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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 26, 1939     Golden Valley News
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October 26, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, OCT. 26th, 1939 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE 6 LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haigh, Miss Arlone Janze and Clarence Knezevich were Sunday visitors in Killdeer. Enroute home they stopped in Dickinson where they attended the show. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Noyes returned home Tuesday evening of last week from their two weeks vacation spent in Portland, Oregon and other points in the western states. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Tillltson and Glendon Carlson left Monday of this week for their return trip to Califor- nia after spending several weeks here visiting at the parental W. L. Carlson home. While here Mr. and Mrs. 2211- itson also visited in Moorhead with re- latives. Bob Haas of Fargo was a visitor in our city several days last week visit- Lug friends. Bob was a pitcher for the Beach baseball team sereval years ago and last season pitched for the Fargo- , Mr. O. E. Schultz of Sentinel Butte :was a business visitor in Beach Wed- nesday afternoon and while here he dropped into the News office for a short visit. .. Bud Koch, manager of the Mont- ane-Dakota Utilities here in Beach has been on the sick list several days suf- fering with a bad cold. Ebb Anderson, salesman for the Bis- marck Grocery is again back on the job after missing several weeks because of illness. Ebb's many friends are more than pleased to have him back. i The Getz poultry car which loaded here last Friday and Saturday received a nice delivery and plans are now that a ~urkey car will be loading here some- time early in November. Watch the News colums for further information on the Getz turkey car. J Weeks vacation which he spent with an aunt in Wisconsin and from there ;~| he went to Chicago for several days iii Dr. Riesland the eye sight specialist |~| Will arrive next Sunday and may be ~I consulted for the latest and best in glasses at the Golden Valley Hotel'un- i~}! ell Thursday night, November 2nd. !i!i of the local school faculty were over- ~ight guests at the Dominic Kukow- i!i home east of town Thursday night last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moen left las~ morning in their new Willys ~;i Coupe for the west where they plan ilii to take in the world's fair and will vl ~end several months visiting friends and relatives there. A news item from the University of North Dakota says that Allen Severson of Beach has been accepted for the civil aeronautics flight training course how being offered there. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Koch and son Were Saturday night and Sunday visit- ors in Glendive where they visited ~rs. Koch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sproat and also Mr. Koch's bro- ther. Tt}2s week Ernest Feldmann and h_'s boys finished a nice improvement to !~| the Frank Zook farm home south of town when they completed a large ~n porch 9x28 feet. The men have ben busy all fall and are hoping now ~r nice weather so that they may be able to finish a number of other jobs that they have around the community. Miss Margaret Tasker of Trotters MONARCH SALE ~ Sofus Holthe is back on the Job at t New light fixtur~ are being install* I Miss Carrie ~ has accepted era- On Friday and Saturday of this the Overstad Hardware after being ed in the J. C. Penney store this week ployment at the Palace Care in this week a Monarch range sale will be iconflned to his home Several days~ held at the Overstad Hardware in this - * k ~ flln i which will be a fine improvement when city starting her new duties Tuesday l~as~ wee oy ess. 'completed. Jof this week. city. R. J. Bach, representing theI company, will be here two days to con- duct the event. A contest is a novel feature of the sale and the winner will be presented with an appropriate prize. On Saturday afternoon free coffee and cookies will be served in the furniture department and a bak- ing demonstration will also be held. Mr. Overstad and Mr. Bach are planning two big days for those in- terested and you are cordially invitetd to attend. Mrs. J. E. Metcalf and son Donald sent the weekend at their home at Trotters. -PARK CAFE. THE MOST SENSATIONAL OFFER THAT. WE HAVE EVER MADE with the purchase of spark plugs, electric iron, automobile and many other items. GAMBLE'S OCTOBER SALE SPECIALS! Moorhead Twins. This coming seasoni he will go to an eastern League in Pennsylvania and play with a team .... that is also a farm for the Cleveland ONE WINTER KING SHIRT FREE OF WINTER KING- SHIRT FREE OF ~. SPECIAL F0R NEXT SUNDAY CHARGE with the purchase of 3 gallons CHARGE WITH ANY ONE OF Herb Nichols is helping out at the of Gamble's Bonded Anti-Freeze and THESE BATTERIES senceWoodward Drug Store during the ab-of the Woodward Brothers who TURKEY DINNER " 10 OZ. call of Tiger Radiator Cleaner SI PLATE TIGER BATTERY--Withmbberinsula. are spending a vacation at their old ~ Our famousBonde4),~att-l~reezettmtpold. ~.~:~:r,~,._ fioa. Guaranteed 3 years on a ~;;~ uvetyguaranteesyoucompletewint~rl=o. .~.-~:~~!!;~lt~ servicebas/s.¥orFord, Chev., home in Iowa. With all the rim ings ..~,~_ backed by l warraai'y bond of the ~oenbt ........... ~:'*~ • .uv proteetmn agatmst h-eezlnE dam- .~:~ ...... 14g, to ]'our motor block, radiator or ........ 'l'~g Always at your Service w~th the best ~~'~ **'-*-" ~:~ tainers with I0 oz. can o! ~F..vs-- ~- . TERY -- Positively guaran- teed 9 years on a service ~~ radiator cleaner. Zd -~~ basis. Fits larger cars. Of Sax To Put in Meals, Lunches, Cigaretes, Beet" ~lw, $hl, Included F. 01 Charge ~~'~'rtON ~"" "O ....... '9"3s ApplesIn and Candy A WINTER KING SHIRT FREE OF WINTER KING sHIRT FREE OF CHARGE WITH THE PURCHASE OF THREE 2 GAL. CANS OF GAMBLE'S CHARGE WITH TWO TIGER MP LERS "The Park" 00% PENN. PERMIT OiL HEAVY DUTY "B" BATTERIES ch'em ] n- ~ - " i ~" ,l"~" per Case of Three $~) ~Qwa~.r start ........ ' ; " ,' -~ s~o. Cans 0"" "~ Fet _ a-o ~ ~ ~ .hi FRlUt of Ch.r~, ~~ PositivelY1000 hours ofgUaranteedservice basedf°r ~ ~ WINTI~ King sHi~r FREt t, R~'~~ on operation of our Coron, lp 1.10 per bu. ~. ~ ---,.,--,, o,. pies $ ::~::~i~i~:'!i]i :~'~ ¢--'g WITH ONE CASE O, ~~ ado~tttberadio. ~ ~ ~ Case includes four § quart cans. ~~~ d~ ex, hva. duty ~;.m._dlVe ::~ ~ The fl-est Penn. oil you can buy. ~~~ k S Batteries... ~]~ n ~ ~ THERE'S ~ ~a ~., c.. o,,o. ,o,, ~ i 6 Quart Cans ........ i~"" runs ShWt s,,, ot .oo o, wee ,rom two. m AUTHOI~IZED AGENCY GAM B LE ST'OR ES • / %:INDIVI-DUALLY. ,OWNED AND OPERATED END OF THE MONTH NO "IF" About WINTER It's Coming Change to-day to WINTER GRADE LUBRICANTS For Winter Co~nfort and Safety Check To-day ~d Anti-Freeze heater, tune-up, brakes, bat- tery, lights and tires BARGAIN DAYS TH URSD A Y-FR ID AY-SATURDA Y Mens ONE-THIRD WOOL UNDERWEAR Men! Now is the time to stock u~ on .. your wool underwear. Never before at th~s pr~ee. AI1 new L~t nc~t many While they ~ast- $~.67 pr. MENS Flannel Shirts Made over roomy patterns and of good weight suede eloth 14½ to 17 Special at 6% ~ho has been employed in Wtbaux forCOME IN AND ASK ABOUT OUR WINTER Mens Warn ~ ,,~.;%~_ ~ Buckskin the past several weeks was a visitor at SPECIAL SERVICE the Lute Hodgin home in this city sev- "' "AMAS " "" "~ eral days the first of the week..r~u | //c~,,d..'.~o.,>~, ~ Cho Mitts • e~r~ow~mo~ro~ to~*~ COM3~UNITY GARAGE pper £~ Ribbed k~ ~ Mens Wednesday afternoon where he re- taalned overnight .bringing back sev- Alvin Fergen, Prop. A big value 73c [i/s~oc~mos ~,! chargers the next day III ~1 lt~ II :~, ~eetric-~r 98c Y truck. ! Keep warm -even on the !|i IU ;! ..... I coldest nights! Soft, Cozy Flannelettes t t~ Stock up at this sav- 11 .~ I ~qk ings! lxl ribbed {" ,~ - '*~'/~ ~ ~.eotton Sizes 5-9~2. ~4r Faciel Tissues | 400 SHEETS TO BOX 1 " Special Value . 'HIS WINTER 2 boxes for 25c . ' S te --~ ~ "- All W !-~8 Winners. Fleece Lined i , .~g~" g','~'t~, i :" u" ovr,N~'~ ool $2, Extra comfort does not always mean extra ex-.~~ COat wea rs ~' FLANNEL pease. * Check your needs NOW ~ .~. 79c 8' AforSe.nsationaliYth,s quality, low32 ~[ Rugged--they'll stand a lot ]F{][. wool, plaid in high colors! "L~ A low price "for this " HOT WATER HEATERS---Sized fo rtheflndiv).dual ho or apartment, ~m~- ~l~ of hard wear! Made of Handsome sport imzk, too,. i there is a heater to fill every economy ann servwe reqm . - ~ quality! White, wov. heavy~ :.fut color cotton to give exta samrt appear .... ance! Slide fM-tmmr front. SlaSh pockets RADIATORS---Maximum heat from either steam or hot water heat- ing plants is yours with our modern designed ra~rs. LET US CHECK YOUR HEATING PLANT ana "fixtures before the Cold Weather sets in. " It's sure to Home---Why not be prepared? OLAUS RISHOVI) with tightly knit ribbed II -euffsl Deep sle. eves, sloped shoulders. i i li i ............... 2~ ~ • "