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October 25, 1934 |
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The meeting of Willing Workers
was at the church parlors Thursday.
!Election of officers took place, and
the following were elected: Presi-
dent: Mrs. Ed Franklin; vice presi-
dent, Mrs. O. K. Omley; secretary,
Mrs. J. E. MeteaJf; treasurer, Mrs.
Bill Reichert. After election of of -
if leers, the meeting closed with a
hymn and closing prayer by Rev.
Nelson. Besides the thirteen mem-
bers present, there were several vis-
itors, including Mrs. Cordia Wallace
and son Stanley and Mrs. Ed En-
derle. Refreshments were then
served which all enjoyed. The next
i meeting will be on November 15th
at the church parlors when Mrs.
Omley will entertain. Come for din-
nterdon county, N, J., is making ready to receive house at Flemington, the county seat, where "d~e
at its county jail. Anticipating
faVOrable action in New York on the request for his
extradition, officials of the New Jersey county are
the arrival of Bruno Richard Hauptmann
on murder charges in connection with the
trial will be staged ; left, Warden Harry 0. McCrea,
left, and Sheriff John H. Curt]as, standing outside
the cell selected for Idauptmann; right, Mrs.
Margaret McCrea, wife of the warden; who will dO
the cooking for Hauptmann. The sdspect is showh,
kidnaping o~ the Lindbergh baby. Top, the court- center,
....... III I I I I I ii j N IIII t IIII III
Miners VZagcd "Suicide Strike"
ii Ii
at Pets, Hungary, ing to cut off the ventilating system in the mi~o
and commit mass suicide, the striking miners had
for five days until sent up word to "buy 950 coffins~we are ready to
raise in pay, Threaten- die! before mine officials acceded to the dema~"~'
Stoll Kidnaper
Speed of Sea Elephant
Despite the fact that the sea ele-
phant is an exceedingly ungainly
creature on land it is able to bob
along on a level surface faster than
a man can walk, although pauses
for rest are made at short inter-
Vals. "Their mode of progression
has been well likened to that of an
inchworm," says National Gee-
graphic of these animals, "yet when
In a hurry they arch the spine and
Jerk forward tbe pectoral flippers
with such rapidity that their re
sultant gait might almost be called
a gallop."
Ohio Star Injured
• , H|
P. T. A. held a meeting at the
Smith Creek school house. This was
! the first one of the year for the pur-
pose of organizing. This P. T. A. is
for the patrons of the Smith Creek
and Trotters schools and will be
held at these school houses. The
i following officers were elected:
President, Mrs. John l~obertson;
vice-president, Nellie Nelson; secre-
tary, Nan Kregness; treasurer, O. K.
Omley. After election of officers,
6~ k 9
a play, Ghosts Wal ' was pres-
ented by Nellie Nelson (reader), Art
Nellennoe, Nan Kregness, Cecil Om-
ley, May Bell and George Re]chert,
and Alice Sperry acted the part as
~11 ii i lu
Dick Heekin
Hopes of Ohio State for more vic-
tories in the current football sea-
son have been dimmed by the re-
moval of Dick Heekin, above,
from the lineup because of a leg
injury. Halfback Heekin's run-
ning has featured Ohio's games
in the past two years.
~xciting experience, as she done.
crossing the brid~e on her and wife made a trip
?ranklin's, The on Saturday to haul out
:roe came lccge the f lumber for the Lutheran
~l:e wagon. "fhe were and some culverts for the
:~uite fast and when road which is being built by relief
~ame loose, she was thrown off the workers.
wagon into the scoria. The wagon Mrs. Flanagan has been feeling
ran up on her a ways, when she badly again and is taking chiyoprac-
realized that she must keep it "from tic treatments in Beach.
going off the grade. Her four Ellsworth err helped Fredwin
youngest children were aionm None] CroOk put a coupe bow on his nld
of tl~em were InJ~ but she re- ] Ford on Saturday.
ceived a cut on the cheek and someI ~ ~
bruises on her limbs. 1 I National Holidays
Ole Omley has the honor of hau -f Contrary to the common lmpres-
ing the first load of lumber for the I sion, there are no legal national hol.
new Lutheran church at Skaar. I ldays In the United States~not
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth err and even the Fourth of July. The legal
horses while
veterans, the people.
and high rank on the
propriations Committee are worth millions
North Dakota.
Miss Nelson read it. Song by Lucille
She has been in Washington for over
Reiclzert and Nora Bell Sperry. o w~r relati wnrtr I
........ o .... visiting ves and ..... -i
Games were then playea wnlen all in~ ~ she could ~et ~mnlo- !
took part in and enjoyed. Refresh- ~e~t[ ......... ~:~ ..... "J
ments were then served, after wh~0~ " ,
• " f r their rer4~eet~e Mrs Bill Re]albert was a dinner l
all depar~ea o t ~*~ ~ , ' ,
......... ~'~*~-" ",~ be, guest at the Hodgtn home Thursday i
h,la ~t. the Trotters schoo! house on ! Ed Franklin a~d Ellswortll err [
........ . : donated a load of ~al to the church I
i~ OVem~r ~. •
ion Thursday. Th~is surely appre-
Attendance at Sunday school l~Iciated.' ~ ,' , [ VOTE FO~
Sunday'21 '" Hjahner J°hr~°~ ~ust returned' RF¢h
L. Hodg~ is having a great deaotl from a trip to s~[hern Wisconsin [ W ell
:y~)uble with lame back. ~ ~ and Minnesota./ ' "
Cecil Omley hasbeen employ~tl at] The Luthera~] church has been
the L. Hodgin ho~e lately.\ f .4-m°v.ed to Ska~r and.the work OI Digti Judge
Tile Trollope fimily depa~$ed for II~aking the ~ement zs progress, ing a vote from tl~ home folks will be
Renan Merit o~ Thursday ~ m. ]~fnl~ely. iX v~ ge~ another mon~n oz
Mrs.'Zllsw0hh~Orr had'q,~te-'an 114°rable #eather we hope to have appreciated.
:perien~e, as s~d::l~ the ~'k d,
O K rnley p
te brid~e on her wa~ tel "£" K.~Om_ley
on SattWday. The Be~.h a
the °i
h° t~hs~g°~'~rch,
Di~t, ict
Engaged in
New England; N. D.,
for ~3 Years.
I desire to take this means
nouncing my Candidacy for
fice of County Auditor as it
impossible to see every one
:th~ Election on
name w:ll be on the
If elected i pr~
duties vf the the
of my ability, gl, it my
,ed time and attention, and
rice the most rigid ecmoony
fulfillment of my duties.
I respectfully solicit your
able' ~onsifferati~,z" and
Th3~ yOU,
holidays, says Llterary Digest, are
fixed by the statutes of the several
~states, and these holidays are not
~ltogeil~er uniform. The anmml
~roclamation ef the President call
ing for the observance of Thanks
gi~tlng day is actually effective only
in,he District of Columbia, but is
observed by common consent by all
states upon proclamations by the
respedllve governors. Other holi-
days observed by all states are
New Year's day, Washin~:ton's
birthday, Independence day, Labor
day, and Christmas.
One of the important matters of
Golden Valley county will decide on
November 6th will be the seleetton
of a county auditor for the coming
two years. As a candidate for re-
election, I hereby solicit your fa-
vorable vote. /
During the period of ~rne I have
been county auditor, /ny constant
aim has been to pra~ice the most
rigid economy in the~conduct of the
office. The records2~ear me out in
this statement, a]~L show that the
appropriation&if~ office expenses
have been greWly reduced. I have
always endeavored to conduct the
duties in a conscientious and ef-
ficient manner, with nil due cour-
tesy to the public, and if honored
by a re-election, I promise a con-
tinuation of this policy, with the best
interests of the taxpayers at heart.
I am, 24-2t
Flour Dust Combustible
four youngest children were supper
guests at the J. F. Crook home on
Cecil Omley and Luther Hodgin
made a business trip to the Leonard
Leland home on Saturday night.
Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Nelson were
dinner guests at the Lloyd Callendar
home on Thursday.
May Bell Re]chert has returned to
her homeagain after having been
employed at the C. H. Catlendar
home for awhile.
We extend sympathy to Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Callendar in the death
of their infant who passed away
soon after birth, at the Beach hospi-
tal. We axe glad to know ~hat the Flour dust will burn, aml because
mother is getting along nicely. I each particle of dust is surrounded
Tim Middteton started for StdneyI by air it will burn very rapidly when
on Thursday morning with about [ ignited. Thus a wave e[ flame runs
2000 head of Mr. Hudson's sheep,~ with great speed through a cloud
which Will be wintered near Sidney.l of flour dust, causing ~ explosion.
Mrs. Lawhead received word from
her boys that they were near Port-I Hide~ He~ Cm'~es
land, Oregon and planned to look[ Monstrous sashes ~t~ large bows
up the F. G. Roscoe family when[ tied In the back are ~ part of the
they reached there. ] national dress becat~se the Japanese
Thelma Omley made her folksI woman does not wish her beholder
happy when she arrived home fromI to suspect that he~ body possesses
Ellensburg, Wash., on Friday ntght.[ curves.
Having ~Y'~x~n nomi~ted a~
the two candidates f~rr
with hca!~h restored, I agz
in the race ~d seek
support of the voters
' . ley county at
if elected, service to
people, a square deal to all
To the Voters of Golden Valley whom my duties bring me in
County: tact and my closest attention
For the ~gport~mity ~ serving you t
for the past two years I wish to
thank you. I have he~l the office
of S~ate's Attorney f~me term, and
during that time, I ~ve devoted my
energies to carryi~ on the affairs
of my e~ice at a~'times to the best
interest~ of our ~umty and with as
little exlaens~ possible. The vote
which you gave me at the l~tnmr-I
ies c~mstltutes aR endorsement of
my efforts and I thank you for it.
I ~ vexT mtmtx apprecljte your
support and your vote at the Oen-
er~I Election ~a November 6th.
Having been chosen as one of the i
candidates for sheriff at the prim-]
)ffice work• The support
voters is resp~c~fully solicited.
Having been chose~ by the
of Golden Valley County
the nominees far the
rice of Register of
Court and County
solicit your vote at
tion November
' shall continue, in the
to devote to that my
ed time with the least
,ense to the tax payers.
ary election, I agairb ask your vote
l at the coming elation November1 FOR
i 6nbs. As sheriff/and as deputy OF SCHOOLS
sheriff, I have e~deavored to per-
I form the dut~es~f the office to the To the voters of Golden
i best of my ~ity and to practice County:
economy and Faw enforcement. Having been
If elected, I promise to continue office of