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October 19, 2017     Golden Valley News
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October 19, 2017
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October 19, 2017 Golden Valley News Page 5 Belfield Public School SPECIAL PUBLIC TAX MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION, BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #13 SEPTEMBER 14, 201,7 ELEMENTARY LIBRARY A special meeting was called to order by President Krebs at 6:30 pm. for the purpose of the 2017 public tax meeting. Present: Curt Buckman, Keith Buck- man, Terry Johnson, Anthony Krebs, Dan Obrigewitch, Supt. Northrop, Bus. Mgr. Berger President Krebs welcomed Richard Volesky from the Billings County Pio- neer and community member Linda Weiss. Supt. Northrop reviewed the notice and explained how the tax increase af- fects the school and community tax payers. The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm. Alice Berger, Business Manager Anthony Krebs, Board President (October 19) Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Special Meeting October 3, 2017 OFFICIAL MINUTES A special meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 1:00 p.m. MT, Tuesday, Octo- ber 3, 2017, at Prairie School in Fair- field. Present on site were Joey Kessel, Mike Klatt, Tammy Simnioniw, Shae Peplinski, Danielle O'Brien, and Tom Hutzenbiler. Present via teleconference were Lynn Arthaud, Stacey Kessel and Julie Reis. An interview committee consisting of Joey Kessel, Mike Klatt, Tammy Simnioniw, Shae Peplinski, Danielle O'Brien and Tom Hutzenbiler reported that they interviewed four candidates for the maintenance position. The commit- tee recommended offering the position to Shawn Thomas. M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to follow the recommendations of the committee to offer the position to Shawn Thomas at a wage of $20 per hour with the school vehicle parked at DeMores School when not in use for school purposes. All in favor. M/S Reis/Klatt to adjourn. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 1:12 p.m. Lynn Arthaud, President Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- ager ......... . (October 19) ..... "~ '~: Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Special Meeting October 4, 2017 OFFICIAL MINUTES A special meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 11:05 a.m. MT, Wednesday, October 4, 2017, at DeMores School in Medora. Present on site were Tammy Simnioniw and Shae Peplinski. Present via teleconference were Joey Kessel, Mike Klatt, and Julie Reis. Simnioniw reported that Shawn Thomas was not able to take the main- tenance position at the wage of $20 per hour. After discussion, M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to rescind the motion made on October 3 regarding hiring Shawn Thomas at the rate of $20 per hour. All in favor. M/S Klatt/Reis to offer the position to Shawn Thomas at $24 per hour to bring it closer to market value for the skill set Thomas is bringing to the position. All in favor. M/S Reis/Klatt to adjourn. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m. Joey Kessel, Vice President Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- ager (October 19) Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Regular Meeting September 12, 2017 OFFICIAL MINUTES The regular monthly meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 5:00 p.m. MT, Tues- day, September 12, 2017, at the De- Mores School in Medora. Present were members Lynn Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, Mike Klatt, and Julie Reis. Also present for all or part of the meeting were Principal Shae Peplinski, Assistant Principal Danielle O'Brien, Business Manager Tammy Simnioniw, Jessi Polensky, Clarence Sitter, Mar- jorie Jensen, and Liz Odermann. M/S Reis/Joey Kessel to approve the consent agenda, which included the Minutes from .the August 15 regular meeting and the August 29 special meeting, the attached check lists, and the addition of two items to the agenda. All in favor. Building Fund 170 KLJ $4,150.00 171 West River Spec. Services (Bldg. Cost-share) $452.00 General Fund DD SEPTEMBER PAYROLL DD $71,525.91 18817 WESTERN DAKOTA ENERGY ASSOCIATION VOIDED 18818 CHILLER SYSTEMS INC $1,593.17 18819 WESTERN DAKOTA ENERGY ASSOCIATION $4,075.00 18820-18831 SEPTEMBER PAYROLL VENDOR CHECKS $42,655.12 EFT FEDERAL TAXES $24,465.96 EFT AFLAC $514.81 18832 ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS $261.54 18833 ARMBRUST SAN ITATION $250.00 18834 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $1,198.61 18835 BRAINPOP VOIDED 18836 CHELSEA SIGVALDSEN $231.94 18837 CITY OF MEDORA $1,023.70 18838 DANIELLE BOSWELL$192.10 18839 DAVID DICKEY $45.00 18840 DENNIS O'BRIEN $9,206.00 18841 DICKIEJO KUBAS $17.12 18842 DOLLYWOOD FOUNDATION $45.51 18843 DONNA LYNN PETE $55.64 18844 ERIKA HONEYMAN $314.92 18845 GARY MEDUNA $5,988.40 18846 GEIGER'S LANDS $307.30 18847 HORACE MANN $402.09 18848 JACKIE WOLF $155.15 18849 JAN KUCHERA $99.98- 18850 JENNIFER MUSCHA $19.26 18851 JESSIE BERGER $36.38 18852 JOHN MARTEN $262.12 18853 KAITLYN DAVIS $150.00 18854 KATHY MALKOWSKI$6,854.60 18855 KAYLEEN OBRITSC $130.54 18856 KEMPS LLC (DBA CASS-CLAY CREAM $226.00 18857 KIM ANDERSON $50.00 18858 KIRA HAAG $19.36 18859 KXDI-FM $200.00 18860 LARISSA TESSIER $22.15 18861 LAURA ARMBRUST $34.24 18862 MARCO INC $2,414.32 18863 MARKIE TOSO $225.00 18864 MATHEW LARSON . $370.71 18865 MEDORA CONVEN $75.48 18866 NDCEL $420.00 18867 OLSON'S SERVICE $5,649.00 18868 PETER ODERMANN$6,659.80 18869 PIONEER $30.40 18870 REBECCA BOLTZ $34.24 18871 REBECCA OSTERMAN $323.02 18872 RESP $2,415.00 18873 SAMANTHA FROEHLICH $357.25 18874 SHAE PEPLINSKI $391.27 18875 SMART COMPUTERS $3,000.00 18876 STACEY KESSEL VOIDED 18877 STEVE JOHNSON $212.20 18878 SW WATER $125.02 18879 SYSCO NORTH DAKOTA $5,109.24 18880TAMMY SIMNIONIW $90.66 18881 WAL-MART COMM $55.46 18882 WEST RIVER SPEC $278.47 18883 WEST RIVER SPEC$2,260.50 EFT JP MORGAN $18,550.84 Propane bids were submitted as fol- lows:, West Dakota Oil $1.09 per gallon with rate effective September 12, 2017, through September 12, 2018. Missouri Valley Petroleum $1.08 per gallon. Simnioniw called Wade Strilcov, Account Manager, for clarification on the time period of his bid. He stated that his bid was at $1.08 per gallon for the first 90 days. Then he would renegoti- ate the price f0r_~he ,rema.i~der of the period. It could go up or it could go down for the remaining period. Creative Energy $1.15 per gallon for period prior to January 31, 2018, and $1.35 from February 1, 2018, until Au- gust 31,2018. Stacey Kessel declared a conflict of interest. M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to allow Stacey Kessel to participate in discus- sion and vote. All in favor. M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to award the 2017-18 propane contract to West Dakota Oil at bid price of $1.09 for full year. All in favor. The board discussed bus routes. Arthaud presented more financial data for each route and recapped previous discussions. She reported on response from NDSBA for questions posed from list developed at August board meeting. Stacey Kessel asked that the cost be figured for each family if family trans- portation was paid all the way to the school as a cost comparison with con- tracted busing. This information will be compiled and presented at the next board meeting. Jessi Polensky submit- ted a written list of questions and con- cerns. Copies were provided to the board members. Discussion ensued and questions were answered for what was currently known. Arthaud reported that NDSBA sug- gested we secure legal counsel to an- swer the questions more thoroughly .that the board has regarding trans- portation of students. M / S Klatt/Joey Kessel to secure legal coun- sel to answer transportation questions. All in favor. Clarence Sitter, TRMF, presented in- formation on a tax exemption request they are considering for the south bunkhouse replacement, newly named "Elkhorn Quarters." If it goes to a city hearing, a school board member could be appointed to provide input, but is not a voting member. Appointment of school board member will be placed on October school board meeting agenda. Principal O'Brien reported that Jen- nifer Frank turned down the position of para-professional at Prairie School. The interview committee received another application from Karlene Chruszch and made the recommendation to the board to hire Mrs. Chruszch. M/S Stacey Kessel/Reis to approve the interview committee's recommendation to hire Karlene Chruszch as a temporary, part- time teacher's aide at Prairie. All in favor. Peplinski reported that DeMores School was in compliance with all teachers having highly qualified status. Reis moved, Joey Kessel seconded, to approve the annual compliance report for DeMores School. Roll call vote with all in favor. Peplinski presented the board with the state accreditation an- nual compliance reports. One teacher at Prairie School is on a plan to obtain highly qualified status. The State has allowed for an extension to obtain accreditation with the plan in place. M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to ap- prove an extension for the annual certi- fication of'compliance for Prairie School. All in favor.Peplinski reported on the District-Wide annual compliance. M/S Klatt/Joey Kessel to approve the District-Wide annual compliance report. All in favor. Peplinski reported that West River Special Services requested that an as- sessment tool be purchased between schools. After discussion, M/S Reis/Joey Kessel to table a decision board will include the request in the pre- until further clarification on the exact liminary budget. cost to the Billings County School Dis- Tax & Zoning Director Stacey Swan- trict was determined and which schools son was present and stated that there would be sharing the cost of the as- were no zoning applications but that sessment tool. All in favor, there was old business. Gerry Grosulak Both principals reported on upcom- was present to discuss his subdivision ing events at their respective schools. It requirements. The board requested that was also noted that school websites will he decide what he wants to do and dis- be required to be ADA compliant, cuss at the next zoning board meeting. EduTech is working with all schools to The board received and approved move toward that goal. The principals the following permits with road superin- and school board members reported tendent conditions: PIPELINE Permits: that they are getting overwhelmingly Kirk Malkowski- Section 12- positive feedback on the availability of .142-100 crossing 19th Street SW for an the suburbans used for sports and agricultural water pipeline school activities. Joey Kessel gave ONEOK Rockies Midstream, recognition to the Sheriff's department LLC - Section 12-142-102 crossing and the county commissioners for the East River Road for a poly gas gather- donation, ing line A resignation letter from David ONEOK Rockies Midstream, Dickey, Maintenance staff, was read. LLC - Section 9-141-99 crossing 26th M/S Reis/Joey Kessel to accept the res- Street SW to Section 16-141-99 for a ignation.All in favor. Arthaud expressed poly gas gathering line good luck to Mr. Dickey for his future ARW Permits: endeavors. NP Resources, LLC - Section Simnioniw provided email corre- 22-142-100 along 21st Street SW spondence to the board from Briana Director Swanson also went over the Rummel, Attorney, regarding options applications that have been approved the board had in their performance by her office including new homes in the bond insurance claim. M/S Joey county and agricultural exempt buiid- Kessel/Reis to approve option 1 to exe- ings. She also discussed the beginning cute the release of the security for phase of the revision of the compre- $12,000. All in favor, hensive land use plan. Simnioniw reported that the milk Road Superintendent Jeff tverson cooler at DeMores went out. It is very and Justin Hyndman from KLJ went old and not worth repairing. A new over their monthly reports. Attorney Pat cooler was purchased and the old Weir was also present and went over needs to be disposed of. Simnioniw the issues with the Diamond H bond presented three items for the excess company. He also went over the Winter property list--the old milk cooler, and pit and the solutions necessary in order two old wet vacs. Neither has any to proceed. The board discussed a re- value, but there may be more than one quest from the Medora Grazing associ- interested party to dispose of the milk ation to place a cattle guard on Upper cooler. M/S Joey Kessel/Stacey Kessel Magpie road. They will also be placing to dispose of these items, but to first a fence to the cattle guard on state offer them to staff. Sealed offers were land. Arthaud moved to approve the re- "to be solicited with highest offer allowed quest with the requirement that the to buy the items. If no offers, the items grazing association pays for the cattle can be disposed of. All in favor, guard andthecountywillinstall. Kasian Simnioniw reported on other mainte- seconded. All voted aye. nance projects completed and mainte- Darianne Johnson was present from nance and grounds issues, the Domestic Violence Rape and Abuse The board reviewed the agenda for Crisis Center to make a request of the the annual school board law seminar board for the 2018 budget. She stated and convention. They were asked to let that they have broken ground on the Simnioniw know by October 1 whether new building but bids came in about they would be attending. $1M higher than they believed they Discussion was held on the level of would. They have made changes to alcohol and drug testing to be done for only build one story with 28 beds. She activities suburban drivers. This is non- also informed the board about the need DOT testing so the board has discretion and that two trafficking victims came in on level of testing to be done. M/S on one day and two different sexual as- Klatt/Joey Kessel to require drug and al- sault victims came in within a 5 minute cohol testing on one percent each quar- time frame. She stated she has been ter of non-DOT drivers who will be with DVRCC for 16 years and drug and transporting students in the suburbans, alcohol abuse and violence have been All in favor, steadily rising. Simnioniw reported that the BCSD Clarence Sitter was present from the received notice that they are eligible to Theodore Roosevelt Medora Founda- receive $185,196 in ND Trust Land tion to request local funding from the Grant funds which can be used for ren- county by way of a pace loan buy down ovation and improvement projects, program. This would be a request for ,. S~acey Kessel and.,Pri.ncipal peplin- $42,000 from the County and the same sk gaye the RESP [ep0rtl .... from thecity, able to be paid over 15 Correspondence was read by the years. He went over the project scope. board from Mrs. Kubas and her fourth The board will make the decision at a grade class and Shadera Burian. later time. Discussion ensued regarding Arthaud reported that she had au- a MIDA Bond, which the county can thorized Simnioniw to obtain legal coun- issue to the amount of $10MM per year. sel in response to a subpoena. The The county has no liability for payment issue was time sensitive, so the deci- of the bond. Kessel moved to allow the sion was made to go ahead with ob- foundation to move forward with the taining legal advice prior to full board MIDA Bond request. Kasian seconded. approval. All voted aye. M/S Klatt/Reis to adjourn. All in The board recessed from 12:00- favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. 1:00P.M. Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- Tina Thornton and Shannon Boehm ager were present from the US Forest Serv- (October 19) ice. They stated that they would like to stay consistent with county fire regula- Billings County Commis- tions. The burn ban will stay on as is at this time. Discussion ensued regarding sion the old CCC boundary fence between Billings and McKenzie counties. It de- BILLINGS COUNTY BOARD OF lineated townships and grazing associ- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ations and the fence needs to be rebuilt. REGULAR MEETING - They will try and stay true to the fence SEPTEMBER 7, 2017 line but may have to go in and out of counties while staying as equitable as The meeting was called to order at possible due to the terrain. It will be 9:00A.M with Commissioners Arthaud, funded by a three way split between the Kasian and Kessel in attendance, grazing associations and the Forest Others present during portions of the Service. The board was comfortable meeting were: Jason Kastrow, Linda with it as the grazing associations were Weiss, Liz Anderson, Laura Grzanic, in favor. Pat Ashley, Denice Aaron, Ruth Maim, Discussion ensued regarding the Roger Ashley, Kurt Froelich, Gerry Gro- pace loan buy down for the Theodore sulak, Justin Hyndman, Darianne John- Roosevelt Medora Foundation. Arthaud son, Pat Rummel, Clarence Sitter, Kyle moved to approve the buy down and in- Shockley, Tina Thornton, Shannon clude it in the 2018 budget. Kasian sec- Boehm, Joe Vesey. onded. All voted aye. Kessel moved to approve the min- At I:30P.M the Preliminary Budget utes from the August 1 regular and 25, hearing was opened. No one appeared 2017 special meetings. Kasian sec- for or against the budget. After review- onded. All voted aye. ing the draft for 2018, Kasian moved to Auditor Lamb went over the centrally approve the preliminary budget. Kessel assessed valuations and the historical seconded. All voted aye. value of a mill in Billings County as well The board discussed the road crew as the historical revenues and expendi- and a safety meeting to be held soon. tures for the county. Auditor Lamb will work on getting a firm Sheriff Pat Rummel went over his date and will put together a power point monthly report and a multi hazard miti- for the meeting. gation plan agreement. Kasian moved PAYEE CHECK # AMOUNT to approve the agreement. Kessel sec- Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.D. onded. All voted aye. 013524 $3,355.10 Laura Grzanic was present to dis- N.D.P.E.R.S. 013525 $57,032.99 cuss her concerns regarding the poten- American Insurance Center tial for truck traffic if the Meridian 013526 $1,202.73 Refinery is built. She stated that she AmeriPride Linen Service has been in contact with the State 013527 $345.15 Health Department and they directed Aspen Mills 013528 $127.42 her to discuss the local roads with the A T & T Mobility 013529 $83.73 board. Chairman Arthaud informed her Balco Uniform Company, Inc. that with haul road agreements and the 013530 $108.41 roads that have been built up ~n that Be Mobile Dickinson South area, that the county is capable of han- 013531 $44.99 dling truck traffic and that the county Belfield Automotive Supply, Inc. maintains the roads for agricultural use, 013532 $1,072.31 tourist use as well as oil industry use. Billings County Rural Fire District Other individuals questioned the Ioca- 013533 $600.65 tion and Arthaud stated that there was Billings County Pioneer not another application for another site 013534 $674.12 and they are still required to get all of Billings County Pioneer 013535534.00 the appropriate permits from the State Billings County School District including the air quality permit. He then 013536 $6,046.38 questioned the individuals who were Billings County Sheriff 0135375407.72 concerned with the siting and asked Bound Tree Medical, LLC why none were present or had con- 013538 $2,663.02 cerns with the wind tower permit appli- Brooks & Associates, C.E. cation if their concern is the view shed 013539 $6,706.15 of the park? He stated that the National Budd-Falen Law Offices, PC Park is important to the county and we 013540 $17,315.22 work to protect our citizens and the park Burly's Roughrider Bar & Steakhouse with decisions that are made. Laura 013541 $350.00 thanked the board for discussing her Butler Machinery Co. 0135425781.55 concerns. Cedar Fencing 013543 $7,557.90 Kurt Froehlich was present from the Cerberus Security 013544 $3,076.00 NDSU Extension Service to discuss the Chad's Automotive Clinic 2018 budget request. He stated that the 013545 $726.88 FCS position will not be filled. The Chesak Seed House 01354651,582.50 Code 4 Services, LLC 013547 $3,417.27 Comfort Inn - Bismarck 013548 $491.40 Creative Energy 013549 $18,403.31 Crop Production Services 013550 $2,694.00 Crowell & Moring, LLP 013551 $5,938.97 Custer's Cottage 013552 $55.00 Dakota Dirt Works 013553 $4,900.00 Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc. 013554 $1,118.72 Dakota Sports 013555 $70.00 D.C.ES. U.S.A., LLC 013556 $194,720.31 Dell Marketing, LP 013557 $4,945.91 Dickinson Public Library 013558 $4,891.54 DRS Enterprises, LLC 013559 $15.00 Emil's Repair 013560 $150.00 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. 013561 $328.61 Fisher Industries 013562 $90,964.80 Four Seasons Trophies 013563563.00 Frieze, Brenda 013564 . $39.59 George's Tire, Ltd. 013565 $7,720.00 Golden Valley County 013566 $6,300.99 Hammerstrom, Juliana 013567 $103.55 Helena Chemical Company 013568 $9,344.10 Hlebechuk Construction, Inc. 013569 $100,525.10 HP, Inc. 013570 $472.23 J and J Operating, LLC 013571 $182.96 J P Steel & Supply, Inc. 013572 $149.96 Jamestown Communications, Inc. 013573 $69.00 Just-In Glass 013574 $581.76 Kadrmas, Lee, & Jackson, Inc. 013575 $15,784.81 King Speed Printing 013576 $138.00 Kohler Communications 013577 $796.00 Krebs Machine & Repair 013578 $95.13 Lexipol, LLC 013579 $2,777.00 Lindbo Welding Service 013580 $860.00 Lyle Signs, Inc. 013581 $283.80 Mac's, Inc. 013582 $342.47 Matthew Bender & Co., Inc. 013583 $1,058.15 Mayo Construction Company, Inc. 013584 $31,740.00 Menards - Dickinson 0135855245.75 Metro-Billing Services 013586 $58.00 MGM Rural Sanitation, LLC 013587 $220.00 Mid-American Research Chemical 013588 $218.07 Midstate Telephone Company 013589 $1,088.90 Millie's Stitching & Crafts 013590 $30.00 Mobile Binders 013591 $590.10 Myers, Page & Jane 013592 $24,343.60 N.D. Association of Counties 013593 ......... : ...... -.$3~2.00 N.D. Association of Counties: 013594 $102.56 N.D. Attorney General's Office 013595 $170.00 N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame 013596 $200.00 N.D. Parks & Recreation Department 013597 $270.00 N.D.P.E.R.S. 013598 $4,628.04 N.D.P.E.R.S. 013599 $579.76 N.D. Secretary of State 013600 $2,216.19 N.D. Sheriff's & Deputies Association 013601 $170.00 N.D. State Treasurer 013602 $717.36 N.D.A.C.O. Resources Group, Inc. 013603 $2,348.05 Nelson International 01360451,105.27 Newby's Ace Hardware 013605 $137.99 North Dakota SHRM State Council 013606 $275.00 Northern Improvement Co. 013607 $21,480.93 Northrop, Debra 013608 $15,814.80 Nova Fire Protection 013609 $260.00 Off Road Software, Inc. 013610 $695.00 Pitney Bowes Global 013611 $378.27 Porter Motors, Dan 013612 $139.98 Pump Systems, Inc. 013613 $839.57 R & R Auto Farms & Electric, Inc. 013614 $25.06 Radisson Hotel - Bismarck 013615 $327.60 RDO Trust 80-5800 01361651,947.69 Red Rock Ford 013617 $368.25 Rummel, Patrick 013618 $207.65 Runnings Supply, Inc. 0136195118.24 Sax Motor Company 013620 $887.15 Share Corporation 013621 $382.42 Simnioniw, Dixie 013622 $3,050.00 Solberg, Ame 013623 $15,814.80 Southwest Business Machines 013624 $878.72 Southwest Multi-Co. Correction Center 013625 $620.00 Southwest Water Authority 013626 $2,369.89 Southwest Water Authority 013627 $107.22 Southwestern District Health Unit 013628 $356.93 Stein's, Inc. 013629 $400.94 Stoppleworth & Sons, Inc. 013630 $307.50 Stryker Sales Corporation 013631 $3,476.83 Swanson~ Stacey 013632 $148.60 Tab Electronics 013633 $4,038.15 Tapco 013634 $11,074.63 Thyssen Krupp Elevator 013635 $496.56 Tom's Service Center 013636 $1,170.75 Total Safety US, Inc. 01363751,200.26 Trotter Construction, Inc. 013638 $33,000.00 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 013639 $3,745.58 Vanguard Appraisals, Inc. 013640 $4,450.00 Verizon Wireless 013641 $2,104.76 WaI-Mart 013642 $97.58 Waller, Catherine Renae 013643 $15,814.80 Warne Chemical & Equipment Co. 013644 $29.70 West Dakota Oil, Inc. 013645 $4,428.23 Western Choice Cooperative 013646 $2,963.31 Westlie Crossroad Truck Center 013647 $5,692.50 Wosepka, P.C., James J. 013648 $9,600.00 Kasian, Michael E. 013649 $169.06 Kessel, Joseph L. 013650 $147.13 N.D.P.E.R.S. 013654 $36902.31 Century Link 013658 $550.83 Consolidated 013659 $44.97 DirectV 013660 $246.89 Discovery Benefits, Inc. 013661 $83.00 EMS Educators 013662 $150.00 Information Technology Dept. 013663 $678.10 Medora, City of... 013664 $416.59 Reservation Telephone Cooperative 013665 $40.29 Roughrider Electric Cooperative 013666 $3,895.94 Verizon Wlreless 013667 $30.06 Visa 013668 $3,451.22 Visa 013669 $738.07 The board approved the revenue vouchers for the month of August: Sher- iff $203.00, Recorder $5,841.36; Zon- ing $525.00; Court $195.00. Revenues for materials and/or serv- ices rendered in August: Badlands Min- istries $727.52 signage. Revenues for the month of August: Sheriff $25,986.69 permits, Sheriff $1,616.80 overload fees; Sheriff 24/7 program $706.00; Highway Tax Distri- bution $10,176.16; Oil & Gas Produc- tion Tax $77,499.43; Interest $9,404.24; Royalties $21,342.26; Unorganized Oil & Gas Production Tax $30,483.61; LEPC $9,562.50; EMS $13,025.12; Maps etc. $178.46. Payroll in the following amounts were approved for August: General Fund $174,962.21; Road and Bridge Fund $118,705.56; Weed Fund $37,132.06. With there being no further busi- ness, Kessel moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:20 P.M. Kasian seconded. All voted aye. James Arthaud, Chairman Attest: Marcia Lamb, Auditor/Treasurer (October 19) N • School district budgets • Property auctions • Public hearings • Local tax changes •.Adoptions Find out about these and much more in your local newspaper!