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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 26, 1939     Golden Valley News
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October 26, 1939
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PAGE 4 SENTINEL BUTTE ..... ~"-~t Wednesday with home folks. I~I I = Mr. j, ~~ and Mr. Douglas 5asse were Dickinson v~tors on Sat- ~r~ay. Mr and Mrs. M. C. Tescher and Joan left Sunday afternoon for, West Bend, Wisconsin and various other points for a two weeks visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Berg were b11s- callers in town MOnday. Mr. and Mrs William Gardner were Dickins~ visitors on Sunday evening. Orville Dodge spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Page Myers and son of Medora spent Thursday visiting at the home Of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Runion~, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hogoboom and family had as their guests on Friday and Saturday, Mrs. Katherine Iago and Rose Iago of Fairfax, Minnesota. Miss Sokoloski of Wlbaux spent the w~nd visiting with Elenore Boisen. Mr. Paul Wagner Journeyed to New England on Thursday night where he attended an American Legion Meeting. Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Cook and family had as their guests for dinner Mono day evening, Mr. and Mrs, Mort Stone and Mr. and Mrs. John Stone and family and Mrs. Ted Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dempsey were Beach visitors on Saturday afternoon. The Misses Marian Robertson and Marian Gardner spent Saturday and Sunday at Dickinson visiting with Miss l~bert~n's parents. They returned home Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Blll Gardner. Nan Kregnees spent Saturday at Beach having dental week done. The ladies of the, St. Mary's Altar Society wer~ ~ at the home of Mrs. EriciBt-~h on Thursday after- noon. At this meeting the annual el- ection of officers was held. Those elected were Mrs; Nick Uetz as presi- dent and Mrs. Margaret Boisen as vice presiddnt and Mrs. E. O. Busch as secretary and treasurer. After the business meeting a very delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Miss Margaret Boisen spent Sunday at the home of her-mother, Mra Mar- pxet Boisen and family. Miss Boisen is employed at Medoru. Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Martin and Babe were Beach visitors on Saturday after- rloon. The members of the Study club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Paul Wagned on Tuesday evening. The eve- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Flnneman and family were Dickfr~son visitors Wed- nesday. Mrs. Bud Haigh entertalned bridge club Thursday. Mrs. Clara Madison won high, Mrs. 21met Ralsler low and Mrs. TonY Krei~er traveling prize. Miss Marceila Fischer attended the Hmnecoming at I)lcklnson Saturday. Miss Thedora-~Manuaam left Friday for Bismarck where her folks expect to spend the winter. Mr. Hugo Kre/th~e~ has charge of t~e store. Mr. K. L. Dooley and Mr. Ralph Jacobs were Dickinson visitors on Sat- urday. The Whist club met at the home of Mrs. Loule Fascning Thursday. Miss Ferguson won high and Mrs. Hanson traveling prize. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hflbur arrived from Belfield where he is employed to spend the weekend with his sister Mrs. John Tschida. Mr. and Mrs, Bud Haigh were Beach visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joh~ Tschida enter- tained a few friends Saturday evening. Bridge was played with Mrs. Chaffee winning high. Those attending from Beach were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tobias and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schillo A very delicious lunch,: was served A pleasant time was had by all. I Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Nlstler were Sunday dinner guests at the T. A. Wosepka ho~ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schwagel were guests at the Pete Schilo home in Beach Stmday. Ed l~scher ~and Loretta were to THE GOLDEN VALLEY ~ 6% Olendlve on business staurday. Joyahle time. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weinrts left on Henry Allen and Hank Wojohn. Monday for New York then they will Marlyn Stecker was an overnigh~ go to San Francisco vlst~tg both of the fairs, They are ~ t~ round trip by bus. BIG FOUR DISTRICT ! I II On L%mday afteraoon algmt seven- ty-flve people gathered at the Herin Brown home to honor Mr. and Mrs Ray Brown with a ~us show- er. The afternoon was spent socially and a~ the close of the day the bride opened the many lovely gifts present- ed her, A delicous lunch was served at the close of the evening by rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs, Richard McDanold and family arrived here from Belllng- ham, Wash., on Sunday mornh~ to attend the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown. They plan to remain here about a month to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Feldmann, Albert Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Peterson Rudy Ramstad and his mother. Mr. and Mrs, H, W. Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Stecker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ffllner were among those at- tending the FLB meeting in Dickin- son Tuesday. Mary Strzyswski spent the past week with Marian Schauer. The wedding dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Odenbangh at the Big Four ~cmmtmity Hall was well attended and everyone present had a very He- US£D CARS 1935 Chev Truck, good tires, and in O. K. Condition. 1929 Ford Sedan, cheap 1934 Plymouth Sedan, new tires, in good condition TO CONVENTION Practically every member of the }Beach school faculty left here this guest at the Ellis Stecker home on [morning for Bismarck where they will Wednesday and Thursday. ~attend the three day state convention [of educators. We are sorry to hear of the car ac-. School has been dismissed cident Just east of the Odland dam on for the Saturday night and wish all those in- remainder of the week and the local jured a speedy recovery, youths are enjoying their vacation. ANNUAL FARTY A number of Beachites as well as a good representation from Sentinel Butte, Golva and Wibaux were present for the annual fall party and turkey raffel which took place at the Vie Renstrom farm home southeast of Golva last Saturday night, Those attending from here report an enjoyable evening and also the fine lunch served at midnite. t , - .- ! Ship Your Cream TO Famers Union Co- operative Creamel~ DICKINSON, N. D. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES ACCURATE WEIGHT ACCURATE TEST PROMPT SERVICE COOPERATIVELY OWNED AND OPERATED THURSDAY, OCT, 26th, 1939 THE MARKETS ~ax ........................... $1.45 Barley ............................ Oats .............................. :12 Rye ............................... 26 Eggs .............................. 26 Cream, sweet .... 26; sour ..... 24 DONI' FORGET THE ANNUAL HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE ~~r AT THE ALPHA HALL Monday, October 30th WEATHER IS DIFFERENT-- .~ TEMPERTURE IS DIFFERENT-- So FIRE CHIEF GASOLINE .is made to suit the season "DON'T HIBERNATE-INSULATE" Use TEXACO PRODUCTS nlng was spent in playing bridge with 1936 Ch Wi ~,~ ~o~o~ ~ ~, ~a~ ~o~ ~_ ev Pick-up, new tires --For nter Driving ~. ~fi 1927 Chevie Coupe, goodrubber, cheap ] THE TEXAS COMPANY ~ HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW ~ STUB NOYES, Consignee ~'~°" ~i' GOLDEN VALLEY HARVESTER i ~~f ~~ I~ COMPANY !' who lives near I . C~ Clark Beach, N . D " I, ?QUX Fred Smith. Before the ladies departed they were served a delicious lunch by the hostess~ Miss Sylvia Kremenetsky pleasant caller in town on Saturday afternoon. Bernard Dixon and Alphonse Decker were visitors in town on Friday eve. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bares and fam- ily were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mike TheJsen on Sunday. Miss Htlda Waldahl spent the week end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Waldahl. Mr. and Mrs. George Lardy were Sunday dinner guesus of Mr. and Mrs. Delphonse Barthel Golva~ Donald Waldahl home on Saturday from Fargo where he has been in the hospital for the past two months. Donald somewhat better but it will be some time ~efore he will be able to be on his feet again. His many friends arc glad ~o have him home again and they all wish him a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bares and Mrs. Mike Theisen spent Monday in Dick- inson. Elmo and Gertrude Fischer and Mrs. Glendora Homing were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waldahl on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. George PAchmond and family had as their guests on Sunday. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Frank Johnson, Bjon~ Venaas, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haugse and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rink and family. Mr Douglas Sasse was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J, McPherson on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Jot~nny Honnold were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thelsen vn Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs, Paul Wagner and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Fasching were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G~orge Wo- ~epka on Sunday. Mrs. Meryle StromYer and ~htldren arrived ~tm~lay from Ismay to spend a few daYs visiting at the hon~ of Mrs, Stromyer and her ~d~ter's Mrs. Herman ~n. She returned home Wed- nesday, Mrs. C~',--~ Stromyer left rr1~aY for Lefor where she has secured em- ployment. Mr. and Mrs. John Tschida, Mrs. Flora FUnk, Mr.'al~d'~rs. B, J. Maj- erus, Mr and ~ l~nk: KretUnger were Dickinson visitors. Wednesday. MarJorie Funk and Dorothy Fischer, Bernard Majerus. M~d Maus who are attending the Dickinson Normal Box AUCTION SALE One mile south of Ollie and three miles west and a quarter of a mile south, on the Baker road. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th BEGINNING AT 10:30 A. M, SHARP Lunch will be served at noon by the Lutheran and U. B. Ladies Aid of Ollie. Bring your own cups jl i ii LIVi~TOCK 4 head of work horses, 3 to 5 y~. 2 sucking colts 6 milch cows ~ to 6 yrs. old 6 spring calves $1 feeder pigs I barrow, 500 lbs. Turkeys and Chickens HOUS~OLD GOODS Beds, ~tables, kitchen cabinet, chairs stoves etc. FARM MA(~HINERY & MISC. 1 ~ tractor and plow's in good ~ order model 1 six-section steel harrow, nearly new. ~ I MeC~&-Deerln~ binder in exeell~t condition - 8 ft. 1 Hght ~aft Kentucky drill IO ft I drag ~cart 1 8-ft d~k I Deeek~ mower 1 Dee~g hay rake 1 sulky plow, lS-tn~h 1 $-~e ser~per { ~ III . 1 garden cultivator 1 single row corn cultivator in good shape I wagon and box I low wheel wagon-hay rack I four wheel traile~ - no tires I bob sled I front bob with .~px Z sets b~tehen harnem Z se~ harness with ehat~ trigs 2 new oil barrels, "1~ 1 steel water tank Cedar Pe~ts 1 breeder house. I ironclad lneubater, good shape 1 pile building lumber 1 pile kindling wood Chicken netting Shovels, forks and other tools 2 s~aek_s of prairie lug. I stack oat straw in AI condition I stack barley and oat straw 1 stack of wheat straw 1 grind stone 1 2-wheel cart :" 1 5S/g'aL barrel with "~t M~ay oU~r ~tlcles'to~ to mention. : - i i i ~i"l "i'l l ~[1 TERMS OF SAI~ :-:CASH~,~:~.~ ~ PETE ~T, Auettoneee Call at our Store and Test Your Memory... During our Special MONARCH Range Sale. OCT. 27- 23 & til~ M of t Cou~ tot spev and A Nort of~ civil ~ow ~ere ors Mrs. Cha~ thor. the town ~ble t~t Mr,, ~'ho the To< Wedr Y tr ! ! t]