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October 29, 1942 Golden Valley News | |
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October 29, 1942 |
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solos were given ,by Burton
accompanied by Mrs. Victor
Her favorite hymns, "Just
I Am" and "Beautiful Savor",
were sung.
Mrs. Mtkkelson passed away on
8alan-day, October 24, this being her
66th wedding anniversary. Her body,
accompanie by I-arold FosJard, was
taken to Appleton, Minnesota, where
e was buried beside Mr. Mikkieson
an over-night
at the Byron
Hn night.
Mx, and Mrs. Guy Hall were Friday
evening gtlsts at the Neff Hogoboca
Mr. aud Mrs. Egan Zlnsli and fam-
Belfleld conducting the services, fly were guests a the Ray Zlnsli
Pall Bearers were E. J. Anderson, home-Wednesday evening.
Leslie Strum, Ole Moe,' Dale Wycoff of Medora was a visi-
Paterson, and O. R. Ramstad. tor owr the weekend at the home of
his grandparents, William Brown, St.
Mr. and Mrs Ronald Kinmarek and
son were supper guests at Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Waldahl's Thursday night.
Mrs. Walt Dixon spent Thursday
md Friday at the Ernest Nelson
tome assisting Mrs. Nelson with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Busch and
son of Great Falls, Montana, arrived
on Saturday to make a pleasant visit
in the Minnesota Valley church came- with Mrs. Busch's parents, Mr. and
tery nearby. She is survived by nieces Mrs. Fred Smith.
out complaint. She longed to go
ome to Jesus, and left us firm in
the ith, and that God's promises
ltever fail.
"In Memoriam" gifts were sent 'n
the United Lutheran Ladies Aid.
H. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Anderson.
O. R. Ramstad, Miss
Nazi i
several Germaz light patrol cars I
during night clashes on the desert. These
flight despite the general lull in the desert.
Legion Says
and nephews throughout 'this country MISs Woods and Mr. and Mrs. ]
md Canada. Those who live near,Harry Mikelson spent Wednesday andl , j.,, ,, __,,
here are Mrs, Halvor Olson and 01elThursday and Friday at Fargo at.]cra] I ne f Jalo
Omle of the Sentinel Butte vicinity, [tending the State Teachers Con-I F- -- .w.,6
and Mrs. John Fosjard ofBillings, pventlon.
Montana. I Mrs. Ted Rink and children left on I That old ........
She was a willing worker, quiet and lThursday for Bismarck where theY lnei hborhood Jampy" ma's veer a that they are made available to Uncle
tnassuming. Those who visited her visited three days with the Plumeson g eyesore for so many I Sam so that he can turn them into
, w I years IS now needed b
Will remember how remarkable as farhlly. They returned by car on[ y Uncle Sam, bullets and tanks .and gun and what°
er ability to endure suffering with-[Saturday accompanied by Ted Rink. [and he and his boys in the armed nots for our boys at the front.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Yates of services need it bad.
Rochester, Minnesota were guests last
week at the Lloyd Yates home. They
left on Thursday for Couer d 'Aiene,
Idaho where they expect .to make
their home.
Miss Gertude Fisher arrived on
Tuesday by bus from Aitkln, Minne-
sota where she has been employed the
Jahr, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O past summer, Gertrude expects t)
in memory of her and her leave in a week or so for th west This is the plea that is going out by the party reporting it or by some-
Work in the church. She has given coast and will seek employment there, this week in a large ad in he (}olden one else whose name is known or
her land to the United Lutheran Leo Brown was a caller in Sentinel Valley News through the cooperation unknown to the reporting individual);
and her home to the Harold Butte Saturday. Leo has been work- of Beach business firms and inch- the address of the owner of the ve-
viduais, hicle, if known by the reporting in.
family, ing with a construction crew on Samoa "Keep an eye open for old auto- divldual.
Mxs. Anna MJkkelson was born lu Island, which is about forty-elght mobile bodies that have ceased to be As will be noted by the large co-
Teiemarken, Norway, on hundred miles southwest of San Di- used, old cars Itat haYe quit running operatively sponsored ad, no time
1, 185"/. She was baptized and ego, CaLifornia.
in the Lutheran church Word comes from Edward Wosepka or which SHOULD be retired," .is the should be lost in getting hese old
In 1881 ,she came o the United of Camp Crowder, Mo. hat he has appeal of RObert T. Coutts, head of jalopies to the junk dealers, Christ-
to make her home with a sis-i bee n promoted to the rating of cor- the jalopy drive for the Beach Legion ensen or Hubert Still, because ')ur
at Appleton, Minnesota. She liv-, poral, which is good news to his Post. foundries need that metal now. To
there until 1884, when she went friends here. Edward entered the
£andan, N: D: where, she S y fn'Au: W01'd la also* been
In marriage to Eltas Mikkslson, I received from Carl A. Carlson hat
24, by the Rev. Norby, he has received the rank of sergeant.
m pastor from ims. A this I Carl is stationed at Baker Field, Calif.
Mr. Mikkelson was employed ,sJ Mrs. Mike Tavery and infant son
freighter to the Black Hills. I of Goldenvale, Washington, arrived
the spring of 1885, Mr. and Mrs. [Thursday night for the funeral of her
loon moved to Medora, where i mother, Mrs. Mson, which was held
lived the next two years In Fri afte n
• day moo . Mrs. Tovery left
they began ranching 20 miles Saturday morning with her brother,
of Medora in the vicinity of SeweU Mason and family for Grand
Roosevelt Elkhorn ranch. Here Forks where she will visit for a short
their privilege to have as time before returning to her home. production.
on certain occasions, Teddy Mrs. Dodge was pleasantly surpris-
alSo Mrs DeMores and ed Monday morning when her son LOCATION OF VEHICLE
Robert, who is in the U. S. Navy
ey moved to Beach, tak- came home on a two week's furlough. - ...................................................................
a farm on the edge of town. Bob's plane had come back to he
became cirter members of staes for a checkup and Bob came
congregation being formed in on home. 'He will report back in ................................................. - ...............
now known as the United San Francisco on November 8th, but
church. Mrs. Mikkeison will be unable to come home for ....... r ...............................................................
was a charter member of the Chrinms. OWNERSHIP
Ladles Aid. The Catholic Alter Society was an-
first called pastor of the con- retrained by Mrs. Joe Strietz at her Fill in one of the following:
Rev. C. S. Thorpe, w a home Thursday afernoon. The annual (1) I am the owner of the above vehicle and want
guest In the home and often election of officers was held and the
horse and buggy from them following were elected: President, to scrap it to help with the var ....................................
make the trip to Carlyle and Ollie Mrs. Chas. Bohn; vice president, Mzs. (2) Owner unknown
services. Many persons enjoyed Nick Oetz; and Mrs. Bert Waldahl, - ................................................
hospility, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Strietz (3) Vehicle is owned by:
Mr. MJkkelson's death in 1920,)serve d a delicious lunch after the
Mikkelson continued managing meeting, condl Name "
farm for many years. An injury Due to unfavorable weatler -
her back several years ago made lons Wednesday only ten members of Address ............................................................................
more or less of an invalid and tthe Red Cross Home Nursing Class REPORTED BY
May she had been in bed con- were present. A three-hour study
For the past two years the riod was conducted after which Name .................................................................................
FosJard family have lived in s. Ted Rink and Mrs. Vic Carlson Address ...........................................................................
: home and cared for her. I served refreshments. The next meet-
ing will be on Thursday evening, Oc- Fill out and mail this coupon to Robert T. Coutts
1 ]t tober 29th, instead of Wednesday be- at Beach or to the Commander of the Beach American
r.nt .ctures cause of a contact in hool activities.
The Study C|ub was entertained at Legion Post.
Service Men the Martin home Tuesday evening. _ ................ .........
Bridge was played wih first prize .-::_- .......
Golden Valley News would like going o Florence Smith and second
the pictures of the boys in prize going to Clara Wagner. After Legion Asks For Buy Xmas Seals
but to do this, we must the games a handke00hl0f 00owor [ "__ ",
the ooo00ration of the p00ents was 00veo Wm 00oesler N D. Battleship t For Foreign Ma
Other Interested friends. Roeslers expec to leave soon for 1 acTn:rne, enuts Wlc:h rtlacsO::gnave) n.vaekde hh::: hm°amn Possibly of interest to the publithe All allied countries wIil sell their
e t a resolution or two adopted by [own Christmas Sea s
be obtained at a small cost years and have marly friends who r "l ............... t- -st of the Veterans ...... t l.. U. S... Seals
, .*. * ...... * ^^,- ^-' ...... -'-- +^ o, 'but wisht awutuv t;u, y xv snoum oe on all Iorelgn mail going
,, , ,,. w= ,,- . u. gret metr aecmv,, ., • ..... I ..... 1-- "'-rs of the United States -
ation. If parents or interested them every kind of good fortune in o ro. s' w ....... , ou now.
o , _ in sessmn on ast Tnursaay at Aormn. Christmas Seals used fo th ....
will pay the small cot oltheir new home. I xv .... .... lins in the U S, r e ngnt
: cuts made from pictures, the ................ I--l against tube ulo s can be purchased
Iavy nave oeen repaoea uy wrn p a h
Will gladly print the same [,- -a r i ....... t t e County Superinendent's Office
.- " ' ol moaern aeslgn, ana as nere IS no
• a cut LS made it can be used "WO t/J[ea re J,#o . kota we invitel n°w' although the general sale date
.times and lg would be a mighty #-__ r]. D.* i,e;ub p to°onDr one'of the newl has been set for November 23rd.
ay o help retain a war record. 1 .L I|L l4b I shbs'o _to be launched, and we wish t Iet's show the association hat we
y weekly newspapers through- I . Io, that a battleshio be namedare interested, here and in foreign
h:tacteost a:; :naecuitgorOUtan tsj twNoO:ehJuak: v::iSdeWrillath:h: ;:Y t North -kota nC°::t:: d stieG;ttY:mUroChlll=: 1 g
is small, but to the publishers when they go to vote on November 3. ] A letter to our congressmen and
of obtaining a large number Referendum of a measure passed by tot hers of influence will help.
into a good many .dollars. the 1941 legislature requiring the] ....
butter fat list prices' in[ Mrs. Lena Readinger left Thursday
postingcreameriesof and cream stations and an ] for Glendlve tobe with her mother,
There's a lot of steel and other Elsewhere ,in this week's Golden
metal in it. it would make a lot of l valley News IS a coupon which any
one knowing the location of such a
burets, put together a fighter plane, I Jalopy may fill out and return, either
or even go along way toward build-/
lug a battleship, to Mr. Coutts or the commander of
Better turn it In as part of Uncle the American Legion in Beach.
Sam's auto salvage campaign now be* ,,.The coupon calls for the following
lug sponsored in Golden Valley court- information: Location of the useless
ty by the American Legion. vehicle; its ownership (whether owned
• ,=
Mr. and Mrs. Fran]
sponsors of a farewell
ard Vinquist at their
evening, October 23. Whist
ed at seven tables with Mrs.
Goodale receiving high henors and
Miss Joan Wtland second. troll i
[Abraham received high for men and
[Mike Goodale second. A dellclous]polntLin
[lunch was served by the hostess at football game Wlth
[midnight, after which Howard, who Mbnday afternoon to
'is entering the service, was presented their second straight loss
with a lovely fountain pen, as a glftlfield this year, both times by e-
from his many friends.
I point margin. Merton qPold,
t Frosh fullback from Beach,'"or
S v& Fo from 60yerdsout beforeheg
er es r was 5 minutes old on a delayed buck
throught the middle of the Relfleld
the ball bounded around a Belfleld
man picked it up and ran for the
winning points. It was a d
fought game from start to finlsh
Wth the small but scrappy Belfleld
team getting a victory they rightly
Friday Beach will ourney to Het-
ringer for their last game of the sea.
son. Hetinger has lost only one
game this season and ,that one was
to Dickinson Central High by t
of 20 to 13 .... Beach. will be the
decided underdogs in this contest but
Mr E. Ma line. But from that tinm on the
8. 8Oral failed to gain an inch through the
[ lighter Belfield line. Lat'e In the .
Funeral services were held for Mrs.[°nd quarter Bruce Mller (Belaottt.
Elsie Mson, former Sentinel Butte standing Ball Carrier for ,aY)
resident, Friday aftrnoon a the Trin-Istepped back and tossed a's
ity Lutheran church in Sentinel Butte Ito 11tile Keth Pierzina, who
with Rev. P. C. Kaaland of Beifield ball on the dead run
officiating, just as he was tackled from behind.
Mrs. Ole Ornley, Mrs. Vic Carlson, Beach failed to convert for both Of
Miss Betty Page and MJna Combs, their touchdowns, which prove&to be
with Mxs. Byron Hogoboom as organ- the margon of victory for Belfield.
Ist, sang 'My Paith Looks Up To l In the second half Belfield came
Thee,,, "Softly and Tenderly" and roaring back to pass for one touch.
"ave" Thine Own Day, Lord." , down in the third quarter. Then whert
The pallbearers were Paul Wagner. the game looked like ,it was going to
John JOrdan. Fred Smfth, David end 12 to 7 in Beach's favor, Bruce
Davldson and Neff and Byron Miller dropped a high punt and u
Elsie Jane Osborn was born Feb-
ruary 17, 1879, in Dodge county,
Minnesota, the daughter of Mr. ad
Mrs. Irving sborn. Here she spent
the years of her young womanhood
and was married to Earl Howard
Mason on September 12, 1900. In
September. 1908, they moved o Bel-
field, N. D., where they homesteaded.
Three years later they moved to Sen-
tinel Butte, where they resided until
Mr. Mson's death. For the past
year Mrs. Mason haS made her home
in Grand Forks. Death came sud-,the boys will be out to make their
denly while visiting relatives ad I last game a successful one.
friends on the west coast. 'o] ml ......... Be h Girl
Mrs Mason is su00iv00 by two,S.
children, Mrs Michael A. ToveY of[ r r ac
lvld:ndale, Washington, and Sewelll
n of Grand Forks; seven 0000d-IRecently Married
ons, Thomas Earl, Donald Michael, I
Let us know where these hunks of wait may Jeopardize the lives of our John Sewell, Michael Jr., and Robert Mrs. AUstin Slocumb announces
me or bette All,.hr[ng them
James Tovey and Earl Sewell andlth e recent marri e of her a
boys in .. the fight," declares the Paul I-vell "Mason Also surviving ver to rvh aku,h
in. We'll' swing into action and see American Legion,
are two sisters, Mrs. Floyd Parker of oI Ad=end and Mrs. D. V. Herrlck
Siren, Wisconsin and Mrs. B. T. Se- of A .n, Mo. The nmrriage .took
........... --:-::- ........ -=- ..... : ----= :- --" [verence of Milton, Wlseonsin; two PlaCe naRetve U. B. Imarsonage in
Ibrothers, George of Dodge Center, Adrlaoube n Herrick officating at
]Minnesota and John Osborn of Bur- the d g ceremony.
I bank, California. \\; Miss Ie0nObdIerrick, sister of the
[ Her husband and one sister pre- groom, waS ,rrald and Jim P.o-
ceded her in death, binson waS he ,Gear man.
Mrs. Mason., urtil her departure for Following the weddlng 'Mxs. Herrick
American Legion,
Beach, North Dakota
I have spotted a "jalopy" that should be scrapped
to provide vital iron and steel salvage neqded for war Grand Forks, had been a loyal and
active member of the Trinity Luther-
an church and 'Ladles Aid. from
which she was greatly missed. She
was also a charter member of the
Sentinel'Butte Study Club, and a
member of the GetoTo-Gether club.
She was a loving mother, a kind
friend, and a good neighbor 'to those
who knew her, and her passing will
be keenly felt by all.
,Mrs. Anna Moyer, for some time.
Mrs. Moyer fell and sprained her
abroad this next month. If Mrs.
Menke is not around, the seals can
be purchased in the County Treasur-
er's office.
Miss Lois W has taken em-
ployment at the Beach hospital.
served an informal suwper to the
bridal party and family.
The bride and groom met whil
attending college at York, Nebraska.
Mrs. Herrick is employed w the
Grace Garment Co. Mr. Ferlcl was
inducted into the army and is sta.
tioned at Fort Warren, wymnln.
The auction sale held Tuesday at
the J. p. Reeve ranch drew
crowd, and according to Mrs. ReCV$
who drove down from Mino to mleo
vise the sale, owing to the poor health
of Mr. Reeve, the sale results were
very satisfactory. Friends of Mrs,
IFirst Blizzard
Of The Season
Reeve who accompanied her from
The approach of another North I M inOt and asaisted her during tl
Dakota winter was heralded in last]sale were Mrs.
Friday by the sudden droPping of the I Mrs s. Melroy Brown.
temperature and a light fall of snow, I
Which proved to be a strong foreruner[ -
of the eason that hit with a terrific I FIRST WOMAN TO TEACH1
blast on Saturday afternoon. [ AT ARMY AIR
Sweeping from the west a heavy
snow, driven by a high wind, soon '
made ,travel and visibily almost im-
possible. Many motorists were caugl-t
unpreparbd on the highways, ,but no
bad accidents or tragedies resulted.
The storm caught many farmers of
this territory in Beach marketing
stock and poultry, and doing their
weekend shopping. When the storm
hit, cars and trucks were lined Ul
for more than two blocks awaiting
their turns to unload at the Getz
poultry ears on the siding.
Of course, as many an old timer
was heard to remark, It was too early
for winer, and they were right, for
the snow has all disappeared at this
writing. We may have some cold
nights, and even some cold blustery
days, but there shOuld be a whole lot
of nice weather in store for North
Dakota, especially out here on the
Missouri slope.
Hits High Top
On Beach Market
One of the highlights on the Beach
livestock market operated by Jack
Ballard, is the fact that last week's
top steer netted $160.20 to its owner
when sold right here-in Beach. Many
stock are finding "it mo
their advantage to
with Mr. BaUard,
Official• Lowry Field Ph0to--Civil.
Jan men and vomen will soon take
over much of the teaching of the
schools of the Army Ai Forces
technical training command in line
with the War Department's policy
of relieving soldier-instruetors for
more active assignments. First lady
instruor to teach at the Arrnao
ment School