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The Golden Valley News
Work On Will-
iams Dam Com-
pleted Last Week
Last week the work on the spillway
Of the Williams Dam that had been
underway for some days was finished.
This work was made possible through
the County Commissioners in furnish-
ing the cement and gas necessary to
Znake the fill in the spillway that had
washed out. This was not a W.
~. A project as all work on the dam
was donated, including the use of the
:B~nan, S. T. Gustafson, Wm Carew,
• Jer~ Kouba, Ed Kouba, Elmer Kouba,
~A G. Fasahing, A1 Irons, Carl Otremba,
• ~olm Irons, Milton Zlebarth, Ed FAde,
Buster l~sching, Andrew Kolher, Oscar
~,ppla, H. A, Bill, Oloyd Bury, Don
C01~ff, Richard K~pp, Art White, Ed
~aschlng, Leslie Howal'd, Ed. Sherman,
~[erman Brockmeyer, Nick Gamroth, I
~ic P~nstrom, Tom Wosepka, George
Wosepka, H. A. Oisen, George SygUlla, i
M Hogoboom and M B Hogoboom. ,
After the work was finished it was
~he general belief that some form ofi
Ueckert Reports On Recent [Z. Vlasoffi Well
Farmers Union Convention1 Known Resident
By Ervin Ueckert ,taking interest in the organization
The following is a report on the land they are also realizing that it is
13th annual convention of the North i necessary to organize if we are to be
Dakota Farmers Union which was held, recognized as all other business enter-
in the Armory building in Jamestown I prises. One of the farmers main ob-
on Oct. llth through the 14th. ijectives during this period of agression
i Friends and fellow members of the is 'parity not charity,' and there is but
'Golden Valley County Farmers Union i one method whereby we can achieve
o~ganization: Having been fortunate 'parity'. That method is through or*
to be sent to this 13th annual con-
i vention of the N. D. F. U., to-gether
:with your county chairman, Mr. Mar-
[tin Schillo, I feel it my duty to mak~i
tat least a brief report to aQ~ 51~ ~his
4-day convention."
I "As County ~ounselors of Golden
trucks for hauling stone, sand and
~"Cla~'W~ tramped in that part that i Valley County, Mr. Schillo and I drove
~was W~slied Out. The rubble ma~nery {to James.t&Wn on Monday, Oct. 9th
~?, ~tt~hd ~he County Counselors an-
~eplaced on tp=e~Wer part of the spil!- ..... ~ I G~,INDSTUEN ~
~ay and ace t and ston~ wall 8 ft. [ .... " ~ ~_~_ i nual meeting of all the counties in
~'~ tl~p%ii and 20 feet l@ng was pu~] Pictured above is lver T Arindstuerl [the s t.a.te .th+at have Farmers Union
~icro~ k} ~ttr~h~t~ ~r~ngth@h that ~ lmember of the faculty of Dickinson ~organl~ttol~.This m~,~rted st
of the spillway. Tllon a cement aria ;State Te-~ .... u~:." ~ - '2 ~ ~ on Oct 9th al~ la~tQd ~h~,~
........... "-'~ ~rOss ............. s~' anu mrmer, v. . ,,,m+,,
t~one ~D ~ iee+~.wia_ew~ .a~+,., _ superintendent of school in Beach. Mr. ~Tuesday, Oct 10th The ~ Of
me enmre mng~n o~ me spm wm),,.~ !Grindstune played a prominent hart ithe meeting was to discuss the vSLflOt~J h~Ikied by Gladys Talbott Edwards.
L'~nell 2 feet deep was aug on me up-, ...... ,- " " h " ff '
................ m mamng arran~en~nts for the college promems of t e m erent counties, de- A portion of It was broadcast fro~
~r slcle oI ~ne slap ana me wall pu~ ,__ .......... .. ~ -
......... nomeoomn~ cele~r~tlon last weekend ~cme on ways and means of br~den- 1:30 to 2:00 p. m.
m here was made par~ oI me smo ~ .... I" "h r ~
Th~ that donated work, tLrne" or aug was cn~tirI11&fl of the colorful par-mg ~em o~sgsh~i ~n a~d increasing ~Saturday, October 14th WAS g|~fl
" • ....... °- ~-'Uh ade held there Satlirday l~orl~lng. ,its . ~be p ~ng ~rom a newly a day of much activity and vei~ ~t~
~lmpmen~ were; ~,OD~. ~onne~, r~,p. I Since leaving here Mr Grindstuen Orgamzeo counvy ann we being new at cational At 9:1S the question box Was
has served very successfully as a mem- ,organization work, we feel it was well opened. The box was set on the
her of the DSTC faculty, and his many iw°rth our time to have spent these stage the fist day for the benefit of
friends here unite tn wishing him two additional days." tho~ who had questions to ask con-
'further success in his chosen field. I At 9:00 on Wednesday morning cernlng anything, but who were too
! ~. the convention proper was called to shy to viC~ them before the audience.
i order by President Glen J. Talb0tt. These questions were then all drawn
Hrs 01e C Berg .Following call ororder, Rev. Oeopge out and answerc~d anda general
. M. Thomas gave invocation which round- table disetmsi0fl ~oLlowed. The
r"assesA"u"n ~was indeed appropriate for the ocea-afternoon session consisted of unfin-
way sion.. Fred Thoms, a Junior member !ished and new business, a l'~rt of
then recited the Farmers Union Creed. the Elections committee and tntro-
Last aurJav An addre of
welcome was given gy duction of the newy elected offi~rs.
Mr. Perry JOhnson, Mayor of the City I would like to add that, conrtary {Z
of Jamestown. At 10:45 Mr. Richard ~the opinion and belief of some of the
Joyce gave a very satisfactory ~ecre- people of our county as well as others,
~celebration Was in order and with that • I C
tn view it was decided to have a party i Sentinel Butte-- On Saturday after- !tary's annual report, Undoubtedly w
~at the W O. W. hall and all who con- noon the many relatives and friends large number of our members and oth-
:tributed to the work in any way were of Mrs. Ole C. Berg were grieved to ers heard the next important feature
:invited. A social evening was spent learn that she had passed away at the on the program which was broadcast
~,ith ~ards and dartcirig At Midnight ..... f ...... ,over a statewide network, President
• _ _ _ • . . ., ,,ume o nor son, ~asper ~erg, WhO
free ~u r of $~r~ Fmtdags ann
a • ppe " OY .... , • ~ 'lives about 12 miles north of Sentinel Talbott's annual report."
li md refreshments wer'~ sefv${~ by t~le ............ :- - .... The afternoon program the second
q " , .,_ :,~_,. z~u~. ~wrs. ~erg has no~ oeen so Well
ladies Those donating mr tfle par~y
• " ~ for the past several years but has beenday two programs were broadcast
were R L Johnston Bud Haigh Jtrfl
: .... abl$ to be around until about ten the first being by Mr. M. W. Thatcher
,White and Homer Madison. days ago Orion she was confined to
2t is the general belief that the spill- her bed until the time of her passing.
-way is in better condition to withstand
'~a heavy flow of water than it was in
"the beginning There is also talk of
'restocking it with fish when the res-
*ervor has again filled.
The funeral services were held in the
Trinity Lutheran ChUrch at Sentinel
Butte on Manday afternoon at 2:03
P. M. She was laid to rest in the Sen-
tinel Butte Cemetery.
Miss Martha Marie Martinsen was
born in Christiana, Norway, on Jan-
uary 1, 1852. She was baptized, con-
firmed into the Lutheran Church and
has been a full believer in her maker.
Jesus Christ. In 1879 she was united
in marriage to Ole C. Berg, they bein.~
happily married for sixty years. To
this union were born ten children.
Surviving are her husband, Ole C.
Berg and nine children who are as
follows: Mrs. Magda Lovlie and Mrs.
Petra Aarmo, both living in Norway,
Mrs. Fredrikka Ness of California, Mrs.
Olga Severson, Martin, Helmer and
Ole of Aitkin, Minnesota, Kasper and
John Berg of Sentinel Butte. One baby
girl preceded her in death. There are
also thirty-two grandchildren and ~en
great grandchildren.
Pall bearers were Halvor Olson, Chas.
Reed, Sever Tvedt, David Davidson,
christ Stokken and John Hougen.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the
bereaved relatives and friends.
Messers. Allen and Harry Woodward
and their sister, Mrs. Carrie Gordon,
left last week for an extended vacation
which will take them into several
states. Going from here thru the Black
Hills and on to Yankton where they
will visit their brother and from there
i they will go to Villisca, Ia., their for-
:mer home to visit other relatives and
t They expect to be gone another
iweek or ten days.
During the past week Dr. E. A. Ny-
man moved his office location from
the Fish home on the north side into
office quarters in the Reeve building.
He has been bUSy the past few days
getting everything arranged but plans
to be well settled in his new location
in a few days.
Mrs. E. E. Dickinson and son Fred
returned this week from their trip of
several weeks which took them to New
York state where they visited relatives
and took in the fair.
Beach Defeats
Belfield 12 to 0
who gave some very interesting data
on grain marketing and national legis-
lation. The second was made by E. A
Syftestad, chair of the Farmers Union
Central Exchange and Mr. A. W.
Ricker who gave a fine report on the
activities of the Northwest Legisiative
Incidentally. by noon on the second
day there were registered five hundred
delegates from all parts of the state+
and about fifteen hundred members
had also registered by that time. On
the last day there were over twenty-
five hundred members registered In
the registration book making an all
time record for attendance which is
indeed encouraging and which also
proves that more and more pepole are
Hospital Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Carlyle are
the paren~ of a baby boy born last
Mrs. Huffman of Beach was released
after treatment, Saturday, October 21.
Mrs. Frisinger of Wibaux was re-
leased after treatment Sunday, 22rid.
Lenus Nelson was admitted to the
hospital Thursday with infected hand.
Mrs. Albert Still underwent Tonsill-
ectomy October 19th.
ClaTa Michels underwent Tonsill-
ectomy last Friday, October 20th.
! Mrs. Ralph Bussman of BeaCh was
'released after medical treatment.
Mrs. Elmer Howard of Carlyle was
in for general checkup.
Mrs. Don Buell from Beach had ma-
jor operation.
Miss Annebelle Micheis, who was in
an auto mishap last. Saturday, is un-
dergoing medical treatment and is im-
Mrs. Frank Soone is undergoing
medical treatment and is improving.
Jackie Tenant of WibaUX had an
eye injury and was in for treatment.
Mr. Forest of Beach and PaUl Osteby
of Wibaux underwent Tonsillectomy on
October 2~rd.
Lois Leynn of Wibaux entered Wed-
nesday for medical treatment.
During the past month the back
rooms of the upstairs over the Farmers
& Merchants Bank have been made
into offices which will be occupied by
the county agent and his office force
and will also take care of the soil con-
servation work. after the first of Nov.
Ole Thorson has had charge of the
carpenter work and has been assisted
a~ times by Cub Earnest and several
other workmen. Jack Lindt is in charge
of the painting and decorating and
beth have completed a very fine Job.
The ladies Aid of the United Luth-
eran church will serve a lutefisk and
lefse and meatball supper on Saturday
evening, November 4th at Hotel Beach.
Be sure to keep that evening free e~
other e~llNsmm~
ganization and legislation sponsored
by the dirt farmer himself,
The evening program consisted of
Oentral Exchange mov~e~ ~011¢W0C~ by
an address bY J~'~es G. Patton, Preal~
d~l~ Of the Color~lo Farmers Ur~ton,
Friday morning we l~ th~ pleasure
to listen to another address given by
Mr. John Vesecky, National President
of the organization ~nd ~t 1_1 9'clock
Mr. Harry Lohse gave a report on theI
State Triple A Committee.
T~e ,~efn~ttnde~ of Friday's program
~t~ ~l~01~ored by the National Junior
~;}epsrtment and Education Service
we, who are members but live out here
on the outskirts do have a voice at l
these large conventions. I have had
the remark made to me several times
hat a mere member has nothing to
say at a convention of this nature.
As a matter of fact I was more or less
convinced until I attended the gather-
lug and took part in it.'"
The convention was climaxed with
an elaborate banquet held at the
Knights of Columbus hall in James-
town. The banquet room was crowded
to capacity.
In closing now I would like to
fate that I wish more of our members
could have attended and next year I
hope that our state convention will
be held nearer so that a number of
members will be in attendance.
Next week the News will print a 12
)Glut program adopted at the convert-
ion, which space does not permit us
to print this week.
~he Beach high ~hool football
team met and defeated Belfield for the
~,econd time this season and again the
margin of victory was two touchdowns.
The game was played on the Beach
field last Friday afternoon with the
Beach team winning by a score of 12
:to 0.
Numerous fumbles and poor block-
:Lug kept both teams on the defensive
,throughout the entire game. Beach's
attack continually bogged down after
~enetrating deep into scoring territory.
*The Beach team finally scored in the
• second period with :Gilman circling Ieft
~end to score th'om the four yeard
.stripe. The try for the extra point
failed and the half ended with Beach
leading 6 to 0.
Gilman scored his second touohdo~u~
early in thc third quarter when he
gathered in a blocked Belfield Pun~
and went twenty yards unmolested to
score. Beach fumbled on the try for
extra point and the score stood 12-0.
The Buccaneer offense bogged down
completely in the last half and they
were unable to do any further scoring.
Nove~r 8 has been set as the
tdate for the Game Party by the Order
lot Eastern Star. A door prize will be
The program will start at 8 p. m. [given.
and will be made up of plays, readings
violin The next regular meeting of the
specialty numbers, vocal duets, ~eller Beach Woman's club will be held a~
and accordian solos and the ,~ the home of Mrs. T. E. Hudson next
orchestra will furnish the .music._ the IMonday, Oct. 30th. Don't forget the big party axmr ;
program. All indications are proving~
to make this a successful program. ~Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schulze~ar~
Come early and get a st=at. ~ ]suddenly called to California TU
Zell~, is U~ t~clmr of ~the "Bonflie lbY the death of a re, tire there. They
• "View seamol. .=~.~:...:, .. : jieft~t ~ by tram.
The club met on Monday evening In
~the Church parlors at 6~30 for a pot-
luck supper. The physic~l man saris-
fled, attention was turned to mental
stimulation. Four people presented
the subject: ~rhe Crisis in Christian-
lty." Discussion followed.
At the business meeting the folloW-
Lug were elected officers:
President--Mrs. Emma Neudeck
Vice-Presldent--Mrs. Ed Stull
Sec.-Treas.~Mrs. Natalie Adamson.
The next meeting will be held in
the parsonage at 8 p. m. *on Monday,
November 6th. All young adtilts are
cordially invited .
The Y.C.L. of Bonnie View SChoOl,
located 13 miles north of Beach on
highway 16 will sponsor a big program
and party on Saturday night, October
2~th to which the public is invited
Trotters---Mrs. John Greenup enter-
tained the Aid at the church parlors
on Wednesday. A large crowd was pre-
sent. There were quite a number of
visitors present besides several mem-
bers. A rather short busines meeting
wa held in the absence of our presi-
dent. A rising vote of thanks was given
the Metcalf's for hauling coal for the
church, to P. V. Moore and A. J Nel-
lermoe for fixing the church roof and
to Mr. John Greenup for digging the
ditches to drain the water from the
church yard. After the business meet-
ing the hostess served a delicious din-
ner. As yet there is no one to enter-
tain in November.
Mrs. Fred Wright, who has been here
the past ten days at the Jack Still
and Jack Callahan homes, left Wed-
nesday for her home at Wapato, Wn.
She had not seen her relatives here for
12 years. Other visitors at the Jack
Still tmme were Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Boldes and daughter Patsy of Rapid
City, S. Dak., Mrs. Grog Leitheiser and
son Dale of Bridgewater, S. Dak., Miss
Eleanor Ca[laban of Detroit, Mich.. all
of whom are sisters and their mother
Mrs. Mary Callahan of Rapid City.
They all have returned to their homes
after a ~ very happy visit here.
1 Social Hour club will meet at the
!home of Mrs. O. R. Niece on next
Tuesday afternoon, October 31. Roll
l cail will be "Halloween."--'"
-- "~- ~,S~N --
What is that odd expression on
Jess stm's face these days? Don't you know?
Last Thursday morning I~rry
Dennis, a bouncing lmby boy, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Still at the
local hospital. Rumors are wide-
spread that he was born with a
rod ~I reel in his hand, though
this fa~t cannot be definitely es-
tmlN~Imd concerning that angle on
t~m~ angler. and babe are doing nice-
ly ~ l~y~dcism eMimzte that
Dies Tues. Nit J
Lions Club Hold
Annual Ladles
Night On Mon.
t Monday evening of this week the
Beach city hall was the scene of a
gala party, the occasion being the
annual Ladies Night of the Beach
Lions club, and all those present re-
port an excellent time indeed. The
Belfield club and their ladies were in-
!vited guests for the event, and a dele-
gation of about 25 came up from
there, making a total attendance hero
of nearly a hundred and fifty at the
affair, which began with a ~mqtlet
at7 p.m.
schooling here, and ~ virtue of hard
studying at home af~ being forced to
leave school, he ev~ually earned a
diploma from the Normal school at
Yelikey Ustug. He ~ did bookkeep-
lug and auditing forr, somettme, until
tie Joined the Russ +il~+ army. At the
Mrs. Moore while the men's ~ was
won by Ray Paasch of B~If~Id. '
,after the program, the ~'+ ~t
~pstaL~ and enjoyed danc~for I~-
eral hours. Miss June ~+ de-
lighted the dancers with ~ eX-
cellent tap dancing numbers during
end of four years mlll.~tm~y training, he the evening. Cards and ehlnker chics"
came to America, landh~g in New York ~aleo proved a popular diversion.
city in 1900, where he ~pent the next The commlttee is charge of the
six years, during three of which he was event, headed by I~ W. Johnson as
I chairman are deserving of unstinted
engaged in the contracting business.
In 1906, he came flo North Dakota praise for the masterful way in which
and filed on a homestead in the north- the whole program was handled, l)e-
ern part of Billings ~low Golden Val- corations were especially deserving of
ley) county where he engaged in farm- comment, not to mention the fine
ing and ranching. Here he farmed for banquet, the cut flowers donated by
many years, movir~: in to Beach a John Brown, the excellent punch made
few years ago. ~ by M. L. Walker, and a host of other
He has been gres~tly interested in things too numerous to mention here.
North Dakota political activities, and l
has held several different positions
Masquerade At
in various departments. He was a
strong worker for the Townsend club
here. also. He was a member of the
{Beach Lions club for several years.
His one hobby was the study of geo-
tlogy, and he accumulated a rare col-
~lections of samples of rooks and metals
l from various parts of this territory.
His lone relative, & sister, Anna, who
]resided with his. preceded him in
Alpha Next Mon-
day Nite, Oct. 30
It will lutppen Monday night.*
"Nuf said,"
[death in 1937. It is hardly necessary to once more
I Funeral services ~$zill be conducted call attention of News readers that
at 2 P. M. this afternoon from the the outstanding social event of the
Overstad Funeral chapel in Beach. Pacific-Northwest. that good time su-
J +, preme of the autum season, that won-
;Jos. Odenbaugh,
Irene cker
Wed On Oct.
Tuesday of last ~eek, October 17th.
I Miss Irene Ueckert and Joseph Oden-
baugb of Beach stole a march on their
many friends here~ and drove to Ek-
alaka. Montana and were married
there that day. The~ffeturned to Beach
Thursday remaining with friends in
Medora on Wednesday, night. Thurs-
day evening a rousing charivari party
in their honor was held in Beach and
on the following evening a party was
derful opportunity to avail yourself of
fun in all its popular, possible and
probable forms --- or in ju~st a few
magic words --- the Alpha Masquer-
Next Monday night at the Alpha
7 hall, rain or shine, the annual mas-
querade dance sponsored by the Wood-
men Lodge of Alpha will be held as
is the traditional custom_ and need-
less to say, a mammoth crowd is an-
ticipated for the occasion. There will
be fine prizes for the best costumes
and the funniest, as selected by an
e~per¢ and impartial set of judges. It
will be dance music by a fine orchestra
especially booked for the occasion, and
a lunch at the midnight hour.
See ya' at Alpha Monday night,
held for them at t~e Big Four Com-
munity hall north ~f Beach.
I The bride is th~only daughter of
'Mr. and Mrs. MaYtin Ueckert, who
farmes north of Beth and is a popu-
lar young lady of tI~e community. She
has spent practically all her life here
and attended schools in this county,
graduating from the" Beach high school
with the class of ]937. The groom is
the youngest son ~Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Odenbaugh of Bea~ and is exception-
ally well and larGe, ably known in this
Their many frien~is unite in extend-
ing congratulation~.~ and best wishes
to them for a longhand happy wedded
life. ~+;
Auto lcci nt
l SatuNay Night
Fil p::; Dance
Here Nov. 2
Thursday night of next week, Thurs-
day, November 2rid, and outstanding
dance attraction is scheduled at the
Beach city hall when Nick St, Marie
and his all Filipino dance band of 11
pieces will play for an engagement
there. This band comes booked out
of the Twin Cities and is exceptionally
well recommended.
This is the last dance booked by the
local Travel club and all tousle lovers
lare urged to be present for the dance
next Thursday night.
I Big Saddle Butte club
met at the home of Mrs. L. Odland
A rather severe ~uto accident occur- on Thursday, Oct. 19 Ten members
ed on highway l~orth of Beach at responded to roll call. Songs were
]about midnight ~urday night, when
i two cars collided lust east of the Od- sung by the members and Mrs. C. E.
Carlson and Mrs. Ed Koshney gave
!land Dam. One c~ belonged to Ray very interesting project lesson on
Kukowski and the• other to Victor "Pressure Cookers and their Use." A
Stryzwski. Both cars were quite badly very delicious luncheon was served by
damaged as a re~t of the accident
landseveral of the, occupants were in- the hostess. The November meeting
~will be at the home of Mrs. J. M.
jured. Miss Ann~le MAchels, Miss tStecker"
Doris Janze, Phy dera and Joe
McCaskey were all ~ken to the local ~' _C~=,~qKEN DINNER
hospital for treatmer~t and the other I The Webbs Willing Workers of
passengers of both ~ were shaken ~Trotters will hold their annual chicken
up quite badly. [dinner this ~at~lay, iO0t. ~+Where
Further details ~eoncernlng the ae-lwiilbe a delle~teMen~table.~.At fancy
oid t ,,re