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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 28, 1943     Golden Valley News
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October 28, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS WIMOX Mrs.: Chine k,e~'ers ~ fl~rn the Beach hospital Friday. Ross Blxby returned' f~mh~ xkee~xfl~, Minn. last Tue~iay, Antra Ponke spent se~ ~ays~ v~tm8 his family last week. Mrs. Kuch spent l~'z at ~eaeh visiting Mrs. Earl Woodburn. A. Warden left for Fort Benton last week to Join his family. Mr. and Mrs. Halvor ~ re- turned home Friday Iron ~- At Red cross Friday the Edith Lawrence and Vonne Harms served lunch. Mrs. George Petcoff and son spent a week at Wyola visiting Mrs. Petcoff's sister. Mrs. Ross Blxby entertained the Lutheran Ladles Sewing Club Wed- nesday afternoon at her home. Miss Mrgaret Trieinaki of Gleno dive spent Sunday visiting Miss Shirley Blxby. Mrs. W. Peterman entertained Wednesday in honor of her tootler, Mrs. Lyons, and her other guests. Mrs. E. B. Stair and Mrs, Ray ~3~mbart were. in Beacl~ Saturday visiting friends. Mrs. BUrr--is M0rford and son of Wisconsin are vlslth~ Mrs. Mor- ford's parents, and other relatives. Mrs. Thomas Lynn entertained the Christian Fundamental Ladies Aid Thursday afternoon at the Clubhouse. Charles Fletcher and Donald Btorkel and Wesley Ritual are all home on leave Visiting their parents, Orlando Larson spent several days visiting his sisters, Mrs. Ray IS~non and Miss Zelma I~rson while enroute to the west coast. Mrs. Brooks and daughter, Mrs. An~ of Cogswell, N. D. are visiting their sister, Mrs. V&n. Peterma~ J. W. Oreenup was a supper ~lest at the B, Welsh home l~day before leaving with stock for St. Paul, Minn. Miss Betty Martin, a former high school teacher in Wibaux, who Joined the WAC last year, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hazelwood. She a recrutth~ specialist ~d class ahd will spend several weeks in Montana and will then return to Seattle, Wash. Theatre Calendar ROSE GLENDIVE, MONTANA NOW SHOWING~ "ASSIGNMENT IN BRITAIN1" starring Pierre Aumont and Susan Peters. Thrilling drama of invasion forecast! Right out of the headlines .. on to the screen~ You'll be on the edge of your seat with excitement! OWL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P. M. SUN. MON. TUES.~ "CONEY ISLAND" in Technicolor starring Betty Orable, George Montgomery, Cesav Romera wit~t Charles Winninger and Phil Silvers. The song and dance, laugh and love carnival of the century! Fun thatql throw you for a loop- the-loop In a merry-~-round of dazzling entertainment! WEDNESDAY ONLY~ "HAB~IGAN'S KID starring William Oargan, Bobby Rea~ck and Frank Craven, Never such excrement on any scre~ni Surprise film sensa- flonl Oood guys and killers meet in a great human story told to the beat of poundin~ hoofs ! oP~mo ~~.-- GRAVE8 TO CAIRO" starr/ng Franchot Tone, Anne Baxter with'AY~m ~ and Erich yon Strohemn as Field Marshall Erwln Rommel. FRIDAY SATURDAY-- William Boyd in ~UNDERCOVEE MAN" ~lso John Sutton and Annabelia in "TONIGHT WE RAID CAL- AA8". Plus Chapter 5 of "J~ G-MEN OF THE AIB." SUNDAY MONDAY~ John Archer and Tm~ m ~aNF~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zopfl and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mueller and children and Mrs. B. Welsh and Russell were in ~lendlve on Thursday. The Methodist congregation gave a farewell party Friday evening at the church in honor ~f Rev. and Mrs. Moore, who ~ ~o~ be leaving for a different parish. : Mrs.. Lavretta. Pratt~ left Sat- urday for her home ~ Cutbank after s~endh~ her vacation at the home Of ller parents, Mr. ~hM Mrs. Denny Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scammon and son spent Sunday at Wolf Point vlslth~ ~ ~e M. B, Larson home and sis0 d~ a ~tle duck hunting. Mr. and Mrs, Frank O'Keefe spent several days visiting friends while enroute to seattle, Wash., where they are employed in de- fense work. Those attending the teachers meeting at Miles City last week were Miss Margy Nelson, Miss Zelma Larson, Miss Kelth, Miss KederiskL Wayne Marcus and Wallace Scott. Mrs. Robert Anderson and Elaine ~nd Donald went to Glendiv~ Thursday. Donald remained to have the cast removed from his leg, returning home Sunday. Mrs. Chgs. Fulton held Bible Study at her home Friday evening. Mrs. Ed Kneugen and Inay were Wibaux and Beach caners Friday. Mrs. A, E. Schaeffer was a Car- lyle caller Friday P. M. Gerald NearY spent two days at the O'Connor farm. H, B. Flsk has been confined to his bed this week with the flu. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Waarst and son were Sunday evening callers at the John Hartse home. Dave Lunder had the misfortune of spraining his bs~k badly and is confined to his bed. Miss Irene Ilartee was taken to the doctor, who fotmd a bone ou~ of place in her foot. Wallace Scott of Wibaux was caller at the Carlyle school on Tuesday. Mrs. Elmer Allen left by train Thursday evening for Wa~dr~,ton, where her husband is employed. Mrs. Bessie Jacob~on and son spent the week in Olendive visiting Mrs. Jacobs~'s sister. Mr. and Mr. Martin and Mrs. Lonni Vanatta and children were Baker shoppers Friday. Quite a few of the young peOple attended the h~dtiatlon in ClUe Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mulcher left Saturday morning by train for St. Paul. Minn. to visit Mr, Muleher's mother. Mac McCanum left Thursday after an extended visit here spent straightening up his property affairs. Mrs. Walter Allen of Sentinel Butte brought her mother home Friday after spending a couple of days at her home. Most of the teachers of Wibaux county attended the teachers meet- /rig at Miles City q'hursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sartz were business callers at Miles City Fr/- day and Saturday. Tom Fulton received word that his wife /s in the hospital W/th pneumonia at Bremerton, Wash. Mr. Fulton left the same evening for Washington. Everyone wishes her a speedy recovery~ FIRST METHODIST~ CHURCH Grant S. Moore, Pastor Beth, N~,h D~ota Church school 10:00 A, M. Pre~ service 11:00 A. M. Youth Fellowahlp ~:~0 P. M. Adult Choir practice Wednesday at g:O0 P. M. Junior Cho~ Wednesday at 7~0 P,M. Mrs, Jessie Webber will have charge of: th~ ~0uth Fellowship on Sunda~ :l)~Aht. : ~I young people are invi~'JM1d welcome to come. This will be the lut Sun~y that ore..m be in and he will preikch his fm'ewell mon at 11:00 A. M. I wish! at ~ ~ to express our gratitude and appreciation to the commttnity of Re~ch u a whole ~or ther. cooperation and kindness, and neighborly fellowship that mY fantUy and I have enjoyed as long as we have been here. We shall always hold the memory of Beach dear to our hearts. I also wish to thank the Golden Valley News for their kindness and w~- in~nees to help with any service they could render at any t/me. It is greatly appreciated. Orant S. Moore. V ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H, Dissen, Pastor Beach, North Dakota Annual Mission Sunday. Divine at 10 A. M. The Rev, Meyer of Glendive, Mont, ~ at 11 A, M. OLU Mrs. Joe Bnke~. Rep~,ter Mr. end Mrs. Percy Bryson and family spent Saturday at Beach. M~ss Janice Rustad spe~t the weekend at the Arnold Beach home. Miss Lava Perg~son of Baker visited at the CRUtCh Baker home ~&y and s~y. A number of people from Onie attended the Farmer's Frolic at Bake~ Sat~lay evening, M:r; and Mrs, Norman Rcat and Mr. ~nd Mrs. christ Rost spent Thursday at Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George Rustad were Sunday dinner guests at the Hubert Rustad home. Mr. and Mrs. John Sllper visited at the George Johnson home on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Post and Bonnie' of Sentinel Butte spent Sunday at the Christ Ro~t home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holder of Cabin Creek were guests at the Elmer Wang home Thursday eve- ning. Kenneth Rustad left Wednesday for Billings to visit until Monday, when Mrs. Rustad and Kenny will return home with him. Miss Bernlce Stark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stark, is s patient in the hospital at Beach. She is feeling better mad may be able to return to her home soon. Fred Brown spent Sunday after- noon visiting friends here. Mr. Brown is feeling much better after spending the past several months Hospital Notes Hospitalized for treatment during the past week were: Mrs. George Bass, Wlbaux, October.19-21; Miss Bernice Stark, Carlyle, hospitalized October 19; Mrs. Ed. Berg, Wib~ux, October 21-22; Mrs. A. M. Peterson, Oalva, October ~-~; OttO Muel- ler. Wibaux, October ~,~-25; J. R. WOods, Wlb~ux, October ,~8~8; r. A. smith, Wll~ux, brought In Oc- tober 24; and Mrs. Margaret Woods, Wibaux, hospitalized October 25. William Z~bel,~ Beach, was brought to the llospltal October 21 as a result of an accident with farm macl~lnery. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Nistler, Oolv~, are the parents of a ~ Ib, 15 oz. girl, born October 20. Appendectomies were performed on Oerald Bohn, son of Mr ~md Mrs. Charles Bohn, Sentinel Butte, October 20, Austin ~locomb, Beach, and Miss Vivian Beeler, Wibaux, October 24. Mrs. Robert Blome Wibaux, underwent minor surgeE October 22. Tonsillectomies wen performed on Larry ~ehulte, so~ of Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte, Oolva, October 22; and Mrs. James Odenbaugh, October 26. V ~ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. John Roberts, Pastor Beach, North Dakota Beach: Church School at 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship Service at II:00 A. M. Young People's Meeting at 7:30 P.M. Choir Practice Wednesday at in the Baker hespltal. 7:$0 P. M. Miss Flora Rose, teacher of the,sentineI Butte: Wills Creek school, and Miss MaeI Afternoon Service at 2:00 P, M. Pr.att,. t~cher of the Big, HillI Young People's Meeting Monday SChool, a~ended tile teachers m-[st 7"30 P M stitute at Miles City Thursday and' or- " ' Mad ~: Friday. Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Beach at- Afternoon Service at 4:00 P. M. rived Thursday from Seattle, Wash. to visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beach. They v~ted at the Everett Plummer home Friday evening. Mrs. Oscar Keener and Mrs. Murray Mucher spent Thursday afternoon at the Bert Hudson home. Mr. Keener and Mr. Mul- cher brought in several loads of sheep, which were shipped on the train Friday. Mrs. Bert Hudson and Howard stark returned home Tuesday from Moorhead, Minn. Mrs. Stark is improved but still in the hospital. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds at Mandan briefly on their way home. Mrs. Charles Shepherd was sur- prised at her home Saturday after- noon by a group of friends, who spent the afternoon there in honor of her birthday. A lovely lunch was served and Mrs, Shepherd w~S presented with a gift of silver and wished many happy returns of the day. The members of the local Far- mers' Union Association enjoyed a chicken dinner at the Schoolhouse Saturday evening at 7:00. The room was prettily decorated. After the meal a short business meeting was held, followed by stunts under the direction of Miss Marlyls Lutts. ~V OLLIE SCHOOL NOTES The Freshman class last Friday was initiated into the mysteries of the great brotherhood of the high school. The evening of fun was concluded by dancing, music for wh/ch was provided by Mrs. Fay Shepherd and Mrs. Norman Rost. I~werne Shepherd is beck in school again to complete his Senior year. The American History class is preparing the peace terms to be imposed upon the Axis when Allled victory is aasured, Why is it that people are con- t~nually "seeing things"? In their study of perception the Psychology class Is attempting to get at the rlddle. The Manual Training classes have completed the last work bench to complete their shop for better working conditions. The faculty, acting as judges, made the following awards for the co.test for the best carnival poa~ers: first, .alice Eost; second, Adeline Sherva; third, Charlotte Steen. In the contest for the best c~dva~ bflis the awards were as follows: first, Charlotte Steen; second, Alice Rost; third, Murvin Ro~. ~ honors were~ .won by the Orammar room. ~V People used to get blisters m~ their hands, They are more Hkely to get them on their ton~es now. i Protect Your Profits With Hens That Lay! If your best layers have be- come loafers, do something about it! Try feeding DR. SAI~BURY'S AVI-TAB In the mash. Steps UP lagging appetites, ~ase d/gest/ve act4vity often all that's need- ed to snap loafers into action. Stop in today fOr DR. SAL~- BURY'S AVI-TAB. S~EIGHT'S CITY DRUG OH, N, D~g- Rally Day and Harvest Festival services Sunday, October 31. V-- JONES URGES FARMERS IWO AID SCRAP CAMPAIGN I War Food Administrator Marvin i Jor~es today urged all farmers to comb their farms for possible scrap, a~erring that new steel will be ~avaflable in direct proportion to the amount of scrap collected by the Victory Scrap Bank campaign. Mr. Jones' statement was issued to farm leaders and northwest War Production Board officials. "l~ext in industry," Mr. Jones sakL "the 8reatest source of heavy sgrap is the American farm, American farmers are doing the ~test food production Job in bA~tm~. However, if we are to t~ure ample steel for warthne p.roductlon, millions of tons of s~rap iron and steel must come from our farms in the next six weeks." United States department of agriculture war boards in every county, he said, have been asked to cooperate with other organizao lions in helping the county salvage committees realize their quotas. CITATION HEA~tlNG I~ETITION TO ESTABLISH THE RIGHT OF HEIRKI.~P TO REA.L PROPERTY STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley IN COUNTY COURT Before Hon. James Donaldson, Judge IEn. the Matter of the Estate of Allen • McDanold. Deceased. Byron J. McDanold, ) Petitioner, ) vs. ) J'ohn McDanold Richard ) N. McDanold. Rol~ert B. Mc- ) Danold, Donald A. Me- ) Danold, Grace ~M. Ralsler, ) Mabel R. Koshney, Mary ) Cadwell, and all other per- ) sons unknown claiming any ) estate or interest in or lien ) or encumbrance upon the ) property described in the ) petition or against the es- ) late of said deceased, ) Respondents. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS: You. and each of you, are hereby notified that Byron J. McDanold, of Reach. North Dakota, has flied in the County Court of the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, his duly verified petition praying for a decree ascertaining ana estaodsnin~ the right of suc- cession to the real estate within Golden Valley County, North Da- kota. of which Allen E. MeDanold. late of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, died seized, which said real estate is described as folloWS: Southeast Quarter (SE~) of ~. tl0n Eighteen (18) in Town~ip Ohe Hundred Forty-two (14Z) North._ of _ Ranffe One Hundred four (104) West, of the fifth Prin- cipal Meridian in Golden Valley County, North . Dakota, and that Monday, the 15th day ot November A. D~ 1943 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. at the Court ,Rooms of this Court, at the Court HOuse in the City of Beach, Golden Valley Coun- ty. North Dakota. has been set by this Court as the time and place of hearing ~ald petition, at which time and place any~ person interested may appear• and object to the ~ant- ing of said petition. And you, and each of you, are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear before this Court and show cause, if any there be, why. this petition should not be ~ranted. Let Service be made of this Clta-' tton as required by law. Dated this 26th day of October A. D. 1943. BY THE COURT: JAMES DONALDSON, Judge of the County Court. (SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Petitioner Beach, North Dakota. (Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 1943) ADVERTISEMENT FOR OUTSTANDING RI~D~ Divide School District No. 8, County of Golden Valley, and State Of North Dal~ta. calls ~or outstand. ing warrants for payment. : EVELYN COOK, Clerk O~ DivRle ~fl~ool District No. 8. " '" (Oct. ,.~, 194~) FIRST LUTHERAN O. L. O/srud, Pastor Tel. Sunday School I0 A. M, Reformation Day Service 11 M. Sermon theme: by Faith". Confirmation class Wedr~sday 4:15 P. M. Christian Worker's course Wed. nesday 8 P. M.. Choir practice Fridays at 8 P. M. Sentinel ~Centenn~ Day Service at 8:~1 A. ~. ~on fes~val o~er~. Sunday SchOol I0:30 a. M. Confirmation claa~ Thur~ at 4:15 P. M. Carlyle: Centennial Day Service at 2:30 P. M. Confirmation class 3:30 P. M. GOLVA SUNSHINE SOCIETY Golva Sunshine Society met with Mrs. Fred Wassman on Oc- tober 6th. There were ten mere- present and several visitors. very nice dinner was enjoyed by all. any:plate up to $20 on siZe. often as u~, :po .gomery Ward Phone 117 Giendive | Your Golden ~~'pping Association | | ~ip either HOGS or CAR'PLE at | | any timo/. List stock with the manager so he will the days shipment can be made. Any who is not prepared to haul his stock have trucking service at a nominal charge. Write or Phone KNUTE FARSTVEET, Manager 6-F22 -- -- BEACH, N. D. SALE One of the finest residential properties in Beach. Splendid location with sidewalk on 150 foot frontage. Three lots. Shade and fruit trees in abundance. Nine rc~ms and two baths. Hardwood floors. French doors. Full basement with washroom, ~oal room and store room equipped with shelving, Fire- proof double garage. SEE B. T. Piesik Beach, N. D., or phone 120R for appointment. I I uctio On My Farm 2 Miles North of Beach on Highway 16 Tuesday, Nov. 2rid SALE STARTING AT 1:00 P. M. SHARP _L__ I LivestoCk, Etc. 5 Milch Cows 1 Two-year-old Steer I Two.year-old Heifer 1 Two-yr.-old Roan Bull 1 One-year-old Steer I One-year.old Heifer 7 Spring Calves 1 Bay Gelding, wt. 1500 1 Bay Gelding, wt. 1350 1 Grey Mare, wt. 1400 2 Sheep 40 Chickens Some Hay and Ear Corn 12 Bushels of Potatoes mm ii i I Machinery 1 M c C ormick Deering Binder 1 Deering Mower ! Hay /take I Corn Planter I One-row Cultivator 1 Emerson Gang Plow 1 Wagon with Box 1 Wagon with Rack 2 Sets Double Harmms 1 Two-wheel Trailer 1 Economy King Cream Separator Some Household Fur- niture Other Articles too Numerous to Mention TERMS CASH No Property to be Removed Until Settled For - , .,,, ,. . Mills