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Page 6 Golden Valley News _ October 20, 2016
'Boo' to you
From left, Gwen Lorenz, Christine Finneman, Edie Abraham and Dolores Kremers are all holding their
decorations they tole painted at a Golden Valley Manor activity session. (Courtesy Photo)
Frankenstein door
ill to ;tand up for nativ children into law
WASHINGTON - U.S. Sens. proved the bill in July. The vote fol- other challenges to promote better
Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., and Lisa lowed Heitkamp's testimony before outcomes for native youth. Oct. 20, 1966 - 50 years ago:
Murkowski, R-Alaska, on Oct. 14, the committee in May about the ur- The bill creates a Commission on Golden Valley County residents
said that President Barack Obama gent need to pass their bill to imple- Native Children to identify the com- welcome N.D. Highway Patrol-
signed their bipartisan bill to improve ment solutions that will help address plex challenges facing native children man and Mrs. Arden Johnson and
the lives of Native American chil- the overwhelming obstacles native in North Dakota, Alaska, and across baby daughter, Mara Beth, who
dren. children face- including experienc- the United States by conducting an are now comfortably settled in
Heitkamp and Murkowski's bill ing levels of post-traumatic stress intensive study on these issues - in- their home in Beach.
passed unanimously in the U.S. similar to levels faced by newly re- cluding high rates of poverty, stag- Oct. 17, 1991 - 25 years ago:
House of Representatives last month, turning veterans from Iraq and gering unemployment, child abuse, Several local citizens have do-
and last year in the U.S. Senate. Ear- Afghanistan, dramatically increased domestic violence, crime, substance nated many hours preparing the
lier this month, theU.S. Senate again risks of suicide, and lower high abuse, and dire economic opportuni- haunted house for its debut on
affirmed the bill which included school graduation rates than any ties - and making recommendations Halloween. But help and items are
minor changes made in the U.S. racial or ethnic demographic in the on how to make sure children get the still needed to make this project a
House Committee on Natural Re- country. Heitkamp and Murkowski's protections, as well as economic and success.
sources when it unanimously ap- bill will work to address these and educational tools they need to thrive.
Shooting feral pig illegal in some
While it is uncommon to come swine have been documented a num- the BOAH within 24 hours. The
across feral pigs in North Dakota, it ber of times since 2007. "It is possi- landowner must follow any instruc-
can happen, ble for a hunter to come across one, tions given by the board regarding
The State Game and Fish Depart- and it is important to know you can't the handling, preservation and dis-
ment reminds landowners and shoot them," Anderson said. "In- posal of the carcass.
hunters who might come across feral stead, the State Board of Animal Anyone who observes or suspects
pigs this fall, that shooting them is il- Health must be contacted immedi- the presence of feral pigs should call.
legal, unless a jg rson is protecting ately." the BOAH at (701) 328-2655, Game
property or livestock. A landowner may eliminate wild and Fish Department at (701) 328-
Casey Anderson, assistant chief of pigs on his or her land if they pose an 6300, or USDA Wildlife Services at
wildlife for Game and Fish, said feral immediate threat, but must contact (701) 250-4405.
Beach vs. Hettinger-Scrant0n
varsity volleyball, Oct. 4
Beach: 16,18, 11
Hettinger-Scranton: 25, 25, 25
Beach players:
Kills: Courtney. Lund, 4; Kaylee
Mclntyre, 3; Abby Weinreis, 2
Assists: Breena Davidson, 11
Blocks: Kaylee Mclntyre, 2
Aces: Breena Davidson, 1 ; Catie
Loftsgard, 1
Digs: Catie Loftsgard, 21; Breena
Davidson, 15; Kaylee Mclntyre, 14
The deadline for submitted copy and stories and
all ad orders is noon on Fridays.
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When anyone goes shopping these Meg and Ryan Rising all came to see
days they will see everything is out Marilyn Carlson. Mike and Karen
for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Efta visited with Tony Efta.
Christmas - all at once - and the Hal- Monday, Oct. 10 - Happy Colum-
loween stuff is already on sale be- bus Day! Marley Abraham came to
cause they want to move it out of the visit and have dinner with mom, Edie
way for more Christmas stuff. That's Abraham. Paul Weyer came to see
what I heard at one store yesterday grandma Gwen Lorenz and her cat,
from one of the workers! The holiday Toby.
season has begun! Tuesday, Oct. 11 - Exercises in
Thursday, Oct. 6 - Today was the Activity Room began at 10 a.m.
LeRoy Pfau's birthday! Mass began with Debi Lauf leading. Bingo with
at9a.m, in the Chapel ofAngels. Ex- First Lutheran Church members
ercises with Debi Lauf started at 10 began at 2 p.m. in the Activity Room.
a.m. in the Activity Room. Shoppers Devotions with Pastor Ben Baker
got on the bus at 10 a.m. to go buy began at 6 p.m. in the Chapel. Ted
their necessities for the week. Bingo and Jowayne Nunberg celebrated
began in the Activity Room at 2 p.m. their anniversary today. Dale Booth,
with Gary Riederer calling and Debi Richard Booth and Katherine Booth
Lauf handing out prizes then serving each called their morn, Nellie Booth,
coffee and treats at 3. to chat today. Thomas Bruski came
Friday, Oct. 7 - Hair Time began to see aunt Forence Miske.
at 8 a.m. with Wendy Ekre and Mary Wednesday, Oct. 12 - Crafts with
Ann Schillo as our hair ladies. Last Marlene and Bethine began at 2 p.m.
week our hair ladies were Rella in the Activity ROom. We tole
Abernethy and Kim Miske. Flu shots painted cute Frankenstein door dec-
were available from 1-2:30 p.m. orations that say "BOO." Edie Abra-
Katie Zinsli came and brought aunt ham, Jessica Savini, Christine
Edie Abraham some banana bread Finneman, Dolores Kremers and
today. Lisle, Tom, and Bob Booth Gwen Lorenz came and painted all
visited mom, Nellie Booth, today, their wood pieces, then Marlene
Brad and Roxanne Burman and Jacki glued them together. Bethine pre-
Thomas came to see Mert and Louie pared some tasty platters of goodies
Schlautmann and Fern Austby. to enjoy with their coffee. Jessica
Saturday, Oct. 8 - Exercises began Savini wrote down the news of the
at 10 a.m. in the Activity Room with week while Marlene was gluing. Jan
Loretta Wyckoff leading and crack- Kuchera visited with Christine
ing the whip. Jeremy Schmitz came Finneman today. Nellie Booth spoke
to visit his grandmother, Christine with Teddie today. Jessica Savini
Finneman. Ward Remillong visited went to work from 9 a.m. to 12:45
with Earl Bares. Richard Bares also p.m. today.
came to spend time with Earl Bares. Inspirational quotes for the week:
Jan Reiter visited with Gwen Lorenz. "Some people grumble that roses
Sunday, Oct. 9 - Adoration began have thorns; I am grateful that thorns
at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel with Word have roses." - Alphonse Karr
& Communion following at 9:30. "It does not do well to dwell on
Cards and Game Time began at 2:30 dreams and forget to live." - J. K
p.m. in the Dining Room with Coffee Rowling in Harry Potter arid the Sor-
Time following at 3 p.m. Paige, Jill, cerer's Stone
Listings for high school sport-
ing events, plus public events that
are free to anyone and aren't
fund-raisers or aren't family or
business invitations, can be pub-
lished free of charge in this col-
• Varsity football, Oct. 15 -
Nov. 11, NDHSAAA 9-man
Football State Tournament, Far-
godome, 2:30 p.m.
• Beach varsity volleyball, 7
p.m., Oct. 25, vs. Dickinson
Trinity at Dickinson Trinity
• Heart River varsity volley-
ball, 7 p.m., Oct. 25, vs. Bow-
man County, at South Heart
The Billings County
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