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October 27, 1938 |
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~{~, :tt~t 1111,I'1 ~':~1.~" [lt:IC]!i ¢1{~- ~l]!}!~,{~[]¢;~li'lt %!th h*'F |)#'{ili{~It, I, U~il~: I1!~" It >lI{ 9;1{{~ l{a~! *!'{a~*!~l{~,'
IREAMERIE , CREAM STATIONS where an-]rldlvidual firm or cor- {hin-gs, directed the sale vy me ut tn~
kND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS *oration receives milk or cream in the City of Beach County of
~ACTORIES. from nore than three herds and '.EI~TIFICATE OF NOMINA- the real state herein and herein ported Will will be heard and
said Judgment vlth interest thereon Monday, the 7th day of November Dakota, on Monday, the 14th day of
Referendum of a measure designs[- which is weighed, measured or TION$ described to satisfy the .mount of duly considered by this Court on Golden Valley and State of North
ed as "House Bill No. 62" en- tested or ,urchased. when ~ueh milk November A.D. 93~ at the hour of
acted by the Twenty-fifth Le- or cream is bottled or sold to the In accordance with the )rovisions and the costs of sale, and by virtue A.D. 1938 at ten o'clock in the
gislative Assembly of the State general )ublic by measure or of ~ection 974 of the Corn ,tled law~ of a Writ of Special Execution to 'orenoon of that day, at the Court ten o'clock in the forenoon of said
of qorth Dakota at the reg- weight, of 1913, Minnie E. Smith Auditor me issued out of the office of the Rooms of this Court, in the County day, to satisfy said Jud 'men[ with
ular t937 Session of aid Le- A renovatim or ,rocess butter of lolden Valley County, North Da- Clerk of said Court and under the Court House, in the City of Beach, interests and costs thereon, and the
seal of said Court directing me to County of Golden Valley md State costs and expenses of sale or so
factory for the ~urnoses of this Act Rots, do 'hereby certify that the sell aid real )roperty ~ursuant to of North Dakota; .nd much thereof as the )roceeds of said
andldates have
glslature Assem:bly, being an
Act to amend and .e-enact Sec- is hereby defined, as any place following named sale applicable thereto wil satisfy.
tion 2344 of the Supplment to where an ndividual, firm or eor- been duly nominated for the offices said Judgment and Decree, I, How " You. ~nd each of you, are hereby
th~ 1913 Compiled Laws of poration receives butter of an m- as designated, to be voted for at ard Stockwell, Sheriff of Golde~ lied to be and appear ,efore this The premises to 'be mold as afore-
..,, ~a,, the General Election to be held on Valley County, North Dakota, wll C,~urt at said time and ,lace and said ~ursuant to said Judgment nd
........... show cause, if any ~ou have:__why the Decree and to said Writ and tO
] i'eehurns su(;h mixture it~t(, f,u~ter i ........... ~ .................... : ;" ................
..... . ..~.~=~ ,',,.lin e,,.~i,mousiv open until ~:00 I .