masonic hall on Tues- Golva, North Dakota, section
asked to call for these pictures. !day evening, October 27, when theY lR" 105, Golden Valley
entertained at a 6:30 dinner. ,will be a sale by Justice of
Mr .and Mrs. Martin Ueckert went
to Dickinson, Monday, to consult an
occulist for eye trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haugse, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Ueckert, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Ueckert and Chas. Kramer at-
tended farewell party at Sentinel
Butte. Monday evening, given for Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Roesler by the Civic
Community club.
Joseph V. Maher, clerk of the Selec-
tive Service Board. left for Chicago
today (Thursday). While in Chicago
he will attend a convention of Roed
officials regarding rodeos that will
be held in the western states next
year. He expects to be gone about
wo weeks. During his absence Mil-
dred Sehmitz will be in charge of /he
(Selective Service office.
We wish to express thanks to our
many friends for the floral offerings,
sympathy and kindness extended in
our recent bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Tovey and
Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Mason and
John O. Vierling, popularily known l John A. Rider of a black mare,
here as "Dick" writes that he and his years old, star in forehead, no
wife are working in an ordnance To the highest bidder to pay
plant t Prove, . Dak. He sends bill and costs on above horse
greetings through the News to his George Sygula.
friends. I John H. Rider, J.
] NllUlilllllmlllililililliimmNmaiNlliill iaNNlllll
Your Photograph
Mrs. Joe Weinreis was hostess to
the Past Matron's club at her home
cn Wednesday.
• 's
will be. your soldier, most prized Christmas gift.
]tare a new portrait made today for your soldier, sailor
or airman, in an attractive Service Case.
Why not have that family group taken before he leaves
or while he is home on furlough.
Appointments taken for Sundays and evenings.
• " Welch Studio
Name ................................... I
.................................. I CANDY
Town .......... State ............ I ,, L 1¢
197.0 Lyndale Ave. So., CARA
Minnear+l CORN
WIgI00RS === = 29'
PO?ATO ...
CHIPS .---- - i
/E Iftl]$ WHEAT MEAL 2 2: 25'
Of inCeres to l:mople is the 11:00 A M. Morning Worship Hour , ECN00DLES wIF'N I,MO,..,.,,.,E. CEO",,o 15' Beacon
ws that Bill Burs, Jr. was to be when Bishop Ira D. Warner of Pa- 0/MIDliTV VARIETIF.S-- 9 2'/OZ. 0"€ f''%f'
est star .n Kay Kayser's program, mona. California will be our guest COFFEE, So00; 2 lb Can 6c . o... =,E.RNO 0"0 ,,,,
"Wednesday eventng. October 2g. Bill speaker. II-- " , kXSc-rmoTff. 2 ,bs 21c
Jr is th son-f Mr and Mrs W J Special music will be featured in
" " ' ." / both services and you are cordially Velvet Tonacco, 1 Ib Can 73c !]! "-
' -t invited to attend. Bishop Warner will
a"n army camp near Sal't "Lake Z Y' speak at the church each evening !V 0 y Soap 130
D+ah It will be remembered that " + 1 Large
• . .... iMonday through Wednesday at 7:30 r 1Meduim
Bill is a very talen.e clarine player, p M
Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Msoa and ......
anly of Orand rrs md Mrs. M, ..................................................... Beth for THIS IS NATIONAL APPLE WEEEI ,
A. Tovey and son of Ooldendale,[,, .......... -.. , r nc _e m ur, 3 lb'. 14c
Washington, who were called here forit | !.. i0 I lli 1 t Johnatons . eq" 8
the funeral of Mr& Mason, are guests, "T | k Bag arrJ,0000 Crisp &Juicy .Us %"
at he homo of . d Mrs. Mark i [ lO[lCe: t a a
Lovell. They left on Sturday for; ½ Sy Ca pl, pt j g 23 ,o
rand Forks Mr,. ,-,,ovoy will visi!z +.+,.. ,.o,o+o,: :o l TUIIA'I'U& KIPESLICEI '--';
there frawhile =fore going to her,, ........ .............. .' rup ne and Ma e u c
home. ,, will be closing at i0:00| Swe'etSpuds 4 II00s 21c .o CRISPSOLID , "--
Mrs'CariUecketndsister'Missl; P'M'°nweeknighLsex' CABBavE =
Ida Wojahn, will leave on Monday,, | eepting Saturdays. '|
November 2nd by 'train for the west | t
' ' • lAll I ! Illq FLAMING RED I aA.,,
coast, where thel will seek employ-, ,-Tr,fw.r9 } | .l.n[ [W, SWEET CALIF. LB.t ..VU
ment. Alleavk,,atthat+imearel! NIEIUH'I'3 i Milk, and 4 Cans 35c
' " -- • " Rose Br Ivm , .oA, o . _
Miss RtLh BoeLttk: and fr.ench. Miss' |
Gertude Fischer. Ru%h will COnsult. I (ITV BRUC $
a physician about her"leg, which was I | .1- JL.,t.
broken in an automobile accident last ! ?
Fcbruary, and which has caused her | • " ]
oniderable pain ¢,ince that time. !_ ........ -., Aerowax, No Ru g, Pint lc
; ............................................................................................................ ' Corn Flakes, 3 Large Pkgs. Z$c
Dll " Ha
.- |
u m bell's ' "
Our Friends Camp
• l UM SAg--- lll LARGE BAR - -- '
,-=" Often TeSt Us i Tomato Juice, 20-0z. Cans 1Oc 4= 25' I0'I
-.. • Waldorf Crackers, 2 lb. Box 29c i FLAKES IVORY SNOW I
r That they lk forward with real pleasure to a meal White
" Salt 50 lb Block 59c
here. They say the like the care we take to make w/-oz. 41¢ u,/,-oz. l .41€ 1
ir food taste the best, the wide variety of choice we always R W/.J. RC Hl. •
" give them, the modest prices we charge. Why not • r. al' e.
i" come her the next time you eat? ' :"I{FYNOLI)S i00D STOR$
f : '. *;. i
Beach, North Dakota
m , , i i i , i