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October 25, 1934 |
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Speckeen went on a business
Rapid City this week.
to look down to the bot-
the county ballot and mm-k
the Beach Advance. 2t
~W. C, T. U. will meet next
at the home of Mrs. C. J.
There will be election of of-
Community club will hold a
V~oclal November 3rd at Twin
gChool house.
9 mL N., 4 E,
E of Benefit of the
School. 25-1t
Judge W. R. Schell was
Dickinson looking after his
fences, which he reported
shape throughout the dis-
also known Tom Moodte since h~
was a boy and worked with him
many years ago and always found
him a straight shooter as a man,
but don't know any more about
what kind of a governor he would
make than the next fellow. Both
are good fellows Dersonally and
good friends of ours, and there you
The Monday club will hold its an-
nual guest night next Monday eve-
ning at the home ~f Mrs. John
Keohane. This always is an inter-
esting affair and a fljae program has
been arranged for T~he night this
Mrs. C. H. ~allender left the
Beach hospital Monday evening
where she had been ill for a little
over a week, feeling very much im-
proved. The many friends of the
Callenders sympathize with them
deeply over the loss o! their baby,
who died at birth.
Gunnar Fahistrom, whose fine
His many old friends were farm lies south of town, when he
shake his hand. found he had no grain to thresh put
have asked us why we in his time painting his barns and
part in the campaign other outbuildings a n d moving
this fall. That's easy: some of them around so they artic-
known Bill Langer since ulated better with the general use-
studying law and always fulness of such structures.
friendly .way and haven't a See the special offering of dretmes
in the world against him as for every occasion by the Buttrey
;er. He is entitled for credit store. There are new crepes, new
the ~arliest in the field with tunic frocks, new bouther boy frocks,
l~n and other worthy new boleros and new metaisheer
On the other hand we have frocks, all of them just the thing
W. C. Schulz
for school girls and working women
for fall and winter wear. The ad-
vertisement of the store will be
found on page five.
Mrs. Ted Johnson has been on
the sick list this past week. -
Henry Trester and wife of south
of Sentinel Butte, returned last week
from a visit to the Chicago worlds
fair and to Nappanee, Ind., their
old home, and report a most de-
lightful time.
Guy Cox and his mother left last
week for Pola, Ills., where they will
visit relatives for an undetermined
time. Mrs. Cox has been suffering
from rheumatism and hopes the
change will prove benefig;ial, in
which hope her friends~n.
Be sure to lo~k d~ to the bot-
tom of the court, ballot and mark
X after the B4~ch Advance. 2t
At the Lions meeting Monday
night it was decided to get behind
one of the several tennis court prop-
esltiolu| under the relief organh~
tion~ the former to do the ground
work• and the elub to provide the
nettings and other needs. A number
of other community betterment
prol~osltions were discussed and will
probably grow into shape before
spring comes along.
A feature of the evening was the
presentation to retiring president
A1. Kuhfeld of a handsome past
...................... :: president's button.
Mr. Bryant of the Beach Cream-
SENTINEL BUTTE ~ry made a most interesting talk on
the processes of buttermaking, ex-
........ - ........... "~__ pressing his appreciation of the gen-
The Study club was delightfully erous patronage given to the local
entertained Tuesday evening at a butter factory.
social meeting, with Miss Effie Messrs. Halbkat, H. C. Rice and
Mason as hostess. Three tables of Billington were named as the next
bridge were in play with high hon- entertainment ' committee a n d
ors going to Mrs. Paul Wagner. Miss Messrs. Kastien, Grindstuen and A.
Velma Palmer was winner of con- R. Thompson will serve as the
solation. Delicious refreshments Thanksgiving Day committee.
were served. The Misses Velma
Palmer, Johnson, Polly Burhans and ADVANCE ADS GET RESULT8
Mrs. Byron Hogoboom were invited --
Mr. and Mrs. Levard Quarve and FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT
son left Tuesday for their home at To the Voters of Golden Valley
Fessenden after spending a few days County:
here visiting at the Byron Hogo- I wish to thank you for the votes
boom have given me in the past and
W. D. Lynch, Democratic candi- for the opportunity of serving you
date for congress and Otto W. for many years. I have always tried
Kllndsworth, Democratic candidate to serve the public fl~d the schools
for commissioner of agriculture and in an honesL ~effic~nt and econom-
labor, were the principal speakers at ical manner. ~ I ~o know the needs
a Democratic rally held at the town and the wan~sjGf your schools and
hall Thursday. These two interest- the taxpayer~fHaving been chosen
ing speakers addressed a large and by the electors of Golden Valley
attentive audience. The speakers County as one of the nominees for
were introduced by Pat McDonald. the office of County Superintendent
Art Beckley of Beach, candidate for of Schools, I again Solicit your vote
the legislature from the third dis- at the General Election on Novem-
trier, also spoke briefly, ber 6th. Your vote will be greatly
The Theisen boys received Word
while they were at Fargo from their
uncle in Wisconsin that a job was
open for one of them if
corhe lmmedia~ly~-
business and ~loyment has
proved cons~I~rably in the last
A tt~llowe'en dance will be sponso
on October 26 at
is the
W,| ][ ,j['l]~ ,~]p]h-~lvisits with friends. Then on south G V 80CI[T~
~JLLJ]L~Jk~.d[~ .f~Jkl~.L~[through the gorgeously beautiful
|Allegheny and Blue Ridge moun- * *
][-][ J'~ M ~. F R (~ M/ta~ to Washington, D. C. Here (Continued ~rom rage one,
Lit ~ XVl L2 L Xt ~ l,llthey stopped for some time, going time the meeting was in session on
• £~rlnlE~ll~T ~ ~ T IFI~]through the Smithsonlan Institute, Saturday. At this meeting it was
~_~2~1~.~1~ I ~ | ~* and enjoying the beautiful city and decided that the society could not
its surrounding scenery. They went succ~sfully operate under the pres-
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Wallace and
daughter Marian, returned from
their extended trip east last Tues-
day. They left here toward the end
of July and were gone almost three
months enjoying every mile of the
way and having a splendid time.
When they left here they went
first to International Falls, Minne-
sota, where they visited for a week
with a sister of Mr. Wallace's, and
from there on in to Canada for a
few days. They then went down to
Duluth for a week's visit and on to
from there to Baltimore and the
On the return tr~p they went north
along the Atlantic coast, turning
west through Penrmylvania where
they picked up a squash so large as
to cast some doubt here as to
whether it could be a squash.
Mr. Wallace says tnat everything
looked fine, the scenery couldn't be
beat for beauty and interest, andlots
of rain. They saw and enjoyed so
many things, going wherever the
spirit lead them, that it would f~
a book to tell of them all. They
ent policy, therefore, seven members
were appointed to redraft the poli-
cy, fee schedule and by-laws to be
voted on at the next meeting. The
committee appointed J. M. Still.
Ed. IJeivens. Ed. Trollol~e, William
Kramers, Paul Wagner, R. H. Welsh
and: Glen Hathaway. The meeting
then adjourned.
Another meeting of all mem~i~
Is called for November 13, for the
purt~e of voting on the amended
by-laws, etc.
Henry Marman has some attrac-
LaCrosse. Visited a short while in e~pecially appreciated the fine tour- tive grocery advertising on page
Milwaukee, then down to Chicago to is~t camps they found all along the five of this issue, in fact Henry al-
see the fair. From there they went way, clean light and heated, and ways has something to say that
on through Ohio, stopping at Zanes- built in all manner of novelties, tickles the pocket book. Look it
ville and McConnelsville for short from bugs to most anything, over.
- ------
@ @
Beach ~~io ~ o
rr __,
@ . ~, @
Masks, Ca ors,De" cora- **
~/nd u~ ~ tion~d .~/e .~thing for a
: / i :
Consider workmanship: : x~I:~'~'~r'CCL~ $i0 n :;
wh:,n you have beauty
: Rice Drug Store :
Glad sv Smith ,i, @
(Paid Political Adv.)
R of Coherence. Rich
chairman of debate,was app°inted t Now When You Want So
Mike Theisen is employed at the
Mammoth coal mine.
39t District Bert Fasching and Paul Wagner
assisted with the music at a dance
at Golva Friday night at the Madi-
son hall.
C County Harry Smith is visiting relatives
and friends a~ Fargo.
• In a game of football Friday with
Golva, Sentinel Butte won a 21-6
victory. Louie Hovland took the
team to Golva in his truck.
George Lemere is erecting a gar-
A. BECKLEY, Gold2 town.age at his place of residence here in
Several parties of hikers took ad-/
~: , vantage of the nice weather Sunday
n ~v-W~:, ]~'] ~ndehiked out to north and south]
F. T. Reynolds Co.
a few of our week end specials
Of .......
~ox ..............
p, 40 box
~ge, 100 lbs..
~bu. .....
........ 59c
2 ~/~ lb. ........ 12 ~/~ c
" 12b~c
can ..............
New Pack, can ...... 9c
Gold Heart flour ..... $2.19
your Relief orders and get
your Relid flour here.
Janet Englund. who has been vis-
iting ~e!atives at S~. Paul and Ab-
erdeen tl~e pasL few months, has ac-
cepted employmet~t at the J. C.
Penney store a~ Aberdeen
Mr. and Mrs. T. A Wosepka and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Nist-
let and family a ~.d Bert Fasching
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Wagner.
Miss Francis~ Lardy has been very
ill with the flu.
Doris LaSota has returned to
school after an absence of two
weeks during which time she was
vacationing in South .Dakota with
her parents.
Mrs. Norma Marth~ and littl~
daughter, Norma Kay, arrived home
from the Dickinson hos~t:.: Sun-
Mrs. Frank Bares is do]n~ substi-
tute teaching for Herm~:~_ ~)~gtz at
the Camo~s Hump scho~'.
MRS. M. TE¢c~'
(By Special Correspondent)
At a meeting of the St. Mary's
Altar society at the home of Mrs.
Paul Lardy in Sentinel Butte, on
Thursday, Mrs. Ma~t Tescher was
chosen president f~ the coming
year. Mrs. Paul I~dy was chosen
vice-pr~t/and]Mrs. Paul ,Wag-
ner ~s r~t~ ~re~a~ and
treasurer./The n~em'ber~ ~t~Ided to
put ~ard l~rty s~e time in
Nov/sh~er' l
~e~ members~ appointed on the
various card ~mmittees by Presi-
dent Mrs. Bo~en are Mrs. Seglar,
Mrs. Bartel, Mrs. P. J. Lardy, Mxs.
Decker, Mrs. Jordan, Mxs. George
Lemere, Mxs. Bohn and Mrs. Leh-
man. Delfcious refreshments were
served by Mrs. Lardy ~followi~g the
business meeting.
Many New Dresses We Bring
You This Spectacular Event.
New Cereal Crepes
New Tunic Frocks
New Butcher Boy Frocks
New Frocks
/ ' Every,., ,. ,
]//]///!].Wl planned for ~ Girls.
V-/ 3Vh planned for n ~ with
/ / jobs. We for club
: women, for High
School We planned for
who is looking for a
Dress" for fall and
as high
as $12