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October 15, 1931 |
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~~,'g, "olTro'lgl~ -13, "It~dl
]~,A(~, N. D., AIYVAI~'lYlt
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Makla Didn't Like ThisLandingMuCh
..... ....... : ii!i¸ ::ii
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/~i~ ~ ~:i 57!:!(;~
German School Children in Athletic Drill
Teaching the Parrots to
....... Some of the ]t),0~}0 p~zpilg of the Berlin Id!2h sci;,~}~d:-~ a~ they took part in the me,:~ eHfletb? drill hehl at
i:;I ,¢"~'~ ?~ i~ /~"~_ ~[~'~ ~].%~" ~'J~" D"~i~ l~l~' .%~ Angeles, has simpliiied the t:l,;l: of leaching the parrot family to talk,
:.};'??~ ~;?.p. ~ ............. .%,:..vo t~*v*} n t,*.~ 1ll ~l seClll(le(l c~q;!e I,~l the zoo, wrier,
~,i;; i~.;,.:..~ .... ...... :: : ( ~"~'- - " o--- --- " ~,. i there are n ~ .......... ao:,es to d s r 1(" ............... 1 s "l 1[ i'~ " tl S ctas~ usually cons|stz ~
:~:: ....... .... ~'>" ~. of four or li;e )ild.q uh et ~re hefted ¢n a ercn thq h 8 }
, ..:~.~ ........ : ~:~ r . . . , , ........ p ' t a a ihono-
:::: IN Under the ausp ce ot the Golden \.alley Red Cross chmter a c' m- graph with a loudspeaker '~t one end ....
.... ....... __..: pa sn wdl at once be msnmted to ra,se money to aM the drought saiterers ......
. ....... of North Dakota, as part of the state campaign to Hse $200,00o to l * . e •. !-, .
"--" our .o,an people This fundentirely separate from the ge;o,ooo being , merman eauty for msn fete
Via sea and fill'. Maida tile white ca2Llo" lH'l'Jve(l ill ~illl Fr'lncisco .~ _'_ ~ • -~ r . ~ k ~ ~ ~ . , -~ • , ••' - "~ - ~ £~ " ": :;
.... ,- - ." - • . ' . . ,.' . ' I~" r;tl~ect 113. 2qOll[:lrla allll t.e several IILllli~Fc'I mousana oouars contrlDulTeil ~..'t ~...~=..-.--: .......... ,...~. -..,.%.-.~,..~..-¢~: ---... ._as. , " ...... :
aa o,~n t care amen aoout rim ]ournev--or ~ne l'm0ing Tim miter ~ . - " _ _ " " ~ /!i5:::=:.-:~,~::~*~;~:~::~,~;:..;~;~-7~-~ - -, . . - , ....
achieved in a rope sling. She was consigned to Gecn'~e Bistany at i ~'~ by the American Red Cross for these sufferers, that orgamzanon contrl- K"~ I ~;~::~}i:~,~:~{~{ii~,, , ~ -
shhacker zoo from the Can'o zoolog:cal gardens. She came over l~ere IN butmgmore than one-half of the fund needed to aM these smcken oeovle
a mate for .Moses the big white camel already at the zoo ~" - - ~" |~.. ~ . ,~ ,
In the minds of our people th s fund must be kept separate from the
:_ . "-- annual Red Cross Roll Call, which will be conducted at the same time
z ° .... """ """ x ~"
ItS- The solicitation, it mu t be remembered, is not primarily for membership/
in the Red Cross, but for the relief of our fellow citizens, as for instance:
In the case of anyone contrlbutmg ten dollars, one dollar will be taken for t
I k-". hts membershm ( 50 cents of tlns to the Amemcan Red Cross for ad- g2 ! ........
N purposes and 50 cents retained for the use county"
g chapte,, none of th s money going rote the state rehef fund) and the other
I'd n ne dollars w, ll be used for the rehef of the drought sufferers of this
state Therefore a c0, tribution of but one dollar will not help the
drought .... at " g ve" fifty cents to i
.......... . sufferers all, but will the fund for rel ef of
.. " the county poor when the countv funds for this purpose are exhausted.
Therefore, the present campaign for funds is primarily for the relief of ::
the' sufferers in .......
] orought adJoining counties. ]
1/ ili Perhaps at a later date a survey on request of this county by the Red
i Cross may show the need of Red Cross aid, in which case it will be includ- N'IL/
| ed in the general drought relief program, but before that is done the b21
county, ofhc all , must show that it has reached its hm t of helpfulness. : ....
I ll | l It has been said that the Red Cross has never helped this countyI]i1 1
This is not true, the aid given being probably forgotten. In 9t8-I9 the
Red Cross spent in this county $2,932.06 to aid drought sufferers; Stark ......
county was aided to the extent of $6, 59.1o, and Billings county in the .......
Money.must be pretty scarce In Georgia when a the sum of $7,I96.qo t,bc:: e,,o years. And in Adams and Stai& counties in ~ / Lord Vincent Castlerosse famous British ~ournal|st w,,h ~i..
I~le oI lnlorlning the community mat ne will take In return Ior hill - n --,":" " * ,. . , re - -~ - . e x._ .2_ _ k"~ t -. . , ,, ,
al w r n kin of c n r I923 tide r~ea ~ross aided clone sufferers to me extent or : 5,775 xo ~eenan, young Phflade! hid debutante whom
o k a y d out y produce, or anything of value, for pain- . . . . cy ...... .x . ~ /... : " p _ . t he ~leeted to r~t,~
• • , • " tam country at the ~lllarney z,a~es ~estlval to be held In Ir~ land n ....
art. well may be that some rime drought, cyclone or floods m tll~s ~J "
for Re re s What kind of ~ [~"rar. The celebration will mark the 300th anniversary of the eedtng
county may cause an appeal from us d C s "d. t,o d ~-**~lerosse's ancestors of th- "-m-"" '...... " .....
P,mni Should Be Air-Minded shape would we be in, should such disasters come to us, to ask aid if at this ....... -. ....... .... : -
--rr crucial time we failed to do our duty by our neighbors in our own state? .._ .,. ,, ,,.
• f nt • • h i When Yorkshire Cio Wet "'/
Eleven counties o the state are cou ed w~thm the present droug t d s-
but inall the other 42 counties the people are going down in their
pockets to aid our distressed citizens without a thought of sharing in the
donation themselves•
Can we afford to do less?
The people of the Golden Valley, even in the most trying times, have
never failed in doing their full duty when that duty was presented to them,
and proof of this is shown by the many voluntary contributions handed in
before the subscription committee had organized for the work before it.
Everybody connected with this money-raising campaign is serving
without pay• It is an unpleasant duty to ask anybody for money at this
time, but they feel that it would be a disgrace to the county to pass up this
appeal without an effort toward aid being made, so the committee hopes
its solicitation will be received in the same spirit of helpfulness, and that
all will give of their means as they are able, for no greater call for charity
and the exercise of human kindness has ever come to our people.
the full-blooded ~sklmo dog owned by Joe Collins of Boose-
, .,w.ith her litter of ~en pups walking the plank to terra flrma
the tm0ther and her braed went aloft for an airplane flight. The
w~-~e born in the eoekp~t ~ :a~ antiquated airplane in one of the
~$, ~goosevelt field.
Have Insomnia, Try This Cure
Resting in the Harbor of New York
View In Yorkshire, England, during the recent serious inun4atic~a
that resulted from heavy rainstorma
Killer's Car is "Executed" by State:::
An excellent shot of the giant Dornier DO-X, world's largest flying boat. as she rested in the har-
S,',n,e weeks ago tiffs em~ ~ith ,htmes b'ineih, at U~e wheel
woman ts trylag ~n anele~t East Indian remedy for In- bor of New York, part of the world-famous skyline In the background. She was not taken to the air amt killed a small boy in NewarR, N, Ji Fln¢iio Wa~
~. she follows the black !Lqe from start to fll~|,~ll g few times rt~ces st cleveland because her el~gln¢# needed overhauling after ,the long voyage from Brazil.
l~O fall asleep---If the r~tlled~ Is genuine.