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October 29, 1942 |
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Thursday, October 29, 1942
In accordance with the provisions
of Section 974 of compiled
laws of 1913, I, Minnie E. Smith,
.Auditor of Golden Valley County,
North Dakota, do hereby certify
that the following named candidates
have been duly nominated, for the
offices as designated, to be voted
for at the General Election, to be
held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of
November, A. D. 1942.
The Election will be held In the
various election precincts of the
County and the polls will be open-
ed at 9:00 A. M. and remain con-
tinuously open until 7:00 P. M. of
said day.
•tepresentatives in Congress--
Usher L. "Burdick, Williston
William Lemke, Fargo
Oscar W. Hagen, Watford City
Lieutenant Governor--
Quentin N. Burdick, Fargo
Secretary of State
Hermaa Thorson, Bucyrus
State Auditor--
Berta E. Baker, Glenburn
State Treasurer
Carl Anderson, Page
Attorney Genral--
Alvin C. Strutz, Bis.marck
Commissioner of Insurance---
Oscar E. Erickson, Tappen
,Commissioner of Agriculture and
Math Dahl, Hazelton
Public Service Commissioner--
S. S. McDonald, Bismarck
Thirty-Ninth District
M. B. Hogoboom, Alpha
L. K. Morland, Scranton
C. T. Olson, Bowman
Representatives in Congress
Halvor L. Halvors0n, Mtnot
E. A. Joha:nsson, Rauh
John Moses. Hazen
Lieutenant Governor
Henry Holt, Grand Forks
Secretary of State---
Thomas Hall, Bismarck
,State Auditor
Albert ]I. Haut, Gackle
-State Tre[surer--
John Omland, Park River
Attorney General--
Walter O. Burk, Williston
4ommissioner of Insurance--
John N. Hagan, Deering
Commissioner of Agriculture cud
C. P. Dahl, Jessie
Public Service Commissioner--
George SchuetL Hankinson
Judge Supre,e Court--
A. G. Burr, Rtgby
.Superintendent of Pub'.is In-
Jack O. Riede!, Stan ton
Arthur E. Thoml)son, ]ism,rc'k
Judges of the District CourL---
First District
Daniel B. Holt, Farg:)
Second District
G. Grimson. Rugby
Third District
T. L. Brouillard. Ellendale
Wm. H. Hutchinson, Vahpeton
Fourth District
R. G. McFarland, Jamestown
Fifth District
W. A. Jacobsen. Watford City
John C. Lowe, Minot
Sixth District
Paul W. Boehm, Hetttnger
Frank T. Lembke, Hettinger
:Representatives in Congress--
Charles R. Robertson. Bismarck
€Non-Partisan Republican)
Howard Stockwell, Beach, North
R. L. Zinsli, Sentinel Butte, North
County Anditor--
Minnie E. Smith, Beach, North
Col]11 IV Treasu rear
Louise St,mr, Bach, North Dakota
:Register ,,f Deeds
& ex-officio Clerk of Court
& County Judge--
A. A. Abel. Beach, North Dakota
James Donaldson, Death, North
States Attorney---
Guy Lee. Sentinel Butte, North
Dakota . "
Superintendent of Sehools--- | . k'llll--,,P '
Natalie Adamson, Beach, North tI,b. ..:e:%
Dakota '.: :/a ::.,..,:w ¢ 5" ;' " : : ' ' ' '
PubliCjohn admtnistrator---Keohane, Beach, NortIf :: "?'a:: Mrs. toed __to ____€3idn-:
dive T .....
Dakota .' " iY . '', . '
- • - ! Bobby Hall came irsclY
tsounty urveyor an ' '
M. M. Lovell, Beach, North Dakota d went to Beach w: he;}[thlrd
o n oron [trick operator at the Be t.
t: u ty t: e- Pe er
Jack Lint l d Hartse arrived from Portland,
.... r Oregon Tuesday to visit his sOl"[fLaw-
ouny omtnlSSlO e S-
lat District rence and family and other relatives.
Lewis Odland Beach Nerth ......... -- -
:'ot ' ' trs e; u. wemver was nosrss to
a)a a " " 1
the Sew and Sew cub at her home
County Corpmissloners-- Wednesday afternoon. She served
3rd District
Stener Ekre, Beach, Nolth Dakota dainty refreshments before her guests
North Dakota
T. A. W'osepka, Sentinel Butte
Justice of the Peace---
Henry Tornow, Beach, North
Official Newspaper--
Golden Valley News, Beach, North
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of Golden Valley County,
North Dakota, at the Court House,
in the City of Beach, this 30th day
of September, 1942.
Golden Valley County, North
(Oct. 22, 29)
Being nominated at the primary
election last June as a candidate for
Sheriff of Golden Valley County at
the coming fall election Tuesday,
Nov. 3rd, I am taking this means of
asking the voters, of the county for
their vote and support this fall.
At this time I also wlsh to ask the
boys in the Armed Forces for their
support and also all other absent
voters who are away from our county.
I will be unable to solicit the whole
county this fall because of the short-
age of tires but I am addressing this
announcement to each and every
voter to let you konw that anything
!you might be able to do for me will
i be greatly appreciated.
If elected to the office of Sheriff
I promise Golden Valley county an
economical term and will Show no
favorism to anybody.
I have been a resident taxpayer
of our county for the pt 36 years
and I'm a family man.
Ray Zinsli
(Pol. Adv.)
Vote For
Judge F. F. Lembke
For Judge of the Sixth
Judicial District
ludge Lembke has been your
Judge for 23 years. He is a
people's man; keep him th'ere."
"The record upon which I am
cunning is that I was appointed Dis-
trict Judge ,the 1st of September, 1919,
was lected in 1920, re-elected in 1924,
1928, ]932 and in 1936 I as elected
I without opposition. The ime has
I come again for me to run. I hope
I will hve your support this .time as
l in the pas,t."
Judge F. F. Lembke
(Pol. Adv.)
Candidate for Re-Election
Faith N. Menke
County Superintendent
of Schools
Having held the position of County Superintendent
for only one term, I will appreciate your support for
a second term.
I have endeavored to maintain a policy of honesty,
loyalty and economy in the many duties pertaining to
a County Superintendent.
(Pol. Adv.)
Voters of Golden Valley County
Having been nominated by the voters of Golden Valley
county in the June primaries as a Candidate for Sheriff,
I will appreciate your vote and support at the coming
General Election, Tuesday, November 3rd.
If elected, I shall make every effort to carry out the
duties of the sheriff's office in a fair and impartial
manner, ever keeping in mind the best interests of the
voters and taxpayers.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley and
daughter came from Fargo Wednesday
and were guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. E.
Dale until Saturday. Mr. Bradley is
Mrs. Dale's son.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Meek, Mr. and
M. J. I. Mingel and son, Mrs. Joe
Barnaby and children, Mesdames Sig
Pederson, Burton Welsh, Stainer
i Pederson and the Misses Yvette Me-
C lain and Judy Pederson were among
the Wibauxites seen in Beach Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Hall and Mr. and
Mrs. N. O. Haslewood attended the
district meeting of the American Le-
gion at Baker on Wednesday.
Fred Reinecke was a ,business caller
in Glendive Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zopli were busi-
ness visitors in Olendive Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gannon returned
Monday from Texas, where they went
to visit their son who is in the U. S.
service, and who expects to leave soon
for overseas.
Miss Olivia Wagner, R. N. went
back to her work in the Dickinson
hospital Sunday, after spending a
two weeks' vacation here with friends.
She was accompanied by Mrs. Betteno
dorf who will visit friends in Dick-
Dr. E. E. Dale, who is a Reserve
Officer in the Medical Corps, left
Monday for Salt Lake City, Utah, on
The local Red Cross has opened up
their work room in the Commercial
Club room and will be glad to have
any one who can, come and help with
the sewing. Mrs. A. W. Warden is in
Sentinel Butte School District
No. 2, Golden Valley County, North
Dakota, will receive sealed bids
for coal for the high school and
Town Hall,. up to and including
Oct. 30th, 1942.
Successful bidder must furnish a
bond, satisfactory to Board.
All coal must be screened free
from slack and dirt.
The Board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Sentinel Butte School Dist. No. 2
Sentinel Butte, North Dakota
(Oct. 22, 29)
Vote For
Who Stands for A Capa-
ble, Effective Administration
In the
Sixth Judicial District
The Judicial Ticket should
not be overlooked at the Gen-
eral Election on November
3rd. It is of greatest impor-
tance in these times of stress
and danger. Able men should
be chosen as judges. Your
own rights and liberties are
finally assured to you only by
the courts. To them you may
have to resort at some time
for protection of life, liberty
or property. It has even been
known that a man's citizen-
ship has been denied or lost
to him through an incompe-
tent judge. It behooves us
all to look well to the ability
of the men chosen as judges
of'our courts. Mr. Boehm is
an alert, intelligent and
qualified man for this office,
capable of performing its
duties so as to insure fully
the protection and welfare of
all our people in their civil
rights. Consider well these
facts and vote for
District Judge
(Pol. Adv.)
Candidate for Sheriff.
(PoL Adv.)
!charge. ' t Sunday and spent the day with
Mrs, arra RLmel was hostess to lrelatives.
"s Society of Christian Sar- Mr. S N Syverson returned Sun-
vice t !el home sda afternoon
: . s( y day from Excelsior Springs, Me. where
.and serve an a lunch at th, he has been a --tlent for .......
: 'g l Mrs. Tom Lynn Was tlostess tO ;he
f the M. E.[C. F. Ladies Aid at her home Thurs.
,= , ,:.S *A"*, brought the ] day afternoon. Mrs. Harlan was in
aunlorIr, the pt and others cle :%f .n .: .......
over to t • C. F; I Plal were Inade-'[g-a"rcept';n"f'gr
un?ay ..aay rarm'.na. The lthe pastor, mn Ooosen and wife,
service was"l v cn. I who are expected to arrive this week
*-H *ery l from Aura, The hos00 00rv-
good this year and th program cried an appetizing lunch.
the Theatre Saturday afternoon Mrs. Podolski, who lives south of
well attended and enjoyed by au.ltown, was taken to the Miles City
Mr. Ostby gave a fine Victory speech[ hosnltal last week
and the H S band under the direc-[ 4h
• _" " ' . . .I he Womans Club held their reg-
tmn of Miss Martin pmyea severai l ....... .\\; ,
selections Each club gav- a n"ber I mar meeting Monaay axernoon a
WhiCh showed much lnr;st h:i=n It he Milton Hotel With Mrs. Clara
tn in the work by ,the leaders. I Cowe as hostess. A dainty lunch
was served at the close of the meeting.
Mr ..... { Friends of Mr. and Mrs. George
• ano Mrs. James uonnor were lHanse n are ...... hear that "'r
county seat visitors from Carlyle Hansen Is eb n ntcel nowma:
Frldav 'J g g g Y
-" the N. P. hospital in Olendive and
Otto Mueller and Stainer Pederson Ithat they hope to be home in a
were business visitors in Beach Sat-Icoupl e more weeks.
urday. The Homemaker's Club held their
Mrs. Henry Schneider left Thurs-
day for a visit with relatives and
friends In Milwaukee, Wis.
Mrs. George Bass is a patient in
the hospital at Beach.
The HoWard Tenant family have
moved into an apartment in the J. E.
Trollope home for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stockwell came l
home last week from a trip to Black[
River Falls, Wis. ]
Mrs. Hugh Baird and son Ralph[
and Miss Olive Welsh visited thel
!former's daughter Margie, in Beach
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Glenn McCabe came from
:Boyd, Montana recently and spent a
few days at her home. Mr. McCabe
is employed at Boyd.
Mrs. N. Scabad and son of Glendive
called at the B. Welsh home Sunday
on their way home from Rlchardton,
N. D. where they spent the weekend
with reia.tives.
Mrs. Robert Thrains returned m
her home last week from Beach,
I where she had been clerking at the
I Dickinson Store while Miss Meyer
I was on her vacation.
Miss Virginia Bailey is expected
home from Glendive this week, where
I she has been employed for the past[
two weeks. I
Calvert Stair came home from Fair- I
vlew Saturday where he ha been as- I
slating his brother Stuart.
Mrs. Milan Barclay was rushed to
the Beach hospital Wednesday morn-
ing for an appendectomy.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Steele went to
Sioux Falls, S. D. }ast week where
they will visit friends and relatives.
Wayne Bailey, who finished his job
at the Burns Drug Store, is looking
after the farm while Mr. and MrS.
Steele are away.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pederson and
children were down from Glendive
regu meeting t e
home Thursday and Ma-s.
was the Inspiratlon for a ,
Many pretty gifts were llved I
Mr Baird, and a lovely hmoh wa
served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bailey and sot
were Sunday dinner guet a tl
Burton Welsh home and both fal.
illes called at the Albion Welsh home
in the afternoon.
Sam Z00alt, wife
here from Sacramento, Calif., and are
visiting at the parental homes. 'h'
came Friday and left Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manning, IWa'.
Margie Wlrjg, and L. C. Faltneyot
autoed to MAle City Sunday where
Mr. Fsltermeyer remained as t patient
at ,the Holy Rosary hospital.
Buy War Bonds
Every Pay Day
Let's Doub/e
Our Quota
ff'S NO DREMt The
man who insists on d_6ving
over 35 had better learn to
drive a horse. Sooner than
he thinks, his tires will be
gone and his car will be up
on blocks for the duration.
But the man who vill
cut unessential driving, re-
duce his speed to 35 or less,
and give his tires regular
attention, will be surprised
to discover that his rubber
lusts fax longer than it ever
did before.
If you take care of the
speed, your Phillips 66
i nfl i i
F0r Cluck sev-
eral times and yell "Giddag"
in a loud clear tone. If noth-
ing happmm, a touch of the
whip sometimes add
ing acceleration.
z, • •
If your horse flattens hk ea
back. watch out! He is proD-
ably going into high gear,
Response To Coatrols: A
horse follow his nose. So to
go. left merely pull his nose
to the left with the left rein.
Right rein is for righ$ turns, "
Rmd: €our :orse can't
go as long without water aS
_a car radiator. And if yot
lose your road map, give the
horse his head (i.e. drot
reins or hold loosely). The
horse will find the way home
for you.
Farmers and Phones
help 1o
"Keep 'Em"
Servlce Man will take care
of the regular attention
and adjustment, He wR1
check inflation. Inspect
and correct cuts and
bruises. Switch tires from
wheel to wheel.
Let the Phillips Service
Man ... and Philllp 66
Poly Gas and Phillips 66
Motor Oil.,. help your
car and your tires last
longer and go farther.
Remember: Saving rub-
ber by slower driving is a
real contribution to our
wax effort.
Beach -- Golva
Reach, N. I> .........
Golva, N. De