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October 24, 1935 |
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(Continued from last week)
State of North Dakota
County of Golden Valley
Oct. 3rd. 8:30 A. M. The Board
of County Commissioners met pur-
suant to adjourmnent with Conuni,~-
stoners Kirkpatrick and Wosep~ta
Present •
John Kalkmau appeared regarding
road work in the unorganized town-
ship 144-103• there being some mon-
ey in the road fund for such town-
Ship, the board authorized $15.00 for
road work.
Board checked bills filed; Bill of
Dickinson Clinic reduced from $133.00
to $100.00 for reason that claim ex-
ceeded County allowance. Bill of J.
• Barkland reduced $5.80 and ~ame
allowed to Ray Ziusli, it appearing
that such mileage was due Zinsli on
ease of State vs. Robert Latteral.
County officers were called• in by
the Board to discuss submission of
Project for rehabilitation and reclass-
ification of county records. After
8pine discussion the matter was laid
over until later as all officers were
not present.
12:09 Noon Board recessed for
1:00 P. :hi. Board reeonvened with
commissioners Kirkpatrick and Wo-
s-pka present•
Bils for supplying coal to the
and Belief peolde for the
season of 1935 and 1936 were opened.
~he following bids were submitted:
Harp Bros• bid $2.20 per ton; John
~okoloskt $2.16 per ton; HenxT Allen
1bid $2.20 per ton; Louts Hovland hid
$2•20 per ton; J. M. Stecker bid $1.90
Per ton.
After careful consideration the
jBoOSrd decided to accept the bid of
uie Hovland, Contract was issued
~nd bond filed, upon approval of
~tates Attorney and County Board.
Commissioners checked the offices
Of the Clerk of Court, County Judge,
and Register of Deeds and found
them regular. Fees were accounted
for the qUarter ending Sept. 30th aa
~ollows: Register of Deeds $292.00;
Clerk of Court $35.59; County Judge
5:09 P. ,-%1. Board adjourned to
l~eet at S:3O A. N[ October 4th.
Oct. 4th ~:30 A. M. The Board of
Commissioners tnet pursuant
axljournment with commissioners
~atrick and \Vosepka present.
Mr. Austin, representing the Trae-
& Equipment Co. appeared be-
the Board regarding oils and
for the County tractor 'and
The Board agreed to accept
~ment on trial, .
}dr. Lamb appeared before the
iu the interest of Road No.
and its continuation from C1olv,'L
as it has been" in the
Warraant No. 12240 issued, to the
CoaSt Brush Co. for the
amount of $2.7,~ was cancelled as the
was paid in cash to tim sales-.
*nan when brush was purchased.
meeting of the County of-
was called to decide the aecep-
of the Project for Reclassifies-
and Rehabilitation R~eords in
County Offices. All office~s being
decided to accept .the pro-
and offered assistance in tile
of this work.
ers adjourned for Noon;
at I:00 P, M. and pro-
td check the office of the
Treasurer. which checking of
Receipts continued until 5:00 P.
When Board adjourned to meet
Oct. 5th.
8:30 A. M. Board met
to adjournment with q:om-
Kirkpatrick annd Wosepka
County Auditor annd Re~ister
appeared 1)cfore tlle Board
Record Books he purchas-
each respective offioe. Mr.
representing tile Olobe-Ga-
Printing Co.. was present and
prices on the record books.
Sale Record for .the AuditoCs
and a Deed and Mortgage Rec-
Book for the Register of Deeds
Noon Board adjourned.
p. M. B~rd reconvened with
Klrkpatrlck and Wo-
payment on contracts having
made by John Beacon for IgW~
SWV¢ of See 8~-138~103 and by
Rldenhower for NEM andS-
of See. 12--138~104. Tax
to them issued covering
respectivelY, signed by
of Board arid County Aud-
completed the check-
the Treasurer's Recei.pts nnd
ions and fonnd them re-.ular
cheek the office "of
M. Board adjourned to
Ktrkpatrick and Wosepka present.
Mr. Nordby appeared before the
Board regarding reports on applica-
tlon for Grant for County unemploy-
ables, medical care an0 Hospttdliga-
tlon and of e~,pendltureS made since
June 30th for Poor, Relief to be sent
to' the State Welfare Board.
Charles Justeson and C. E• tang-
berg appeared to complain of treat-
ment in connection with truck work
on FIlghway Projects. Referred to
Reemployment manager.
Commissioner Wosepka presented
the following resolution and moved
its adoption.
~rHEREAS notification has been
received from t~r. T. G Plomasen,
State Director of Projects and Plan-
ning. of the ~'roks Progress Admin-
istration, that a tentative application
has been submitted to Washington,
D. C. for a project for reclassifica-
tion and rehabilitation of records in
all County Court Houses in the State
of North Dakota. and
~'HEBEAS. It appears that an al-
lotment of $1728.00 has been tenta-
ripely made to Golden Valley County
for such work. which will give work
at a security wage to three persons
for one ),ear if accepted, and
WHEREAS. Each of the County
Officers of Golden Valley County
have signified in writing their willing-
ness to supervise sueh a project while
project workers are in their respec-
tive offices.
Now. Therefore. Be It RESOLVED
That Golden Valley County do siton-
sor such ,project as hereinbefore de-
scribed, and that Gee, McCuaker be
notified at Dickinson, North Dakota.
of the sDonaorshil) of such project.
Be It Further RESOLVED That
upon the completion of such project
application, the Chairman of th~
Board of County Comlsstoners and
the County Auditor be and they here:
are authorized to Sf~n such appliea~
tion on behalf of the County as such
sponsors, an(] tilat UPOI* acceptance
of such project, the Relief Admini-
strator be forthwith requested to
sup.ply for the approval by the Board
and the County Officers the names
of persons eligible to work on such
Motion was seconded "- Cmnmis-
stoner Kirlmtttrlck. and upon he[n~
nut to a vote. the following was ha~i
Vgo~epka -- "'aye:" Kirkpatrick --
"aye:" Odland -- absent. The motion
was declared carried and the resolu-
tion adopted.
12:90 Noon Board adjourned for
1:00 P. M. Board reconvened with
commissioners KtrkPatrick and Wo-
sepka present.
Bide for Brand inspection hooks
and Statement of fee blanks were
received and onened from the Beach
Advance and the Beach Review. Bid
submitted by the Boacb Review for
500 statement of fee blanks $9.50.
Brand Inspection l)ooks~ $7.50; Bid
mlbmltfed by the Beach 'Advance for
500 Statement of Fee blanks $~.75:,
2 brand Inspection hooks $4.20 each
or $8.40. Commissioners accepted the
Bid from the Beach Advance.
The Commissioners then went on a
trip )nspeeting Bridges and inspect-
ed the Jordon Bridge between Sec-
tion28 and 33 in 140--104 and the
Ueckert~ bridge in 141--I~05 and the
bridge ~etween Section 6 and 7--141
--104 which hoe not-b~en completed.
Bridges in 140--104 and 141--105 have
Deen completed satisfactorily.
8:30 A. M. Oct. 8th. the Board
met pursuant to adjournment with
commissioners Klrkpatricl~ and VVo-
sepka present.
Mr. Nordby appeared hefm'e the
Board and submitted several projects
tO be sponsored by Feder:d Aid if
smcepted. The matter was laid over
until some future time.
Commissioners eontluued checking
of offices, Completed checking of the
Auditor's office and found it regular
and the amount of $11.75 fees ac-
counted for. Checked the Treasur-
er's Cash balance and accepted it as
hereby set forth,
Ledger /¢alance From Ju.e "30, 1935
to October 1, 1935
9-30-35 ..... 7fl
CommlUloner~ O~o~th
Golden Valley County,
Auditor of Golden Valley County.
North Dakota.
The City Council of the City of
Beach, N, Dak. met in regular ses-
sion on September 3rd, 1935 at eight
o'clock P. M.
Members present were: Mayor H,
H. Halatead and Aldermen Robt.
Alguire, l'. A. Cook. C. O, Helper-
son. D, L. Logan, H. R• Thompson
and W. H. Woodhull.
The minutes of the regular meet-
lag of Aug. 5th and special meeting
of Aug. 19th and 30th were read and
on motion bY Alguire and seconded
by Cook the minutes were approved
as reaf~.
In the absence of City Auditor
It. Alton a motion was made by"
Cook and seconded by Algulre that
C. O. Halyorson be al~polnted Act-
ing City Auditor. Motion carried.
C. ~r. Heckaman appeared before
the Council relative to a bill for
$29.40 for damages to his car which
resulted from driving into a wash-
out on Third Avenue on July llth,
193,~ After considering this matter
.it was referred to the City Attorney
for further investigation as to the
• liability of the CitY. •
The Resignation of C. O. Halvor-
son as a member of the Board of
Budget Review and as Alderman from
the First Ward were read.
Moved by AIguire that the resigna-
tions tm accepted. Motion seconded
by Cook. The VOte on this motion
was as follows: Ayes, five, nays,
none. IIalvorson not voting. Motion
was delcared carried•
The bills were on file were next
read and considered as follows: H.
L. Halliday, assigned to Miller &
%Vieting, salary as City Attorney for
fOUl" months, $s0.00: Beach Volunteer
Fire Department, flremen's services,
$42.00: Beach Volunteer Fire Depart-
meat. expanses to Flrcmen's school,
$15.00: Fairbanks Morse & Co., en-
gine repairs, $2.69; Lloyd SParks,
labor on streets and waterworks,
$15.05: Robt. Walker. labor'on wa-
terworks, $8.80; T, B. Lassell. weld-
fag, $2.00: Gee. Dllley, labor o~ wa-
terworks, $ .70~ (tee. F. "Loebe, spe-
cial police, $8.00: M. L• Lovell. AUg-
n~t salnry, $125.00; .~fontana Dakota
Power CoL Light in Pump house, $1.53:
Lights In fire hall. $1.53; Street
lights. $121.77: C. O. Halvorson. as-
signed Yv K. H. Alton.. Auditor's
salary, $40,0.0: Earl Jones, ~anitor
work. $10,32; James Nelson, lifeguard.
$13.55;- Robt. Algutre. two meetings
Finance .Committee. $4.00: P A.
Cook. two meetings Finance Com-
mittee. $4.00: C. O. Halvorson, two
meetings Finance Committee, $4.00:
compiling and writing report~ $2.00;
Extra book work, $5.00¢ ~ch Re-
view, pul~Jtshing not~e 8,~%d proceed-
|age. $27.09: Stat'e Examiner, ex~tm-
tnstion fee. $10OA~0; L~gne of N.
Dak. Municipalities, a,.n~ • ~ue~,
$5.00: Standard Oil Co.. Fuel Oil.
gasoline etc.. $71.57.
~foved by Cook and seconded by
Thompson that the bills be atlowed
ns read and that warrants be Issued
on the various, funds in ~a~ment
Roll being called, the vote was as
foliews: Alguire, yes; Cook, yes; Lo.
gan, ves; Thompson. yes; Woodhull.
yes. Nayes none. ~ Motion declared
Ordinance No. 136. being an ordin-
ance to amend Ordinance No. 130
licensing and regulatSng the "sale of
beer was placed on its second and
fln~ reading
Moved by AIgu|re that the hours
during ~whlch beer may be sold on
Sunday be ¢Imnged "from twelvq
o'clock noon un.ti! eleven o'clock ' 1a.
M. as provided in the first reading
of said ordinance, to twelve o'clock
nOOl~ ulitil seven o'clock P. ~|. ml
Sllndays• M'otlon .e(.onded by Cook.
members voted aye.
was ~ declared • carried.
q0he a~nual apPr0Pa•iatlon 0rdinanc~
providing for total aPProPriatl0n$ Of
$12,900.00 wa~ Placed upon Its first
:Moved by Woodhull and seconded
the appropri~ttlo~s
on its first r~d-~
aye; Logan.
The annual leVy ordinance rsrevtd-
lng for a total levF of $7.50{)00 W~
PJac~d on its first reading~ '
pas~ed first readt~. On roll
call Algutro ~oted aye;, Cook, aye;
Logan, Thompson, aye; Wood-
hull, aye. Motion declar-
dues of
this me-
vote was yes; Cook.
~oOd S; Logan, yes; yes;
hull. yes.
Moved by Thompson and seconded
by Woodhull that the meeting ad-
Motion carried.
Acting City Auditor
A special meeting of the Clty Coun-
cil of the City of Beach, Golden
Valley County, North Dakota, was
held at 8 o'clock, P. :M. on Sept.
12th• 1935 in the office of the City
Audltor in the CourthoU~ in the
City of Beach, N. Dak.
Mayor H. H. Halstead preslded and
called the meeting to order__Present
at ro|l call were, Mayor~ Halatead~
and Aldermen "Robert Alguire, P. A.
Cook, ]). L. ":Logan. H. R. Thomp-
son, and W• H. Woodhull. There
were no members absent.
Th~ Mayor thereupon declared a
quorum to be present ~nd proceeded
with the business for which the meet-
ins had been called.
Alderman Logan introduced the fol-
lowing resolution and moved that
said resolutlon be passed dnd..~a£1opt-
ed : Alderman Algulre seconded the
motion and on t•oll call the following
Oldermen voted ~oa: Algutre, Cook,
Logan, Thompson and Woodhnll.
Nays none. Thereupon the Mayor de-
elated the mot{on carried. Said res-
olution as passed and adopted is in
words and figures following:
Be it resolved by the City Council
nt the City of Beach. Golden Valley
County, North Dakota. that in the
construction of all projects to be con-
structed by said City. which are
financed In whole or lu part by the
United States of America, through the
ageucy of the Federal Emergency
Administration ot ]'t*t)lie. Works, the
following schedule of wage rates shall
he applicable as minimum wages to
be paid to laborers doing such work
or Derf0r~ming services with respect to
such work.
~acfi employee, laborer or person
rendering services shall Im paid as
a minimum for work or services at
an hourly rate set opposite the class~
iflcatton of work such laborer or per-
son ehall have performed:
Acetylene cutter ............ $ .65'
Acetylene welder ............. 6F
Are welders ................... 65
rtcklayer-buildlng .80
Blaater-powder man ......... ~5
Brlcklayer-lai~orer . ............ 60
~.~r~enter-flnish .............. '/5
Carpenter-forms-buildings .... 70
Carpenter-rough ........... :. . ~0
Caulker-pipe water or gas
(Jo$~ters or yarners) ........ 75
~aulker helpers . .. : ........... 5¢
C~ment finishers - building
w~rk (including composition
~nd mastic) ........ ........ 7~
Csment handlers-bulk ........ 5o
~ltectrtolan-flxtures ........... so
- l~llectrician- helper ............. 50
Formsettet~bul|dtngs ......... 70
Foreman, Per month ...... 125.00
G~m fitters .................... 70
Ga~ fltt~rs helPor~ ........... 50
Handy man ................... 50
Hod carrier ................... 50
Efou~ wrecker ............... ~t)
Metal trim worker (ln~udhlg
1)axtitlona) ................... ~
M0rt~' m~ers (brick-plaster) .~)
~t~-hoistihg , engine (1
Oe 2 drums) ; .......... ..:.. ,$F:
Ojm~tor-mlxsr (10S or lee
~r smaller) .' ................ 7C
O~Tator~ -motorized equlp-
:~nt-exenvaters & hoisting 7n
shovels - . ...... $0
............. 70
..... $0 ";
.gas ..... GO
fltter~ ................... 70
fltte~-s hell)st .... . ....... ~0
metal ........... ?0
...... , ...... 70
i~'~'f'" ~i&'i. .~0
bulldin~ construction ...... ~0
l~lnforelng t~t~l- wOrker's
............... ,70
...... 70
.. IP£.00
etc. ~,
Teamster & team ...... ~ ....... ~5
lmekeePera, per month .... 75.00
Well drtliers ..,.~ .............. Y6 and
Well drillers heIper ........... 50 ,
Water~roofers ................ 55
Waterproofers helpers ........ 50
Window clsaners ............. 50
Winehmen (nlgger head) .... 60
Furthe~ consideration of the various
projects for which applte~tiens have
been filed with the Federal Emergeno October 24,
cy Administration of Public Works H.H, ItALSTEAD
for financial aid In the construction
thereof resulted in a motion being
made by Logan that the Mayor aP-
point a committee to prelmre skeie-
to*& plans and speci~h'ations for a
munieipa! building and to engage an
architect to asatst tn this work: to
secure an option on a suitable site
for such hulldtng, and to prepare and
furnish the Federal Administration
with the required information rela-
tive to the construction of the wtr-
" Mayor
At test:
Acting City Audit~or
Fish that croak llke frogs anff
era which cry like mice have been
found off the coast of Englaud.
ious projects. Motion seconded hy
Woodhull. Roll being L'alled, AIguire
voted aye; Cook, aye; Logan.~ aye;
Thompson. aye; and V¢oodhLtll, aye.
Na~s none. Motion declared carried.
The Mayor appointed Aldermen Lo-
tan and Thompson, City ~ngtneer
yell and Acting ~ity AM~tor Hal-
vorson on tills committee.
Roy Tuttis conferred with the
Council relative to work at the city
Alderman Woodhull moved that tt*e
meeting adjourn. M~tion seconded
bF Alderman ThompSOn and on roll
call the following voted aye: Alguire,
Cook. Logan, Thompaou and ~rood-
hull. The Mayor declare~1 the motion
carried and the meeting adjourned•
Attest: Mayor
Acting City Auditor
An Ordinance prov,iding for the
annual appropriation for the City of
~Beactt, North Dakota. as follows;
Section NO. 1
That there is hereby appropriated
the sun* of Ton thousand zflne hund-
red ($t0,900.00) to defray all neces-
sary expenses, and liabilities for the
fiscal year beginning July 1st. 1935,
and ending June $Oth, 1936.
Section No. II
That the ~$d ,aura of Ten thousand
nine hundred dollars ($10,900.00) is
divided and set apart in the follow-
ing sums to-wit:-
Cohtingcnt Fund. $1,150.00
Sa]a~-y Fund. - 1,510.00
,Street IAghting Fund, 1,800.00
Board of Health Fund, " 140.00
Pire Department Fund, 1,000,00
Street & Alley Fund, 2.000.00
Poli~a Fund. 500.00
~dewer ge Water Operat|ng
Fund, 2•800.00
Total. $10~900.00
Section NO, Ill
That there Is hereby al~proprlated
the sum of Two thousand dollars
($2,000.00) for interest on bonds am]
for sinking fund for the fiscal yea*"
beginning July 1st, 1935, and ending
June 30th. 1936.
Section tqo. IV
That the sum of Two thousand
dollars ($2,000.00) is set apart in the
following fund to-wit:-
Paving District No, I, Levy Fund,
Premed on its first reading, SeP-
tember ",rd, 1935.
Passed on its second and final
reading October 7th, 1935.
Approved Octqber 7th, 1935o
I ublished October 24. 1935•
Acting City Auditor . ,,~
An Ordinance providing for, THIC
.... i| -
County of Golden
In the Matter of the
Elten, Welch, Deceased.
Auton Kreitinger ami Mrs,)
Anton Kreltlnger,
tnulia Wright, George IWelch,)
d Mary Lu Kreitinger, ~).
minor, by Darward .E, Belch,)
her Speial Guardian, and all)
Other persons unknown claim)
lag or to claim any in
in the estate of the
named decedent•
To the above named
all persons interest
1,~llen Welch I)ecea~ed:
You and each of you
notified that
Mrs. Anton
herein, have
the Last Will and testament
Welch late of the
the County
State of North
• wlth thetr petition.
s~,tmtssion to
ment as the
of ~ld deceased, and for
to them of letters
odtsthe on,atdantp
on, and that said
proofs of said
tlment will
~red hy the Court
ay of November A.
o'clock in the aftern
at the Court
town of Beach
Icy and State of
You and each
cited, to be
Court at
answer said ca u~.
19D=atedo~. the 16th de3
Let the ~ervlce of the above citatlo~
be made by publication once eacb
weektfor two consecutive weeks, in
The Beach Review, the official paper
of Gokten Valley r2ounty, publtsh~ at
Beach, North Dakota.
(Seal) A.E. Ka~tien,
I ~or
a State
pertinent of
publicly opened and
Z. The Proposals
for the follow
Fund, $ 600.00
Fund. 1,000.00
1, O0O. 00
Total, $5.509 .DO
Th02t ~ there
Cents per
a deduction