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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 26, 1939     Golden Valley News
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October 26, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY,~ o~CT: 26th, PAGE 8 AT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS ,o BAKER SWIN CARLYLE + CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt f~ha.-fl~s to our friends and neighbors 1or their help in our hour of grief, to the choir for the beautiful hymns and go the minister for his consoling words. Mr. Ole C. Berg :Ma'. and Mrs. Jens Lovlle and family, Mr. and family, Mr. and family, Mr. and family Mr. and Mr. and family Mr. and family Mr. and family Mr. and Mrs, Ole Berg and fam- ILy CORltE(Y~ION In the story in the last Week's News ~about the Golden Valley 4-H members prizes at the Mandan meeting 3~ently, the names of three winners were unintentionally omitted. Thc6e omitted were Mary Kremers of ~tolva, who placed third with a dresser • ~exf; Cleone Curl Douglas, who placed Several new cases of scarlet fever have been reported in Beach during ]the the past week. None of the cases ~have been very severe and every pre- ~caution is being taken to stop an~ep7 idemic. Mrs, Martin Berg and Mrs. Helmer Berg and Mrs. Laxs Ness and Mrs. Nels Severson Mrs, Ka,sper Berg and Mxs, Bjorne Aarmo and Mrs. John Berg and [ A rummage said of the Congrega+ l tional Ladies Aid will be held in the church basement on Friday afternoon Nov. 3 and Sat., Nov. 4 all day. 4-2t FOR SALE---Registered Shorthorn cow 3 yrs., old fresh soon, second calf. ' '~' "~ ' .ADS Inquire Beach hospital. It CLAS~I~ lED FOR SALE--One Monarch coal range in very good condition. Priced rea- sonable. See or write O. E.+Schultz, WANTED--Second hand 32 - volt Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. 4-2tp motor. Must be in good shape. M.B. ~ Hogoboom, Alpha, N D 4-gtp FOR SALE--Ivory bed room set, baby crib and mattress, high chair TAP DANCING LESSONS---TuescL~y, and nursery chair. Write box F, Sen- 3ctober 31, 5 to 6 p. m. at Beach City l tinel Butte, N. Dak. lte hall. 10c a lesson Call Miss Anderson I at Witzig residence Phone 57-1~ ItI IT'S Hot Chocolate TIME Ask for Nestle's At The SATURDAY NIGHT FOR SALE--Young bronze tom tur- key gobblers, $3.50 each. Pick of the flock. Also a few rose comb white Wy- andotte roosters. Mrs. George Lardy. 4 miles north of Sentinel Butte. FOR RENT--Small house, partly furnished; also 6-room modern house,furnished; also rooms for rent. See Mrs. Julia Kalkman, : Beach. 3-2tp STRAYED TO MY PLACE--Bay mare I 3 yrs. old, broke, no brand, white ou both hind feet. Owner can have same by paying for ad and keep. At~ Chas. Brettin farm north of Beaehlp FOR SALE---2~ acres of standing corn. WANT TO HEAR from party 19 acres of Amber cane in shock. W_ bwilding for sale, about 16x18. P. Kuhn, Beach ,ltp or write Leonard Streitz, Butte. FOR SALE---350 bushels of corn on cob. Will sell reasonable. Henry :~ FOR SALE---Pick of 100 Thoemke, Beach. 3-2tp breeding tom turkeys. $5 each. .......... few hens AI Roberts, Wibaux. LOST--Zenith 29x4.40 tire, some ................. where in Beach. Wheel also. Will find- FOR SALE~Chester white boar er return to Ray Mingle, Wibaux,orlt about a year and a half old. leave at News office Hollenbeck, Sentinel Butte OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL NEW JELLY FILLED DO-NUTS ........ PER DOZ. 24c We carry a full assortment of all kinds of bread and pastries. We try to give you something new each day. SUNL!TE BAKERY