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October 15, 1931 Golden Valley News | |
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October 15, 1931 |
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)OFFER STILL OPEN, [ Mrs, Glenn McDonald and Mlsa
I The offer of the Advance ~o ac-IHelen Kukowski entertained a
I cept $1.50 for new and renewal ) number of young folks at an ~,ucti~
t subscriptions is good for subscrip-~ bridge party Saturday afternoon at.
~tions past due and due November lthe home of Mrs. McDonald A
first, We are offering all we can, delicious luncheon was served af-. "
to keep our subscribers, and hope!ter which all departed for thei~
they will also realize that we are lhomes reporting an enjoyable time,.
tin great need of the money so the I Mr and Mrs P Hartse of Ca~--
I favor works both ways. l lyle "Mont. w'e're 'Beach ~ls~o~
! .... {Thursday. '
I MASONIC RADIO NEWS. ~ Mr and Mrs. Geo• RalidaM~ of
i. S~loh Lodge No:. 1, A. F. & A.i Carlyle were Beach caller~ W~c~-
~w., fargo, z~. u,, Will broaacass over I nesday
)WDAY during the Iall and winterl
months at 5:45 p. m. on the first, ~-~ 7 .... -
}second and fourth Sundays of the[ I%rli~ll II irtl/IP~'/%
month, mountain time• This ,will) L[~'~I'H MIIMR~ ! %-
i be of interest tO Masons havingt DLM~I! i'IMlUlLIO
iradio outfits. I Thursday Noon -
[v ......{:~-~'.-.-.~,~.~:2---" i Northern wheat .............. $ .4~
!''~er;'w~s '~'3~'L~u" " lWinter wheat ................ 31
I . i . arge and interest- Dnrum wheat ................. 31
~eu meeting oI the Reach P. T A Flax ~
'at the Lincoln school la~st evening lR,~ " .................. " ....... ~"~
, and the fh:e program was greatly, Barle:y":::..'.'.'.'.'.":::::::::::: ::i
i enjoyed• __ .... Oats ................... , ...... I@
i SMAL ' ~'-:-~ .......... 1 Cream ....................... 2&
. L BUSINESS• I Eggs (in trade) ......... ...... 2'?
Not long ago ~anager Samsel of tButter ................. .28
I the J. C. Penney store hung his coat .
,on a hook at the rear of the store ............
'but ,.vhcn he put -t on again he l ~DU |I/[ATULII
fo::nd that a Shrine button, given l~l|J-~ ~[[l/H/~
nim many years ago by a vahted m~l~m~ l|l...'l|$11-1t
Iricnd, had been removed from the l ------" .. _
coat by some miscreant who could[ Weather report ~or sne weem
no~ have had any use for it. [ending October 14, 7 p. m.
.......... I Max. Min Precil~
?Tr. and Mrs. Andrew Abraham October 8 57 27 "
of Mosher, were dinner guests at i(~cto-~er 9 ::J:J 69 33
the hcme of Arv:rd Abraham Sun- I Oot0ber 10 56 39
d,w I 7 .... "
• ' 1 October 11 .... 58 25
...... i October 12 .... 53 38
.Ir~. /~ .AI. Pe;erson and dough-IOntober 13 .... 53 36
ters, Evelyn and Edna, and Mrs. I O=tober 14 .... 65 27
Shoen of Golva were Beach visit-I J. CLAYTON RUSSELL,
ors Tuesday• I Cooperative Observer,
• ;~,~~~'~
, ..' :.. ,.. ,.~,~ ,
/ ~[ T~ A 0 Floe Table GranuI~ted ' pIl[~lt i
Ccln or GIcss "
/p | - riD-- Blue Ribbon, the Better m
! a.s, ~rew B,., , ,o,,,,, m
PINEAPPLE ,,.., c-- 39c |
DOLE NO. 1--Harvest Quee~, F~cy Sliced or Crashed I
Michigan Pears , No., ,-, 39C|
Dolly l~adlson.--DeUc|o~ls Fruit ~~ "
r~ ,," \", ~e ,, 1~ light fluffy Iron rolls~~ i
I~,L":-.I~ Dl$¢Ul[$ Paek~..-- ac m
- - • m
NLtl tt Pears • 39c m
.... --. ....... No.
Blackberries . 39c
Sauer Kraut Bran , No., 39c m .
r~_ | Gold He~rI~-Family Patent ~. ~. m
rtour Gu.r:nteed Quality, 49-ib. bag @ 1 .ZD r!
wneanes . m
Also Kellogg.~s Rice K, spies and Br2n.Flake,s ' m i
SIFTED PEAS . No, 2 Cans ./27~ ........ i
Farmdale--Tender and ~eIl.ow--No,'3 Sieve J" " l
T^,--.#^^,./ Harvest Queen, Fancy ~e ¢IP'I~
Li~]A B~ANS "~ ..... 27c )
TOMhTOES, Minn. large firm, 6 lhs.29c [
TOKAY GRAPES, 2 lbs. . 23c
APPLES .................................................... 49c
STRA~rBERRIES .......................................... 95c
CHERRIES, RED, PITTED ..................... 85c
RASIPBERRIES ............................................. 9~c
PRUNES ....................................... 35c
N ~-
LOGA~ BERRIES ..................................... ...... 65c