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October 15, 1931 |
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" ............. = ..... +-===- ........ l VoT+
TO ANCIL:NT[O[I Student ! ..........
......... i, .................... I Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Waterl,~nd
[RIDAY, 26 |0 0 and sonnie spent several uavs ,'is- Mrs. Nell W~terland and coan:c
El) TORIAL HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Ring at the home of Mt's. ~Vater- spent ~everal days at the home of
Oh You Seniors' The Beach grade teachers are to land's brother. Arnold Beach. Lhc :}ke ~towe.
~.~ .... ......... i,~. H~ve you . . first of the week
...... a,~,,+,,,,~t attend the Southwestern Educa-
- ,+ +~,:, ,~+ m~,~ +, ...... ~,~^ tlonal meeting to be held at Dick- ' Ali-,~r+: Strand ha~ been"~
near .... ~ ...... ? ~,e ,,,.vr,~,,~ ..... Fay Beach sp,nt th,, week vi~i~- ._~e-ne ~.+~. e work for J. K. ~atle
-.~...~'~'~'~ ...a~ ~-.~th= Sen~or~.. class is beinc,~, w~^k'ns°n rrlaay and Sa~urflay of this Ins at the home of his gran~Dar- 02 O!iie°nrfh~the pas~ week. -
DI~b~E~SON SCORES T H R E E stained by tim notorious rumors of ~= -
FAST TOU~HDOVgNS IN Ikc Etowe took h~s lami:~tc
r ~RST QUARTER gossip, We are being charged with Last Monday night a flashy ents, Mr. and Mrs. B, L. Be~ch of the last of the week.
high-hattedenss! What is the football game was held between the Valley View. /
Mrs. Maud Bowen fl~ttoed to A number of the young peo~!c of
~T OF G~--E WAS CLOSE cause of all this? Why are theseseventh and eighthg~ades which Richardton o~' busin~s tho vicinity met at th,~ home of
dishonorable charges being madeheld the spectators in breathless returning to l~cr hoz)~ at Ollie on ?h'. and Mrs. L. L. Baughma~ (~
RATTLE; TWO OF COWBOY against the Senior class? As there suspense. After pulling line
Thursday evening for the purp~:e
STARS UNABLE TO PLAY are reasons for everything, ghere plunges, end runs, and passes try-
- must be an answer that as Fresh-ing to outwit thief opponents, the ,-'+ l:,pvm; ~ charivari on Mr and
The Beach high Cowboys Jour-men we Were sore, and green; as eighth graders finally won by a
nell to Dickinson last Friday and Sophonmres we were convalescingscore of 20-0. ",v-,~
U~ere hampered by the loss of two a bit from this, and feeling super- Next Wednesday the 21st, will be
consult t.he doctor in regard ~o igal autoed
Marion's health. 1V~arion is quite a
bit better we are glhd to hear•
~Ihe Goka Sunshine aocie:,,, met
at the ha:p., of Mrs. Claude .?~-hou-
bee on Wednesday.
regulars, wens down to their third for to the lowly Freshmen; as Jun- report card day in the Beach
~r~lght defeat of the season. 26-0. iors we were endurable--but as schools. Look forward for then]
before Dickinson's speedy eleven. Seniors!': and be sure and have in all your
The Stark County team scored three It seems to always have been the book reports, etc., so you will have
~mehdowns in the first quarter on tradition in high school that when a good looking repots card.
~mae good "breaks" and another students reached the last year they Following we have a report of
at the very start of the second were supposed to grow into "digni- the enrollment of the Beach schools
half when Russell returned Beaches fled Seniors." Have we overplayed ending October 9, 1931:
kickoff the length of the field for the p~t, and gone too far in try- First Grade ............... 33
& touchdown, Dickinson has a classy ing ~o be good examples to the low- Second Grade ............ 34
team, however, and promises ~o er classmen? Third Grade .............. 34
give the Cowboys a real tussle here On the other hand, folks, I won- Fourth Grade ............. 26
Oct. 24, when they play a re- der if we are entirely go blame? We Fifth Grade .............. 32
g~me. Kne~vlch and Tornow, will all admit that being a Senior Sixth Grade .............. 30
~enter and half-back on the Beach "feels pretty good," and we are sure Seventh Grade ........... 27
team, were both out of the game the Juniors, Sophomores and Fresh- Eighth Grade ............ 24 260
• ~h injuries -and their loss was men envy us in turn. But, parents, Ninth Grade .............. 5"/
felt keenly. Irvin Thompson who teachers, friends and well-wishers. Tenth Grade ............. 35
m~bbed at center played a fine lo0k back on your own school days. Eleventh Grade ........... 45
game however that was featured Do you find them free of all stains Twelfth Grade ........... 36
bY beautiful passing back to the of conceit, with no over-estima- Post Graduates ........... 11 184
tmekfield, Ralph Jones again played tions of your own abilities? We
a marvelous game at end for Beach ask you to place yourself in our --- ~-4
~i~g tackle after tackle. The positions and look into this with Bunker Hill School ....... 17
'~k of the Cowboys backfield was the eyes of a Senior. Remember Cox Sclmol ............... 13
rather disappointing with Davis that we are only at this stage once, Chama School ............ 7
alone proving affective at times, and forgive us our sins. We in turn Weinreis School .......... 16 53
dlthough McGee got away once for shall try to reform to the extent I
rdee !2{} yard gain around end. possible. We cannot promise any --4-~
R~ell of Dickinson was the big rapid or far-reaching results. --Glen Odman.
~:~(~ the contest, wild Nevertheless, we ask you to show
a~d the Beach ends, exhibiting appreciation for the improvements DEPT. NOTES
~ da~fling bursts of speed and we may make. The Biology class is finishing the
~;l~_ning away from the Cow- We hope this solution is satisfac- study of insects and reviewing.
ImF tacklers. Remillong also showed
tory to all concerned and that here- There were some very good speci-
Well for Dickinson, after there will be no more corn- mens of salamanders brought in by
Dickinso kicked and ~hen held plaints against the honorable char- Clara I~ppley. They were in the
~h for downs on the second acters of the "dignified Seniors." larval stage showing the external
play after they secured the ball, Everyone knows that they are all gills.
R~I1 tore around the Beach end right at the bottom of their hearts. A collection of leaves was receiv-
for 35 yards and a touchdown, fail- in spite of their popularity which ed from the Caney Community
l~ to c~avert the point, however sometimes seems to go to their Settlement in Plppipass Kentucky.
ach then kicked and after Davis heads. This is a settlement to which a
plunged through the line for Come on, Seniors, let's be good limited number of mountain chil-
two consecutive downs for Beach sports and show the world that we dren may come to receive free
Remillong of Dickinson intercepted can and will reform. Let us show training from kindergarten through
a ~0wb~y pass on his 30 yard line that as Seniors we can still be our- junior college. They are trained
raced 70 yards for the second selves. We all know that by al- in the professions as doctors, law-
~l~hdown of the game Beach lowing ourselves to become affect- yers, ministers, teachers, dietitians
kicked off and Russell got the ball ed by our popularity and superior- and nurses. Their expenses ~re
a clever criss-cros~ on the kick- ity we show only the smallness and paid by the contributions sent in
off and ran through the entire weakness of our characters. Here's by persons interested in this type
team for a touchdown. The for bigger and better Seniors-- of social work.
of ~l~ first half was hard through reform !--Elsie Butdhaupt.
fol~ht, although Russell got away The General Science people have
been studying Buoyancy.
for another fifty-yard run for a
tou~l~do~n that was called back DEBATE SEASON OPENS The Chemistry class is studying
because of an offside penalty. The The debate season opened for fo:mulas and equations.
~fi~t half closed 20-0. One Cowboy Beach High this year on Friday, The Modern History class is
advance was spoiled by a bad rum- October 9th, when seven of the studying the ,~eginning of fine
eight people to try out gave their French revolution.
ble by Davis that Dickinson" re- ~peeches. , The United States History class-
co,~red. On the kickoff th~ s~ar~- Our teams of last year being bad- ~s have just finished the study of
ed ~he second hall Russell again
gOt the bM1 and again demonstrated ly scattered, three graduating, two the American revolution.
~Is sPeed by twisting through the carrying too heavy subjects to con- The Ancient History classes are
whole Cowboy team again for tinue, and only one- coming back, studying the story of the Greeks
another touchdown. The last half left plenty of lea-way for the new and how they drove back the East-
~prinelpe21y a punting duel, wie~~ teams, ern civilization to
~klng about even wlti~ Russe The m~eres~ ShOWn thls year is
a nice feature, that threw very good and the people
~.. balance a little in Dlckinsons out to
eteyen~ favor.
game ,has been booked
~1~ week end as the Coach.
Withe absent at the teachers con-
~t~ttlon..Next week they PlaY a
~game here with Dickinson ,thetis." Harold
~{:~; ~, and the 10caL~.-~-~ .... it would be too cold!"
~venge, ,,
+ ~ .~,,.~.9~..r.,~t~,~.-~,~.- W.F. e sOuth
+ ......... GAttNER ..... ~t~t+ ~lkiesflon for debate country was a pleasant caller at
~ is one of nation-wide in-Ithis office yesterday and renewed
" Resolved: "That the Sever-lhls subscription again, he being one
Mrs. H. P. Crossman. Reporter al State~ Should Enact Legislation I of those stand bys we would feel
........ Providing for Compulsory Unem-[bad if he had to drop out as an
ployment Insurance." Advance reader.
M~, Tom Wosepka is numbered
~g the sick.
Helen Krause was ill last Thurs-
day and not able to teach, so gave
l~el• Pupils a holiday.
Mr. ~d ~. A. M. Paterson eyno
were Sunday dinner guests at the 0 •
H. Omsberg home. •
~yman Page spent several days
Jess,last week in Beach with his brother Quality Merchandise for Less
Mr.and Mrs, L. E. Curl visited
it the home~ of their daLtghter, BEACH, N. D.
]~Irs: Bob Fuhrman last week.
MI~,-A. IvY, Peterson and Mrs. H.
P. Cr~ssman atte~nded the Sunshine ......... -- -- -
eoelety meeting at Mrs. Claude
ouboo'+ wetness,,:, received
The G~rner B. C. club
~ the Ewald Johnson
ebraf, e he, },irthda~f~er con-
gratulating ti~c ,rr~e >rc~-
"~he ~ T(},3~.:~'£{}~(% "+;:; : CAN, ['.'~.?(D P:MJNED, :: IcON ..... 25e
.b'd :,-i ; _,~t,~ l"OZ,~.%Jl~>2i:'.4 NO. '?' (',%N, }L~N~} F~( ~4i'~.~, t.~ I:OR .,.
]:., ac I vi':d:tcd a~:
Bob S~one o~ 'e'
the _%,, M, pe+m':;.on h(m:e S:~+"rd:w ~}¢)NI:Y. 10 Lg, I)AIL, PUI~,E ...................... 98c
Jon+. (.n ot B%r,~arck, ~IOTHE~'S (}ATMEAL, REGULAR OR QUICK ........ 29c
~eT. N.S. " "~:+'
Sunday school missiotmrv, held
eervlce,s at the Strahan schoolbouseSAL3ION. l POUND (JAN, 3 FOR .....................29e
botH,morning and evenin~ Sunday.
Ml~s Hazel Vinquist spent the 98 POUND~ FLOUR ................................... $2.39
weekend with Velma Babcock.
Edna and Evelyn Pe~erson at- I0 POUNDS SUGAR IN CLOTII BAGS ................. 59c
tended the Loretta Fasching show- CELERY, EXTRA I~RGE, WHITE, CRISP ............. 16c
er in Golva Thursday afternoon.
The Garner Sunday school col-
lectton ~unday was for the Red WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF VEGETABLES, SUCH
~, so who ever has charge of
the. collecting can call on the sac= AS ONIONS, CARROTS, RUTABAGAS, PARSNIPS, BEETS,
The Golva Homemakers club met
Thurs. Oct. 8 with Mrs. J. Bosser- BERRIES, 2 QUARTS FOR 25c.
man for dinner. The meeting was
called to order at two o'clock and JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF STOCK SALT. COME
turned over to the project leader,
• ~r~; Grace Hammond. IN AND GET OUR PRICES.
i ii I
hand Yes, we deliver free
a lot that was PHONE 75
entertainment -
~AY, OCTOBE~L .%~," 1931
On reachirg tht
home of the newly \~eds it
fcvnd ~c:ue kind f{'iend had s')i"i;=
to Baker on Friday
where they purchased supplies for
[he dance given Friday night.
Jake Kinsley rode on horse back
~':om souti~ of Ekalaka on Thurs-
day. On Friday tie intended go',ng
:a B~.ker to take the tram to
i:Icvna, v:here he was to p!ay for
a dance Jake is a good musician
and much in demand as a player
for dances.
Co!e Mattie gave his wedding
::ante Friday evening. Everyone
seemed ro be in attendance and we
i from a visit at the home of Mrs.
Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs F. C.
~!~oore of Glendlve, and Mrs. Halls'"
sister, Mrs. Bob Reynolds, ado o~
i Glendive.
R. J. Hall of Baker will ship sev-
eral ears of lambs from Ollie on
Friday. Mr. Moyer is buying the
Mrs. Melvin Sather was a shop-
per and visitor in Ollie on Thurs-
day afternoon.
Among those who attended the
wedd!nog dance Friday evening
pr(stlme a good time was had by were: Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Water-
all. There, was said to be abeutl!and, Ivan Beach Mr. and Mrs. A1-
" :-n,:~:'~-' l~e':'~ons )]resent. ~i~e vin Woodsend and Barbara, Got-
dance was imhl in the Offley I don and Mervin Rustad, Mr. and
Wednesday. t /
Mr. and+Mrsi Al~old Beach, Bob- \:be-;" i~-us:, which must have Mrs. Bundren and Hazel, Jack
bie and the b~blf autoed to Dick- Mrs. Cole Mattie. been quite crowded. Refreshmems Northrou's, L. L. Baughman's an~I
inson on Tues.', where they vis- w,+re ser\ed and everyone tripped lMeMan{gal's.
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Orville the light fantastic ti!l nearlyi M:~. Briggs was a business vls-
Beach. They returned home on ed ti~em away. After several hours morning. They all departed wish-titor a~ the Emil Rustad home on
Wednesday. cf s~arching thay we-e found in mg !he young couple many years Thursday afternoon. She says Mr.
Mrs. Alvin Woodsend was a vis-, , "' + ~ +
,h, iI a, the L/Its farm When of happy married life. Briggs is getting along fine, whicll
it0r and shopper in Beach the first fcund__ they were taken to the Mr. and Mrs. Rush Hall and sonwe are all glad to hear.
of the week. Baughman farm where the usual Bobble of Baker were visitors at]
Charlie Woodsend and son Mar- festivities took place, the Bearfield home on Sundayl Mrs. Gee. C. Hoeck is numbere~
ion autoed to Beach on Tuesday to Cole Mattie and Fred MeMan- evening. They were returning on the sick list,
IS )
but luxurious lines of these charming Pieces will
gcodtasteisntant/y. Comfortandluxuryhavebeen $ 06 50 ~
them and all materials and construction are of high
V~Vm ~ayon ~Ivet (absolutely moth-proof) is fur-
a covering material and both sides of the spring- • .....
cushions are covered. Deep so/t springs in both LIKE THE
backs insure comfort. FOR THE 2 PIECES
i" %%.> ....
I-~urI!iture of this q~ality was
never sold a[ ~hia p=,'ice before.
~['l'll l#?U ) ~,'4
A!ihou~h low in price, these well proportioned pieces are
studi]y built and well tailored. They have soft spring-filled
sea~ cusions, bo~h sides covered, and comfortable springs in
boA] aea~s and backs, This suite is an unusual value.
AYe Down To the
of F
BEACH#::N.: D.