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October 25, 1934 Golden Valley News | |
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October 25, 1934 |
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peculiar flukes
to account
until now, the story
officers for the
P~t, Am-
which was held on
. At any rate the follow-
then chosen to
work of the pcet:
D. Nelson.
Commauder--Wil~am Harp
J. Edkins.
past year was re-
,a o.oa, ,.. I R M'DAN 0 L D S o.ic..o
H. BROWNS AND o, .,,
Fire broke out in the Logan feed TRtS~TZON OF ESTATE.
mill Saturday from what was thot
to be a hot pipe. Because grinding •
was going on it was discovered be-
',ore it had a good start and
thetH 0 M E FRIDAY
alarm sent in, the fire company
making a .record run to the scene,
they being there with their appar-
attm within a very few mtnut~ ~f
the ~unding of the alarm. Their
quick arrival and good work stop-
ped what mll~t have been a bad
fire with a lot of damage. As it
was there was little fire, and not
much 'wate~ damap. Good work,
boys !
St. John's Chinch, Beach. N. D
Mass will be held at 9 o'clock
Sunday morning,, being the 5th
Sunday In the month. No mass will
be held at SentInel Butte this Sun-
considering the
its membership, Win. Fred Hake, Pastor.
and is gener a very go i
• ' .... I Sunday, Oct. 28th, 1934
--~ -~ -" Hen Feldh' n t Sunday school at I0:00 a. m.
~. ~na ~. IT l~e "-ro---t""
left last Thursday for an extended J P ~mv~worshlp service 11:00 "a. m.
~p ettst. They will stop first a~
for a visit, gotug on from ~ext Sunday morning service will
there to see the fair s~t C~licago.
They will then go to Warstaw, Ind.,
where they will see friends for a
:tew days More returning, Mr. ahd
Feldhusen expect to return
about November 1st.
Just re-
s car of fine old Iowa corn.
right. 25-It
been Sick with
at .the Dick Kerr home
but is now recuperating
Epworth League service 7:30 p~n.
be the celebration of the . Lord's
~. T. Oshorne~ pastor.
10:15 a. m, Unified service fo wor-
ship and Bible stury. Sermon,
"The Oall to Service."
6:30 Christian Endeavor.
7:30 Evening worship,
Prayer service Thursday evening
at 7:30.
Service at Trotters Sunday 3:00
10 a. m. Church school,
11 a. m. Morning worship.
7 p, m, Christian Endeavor.
They 7:30 p. m, choir practice,
10 a, m. Church school
2:30 p. m. Church worship.
his band,
teachers were
home of Mra
last evening at
'by Mrs. Watt Johnson,
and Mrs. Earl
Marion laalrchiid
Also "POPE'
i i Hi i i i
.:- Adults 35e
7:30 and 9:00 P. M.
want to pay.
We sell a BED and
Value OIL
RNITURE until you have looked our
When we buy furniture we buy it
aim to sell it at prices that you
SET, walnut $68.50
Well const~ of day-
in Velour.
for $78.50
Hardware and Furniture
New Stock of the World s Finest
At Prices That Will Sur-
Back From Extended Trip To
West Visitifig Old Beach
Friends and Relatives Now~
Living There.
Balmy ocean breezes an~ an
abundance of fruit to eat. combined
with the overwhelmIng hospitality of
relatives and friends at Tacoma,
Washington and other ooast point£,
prolonged the visit of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Brown and .Mr. and Mrs.
Richard McDanoid and son Warren,
to the west and kept them there
nearly five weeks, is their report
upon returning to their homes north
of Beach Friday evening of last
week. ~The trip was made In the
M~noid's car.
The party left Beach about Sep-
tember first, and drivIng 1270 miles
to Tacoma~ visited Mr. and Mrs.
John Chapman and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Neuens and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Johnson and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Miles and
family, Mesdames Chapman, Neu-
ens, Johnson and Miles beIng sisters
of Mrs. Brown; a niece, Mrs. Thor
Arneson and family (Mr. Arnesen
is an old timer In Beach); Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Stecker and family and
Mr. and Mrs. William Stecker and
family, brothers of Mrs. Brown; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Stecker, who left their
Vatley home in June of this year to
reside at Tacoma; .a cousIn, Mrs.
ROy Denny, and Mr. and Mrs, James
Sc0t: At Roy. Washington, the
North I~kota party renewed ae-
qual~tanbes with Knute Moen and
family; and Henry Severson family
a~ld Ted Vaughn's at Eatonvllle,
that .state.
J' In Seattle the local people visited
]Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoversen and
I family, their daughter, Evelyn Gaffi,
I home on a visit from Falrbanks,
[Alaska, also Mr. and Mrs. green
Gafvert, Mrs. Gafvert formerly Ida
Mulquist, DrivIng to Everett, the
Dakotans visited th~ Charlle Bar-
netts, formerly of SentInel Butte,
and Mrs. Steve Smith, a sister of
Mrs, Bert Brown.
In BellIngham, they visited a
cousIn of Herin's, Mrs. John Tramm
and drove on a sightseeIng trip up
to Vancouver, British Columbia.
Another point of Interest they en-
joyed viewing was the Pacific ocean,
where Mr. and Mrs. McDanoid for-
got the season of the year long
enough to swim as the ocean tide
came in,
EI~?Gi~e home the travelers stop-
pod over night at Nachee. Washing-
ton, for a visit with the Henry Mor-
ris family and Harry Morris and
family, cousins of Mr. Brown. The
drive home was made in three days,
with overnight stops at Spokane,
Washington and Butte, Montana•
Departing from Nachee, Washington
Wednesday morning of last week,
the party was on the home grounds
Friday evening, a drive of 1350 miles.
They report it rained from Spokane
to Billings continuously as they
Sunday, October 14, a farewell
picnic for the Dakotans was given
by' relatives and friends and former
Golden Valley people now living at
at a park in that city, at
*fifty were in attend-
bounteous dinner cooked
on a large fireplace in the park was
done Justice to by the visitors from
this state and Mr. Brown remm~ged
during the meal he hoped the Wash-
ingtonlar~s would be as well able to
supply a picnic lunch of equal size
the next time he is out there.
Word was received yesterday that
Mrs. Anton udecek is now at St.
Joseph's hospital at Dickinson. Her
many ~riends hope she willy-Soon be
back and in fine health ~in.
Potatoes--Choice %Ea])I~ Ohio and
Cobblers at $1.65~r 100. At
Logan s Auto Service. 25-1p
Thcophflus Kunick bought one of
the galvanized iron buildings form-
erly used by the Standard Oil com-
pany in town, had Roy Turtle and
his force take it to the Ku~ck farm
and now Theophflus has~ fine hay
barn, /
Another ship~nent/of 10-cent
candies in large~ce~lSphane cover-
ings. These can~rs are delicious
and the last shipment we received
went like hot cakes.--Rice Drug
Company. 25-1t
The Phil. Cooks returned from
their trip east yesterday. They had
been visiting at Oshkosh, Wis.,
among other places.
Quite a few around Alpha tool~
chickens to the Getz car in Beach
The Alpha Aid is planning a fine
old time sociable to be held Satur-
day, November 3rd. There will be
an old time program, old time eats,
and, they hope, old time costumes,
o]~ which there are quite a few
beauties in that region. This prom-
Ises to be an interesting and enjoy-
able affair and no one will want to
miss it. Watch for further news.i
concerning it.
Einer N .0~by has been on the sick
list this Past week.
The Girl Scouts at their meeting
last night decided to celebrate Hal-
State of North I:)~kvta ~ )
County of Golden Valley
Before Hen. A. E. Kastien, Judge
A, M. l~uhfeld. As -Administrator
with the Will Annexed, Petitioner,
The Securlty National Bank &
Trust ComDtnY a corporatm~,
Maple L,twn" Cemetery ?,sso¢la-
tlon, Oak Ridge ¢cemetery As-
sociation, Old Cemetery Associ-
ation, The Parish of the Good
Shepherd~ "l~he First. Baptist
Church, or .~'arl~ault, Minne-
sota, Masonic Hall Building As-
soclation, Isabelle Corwln, Mabel
Corwin, Shattuck School, St.
Mary's Hall Charter Oak Chap-
ter Daughters of the American
Revolution. Gilbert A. Richard-
son, Joseph Edwin Richardson,
Marcia Snell, Richard Snell,
Thomas Snell, Donalda Duncan,
Pease, Harry B. Smith, John
Wall. F. S. Warren. Mrs. F. S.
Warren, Alice Warren, W. C.
Hengen, Rice Co. Historical So-
ciety, Florence Blodgett McClel-
land, and all other persons in-
terested in the Estate of Lulu
S. Van Horn, Deceased,
You, the said Respondents, are
hereby notified that the Final Ac-
count of the Administrator with the
Will Annexed of tt~e Last Will and
Estate of Lulu S. Van Horn. late
of the City of Faribault, in the
County of Rice and State of ~,i|n,-
nesota, Deceased, has been rendej~'~d
to this Court therein showing ~t
tha Estate of said deceased is "~y
for~ final settlement and dls~l~t~lon
and petitioning that his acc~uStl be
allowed, the residue of said~ ~Istate
distributed to the per~ns t~egeun-
to entitled, hl~f~dm|n~ttio~|etosed
an~! that he ibm. discharge; that
Tuesday, theJ?l~th dt~.fl~November
A. D. 1~34 ~[t ~en oTrS~k in the
forenoord~of ~h~t flay at the Court
Rooms~ th~a~db~urt in the Court
H~us~ l~|the C~ty of Beach, County
of ~o~der~r~lley and State af Nqrth
Daltot~ h~s~been duly ap~)~ted] by
this~ C-~urt for the settlen~u~ th4re-
of, ~at| which time ~ ~pla~e ~ny
per~on~ interested l .~fsa~ e-st~e ~nay
app~tr~,~hd file his exceptS, in
wrlln~,[~o|Bl~d accoun|-a~d peti-
~mn ~Ml~c]Pvit~t the saXt~.
An~l~J~5, ! th~:a~q~vff,/named Res-
pon~ ~ @~ ~f you, are here-
by clt~d! th~n ~ there to be and
appea~ bef~reVth~s Court and show
cause, If a~y y~U have, why said
account shi]~l not: he allowed, the
residue of said estate distributed,
the administration of said e~tate
closed and the said A. M. Kulifeld.
Administrator W~th the Will An-
nexed thereih, discharged.
Dated the 30th day of October A.
D, 193q.
By the Court,
Judge of the County
(Sea~ of County Court)
~et serwce ~ this Citatioa he
made ,by Publication in ~ two (2)
suecessi~e iSsu~'.~#~ The R~eaeh Ad-
vance as' pyo~by- law.
(Seal of couFn~y_~ourt)
(Oct, 2~ - Nov. 1)
An Ord|nnan~ providing for
Council of the~ City of Beach,
North Dakota, as follows
Section I
That there be a~d hereby is levied
on all the property subject to tax-
ation in the City of Beach as taxes
for the fiscal year commencing July
1st, 1934 and ending June 30th.
1935, the sum of Six thousand dol-
lars, ($6,000.00).
See~on I!
That said sun~ of Six thousand
dollars ($6,000.00} ds levied for the
following p~rposes and sums, to-
Contingent Fund .................... $ 300.00
Salary Fund .............. : ............. 1,400.00
Street Lighting Funu .......... 1.400.00
Doard of Health Fund ........ 100.00
Fire Department "Fund ......~.0G0.00
Street and Alley Fund ........ 1,500.00
Police Fund ............................ 300.00
Total .......... : .................... $6,000.00
See~Jen ltI
That there be and .hereby is'levied
on all property sub,oct to taxation
in the City of Beach, as taxes for
I== =1[t-
with}he of coat for
or any
lk hose purchase of any at
or over.
Warren Richardson, Herbert FR|DAY d SATURDAY ONLY
Richardson, Elizabeth Smallidge,
Maud Smallidge House, Laura an
Smallidge Nelson, Warren At The Style Shop
Smallldge, Frank Smallldge,
Joseph Smallldge, Anna L. Le-
Crone, Grace E. McKinstry,
Myrtle Gentry, Mllly Stiles
Dalrd, Henry R. Stiles, Ethel
Chalice, Ida K. Frtnk, Chestine
Gowdy, Madge Grant, Helen
Grant, Mrs. W. C. Hengen, Mary See Our Sport Jackets, $2.95 up to $6.95
Whitney Kingham, Alice Kirk,
Olive Weld McKey, Alice L.
I"R'il .... I[[=: I I--~-- I I'==--== I I-=--.. I i =-~== I
LOCAL Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rice were 'WULL
~dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and of Magic and
]mrs. H. P. Crossman In the Garner Millions of
On page eight the ROd Owl Store [ country. The American ~ the
• Senator Gerald P Nye Is -speak With NEXT
is making a big string of select of- • IS~ Distributed
ferings of groceries In this issue of I over the radio though stain WDAY CHICAGO HERALD AND
Fargo next Sun aye In a 3
the Advance and Manager Halbkat . n~ay e]~fiIng at p. MR.
says he's going "down the llne" with I m. ann over K-~R/~Ismarck at 10 , ,
or P m October 3 d aaIn over the R~AL~
the best goods at a living price f ] • • '3. _~_d agaIn0v,
all hands ] Fargo station at 6:30 p. m. the night FO
| before electron 25 It
The two Jandts and Tom Johnson, ' • - FOR SALE ~)R/~ENT--AII
n~t~hbors In Elk Creek townshin Mrs. T. E. Hudson returned from house. Wi~/PUt In gas.
areimprovIng the shining hours by her trip west to visit her daughter, at the Styld~Shop.
painting their homes and outbuild'- Vera, living in Portland, last Sun-
day morning. FOR SALE--25 Head
sheep. Ages: to 4
olds. $3 head. west
Skaar, N. D.
ney, Mont.
FOR pile.
Summers, D.
Ings, all of which makes a great
improvement. In fact many farm-
ers all over the county are paint-
Ing up.
F. B. Hobbs of the north country
is a Jack of all trades. He is fix-
Ing his home up for winter In good
shape, including the placIng of a
furnace In the cellar and even build-
Ing a brick chimney from the base-
merit up, and making a good Job
of it.
Harry Rice has ~xed up a mighty
slkmky Halloween-'- wIndow at the
drug store, which indicates that the
hobgoblins will soon be getting you
if you don't watch out.
f The topics demonstrated were
primary reading and method, Miss
Jonson; oral reading, Kathryn Buck;
geography, Miss Jonson; sand table
projects, Alma Wentland; seating
arrangements, Kathryn Lorenz;
opening exercises, Dorothy Hogo-
Mrs. Jess Still entertained last
Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss
Ollie Gllbertson, who was visiting
here last week from Missoula. The
guests were old school friends of
OUie's which made the occasion a
most pleasant reunion. Dainty re-
freshments were served by the hos-
tess late in the afternoon. Cards
were played, Mrs. Harold Smith
winning high prize. Ollie and her
sister Almeda left for Mlsseula on
Sunday where Almeda will visit for
RATES--Two cents a word for first
insertion; one cent a word each
succeeding issue. No ad, accepted
for less than 25 cents. These ads
are cash.
WANTED--Used/bicycle in good
condition. ~O~o H~mson, Golva,
N. Oak. ~ 24-tf
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Koch and little
son spent Sunday in Glendive.
and two the Advance
FOR SALE--Ope Rafla~ulllet
three years ~ldje~ will trade
ewes. Joe ~odolski,
Frederi 4,nents
are regarded as~e~f the~ best waves on the
market• Ha~ ~e of out REAS~0NABLY •
priced GEN~!INE I~REDERICS .wave~ this fall
We also ga'~e Y~?ple~n:Vge_~eSa:;s~l;s._and if
yourperm~ent has~ 7out havea
Iode, a Bea- Parl, Kuster, NelLie Ne2£
October Sale
the fiscal yeav lJegiDning July )st,
1934 and ending June 30th, 1~35,
the sum of Two thousand dollar's
($9 000 00)
.... /f} i ii i i t
That said sum of Two )3~)~nd
dollars' ($2,000,00) is .for lh~e/~olltpw-
lng purposes end su s SILK DRESSES WASH DRESSES
Paving District N~,,-~l I~ I '
Fund ................. .~._..~\.... J..:..$ 2|000.00
1 Group at- $2.97 1I Group at - - $ .68
,as 'd o~ JilL]seCOnd readlg~g,~,- 1Group at - 3.97 at - - 1.09
t~ler .st, I~34.~ ~ i ~ \
,u -- shed I Group at at - - 1.38
At|e~ ~ ~ ~/ .Mayor.
J. ~G. ~OUGEN,
Audi,or 1 Group at Group - - 1.48
An OrdJannee pro~idinl~ for
Council of the City of Beach,
North Dakota, ns ~ollo\vs-- _.- _
Section No. I #! I |L
That there is hereby aPpropria|e~1 I ~
the sum °f Ten Th~°usand tt~:'~ "/ W( } i RE1 [ ;
hundred sixty dollars ($10,360a@0~ |o~
defray all n'ecessary expen|e~ }aJd ] }}
liahilit~es for the. flsca~eall l~i~- ] [[
ol. uly ,ndi g U 1 Group at- $2.88 , ,al- $1.88
June~th, |935, |~ /[~ ' [ Jr]
T~/tlthe ~;N.°J~'en l~us-I(~ 1 Lot Twin ers Set Sw Set $1.97
and tl~ree ih~r~lr4d sixty ~.d~grs [ ~]
($10,3~0~) |i~lvided anc~fle~ a~rt J ~[
flit" h t s toF~` :-- 01
Salar, Fur~ ............. ;610.00 ........ A--li A[
Street Lig~l~':: .......... t,00o0°llt
Board of Health ~ ........ !100.00[))
Fire Department tnd ........ 1,000.00
Street and Alley Fund ........ 2,000.00[|(
Sewer and Water Operating
Fund ........................................ 0000 w EAT S
Total ................................""
That there is here~by appropriated | ~l
the sum of Two thousand dollars iB/ 1 Lot at - Lot at 97c
begqnntng JlltV 1st, 1934 and ending I I//
June 3Oth, 1931L, , 1 Lot at - -
Seetlma No. 4 [ ||
That the said sum of Two thous-[ l/
and dollars ($2,~0.00') Is set apart [~
in the folIowing fund, to-wit:-- | ]1 l| i i |~ ~~i
P~turt~Dlstrlct N°' I'Levy$2'00O'00[i/ Speckeen's Store
Total .................................. $2,000.00
Passed on Its first reading, Sep-
tember 4th, 19~4.
Its second reading, Oc-