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October 28, 1943 |
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die] in County
, utte (, 9th
Polling place~ where Golden
Valley county farmers will gather
on Tneeda~, Nove~nber" 9, to select
AAA commttteeme~t° administer
lple-A farm pr am
i~l~ective commu~ait~.for the
~oming year were named ~week
by the local AAA committee.
Plrst put into effect last yea~
the annual election of AAA com-
mittsemen is again being held on
a basts. Farm men and
women in every one of North Da-
* kota's 379 AAA districts will go
to the polls on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 9, to choose their farm pro-
gram leaders for the critical year
The county AAA chairman
~ressed the importance of all eU-
gible voters taking part in the
AAA elections, in all elections.
"l~nocracy is in action only when
Rev ¢~irant S. Moore, pastor ofI
the loca~ Methodist Church for[
the past ~'gkYears, is leaving for[
Glasgow Mo~ on November 3rd. [
He will 'preac%'~arewell sermon I
on Sunday, October.3:st" I
the majority opinion of all per-is dQ l yi gt
~mns entitled to vote is expressed," econ ua n
he said~
Elect~on meetings wlllhehe!dat]T tF A /i I
the fonow~ vo~L~g places: es or rm
District I--(Pearl, Henry Powell, 9 ]
eek to " N vy N mbf
M~lpe): Guy School. a ove e
District II--(Divide. Delhi. Wana. I North Dak Tops Nation
Inn Butts The cond- f g tes: . or ota
:M~PS,: Sentinel Butte Community the Army Specialized _-.
HaiL Program and the Navy ~v~,~| mA,~ L~
E~is~ III--(Beae~ and Saddle Program V-12 which will b? glven[ IlJ, JI%
]Butte ~a~[ps): Beach Court- throughout the country on. ~.~es-!
day, November 9, will be anmnns" ....
at the ach High kota is In
to~I~). GOIva C~mmlL-Aty O. E. Sandness has a1~..°un " tlon in Series E bond sales a~
• " A pamphlet of general. . ,*~°rma'on every county in the state I~
District V--(Oarner, Stoddard, tion which contains av a~.~1 _- topped its Third War Loan dri~
~ullkm and Williams townships): identification form ,nay De oo-
In Recent War Bond Drive
thank the newspapers and radio
stations for their major share in
this task.
"All have pitched in to ac-
~arew School. quota, compllsh our purpose despite per-
tained at Beach~~'~gh School. This This was announced by F. L sonal inconvenience and sacrifice.
The election Will be held in all form vronerlr filled out will admit
~zotlng ~ at two o'~ ~. M, to the. ~t students between the Conklin, chairman of the state All have turned in an outstanding
"~saay, ~oveml~ 9, ~94B. ,. age~ o~ 17 and 24 inclusive who are war finance committee, in compli- Job and the result is one of which
V- % ~ent high school graduates or menting people of the state upon we can all be proud."
"the outstanding job they have Final figures for all North Da-
u~g"Lvu m, .nJ -Lau L WhO will be graduated by March I,
1944. Intent to take the test should done." kota counties follow:
North Dakota's Series .E sales of ~ Percent
E. Sandness In order that the quota--higher in average than
necessary test supplies may be th~se of any other state in the Slope ......... $ 121,303 159.61
Conduct Medal Eddy ......... 389,488 158.9"/]
ordered. • union, said Conkltn. Adams ........ 338,510 I
The same examination will be[ Next in order is Montana ~ Bowman ...... 332.456 114~
taken by ~tti Army and Navy] 127 percent, followed by So~th LaMoure ...... 593,025 146.~
candidates. The examination islDakota and Iowa with 112, Wyom- ~ ......... ~5~11 140.65
~gt. James L. Odenbaugh of designed to test the aptitude andJing and Minnesota with 103 and Williams ...... 1,I14~71 138.94
~ach, son of J. J. Oden~ugh,. general knowledge required for the Icolorado, Mississippi and Alabama Grant
has been awarded the Good Con- . ....... 267~13 137~9
program of college training and all lwith 103. The drive ended last Fester ........ 324,910 1~6~
• luct Medal by his ~luadron corn- qualified students are urged to take
mander at the advanced glider pilot the test. At the time of the test lSaturday" McKenzie .... 319,6~3 136.01
North Dakota also went well over Towner ....... 440~57 135.91
~raining center at Lubbock, Texas, each candidate will be given a}the top in its over-all quota, with Cass .......... 5~94,160 135.78
according to an annnouneement by choice of service preference, but I total sales of $35200,000. That is McHenry ..... 637.925 135.73
Norman B. Oisen, commanding taking the test does not obligate[121~8 percent of the $29,000,000 Dickey ........ 458,497 134.46
officer, the candidate to enlist in the quota. The Series E quota was Golden Valley. 314,247 134.29
S~t. Odenbaugh, who Js an air- service. $13,000,000. Hettinger ..... 506.597 133~2
~lane mechanic at SPAAF, was Those selected for the Army will, I The E bond" showing is partic- Steele ......... 278,792 130,89
presented the medal in recogni- after further screening and basic ularly pleasing, Conklin declared, Tralll ......... 923,697 126.88
tlon of meritorious service in which
~e performed his duties in an ex- military training, be.sent to college, because it means North Dakota McLean ...... 669292 125.57
Students chosen for the Navy Pro- was foremost in what the treasury Bottineau ..... 648~786 125.13
~ellent manner, displaying exem- gram, after selection by the Office department stressed as' the most Grand Forks .. 2,753.383 121.51
~lary behavior, efficiency and of Naval Officer Procurement, will important part of the Third War Stark 942,593 121.46
fidelity. To be eligible for the be detailed directly to college. Loan drive. " ........
Sargent ...... 308,885 121.13
m~dal, ~t soldier must have coln- Students who attend college under The treasury wanted particularly" SiOux ......... 66,498 120.9f
,Pleted at least one year's service, either of the programs will be 120.47
to obtain wlde participation in the 'l~|11|ncm
In civilian life. he was a clerk, under military discipline on active Third War Loan by individuals, ~'lerce ......... 32,526
~is Wife is the former MiSS Mary duty in uniform with pay. All he explained. It wanted the big, Richland"::::: 479,092 119.18
•Llen Doerner. expenses, including tuition, food, share of the bond buying moneY lWalgh 1,110250 119.13
%r housing, books and uniforms will to come from the savings, of the [Peru-bind ........ 1~20,079 118.71
RESIGNS POSITION be paid by the Army or the Navy. people. In North Dakota this ob-]Ne~n ....... 746.142 117.63
~__ jective was convincingly achieved. I Renville":::::: 464,032 116.90
William Sehock has resigned his . Pointing to the fact that all]~%5~,,,nt__,, 239,583 116.87
Fall Institute of he ............. i, 46
~tion as Janitor of the grade counties in the state reached t ir,Barnes ........ 893~/9 115.50
-~ehool and accepted a position as quotas as another noteworthy fea- Ramsey ....... 86~,908 114.58
%r~ksman on the N. P. railroad, ture, Conklin said:
County Teachers ..... 1,113,031 113.42
:Mark Freese has accepted the po~- "At the time North Dakota's Benson ....... 489,0~ 112.68
t4~ as Jardtor. quota in the Third War Loan drive
Ward ......... 2~17~24 11~6~
-- Held Here Oct 22 ""announced it seemed to preo Divide 375,0. 112~0
• sent an almost impossible task, but
the citizens of the state, with their Grlggs ........ 273,838 111.V6
-- Ransom ...... 401,721 109~
THE NIGHT OF SPIRITS The regular fall Institute of usual patriotic spirit of accomplish- Burke ........ 236~01 108~1
r Golden Valley county teachers was ment, tackled the Job and came Kidder ....... 179,073 107~/
The customs of Halloween, held in the courtroom Friday, Oc- through with flying colors. McIntosh ..... 260,290 1~,68
October 31, arise partly from tober 22, beginning at 9 o'clock. "In behalf of the treasury depart- Mercer ........ 265.785 104.64
ment, R. R. Wolfer, executive direc- Burleigh ...... 1~35,428 104.17
the ancient belief that on In response to roll call each tor of the state war finance corn- Rolette ....... ~2,450 102~
this night the spirits of the teacher present gave a helpful mittee, his staff and myself, I wish Cavalier ...... 450~15 102.18
dead wander forth and visit teaching hint.
to thank the regional and cot~uty Oliver . ....... 43~6 102.94
their old haunt~. In former Following this the group assem- chairmen and their many sub- Wells 4~,~'~ 102.93
Years there were many who bled in .the primary room of the eommit~es any solicitors who work- " ........
Emmons ...... 312,122 102.67
believed in ghats, and many Lincoln school to witness a demon- ed so hard on this drive; the state Logan ........ 206,102 102~
still think that the spirits of stratlon in first grade reading departments for their helping Morton ....... 770.436 I01~/
the departed continue to visit Which was very ably and cleverly boosts and the thousands of people Sheridan 159,646 101.04
old 8ee~es of earth. Many given by Miss Clarice Oppegard ~hroughout the state who reached .....
folks of former years were with the help of six first graders, into their earnings and savings to Golden Valley county placed 15th
of splrlts, and it was A message from the State De- buy the bonds. I also wish to in the state.
for some timid partment was delivered by G. P.
run as they passed N~ director of the state
• u tion Law Requiring Two Yvonne Still Chosen
too m'~atm~ ghost would
tllUa. At the afternoon session Presio License Plates is Out Co, 4-H Delegate
dent Scott of the Dickinson State M~ yvo~e Stlil'~w~ chosen 4-H
~a~ Halloween frolics eame~ Teachers Collie ~nd M~s Pelagla
delega~ from Golden V~lley coun-
• .e~tistence.~ rrheperpetrate~J°~rs Ko~noskl, (~tl~/~, also lamation Saturday ~q~nded the
their humor on their ne~h- of I~~were-8~est speakers, law ~ two license plates fOr ty to attend the Dlstr~t Dress!
Revue at Dlcklns~, September 1~
born and friends, and young- M/~ gmm0Sk~ dlsetmsedand flhm- North Dakota rhotor vehicles. The and la
wuuld rig up in ghostly :, after which 1944 motor veldele wilt d~play Miss Mariys Bratten. Home Eco-
e~t~ae, the an~ onlY one ragt~tration pla~ rear nnm~:teae21er at Beach, Judged the
spread abr~d the wlt~ pas~z~er cars and on front of ~ from the Saddle Butte
if home owners Scott n~ctor veh~AeL Beaverette Club and chose the
of misehi~f done, that The cl~e in the law was ~-
be laid to ghosts, c~z~.~aded.~ the l~hway trafl~ delegate, the~ being ~early a tie
Yvomw Still and Patty
ghosts would t~ especially ha advh~wy ~ttee, created by the Hoeck. Mr. Grenier drove the
ms ~, to ~t in sUch delegate ~ leader, Mrs. Still, to
The motor vehicle department
at the time It was Judge 'John M. Rider left Tues-
lleep~e plate day for Tacoma, Wash., where he
will visR at the homes of his
iSome two years ago, the :
American Legion of Golden
i Valley county, cooperating !
with the Golden Valley News,
made it possible for every =e
iperson in our armed services i
from the county to receive
the home town paper weekly
free of charge. Circumstan-
ices, rigid postal regulations, :
advanced costs of production
now make it impossible ~o
J continue this free subsc@p-
| tion plan, so commencing |
| November 15, all service sub- t
t scriptions now being sent J.
| under the American Legion
and Golden Valley News co-
: operative arrangement, will :
be discontinued.
| |
| This news is going to be | |
| rather disappointing to those |
i in the service, for the many |
appreciative letters we have |
.J received, both from those in
i , camps in this country and in |
foreign lands, indicate that ! e
J there l~ nothing like the |
| home town paper when it ,
| comes to news from home. |
| |
| The publishers of the Golden |
! Valley News have hesitated |
| to make this announcement, |
| but when the burden falls too |
| heavy upon one line of en- |
| |
| deavor, something must be 8
i done. |
I l
ii - |
iii i i i I ii ii i i ii i i 1 lillit i ii I
Radon Calendar
For Coming Week
As Issued by OPA
Sugar--Stamps 14, 15 and 16 good
to October 31 for five pounds of
sugar each. (NOS. 15 and 16 for
home canning purposes.) Stamp
No. 29, Book IV, valid November
1 through January 15. 1944 for
five pounds.
Meats and Fats (Brown Stamps)
--Stamps C, D and E valid through
October 30. Stamp F becomes valld
October 17 and good through Oc-
tober 30. Stamp G becomes valid
October 24 and good until Decem-
ber 4, S~amp I~ valid October 31
and good "through December 4.
Processed Foods (Blue Stamps)~
St~mps X, Y and Z are valid
through November 20.
Processed Foods (Green Stamps
War Ration Book Four)--Stamps
A, B and C are valid November 1
to December 20.
Shoes--Stamp No. 18 ~n Book one
validity extended indefinitely. Air-
plane Stamp No. 1 in W~r Ration
Book III valid for one pair of shoes
November 1. •
Fuel Off---Period One coupons in
new fuel oil ration book valid
through January 3.
Stoves--Applications for purchase
certificates on all gas, oil and wood
or coal heatLng and cooking stoves
must be made to local War Price
and l~tloning Boards.
Gaselimm--Number 8 coupon of
new "A" book is good through
November 21. "B" and "C" cou-
pens reduced from 3 gallons to
2 gallons, effective October I. "A"
coupons remain in 3-gallon value.
Tire In~pections--'~" coupon
holder must have Inspection by
October 31.
War Ration Book fIX--For all
adjustments, contact local board.
Duplicate or defective books to be
eurrendered to local board.
~V =
Buys Purebred Cattle
In South Dakota
Oscar Glgstad has Just returned
from southern South Dakota, hay-
Lug purchased 12 registered Here-
ford heifers from the famous ranch
of Joseph J. Rezac and sons. This
ranch is of 40 years development,
having alWays purchased hlgh
prized bulls, one at $~6,000, all of
them the very best procurable at
the time. Emil, one of his sons,
not only was the Judge at the
Heweford m~le list Tuesday in Bis-
marck, bUt was the Judge at the
International Shows in Chicago
and Denver, and will .e~o place
the winners at the. coming Los
Angeles show. For further details
concerning the twelve "Sweet Six-
teens" (16 months) which will at-
Robert McDanold
Dies From Long
Illness October 24
Robert Byron Me||hold was
born near Buffalo, Cass County,
North Dakota on June 2, 1906, the
fourth son of Byron J. and the
late Mrs. Belle MeDanold of north
of Beach. When he and his twin,
Richard, were nine months old,
they moved with their parents to
a homestead north of Beach where
he has lived since that time, being
engaged in ranching and farming
up until his health broke some
years ago, and where he has car-
ried on with his father and broth=
ers until the time of his death.
He received his education in the
Indian Hill Rural school and on
l~ovember 27, 1942 he was married
to Miss Adeline Roaisvig of Arne-
gard, North Dakota.
In 1936 he was stricken with
nephritis and although everything
was done for him that medical
science could possibly do, and in
spite of the fact that Bob himself
was a patient sufferer who com-
plied entirely with his doctor's or-
ders at all times, in the spring of
1943, the care of the past several
years seemed to avail him nothing
and he was con~ned to his bed
for some six weeks when no hope
was held for his recovery. Perhaps
Faith and the devoted and tender
care of his good wife helped him
over that grave Illness, at any mt~
he returned home and
enough streD~th to be up and
around and fairly active dt~'h~ the
summer. In June his wife/took
him to Rochester where he con-
sulted the Mayo clinic, but theF
could do nothing for him and only
marveled that he still lived. On
October 9, he again fell ill and
returned to the Dickinson ho~|tal,
but this thee hiS wlil failed him
and on Sunday afternoon, October
24, he passed away in coma. HIS
father, B. J. McDanold, and his
wife, Adeline, were with him con-
stantly in hk last illness.
Bob leaves to mourn his loss his
widow, his aged father, three sis..
ters, Mrs. Grace Rais3er of ~'Eo,
Mrs. Ed Koshney of Beach, Mrs.
Chris Cadwell of Glenwood City,
Wis.; three brothers, John A. and
Donald A. of Beach, and his twin
brother, Richard N. of Bellingham,
Wash. He J~ preceded in death
by his mother and three brothers,
Allen. Ernest and Marion.
Bob was loved by all who knew
him. Kind, thoughtful of others,
honest, dependable, an outstanding
hard worker on the farm until his
health broke, he will be remem-
bered always by his family circle
for his unselfish devotion to duty
and his family. Children loved
him, he had a qulet way with
them, they regarded him with un-
bounded affection and he will be
greatly missed by all his nieces
and nephews. To his good wife,
this tribute is due. She married
him when she knew he was not
too well, she has spent every min-
ute of the eleven months of their
married life fu tender, devoted,
watchful care of him, and ff he
has been spared for these few
months of happiness, his family
give her the entire credit for it
with God's Grace. She has given
him much happiness, and hem won
the love and high esteem of all
Bob's brothers and sisters in her
high purpose in r~malning ever
near him, watching over him at
every moment she could spare from
her teaching duties. To this good
woman, may God bring comfort in
the thought that she has been
an administering angel to one of
the best brothers and faithful sons
that ever lived,
The funeral ws~ held at 2:00
o'clock P. M. Wednesday, October
27, from the Methodist Church,
with Rev. Grant S. Moore offlc-
lating. Pall bearers were Max
Kerr, Ray Hamlin, Dan Suther-
land, Olaf Abraham, Ted Thomp-
son and Albert Still
Out-of-toWn relatives who came
for the funeral were his sisters,
Grace of Fargo, and MarY, and
a slster,in-law, Mrs. Richard Me-
Danold of ~, W'aah. HJa
twin, who had b~m home in the
spring when hew as
rive soon in an immense covered A number of ~ ~ w~t
semi, be on the lookout for the re- to
port by the Hereford Journal
Raymond Lazz of Golva return-
a week ago Friday from ~ska,
where he has been working on the
the armed fm~es.