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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 20, 2016     Golden Valley News
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October 20, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 20,2016 Golden Valley News Page 5 "~'~ i NeW's/Pioneer Classified Ads: A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Deadl,ne for Classifieds & Display Ads: .... 12!00 p,m. Friday preceding publication ...... "t i+' . +da e, ' , Phone: 701' ,872-3755 IFa×i+Z0-:i'872-3756 I The+Golden Valley News is accepting ap- LEADING EDGE EQUIPMENT, Car " g- plications for its vacant Golva-area news ton, ND, seeks Service Technicians. Ben- wr~tedcolumnist. Call (701) 872-3755 or efit package includes full health insurance, send an e-mail to 401K retirement package, paid holidays, for an ap- paid vacation, sick leave and fair wage plication.1 and 2 bedroom apartments; compensation package. Training always wasl~er and dryer included; call 701-729- available through John Deere. Further in- 9967. tfn formation call 701-652-3144 or 1-800-826- ": 3610, ask for Galen. One and two bedroom apartments. Washer and dryer included• Call 701-729- LANDOWNERS: DESPITE DOWNTURN 9967. fin North Dakota farm land values continue to ', '~ "*~* be strong. Call Kevin Pifer for free valua- tion at Pifer's Auctioneers 701-238-5810 or Bennnetl Hou All Risk Crop ~ Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 16201 Otd Highway 10 Sentine[ Butte, ND 58654 1-800-784-2106 John Germolus Wayne Lee Morisa Corlsrud This entity is an equal opportunity provider ~"'----" "~T'-. Travis Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Office: 701-872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 C TElectric@midstate. net. Licensed in N.D. and MT BUSINESSIBuDDY • Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisor • Bookkeeping • Payroll & Quarterlies • Notary Public & More Cory McCaskey, Owner Phone: 701-290-9006 Website: www, FOR ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! EStaTE wrm .o esw, rNTEq rrv PE SON t SE WCFr Patti Davis, Broker, ALC, GRI 701-690-7763 NDPEDE@GMAIL.COM The area's only Accredited Land Consultant! Sue Finnemann Licensed Real Estate Agent in N.D. (701) 483-6789 or suefinneman Land C () M 1' A N Y Real Estate Professionals Golden Valley Manor, Inc. Vicki Braden, Administrator • Flexible Meal Plans • Assisted Living • Night Security • Activities 701-872-4282 or TTY 800-366-6888 The Golden Valley Manor is a US Department of HUD facility. Rental assistance is available to those who qualify. Rent this space for only a few dollars a 872-3755 for more details MJ Plumbing Anthony Medina Master Plumber #1192 • Sewer camera & location • Sewer rod • All new plumbing services • New & old construction . Residential, commercial • If it has to do with plumbing, we can help (701) 301-7465 anthony@mjplumbingnd cem PO Box 966, Beach, ND For all your plumbing needs! We have coupons on website for service calls and new customers Visit our website and tell us what you think! " 2b~g Ar~i~/Cat Prowler .1000 side-by-side. Newb~ttery. p,'uns gq~d. Call 550-9249. fin MINEIE, AI~:A~,RE,S.FOR SALE: 449 Net CASE ELECTRIC (701 ) 690-7145 PO Box 892 Beach, ND 58621 Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, and Oil Field Mineral Acres Far Sale,, 6, parcels. Moun- trail County, ND. On-line Bid Auction closes November 16th, 2016. For details go to Steve Link, Broker. 877- 70~:-4099, Firpt, Lutheraq'S Annual .,Pc & Coffee So- c a w be held at the Beach Community ~enter, or11=d'day' ~loven~b'er 4th from 2:()0- 4:30' j:)~fi. Ho'~made lefse, quilts, & baked goods wil~'alsol~tYfor sale. Proceeds go toward benevolences. pmsg/~rfiai!~l~j' ol~era'tion, .'southeastern S~iJth Oakota, salary negotiable with ben- efits. Send resume to Box J, Parkston, SD 57366. D!I~EC~OR OF,NURSING: Strasburg C~lre :Ceqteri$ a£c~pting applications for DirectOr ~of Nursing: DON, p ans, coordi- hate's arid rfldnagre~'+~e nursing depart- ment; responsible for evaluation of resident care; maintaining quality in com- pliance:with StatelFederal law; help coor- dinate L care~l..with..gther departments. ,Quatific~ions: v~l!d ND+ RN License with BSN prefe'rred, Iong~erm care experience and experience in managing staff. SCC is a 55-bed skilled nursing facility in South Central N.~.~ Full b~nefit.Ea+ckage with com- petitive wage. Send application/resume: Strasb.Org~re~+(~Ohte~ ,409 S 3rd St, Strasburg, ND 58573. Contact Brian Schu- ma~q~r~ 70 ~26~1. ¢,p. HELP WANT~ .~;TEEEI~ COUNTY, ND is hiring for a J~6$~DePafl:ment Supervi- +or. This is ~ Ppll-'13me'p~sition with a full benefits pabkage~includ ng Health, Denta, Vision, Retire~ept, paid. reave and paid ~olidays. Exp~e pr'eff~n'ed Submit a resume and application by Oct 28th 2016 (o Steele CountyAuditor PO BOX 275 Fin- ~yND58230;.,' Steele County is an EOE. CLASS A OTR DRIVER WANTED. Reefer/drive in. Home weekly. Starting .38 to .40/mile, DOE. Benefits: Health Insur- ance, Sign-On Bonus, Paid Vacation. Bill 701-527-7215. BUYING USED VALMAR and Candy ap- plicators. Call Paul at Daily Bread Farms. 763-286-2037. DAKOTA 50/50 Sale, Futurity & Maturity. October 27th to 29th at the NDSU Equine Center, Fargo ND. Three day show and sale! Over $15,000 Jackpot. HORSE BUYER: Sitting Bull Livestock, Williston, Nov~ 3, Rugby Livestock, Nov. 4, Bowman Auction, Nov. 14. 8-4. Buying all horses. Good or bad, Joe Simon 612- 839-9568: ......... POWERS LAKE FIRE Department ac- cepting bids on 1988 Chevy 4-door rescue unit. $2500 minimum bid. Mail "rescue unit bid" to PL Fire Department, Box 97, Pow- ers Lake, ND 58773. Bid opening Nov. 1, 9:00 am, Fire Hall. Department reserves right to reject any and all bids. Questions, 701-705-5790. ND MEDIA GUIDE: Names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails of all ND news- papers, radio/TV stations, specialty publi- cations. Only $25. ND Newspaper Association, 701-223-6397. YOUR 25-WORD classified ad can now appear in every ND newspaper! Only $150! NorthSCAN is the answer. Contact your newspaper for placement. WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one or all 90 North Dakota newspapers. One order, one bill, one check. We provide the ad design and tear sheets. Call the North Dakota Newspaper Association, 701-223- 6397. JOSHUA FUNK'S PLUMBING SERVICE Master Plumber #1609, Cll SL0911 Drain Cleaning • Remodels Service Calls Serving southwestern N.D. 701,290-3034 Western .... Apartments Beach, ND . $100 Walmart card with 12 month lease 2 Bedrooms Available * All Utilities Paid * Laundry Hookups * Income :Based Call Wade • 701-690-7552 • Non-Smoking Professionally Managed by Prairie Homes Management 1-888-893-9501 . TTY 1-800-366-6888 Tvedt Trucking, Inc. • Custom Hauling • Grain or Feed • Livestock • Local & Long Distance Roger Tvedt Wibaux, MT 406-796-2968 KEY Janitorial Service * Carpet andUpho tep Cleanhzg * Stfp andWax Floors * Disaster Cleanup Resident uiland Commercial Ken & Virginia Young Owners Glendive, MT Call 406-377-3597 DEADLINES The deadline for submitted copy and stories ahd all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 or e-mail goldenandbillings e ow? The Billings Count): Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared advertLs'ing, and have been sharing the newsjbr some of their inside pages fi r about 40 years. This means the coverage of your ad isn't limited to just either county/Our prima£v coverage area is western Stark County and west to the Montana border It pat,s+ to advertise/ GLENDIVE SALES CORPORATION . Lease & Fleet Vehicle Remarketing • Wholesale & Retail • Cars & Trucks GARY BRENGLE 1021 W. BELL ST. GLENDIVE, MT59330 PHONE: 406-365-4407 HOME: 406-365-8104 TOLL FREE: 1-800-726-6763 Guns N Things 305 N Merrill Ave. Glendive, MT Guns Bought, Sold, Repaired, and Traded FFH Licensed Ernie Huether, Pres. 377-3969 Firearms Gun Safes Smart Wool Ammunition Reloading Equipment CRAP NAPPERS LLP ;ANITATION SERVICE "all Septic Pumping Specialt Valid 10/13/16-12/31/16 $175 Per Tank within 20 miles of Golva, any distance greater than 20 miles mileage will be added. Call Justin at 701-218-0314 or Tyler at 701-218-0101 IYour~2isoornumb~ 1] ,FELDMANN ONSTRUCTION since 1936 701-872-3317 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations! Beach, ND 58621 Mid,, te Your local telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte & Medora areas For service please call 1-800-523-5436 North Dakota Statewide Classified Advertising Network For only $150, your classified ad will appear in every North Dakota daily and weekly newspaper! Contact this newspaper for details.