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October 22, 2009 Page 5
Mount Rushmore of the third floor
Belfield High School student Shannon Schoenbeck stands
in front of a mural she painted in one of the school's third-
floor classrooms. She painted the mural freehand for a
Problems of Democracy class. (Photo Richard Volesky)
Farm program signup begins
Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack on Oct. 7 announced that
enrollment for the 2010 Direct and
Counter-cyclical Program (DCP)
and the Average Crop Revenue
Election (ACRE) program has
begun and will continue through
June I. 2010.
USDA urges producers to make
use of the eDCP automated Web
site to sign up, or producers can
visit any USDA Service Center to
complete their 2010 DCP or ACRE
contract. ° -
~ie~e~tronic serv i~e, sn,,,'e~
prodlic~ time. regluces paperwork
and speeds up contract processing
at USDA Farm Service Agency
(FSA) offices, according to the
USDA. It is available to all produc-
ers who are eligible to participate in
the DCP and ACRE Programs and
can be accessed at To access
the service, producers must have an
active USDA eAuthentication
Level 2 account, which requires
filling out an online registration
form at
followed by a visit to _the local
U.SDA Service Center for identity
USDA computes DCP Program
pay meats using base acres and pay-
meat yields established for each
farm..The optional ACRE Progl~m"
provides ~+afety net ba.,~d on $ "tate~
revenue losses and acts in pla~ of-
the price-based safety net of count-
er-cvclical payments under DCP.
The June 1. 2010. deadline is
mandatory for all participants.
USDA wil] not accept any late-filed
IIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiii IIII IIIIIIIllllllltllllttttttttttttttlllll
By Ellen Feuerhelm
The Beach High School gym
was busy with young athletes and
fans of volleyball over the weekend
of Oct. 9 when the town hosted a
12-team tournament that had two
games running simultaneously from
8 a.m. into the evening hours.
There was a large turnout of people
at the event.
The outcome for the Saturday
tournament held in Beach was:
Beach: 2 and Heart River: 0..
Killdeer: 2 and Mott-Regent: 0.
The school had a hospitality
room for teachers and coaches that
was popularly visited by coaches
and a few scouts from area colleges.
Tuesday. the volleyball team defeat-
ed Scranton in all three matches:
25-6.25-13, and 25-t9.
Emily Hm'dy had nine kills fop
lowed by Brittney Dietz with six
kills and Rue Ann Shulte with five
kills that help lead the team to vic-
tory, Caitlin Maus had three digs
and Kavla Doly niuk had 13 assists.
Emily Hardy stepped up with two
Dakota Department of Health has
received information from the
Centers Ibr Disease Control and
Prevention (CDCI that approxi-
mately 12.300 doses of HIN1
influenza vaccine will be arriving in
the state late this week. This alloca-
tion will consist of both the nasal
spray FluMist and the injectable flu
The H1N I influenza vaccine will
continue to be prioritized for preg-
nant women, children ages 6
months through 18 years, and
health-care workers. Clinics may
need to prioritize among the target
groups depending upon supply of
vaccine in the area.
The CDC has inf)rmed states
that the allocations of H1NI vac-
cine wilt be less than anticipated
over the next few months because
of lower yields from one manufac-
"We expect to receive shiit~¢nts
Joey was lost 8 miles South of
Medora 3 weeks ago. He is very shy
and nervous around men, He may
hop into a vehicle, but can be hard to
catch. Weighs 15 pounds.
Reward $100
Please call 701-984-2636 (Home)
Philip & Darnell Lura or 701-307-0011
(Celll .Please leave a message
Beach's Kayla Dolyniuk hits the ball over the net during the
tournament that was held in Beach the weekend of Oct. 9.
(Photo by Ellen Feuerhelm)
blocks during the matches. Service ed seven b~ Brittney Dietz and
aces during the competition includ- seven by Kavla Dolyniuk.
"We expect to receive shipments each
week for the next several weeks."
Molly Sander, Immunization Program Manager
each week for the nextseveral
weeks.'" said Molly Sander.
Immunization Program manager.
"Next week we should have a better
idea about the amount of H1N1
influenza vaccine allocated for
North Dakota and the schedule for
receiving the vaccine, We encour-
age people to keep informed
through the media or for updated infor-
The number of cases of influenza
reported to_ the North Dakota
Department of Health increased
substantialt5 this week. As of
Wednesday. Oct. 14.2009, a total of
563 cases of influenza had been
It is estimated that about 92 per-.
cent of the influenza circulating in
North Dakota is HINI,
The North Dakota Department of
Itealth has actix ated a toll-l'ree pub-
lic health hotline for people to call if
they Rave questions about influenza.
The number to call is 866-207-
2880. The hotline is available
Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.
to 5 p,m Central Standard Time.
Farm • Home- Auto • Recreational
Bud and Janel Ordahl. Beach.
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Angela Marie. to D.J.
McCIoud. son of Don and Ardella
McCloud. Beulah.
Ordahl graduated from Beach
High School in 2001. and N.D
State College of Science in 2002.
and is employed with Worford
Orthodontics and Women's Health
Center. Bismarck. Her grandpar-
ents are Dominic and Margaret
Begger of Wibaux. Mont.," and
Elaine Ordahl Warner of West
Mcqoud graduated from
Beulah High School in 2000. and
Bismarck State College, and is
employed with Basin Electric
Antelope Valley Station in Beulah.
A wedding date has been set for
Nov. 21. 2009. at the Cathedral of
the Holy Spirit in Bismarck. A
dance will follow at the Seven Seas
in Manuan.
support your
Jamie Zeller
Insurallce Agent
Weedas Inc., :1700 East Main, Mandan
(701) 663-2411 - (600) 767-3570
Holistic services
) offered include:
f/ Applied
( hiroprac.ti (./ink
Dr. Jake
Natural Health Center • Nutrition
110 central Ave. S, Beach. ND Consultation
St. John the Baptist Catholic
Rev. David Richter
Mass: Saturday 6:30 p.m.
and 10:30 a.m.. Sunday
St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
Rev. Scott Hojnacki
Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m.
Sunday School - 11 : 15 a.m.
First Lutheran Ch urch - ELCA
Pastor Paul Peterson
Sunday School - 8:10 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m.
Beach Evangelical Church
Pastor David Mc(~uillion
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.
Worship Sunday - 10:45 a.m
Prayer Service - @30 p.m.
United Community Church
Pastor Warren Maxted
Sunday Worship 9 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:3Oa.m.
Sunday confessions 7:45-8:15
St. John's Ukrainian Catholic
hey. Taras Miles
Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on first, third
and fifth Sundays,
10 a.m. on second and tburth
St. Peter's Lutheran - LCMS
hey. ScottHojnacki
Worship Service: Sunday 8 a.m.
Belfield Lutheran - ELCA
Rev. Roger Dieterle
Sunday School (all ages): 9 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.
Daglum Lutheran Church -
Rev. Roger Dieterle
(Located 25 miles southeast of
Sunday Worship - 11:45 a.m on
first and third Sunday,
Belfield Baptist Church
Rev. Robert Hiibichuk
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study: 10. a.rn.
Belfield Church of God
781 Milissa Ave.
Pastors Harold & Marge Sundgren
Thursday, 7 p.m
St. Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic
hey, Taras Miles
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on
second and fourth
Sundays. and l0 a.m. on first, third
and fifth Sundays
St. Marv's Catholic Church
hey. David Richter
Mass: 8 a.m. Sunday
Medora Lutheran - ELCA
Rev. Roger DieteTic
Sunday worship - 10:30 a.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Saturdays 4:00 p.m.
May 3 - end of Oct.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Pastor Paul Peterson
Sunday Worship - 8 a.m.
Trotters Church
1 st and 3rd Sunday of each month
United Methodist Church
Rev. T. C. Chatman
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
• Calvary Temple, Assembly of Grid
Pastor Andy Lain
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 am,
Trinity Lutheran Church -
Pastor Paul Peterson
Sunday Worship - 11 : 15 a.m.
Christian Fundamental Church
Pastor Jeremy Stradley
Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 11 a.m
BELFIELD of each month Sunday Worship - 8:30 a.m.
St. Bernard's Catholic Church First Presbyterian Church Sunday School: 3:30 p.m..
Rev. Shannon G. Lucht Pastor Kalhleen Chestnut Wednesday
Saturday Mass: 4:00 p.m. Stmday Worship: 8:30 a.m. Union Congregational Church
Saturday confessions. 3:15-3:45 June. July and August only
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Sa{. - 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. il ,~oo~l-tS/'z-3z'd'z or 1-~SLIO- IIII Beach, North Dakota 58621 I I I'~l dll-~ r , II
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