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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 15, 2020     Golden Valley News
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October 15, 2020
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V LV V.aV October 15, 2020 Golden Valley News Page 5 Affordany priced homes, land and com mercial property. Call Sue Finneman, Re altor, 701-527-8159, Home and Land Company, 269 16th St W, Dickinson, ND, 701-483-6789 All of these properties are in Beach unless otherwise noted. RESIDENTIAULAND $12,000 Build-ready 9,660 sf corner lot 4th St & 5th Ave SE, Beach, ND. $17,500 Nearly 14,000 sf lot near HS, 1st Ave NE. $17,000 Cute-as-a-button home, needs craft and care, 471 1st Ave SE. $36,000 Home, 2 cabins & 2 trailer hookups, 125 Grove St, Sentinel Butte. SOLD--Nice rental or heme near Elemen- tary, Beach. $59,000 Sweet 1 3/4 story home, covered patio and garage, 424 Central Ave N. $74,900 The more the merrier, 4 or 5-bed- room home, 466 2nd Ave SE. $75,000 Park-like yard; lovely Z-story home, 218 4th Ave SE. $81,000 NEWLY ROOFED 1909 church for home, B&B or vacation property, 105 3rd Ave SW. $75,000 3-bed, 2-bath home, south edge of town, 576 1st Ave SE. $82,500 Updated 2-bed home, double garage, new sewer line to street, 489 3rd Ave SE. PENDING $119,900 Too many good re'a- sons buy this home, 247 2nd Ave NE. PENDING $120,000 2-story home, reno- vated 3-bed, 2 bath on 14,100 sf lot, 370 2nd St NE. $130,000 New basement and like new main oor, 3 bed, 2-bath, 476 151 ST SE. $145,000 No steps in this well-built 2-bed room home, large garage, 553 3rd Ave SE. $149,000 Over 2,400 sf classy home with giant garage/shop, 341 4th Ave SE. PRICE REDUCED $177,000 5/6 bed- rooms, updated and a hot tub too, 506 2nd Ave SE. $190,000 Contemporary re nished home, 3 bed, sunroom, double garage, fenced, 620 1st Ave NE. $199,000 Beautiful yard, 5-bed home and large shop/garage, 165 3rd Ave NE COMMERCIAL $12,950 Building and lot, Terrell Ave E, Golva. $89,900 4-Plex, fully occupied, 2-bed, 1 bath units, 221 1st St SE. $89,900 4-Plex renovated in 2010, fully oc cupied, 14 3rd Ave SE. $108,000 8,000 sf shop/warehouseindusL trial building, 117 1st Ave SW PRICEREDUCED $710,000 Beach Food Center, turnkey operating business: build- ing, xtures inventory, 181 N Central Ave. tfn Businss And Professional Directory Bennett Houglum Agency All Risk Crop Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 16201 Old Highway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 1-800-784-2106 www. federalcrop. net John Germolus Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud This entity is an equal opportunity provider 1'; gas-woe Your 'local telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte Medora areas For service please call 1-800-523-5436 ' FELDMAN N ONSTRUCTION since 1936 701 872 33 17 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations! Beach, ND 58621 Western View Apartments, Beach. Two bedrooms available, all utilities paid, laun- dry hookups, income based. CaIl Barbara, 701-872-4102. Non-smoking. Profession- ally managed by Prairie Homes Manage- ment, 701 -356 9501, TTY 1-800 366 6888. $200 Walmart Card (with 12 month lease). tfn Gun Shbw Bowman, ND. Oct. 23, 25 25. Four Seasons Pavilion. 100 tables, free admission. Friday, 3-7pm. Saturday, 9am- 6pm. Sunday, 9am-3pm. Contact Rick Stark: 406-778-2428 or cell 406-978-2428. HELP WANTED The Billings/Golden Valley Counties Coun- cil on Aging (COA) has an opening for a Transportation Coordinator/Project Man- ager. The Coordinator schedules trans- portation for residents of both counties with a driver and a vehicle. Computer skills are a necessary component to complete the ND state and Federal reports as well as the Department of Transportation reports, applications, and grants. Coordinator is re- sponsible for preparing and keeping a record of maintenance of vehicles and driver training, nances, and payroll. Indi- vidual will work with an accounting rm and COA board. Meetings are every month with the COA board. Salary is dependent on experience. For further information con tact 701-872 3836. Mail resume and letter of application by September 25, 2020 to the following ad dress: COA Board/Box 434lBeach, ND 58621. Position is open until lled. tfn The Golden Valley News is accepting ap- plications or resumes for fall varsity sports correspondents to cover Beach High School volleyball and football. Call (701) 872-3755 for an application, or send a re- sume to Golden Valley News, PO. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621, or goldenand- This is a work from- home position. TFN The Billings County Pioneer is accepting applications or resumes for fall varsity sports correspondents to cover Heart River volleyball and football. Call (701) 872-3755 for an application, or send a resume to Billings County Pioneer, PO. Box 156, Beach, ND'58621, o r"goid e-' This is a work- from-home position. TFN Sue Finneman Licensed Real Estate Agent in ND. and MT (701) 483-6789, (701) 527-8159 cell or sue nneman Baal Estate Professionals KN ? """" " Manor, IIIIZ. Vicki Braden, Administrator 0 Flexible Meal Plans - Assisted Living 0 Night Security 0 Activities 7&4282 or TTY 800-366-6888 The Golden Valley Manor is a US Department of HUD facility. Rental assistance is available to those who qualify. Guns II Things [[0 305 N Merrill Ave. Glendive, MT Guns Bought, Sold, Repaired, and Traded FFH Licensed Ernie Huether, Pres. 377-3969 Firearms Gun Safes Smart Wool Ammunition Reloading Equipment News/Pioneer Classified Ads: A minimum charge of $7 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Classified ads for give-away items can be published free of Charge. Deadline for all ads: Noon Friday, preceding publication date. Phone: 701-872-3755 - Fax: 701-872-3756 - Email:, RAL ESTATE FOR RENT HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE ' Beach Cooperative Grain Company is looking to ll a full-time bookkeeping posi- tion. Job requirements are answering phones, helping customers, paying bills, and writing grain checks. Job includes group health and dental insurance, life in- surance, paid vacation, medical leave; and 401(K). If interested, please call our of ce at 701 872-3761 . tfn Park ew Assisted Living in Rolla, ND, has an immediate opening for a full time ad- ministrator. Experience preferred. Salary is negotiable depending on experience. Send resum to: Sandy Mitchell, Park View VP, Box 65, Rolla, ND 58367. 6-9 SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE SEEKS Asso- ciate Dentist because of increase in patient volume. Potential earnings $300K plus. In- cludes bene ts. Email: drb@friendIysmilesfargocom ANYONE CAN RUN STATEWIDE with HELP WANTED ads in all the newspapers of ND. with the NorthSCAN program! $160 I25 words / all ND papers. NDNA, 701-223-6397. SERVICES NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire, Today to schedule a FREE in-home esti- mate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 844-859-6628. OVER $10K IN Debt? Be debt free in 24 to 48 months. No upfront fees to enroll. A+ BBB rated. Call National Debt Relief, 844- 981-0006. SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind pay- ing your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modi cation? Is the bank threatening fore- closure? CALL Homeowner s Relief Line! FREE CONSULTATION! 855-504-4680. TRAINING . TRAIN AT HOME TO DO MEDICAL~ BILLING! Become a Medical Of ce Pro -r fessional online at CTI! Get Trained, Certi- ed ready to work in months! Call 701-929-9679. (M-F 8am-6pm ET) COMPUTER IT TRAINING PROGRAMI; Train ONLINE to get the skills to become a Computer Help Desk Professional nowi) , Grants and Scholarships available for cer-" tain programs for quali ed applicants. Call . CT! for details! 701-929 9679 (M-F 8am- 6pm ET). ND FARM LAND Values surge upward. Are you selling or renting? Pifer s Auction and Farm Land Management. Bob Pifer 701-371-8538. Kevin Pifer 701.238.5810. Free valuation. LOOKING FOR THE most complete listing of ND Media? Get the ND Media Guide for Only $25! Call 701-223-6397, ND News- paper Association. HORSE BUYR HORSE BUYER at BOWMAN Livestock, October 12: STOCKMANS LIVESTOCK East barn, Dickinson October 13th: SIT- TING BULL LIVESTOCK, Williston Octo- ber 14th: RUGBY LIVESTOCK October 15th. 8a.m.-4p.m. Buying all horses - good, bad, ugly or pretty! Top dollar paid on the spot! Special interest in riding horses. 612- 839-9568. AUTO WANTED DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Re- ceive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions ac cepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 701- 809-7415. HEALTH ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS! Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Concen- trator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the Oxy- gen Concentrator Store: 701-404-5994. (24/7) NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Pub- lishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited 4' offer! Why wait? Call now: 866-331-7577. BOY SCOUT COMPENSATION FUND Anyone that was inappropriater touched by a Scout leader deserves justice and - nancial compensation! Victims may be el- igible for a ,signi cant cash settlement. Time to le is limited. Call Nowl 844-347- "7225. WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one or all the North Dakota newspapers. One v a order, one bill, one check. We provide the v -ad design and tear sheets. Call the North Travis-Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Of ce:,701-872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 Licensed in ND. and MT Tvedt Trucking, no. 0 Custom Hauling 0 Grain or Feed 0 Livestock 0 Local & Long Distance Roger T vedt Wibaux, MT 406-796-2968 CASE ELECTRIC LLC (701)090 7145 ease)? I 369w gmuileom PO Box 802 Bezieli. NI) 5862] Residential. ( onnnei eiuL . gi'ieulturnl. Industrial. and Oil Field ' " Dakota Newspaper Association, 701-223- 6397. FEMA awards funding to ND Dept. of Health The Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency has awarded $10.6 mil lion to the North Dakota Department of Health. This grant was made available under the Stafford Act and will be used by the state to assist with ex- penses related to coronavirus disease response efforts, including increased testing, laboratory capacity, supplies, software and warehousing facilities. Fallmule deer survey begins The state Game and Fish Depart- ment s annual fall aerial mule deer survey is set for mid-October in western North Dakota. Weather per- mitting, the survey takes about two weeksto complete. During the survey period, people could notice low ying small air- planes over some parts of the bad- lands. Game and Fish biologists have completed aerial surveys of the same 24 badlands study areas since the 19505. The survey is used to colleCt mule deer population data for moni toring demographic trends, such as buck-to doe and fawn-to-doe ratios. DEADLINES The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 or e-mail goldenandbillings Don t stop composting during winter months Composting is a great way to re cycle waste from the yard and kitchen. v However, adding kitchen waste and maintaining a compost pile dur ing the winter can take a lot of mo- tivation, especially when walking outside requires cold weather gear and shoveling snow. In an effort to learn more about composting, I participated in an on- line composting course. During that course, I learned I could collect kitchen waste during the winter to compost during the summer. The idea takes advantage of our cold temperatures by storing kitchen waste in a garbage bin. Examples of kitchen waste that can be composted are coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, eggshells, and vegetable and fruit trimming and peelings. Do not include meats, fats, dairy products and starches because they can attract flies and rodents when turning the kitchen waste into com post during the summer. These items need good compost pile manage- ment to decompose quickly. Do not include any items that might contain disease organisms, such as diseased plants and pet feces. The first step is to collect a sup- ply of browns, such as dead, dry leaves, to layer with your kitchen scraps during the winter. Other ex amples of browns that would work are sawdust, straw or hay. Keep the browns dry and store them in a place that is easy to get to in the winter. I store my dried leaves in a sturdy plastic garbage bin right next to the backyard garage door. Heavy duty trash bags also would work to store the browns. Next, you need a container to layer the kitchen scraps with the col- lected browns. Anything with a cover will work as a container. Sturdy, flexible garbage bins, 5-gal lon pails or storage totes are good examples. During the winter, simply El ll ll IIIIHHEEEE ll Il ll E L JGMSUV IDIOGI'IS Al leaM by Linda Thistle Dakota Gardener It} ( zn i ie Kmnmn NDSI' li len ion Agent (irnntl I oi'kx (hunt) add kitchen scraps and top with a layer of the collected browns and re- peat. I like garbage bins for storing my kitchen waste during the winter. The garbage bins are fairly easy to move as long as they don t get too heavy. They can be moved out of the way once the weather gets nicer. I can drill holes in the bottom and sides so I can compost right in the container. Once the weather warms, add the winter composted materials to your existing compost pile or start a new one and mix well. This was my first year of saving kitchen waste through winter, then turning it into compost once sum- mer arrived. I would say it was a success. The kitchen compost was ready to work into my garden this fall. What are you waiting for? Get your bins ready and start collecting leaves. Happy gardening! Did you know? The Billings County Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared advertising and have been sharing the news for some of their inside pages for about 50 years. This means the coverage of your ad isn t limited to just either county! Our primary coverage area is western Stark County and west to the Montana border It pays to advertise! Solution below Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: 9 6 Moderate 99 Challenging 9.9 H00 BOY! 2020 King Features Synd Inc. This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248