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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 29, 1942     Golden Valley News
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October 29, 1942
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F Thursday, October 29, 1942-- " THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS o PAGE FIVE MASQUERADE At T.,e A..,,,a .a.., Fr,da. O:tob.r 30t. Annual Halloween Usual Good Ttme and Music DANCE Prizes For The Best and Funniest Costumes Lunch at Midnight CLASSIFIED ADS] WANTED TO BUY Gentle saddlej 01lie Miss Cleo Baker spent the weekend Hurly Workman, one of Uncle Sam&apos;s visited his wife and infant daughter at the Jacobsen and Higby home from Tuesday until Monday. Joke Huntly and his'brother left CiTY COUNCIL PRO- If[DINGS horse. Joe Die, Sentinel Butte, ]at her home. Mrs. Ernie Stark and infant dough- Wednesday for Tucomcceri, New Mex- N. Dak. 4-3tp tar returned home Thursday from the ice where Joke* Huntley will be in- ltegulnr feeting, .iept,nlber , 1942 FOR SALE---Cold Spot kerosene -Ihospital at Beach. ducted into the armed forces. The ('it-,. (.'oun('il of Beach. North frigerator. Box 145, Medora, North Misses Fern and Flora R3se spen, Oscar Keener left on a stock train i)al<ota ni,. in regular session i)n September 8t.h. 19,t2, with Mayor t. Dakota. 4-3tp the weekend at the home of their from wtbaux Friday for t. Paul. w. Johnson and Aldermen l)an. ('afferty, T, 1,. Dickinson H. H. FOR RENTFurnished three_rectal parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose From there he plans to go to Wheeler, llalstetd. M. l'. Lovgren and H. It. Mr. and Mr Everette Plummer I Wisconsin where he will visit his Th,,mpson t)res.m and M. i. modern apartment with frigidaire, and daughters were Sunday visitors l mother and also his brother and fam- Fi'eese abeam. The illlIlu[(! of the regular meet- Mrs. E. C. Nelson, Beach. 3-tfc at the Pat Plummer home t ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keener. i] of August 3rd were read and aplroved on motion by Dickinson F----S-A 7--rr-m ho--se 1 The Ollie Teachers attended the Frank J. O'Rourke of Wibaux, and see,,nded by Halstead. block from high school. Sidney Fallen county Institute held at Baker Democratic candidate for sheriff, was Bills on file with the Auditor Alton, Bea, N. Dak. 4-3tp Saturday in spite of the blizzard a caller in Carlyle on Wednesday. fo!werelows:read and considered, as Elliott Plummer left Friday to" re- Mr. Eli Swartz. Republican candidate I;ea(.h Library, Contribution.._.$ 10.00 Far| Jones. Janitor work ..... 2.50 IPOR SALE-Several second hand lturn to Seattle, Wash. after a two for .the same office was a visitor (]olden Valley News. Pub- davenports. Some real buys. Jee ] week's visit here them at Overstad's Beach ltf _ -- '_ boys in the army from Maryland, _ ' • ] iwrs. enneth Rustad and son left here earlier in the week. FOR SALE,--Eight head of --m-Monday night for Billings to visit bouillet bucks, or will trade for Mrs. Rustad's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beach Club Notices Shropshires. Edgar Johnson, Phone 17-1rl, Beach, 3-tfc IOR SALE--One gas range (bottled or natural gas. One ,Renown coal range. Both good as new. Call or write Ed Kremers at Golva. 4-2tp A. Benjeman. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Jesfield are The Beach Garden Club will hold the 'proud parents of a baby boy born its next regular meeting on Thursday, last Sunday at the Baker hospital. November 5, With Cophie Jahr. Mother and son are fine. Roll call--A berry-bearing plant. Mrs. Rudolph Perry and daughter Topics for the evening are: returned home with Mr. Perry Wed- ,Harvest on the Sideboard FOR SALE--Crestd wheat grass seed nesday after having been at the C.F. 1. Flowers at 5 cents per pound, as it came Shepherd home several weeks 2. Fruits  from the combine. Free from weed, Bishop I. D. Warner of the U.B. 3. Vegetables seed. See Arnold Beach, 3 1-2 church will .be here next Sunday even- 4. Berries miles west of Ollie, Mont. 4-4tc ing and will conduct a service at 5. Garden Varieties -- 8 P.M.  General Discussion FOR SALE---1939 Master Deluxe The Misses Esther Bechtold of Ra-] ame Natalie Adamson Chevrolet Sedan. Creed ires, good clne, Wts., and Verna Seller of Baker I G -- finish and upholstery. A-1 con- visited Miss Freeda Bechtold Wednes- I The Beach Homemakers Club will dition. Priced for quick sale. See day. They were supper guests at the lhol d its regular meeting at the home A. J. Gilman or Howard Hardy 4tfc Joe Baker home. of Mrs. V. G. Morris on November .Usedl A clinic was held at the Highl3 instead of the home of Mrs. Freese FOR SALE---5-room Heatrola. School Wednesday afternoon for the l previously planned. three years. Good as new. Mrs. I purpose of vaccinating and innoculat- I Bet Waldal, Sentinel Butte, N. ing for small pox arid diphtheria all I The Beach Women's Club will meet Dak. 4-2tp children who needed it. Ion Monday, November 2, wieh Mrs. WP'nn n  farm Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Esmay of Iowa, iN Kirst Roll call will be 'My Fav- by the day or morJh, I pay good l former residents of the Ollie vicinity, !or ire Music." wages. M. A. Finneman, Phone have been visiting with their many I 5F22, Golva, N. Dak. 4-2tc friends of this communlty since Wed- The Social Hour Club will meet , nesday when they returned from with Mrs. Charlotte Carlson on Tues- )ST--A bill fold containing per- Whitefield where they visited relatives, day afternoon. November 3. Roll call other papers, will be '°War Song Yst." sonal cards and Miss Darline Ferrel, little daughter Adolph Quade, Wibaux, Mont. 4-1tpl of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Ferrel. under- LOST---One black white-faced steer'Went an opcation for adenoids and spring calf. Left ear cut and split, had her tonsils removed at Baker John Kunda, St. Phillips. 4-4tp Monday. She is convalescing at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and FOR SALE---1937 Plymouth coupe. 5 Mrs. Carl Post. good tires. Motor in good shape.: The carnival given by the Ollie will sell reasonable. See or write School Friday evening was a blg sue- James Kridroski. 5-2tc'cess. Everyone had a good time and f a real sum of money was realized. A FOR SALE---Get your pmpkins now program was given by the school, for Hallowe'en a,t ten cents apiece, and .then various concessions and Mrs. August Brockmeyer, Beach, booths were in play. At 11 the dance North Dakota ltp started, which was also well attended. FOR SALE--One Billy goat. Frank The school served a midnight lunch. The|sen, Beach. N.D. ltp FOR SALE--125 yearling ewes. Ray Carlyle Kukowski, Sentinel Butte 5-2tp FOR SALE,--Viking Cockerels. When Mrs. Jim Gannon returned to her full grown should weigh between duties at the depot Wednesday. 9 nd 12 pounds. Blue Ribbon Miss Margie Dealing was a weekend winners at recenz Golden Valley guets of Miss Gwennie Fulton. Fair. One dollar each. Pauline Mr. and Mrs. Vernice Lurid of Wil- Zempel, Beach N.D. ltp listen visited at the Melvin C. Claude Lurid home Sunday la:t,. F-OR SALETwo registered Hereford Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sanderson herd bulls. For sale or trade for and family dined at the Claude Lurid work or saddle horses. Also two home on Tuesday evening. shetland ponies. Jimmy Johnstone.' A group of Carlyle folks attended Sentinel Butte. N. D. 5-3tp the carnival and dance at Ollie Fri- FOR SALE---Two boys overcoats, size day night. 16 and 18, $3 each. Also set or: Pete Hartse and Mr. and Mrs. Law- hree sad irons used very little, i rence Hartse were supper guests Fri- $1.00. Inquire Golden Valley News l day night at the Claude Lund home. Office. 5-tfc I Many of the Carlyle folks are sorry IOR SALE---FIve burner white enam- to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Leonard eled kerosene stove with oven at-, Sanderson and family are leaving us tached; electric radio; day bed, and are making their home in the cover .and pillows included. Inquire west. at Telephone office. 5-1tc The sale at the Leonard Sanderson , home on Tuesday was well attended POR SALE--75 steers and 50 sucking and articles sold fairly well. Mr. and calves, See S. A. Johnstone at hos-IMrs, sanderson, their two sons, Keith pital. 5-lip i and Norris and daughter Zona plan IOR SALE---3 twelve-tin forks, two i t° leave for the coast in a few days railroad picks. Mrs. Anna Harp, to make their future home. Beach, N. D. 5-lip Peter Hartse of Portland, Oregon, is a guest of his son Lawrence and fam- OR SALEAt Once: 3 milk cows, ily in Wibaux and his brother John 5 Brood sows, 150 sheep. John S. and family  of Carlyle. Mr. Hartse Benson, Sentinel Butte. 5-2tp formerly ran a restaurant in Carlyle, Mrs.lleaving here about 6 years ago for. RENT--Modern room. 5-lip Portland, Oregon. His many friends Daisy Rice, Beach, N.D. are glad to see him again and give -- N TRAYEI)--One yearling white f-cce him a hearty handclasp. heifer. Branded reverse KF on left lii investigate the ![i iL Combination Baths iii H and the .... i3 Mineral & Dry Baths ", !!3 at the iii ii McClellan Bldg. in Beach ii:i i:i; Why go to the Springs? ;'!i Save Transportation Costs, i!!' shoulder, also branded on left leg. Left my farm last Saturday. Also lost one white pig about 250 lbs. Reward. Knute K. Farstveet, Beach, North Dakota. 5-1tp l'ained men needed in War Indus- tries.. Learn Auto-Diesel Mechan- ics, Welding, Machinist, Top and Body, Airplane Mechanics. Short, practical course. Free Catalog. HANSON TRADE SCHOOL, BoX 170,X, Fargo, N. Dak. 5-2tc ttelen Carlton visited in Dickinson with-her mother, Mrs. Bob who is, a patient at the METHODIST CHURCH Beach. North Dakota Grant S Moore Pastor Services for November 1st: Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Preaching Service II:00 A. M. Junior Choir Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Adult Choir on Thursday 7:30 P. M. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Beach City Hall Evangelists Grace and R. Fischer. and H. Dahlberg lishing proceedings ......... 27.93 (3lobe-Gazette Print ing Co., Office supplies .................... 1.67 James Kelly, Labor at dump grounds 28.00 A. M. Hammond. Street work 75.00 Harlan Cook. Street work .... 17.25 ,Xl. L. Lovell, Salary ............. 125.00 b. J. Eriekson. Salary ............ 85,00 C. O. Halvorson. Salary, $75.00; Office supplies, $4.10 ......... 79.10 City of Beach, "Vater used in hall .................................... 1.39 Fillmore & Bradbury, Flag .... 5.44 N. W. Bell Tel. Co.. l,ocal Service .................................... 2.5:, l:ach Volunteer Fire De- l);trlen t, Wlrelnens' ser- vices .......................................... 21.00 Golden Valley Lumber Co.. Lumber and nails for side- walk ......................................... 8.18 Montana-Dakota (Ttiltles ('o., Street Lights, $116.66; Lamps, $29.38 ........................ 146.04 .Iontana-Dakota Utilities Co.. Power, Lights, gas. in hall and pUmp houses ............ . 94.59 A. Overstad & Soft. Mis- cellaneous hardware ....... 27.55 Olaus Rishovd. pipe cleaner and lead ............................ 13.85 Texaco Service Station. gas and Oil for pickup, $9.07 and $22.32 ......................... 31.39 Sehulz Garage, Service to fire truck ............................ 5.67 A. M. Kuhfeld. Attorney Fees 212.50 G. O. Hemnes, I]auling grain 7,98 Hanel Service Station, Gas and ell for pickup ........... 2.50 Moved by Halstead and seconded I)y (?afferty that the bills be allow- ed as read and that warralits be issued on the various funds In l)ayment thereof. l.oll he|rig called ('afferty. Diekin- srl. Halstead Lovgrel| and Tholnp- slur all voted "Yes" Nays u,re Motion was declared carried. The Mayor and (;it)" Auditor were authorized tO eXL'('U te a lease 011 bats 4 and  in Ilo('k 16 Arid I,at 6 In Block 17 In Wo,)(lhull's First Addition t() the Agriculture Con- servation is.¢ciation for the pur- p(.e I,f erecting Tuln hilts thereon for. a consideration of $7.50 l)er year Mot|tin it, this effect was made by Lovgren and seconded by Halstead and carried. The City Health Officer. Dr. M:. XV. Lyons. ',*,'as consulted relative to the influx In the City as a men- ace to public health and he was authorized to proceed with l)lans for the ext el'n:lllati(n of the rodents. Motion to adjourn made By ('af- ferty and see,inded by l)teklnsolL Carried. The rea-ular meetlr of the City ('ouneil will be held Thursday evening N,,vemher 5th. illFtr','td (,f Mollday evenlnla'. 8:00 o'clock Evangelistic services . Art cst: R. %v. J()HNSON. .Mayor. featuring your favorites in Gospel, c. O. I-IA1,VOI.SON. attend.MUSiC and Songs. We invite you to city Auditor ST, PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Beach. North Dakota V. H. Dissen, Pastor Divine Services at I0 A. M. Sunday School after services. On Sunday, November Ist, the Rev. L. S. Gjerde of Dunn Center will be the guest preacher in the Beach Lutheran Parish. Services will .be held in the follow- ing places on Sunday: Sentinel Butte 9:30 A. M. Beach I1:00 A. M. Carlyle 2:30 P. M. The public is invited. FOR SALE . Number 1 I 480 cres improved farm i highly mile east and I mile north of Beach,} will sell reasonable and on good terms. " Number 2 ! I I 480 acres highly improved farm 3, miles east and 1 mile north of Beach. If you want a real bargain come in and see me. Barney Pieslk, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCII Beach, North Dakota Services at ii'00 A. M. Miss Frances Baker will be the speaker. VOTE ,NOV. 3 In fullfillment of our ob- ligation to the nation' founders who afforded us the privilege of the ballot, and in justice to the boys who are fighting in de- fense of our right to vote. every citizen should go to the polls on Election Day, November 3. VOTE COALITION On State Issues As an endorsement of the orderly and economi- cal administration of Gov- ernor John Moses, and to express your desire to have that sound business Frogram expanded to oth- er departments, east your vote Nov. 3 for the Coali- tion State Ticket. Coalition State Ticket Ill Democratic and Republican i! ] Candidates United For Good State Government in N. Dak. i" DEMOCRATIC COLUMN For Governor  JOHN MOSES .................. For Lieutenant Governor- HENRY HOLT ................... For Secretary of State- r' THOMAS HALL ............... I1 For State Auditor- A. H. HAUT ....................... For State Treasurer  IOHN OMLAND .............. For Attorne.v General  '] WALTER O. BURR ........... For Com. of Insurance- __!O __HN_N, HAGAN :::-: .. For Com. Agrfc. & La!)or  C. P. DAHL ................. L_ For Public Service {onr'r  f7] GEORGE SCHUETT ...... NO-PAXTY COLU,IN For Supt. Public lns:netion ' ARTEOR E. THOMPSON Take This C=rd with You to the Polls on November 3, 1942 (Pal. Adv.) Nice Service Letter i ret00ed truck convoy via Wash- ington, D. C. Have enjoyed every mile of my travels, but will enjoy the trip home the most of all when The News this week received a very nice letter from Thos. W. Kirkpatrick the war is over. There is no place which we are publishing below: line home. "Have been receiving The News and Here is a bit of news for the Golden wish to thaxk you very much. I Valley News. I am happy to an- am always glad to see the home town nounce my engagement to Miss paper as it seems t) make me much Loretta Carlson el Minneapolis. No closer to home, even thoug I may be wedding date has been set, but hop- many miles away. ing it will be soon. Since January 20th, 1942,'--fave I My address is Camp Iket, Va travelled through 22 states, seen the lAPO_3, FA Bn-S. Pacific and Atlantic oceans, sailed I up Chesapeake Bay from Norfolk, With best wishes to every one. Virginia to Baltimore, Maryland. and Thos. W. Kirkpatrick NO WORRIES to haunt you when you stop overnight at the fireproof HOTEL POWERS. Luxur- iously furnished rooms with beds so com- fortable they make you sleepy just to look at them. And many of those rooms are priced as low as $1.50. Hotel Powers, Fargo i ?:i!i:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii:: :: : )!!. : : ;. :£%: : ::::: ::: VICTORY on far flung fronts depends on you at home. Can you answer this statementIs your battery and plant ready to back you up in your all out effort for Victory regardless of how long it takes If not-Call your Delco Light Dealer. Let him worry - that's his job. VRANNA Phone 17 AUTO SUPPLY Beach, N. D. "Servm is part of what we sell" .... i-L :