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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 11, 1934     Golden Valley News
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October 11, 1934
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PAGE TWO 4~,I ', J , '' THE BEACH ADVANCE W. F. CUSHING, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER~ GAY TILLOTSON, ASSISTANT EDITOR i~/~LISHJ~3 A~ BEACH. NO~V~H DAKOTA. I~*rBBY THURSDA~ ~tezed at postoffioe at Beach, North Dakota. on May 8, 1908 as secJno class matter ~]L~'IBER NAT~J//AL AND STATE EZ ITORIAL AI~IF~CIATIONS q~ll~crlptions in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota $2.00. To ah other states, $2.50. SATISFACTLON There win be more geniuses in the world when folks are not so easily satisfied. In our modern world Little Willie learns to thump out a few popular tunes on a piano or make a violin produce some tones that sound a little better than two tomcats fighting on a back-yard fence and then Little Willie rests on his laurels. All too often a merchant learns how to operate a store after a fashion and earn a moderate living. He curls up and takes it easy. New methods, advertising and scientific sell- ing of his goods do not interest him. A mechanic learns how to change a tire, clean a spark plug and grind valves. So he does such things and ekes out an existence. The editor of one of the largest magazines once told the writer: "you'd be surprised how many jobs there are at the top of any profession, jobs which are just waiting for a man who is qualified to come along and take charge of them. In the schools of the country thousands of students get the groundwork for a complete musical education. But after school days are ended the trumpets rust, the piano grows dusty and the violin is silent, Why ? Because it takes real work to go ahead, because a man or woman must devote many hours each day for years to practicing uninteresting scales before becoming a real artist. When the people develop a thirst for real success there will be fewer jobs half-baked. Anything worth doing is truly worth doing well. If we laid bricks we'd want to lay them neatly and well. If we dug ditches we'd want to dig them right. We could publish The Advance with half the energy and expense. But nothing is spared in maintaining the high standard set many years ago. This may not be the best weekly newspaper in the state. But our course is turned to- ward that goal. We are anxious to serve our readers in the best manner possible. We enjoy our work. We want Golden Valley folks to enjoy and be proud of their home paper, a paper that in the 15 years under the present management has never tired of working for the good of our common in- terests. "INNOCENCE" AT GENEVA Those innocent souls who seem to picture the delegates of the League of Nations as sitting around a table doing their utmost regardless of the nations they represent, to accomp- lish something for the good of humanity, ought to get some enlightment from the newspaper reports of the meetings now ~being held at Geneva. One of the fights in the League Council has been between the friends of China and Turkey as to which nation shall oc- cupy China's chair around the council table. Was the ques- tion debated on the merits from the standpoint of humanity ? Most certainly it was not. China was in and Turkey wanted the seat. China was supported by Great Britain and her dominions in the League while Turkey had the backing of France and the Little Entente. John Bull was for China be- cause he feared that if the Turk got the seat he might line up his vote for Russian projects in the future and so handi- cap the spread of British ideas about the Dardanelles. France Hanley and daughter of Glendive were guests at the I~ C. Faltermeyer home Friday. Dave McCann was having dental work done in Beach Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roebuck have moved onto the Gates farm east of Wibaux. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callender, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Canender and Mi~ Lelah Callender were Wtbaux and Beach visitors Saturday. Patty Manning is the latest vic- tim of the ehickenpox. Miss Florence Reed, a teache~in the Baker school was a guest over the week end of Miss Florence Lar- son. Miss Kathryn O2~ourke, returned Wednesday evening from St. Paul, where she visited her sister, Martha. the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keys, and Mr. and Mrs, Albion Welsh were among tree Wibaux people who were shopping in Beach Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hazelton were hosts at dinner Sunday, when they had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Coyne moved the past week to the G. E. Letherman farm west of Wibaux. Rue Samson was down from Glen- dive ~ay. Scott Leavitt, Republican candi- date for the two year United States senate term. spoke in Wibaux Fri- THE BEACH, N. D., ADVANCE ALPItA (Edna Wassmann, Reporter) Mrs. Fritz Fasehing and Daisy Wassmann went to Beach Friday afternoon and brought the school children home for the week end. An- drew Kohler taking them back to Beach Sunday afternoon. Everybody come to the benefit dance at the Alpha hall Friday, Oc- tober 12th, and have a good time. Orville Tungsvik spent Sunday afternoon at the M. B. Hogoboom home listening to the ball games. Mr. Cushing and Mrs. Nan Ma- gee were calling in the Alpha coun- try last week. Edith Carew spent Saturday eve- ning at the H. L. Babcock home. Robert Sonnek was at" Sentinel Butte on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McManigal were supper guests a~ the Geo. Oldis home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Olsen and son, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kennedy. were Sunday dinner guests at the Her- bert Carmicheal home Ed. Shoen was a supper guest at Andrew Kohler's Thursday. There will be a Halloween masked ball given at the Alpha hall on Hal- loween night. Everybody mask. John Irons was in town Friday day afternoon. ,having his truck wheels repaired. Mrs. C. M. Chamberlain is ill at I The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- her home west of Wibaux. bert Sonnek was baptised last Sun- Miss Christine Jakln, Miss Flor- ence Larson and Miss Florence Reed were Beach shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pratt of Beach Mr. and Mrs, Jack Still, Mrs. Bur- ton Welsh and son Don and Mrs. A. C. Samson were callers at the John Mlngel home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rucker and Miss Marjorle Faltermeyer of Cul- bertson, Mont., were guests at the L. C. Faltermeyer home Sunday. WOMAN'S CLUB One of the outstanding social events of the week is the luncheon given by the Wlbaux Woman's club Monday afternoon in the Meth- odist church, at which 25 members of the Glendlve Woman's club were the honored guests. A profusion of autumn leaves, ferns and pink asters were used in the decoration of the basement and main auditorium. The twelve beau- day morning a~ Golva. The little fellow goes by the name of Karnes Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fasching en- tertained at their home for Sunday dinner, Mr. Ed. Eide, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonnek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kouba and family, Andrew Kohler. Mr. and Mrs. John Irons and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Knopp and family, Victor Renstrom, Axel Johnson and Daisy and Edna Wassmann, Ed. Eide was a radio listener of the base ball series at the Hogo- boom home Friday at noon. Arthur W~ building a new dam on secfffon 35..Those working are ClarenCe Pas~hing, A. J. Zie- bath, ~ndrew I~hler,'~ Ed. Sher- mann. A Nistler]and Art White. Ed. Jendro h¢lped Ed. Scherman with his well ~n Monday. tifully appointed small tables which Leslie Wassm~nn called at the H. seated members and guests for the A. Bury home lVl~knday morning. serving of the one thirty menu, were Almost tD~ entire~ommunity took centered with bouquets of asters, in the barbecue in ~entinel Butte Immediately following the lunch- SatUrday. A]~ rel~ the beef as con a short busineas meeting with tasting very ~ood, the president, Mrs. M. B. LarsonI ~z Fascht~g and Robert went presiding was held in the auditor-ItO I~ckinson l~ida~y with a load of ium, after which the following pro-] grain~#~o exchange for flour. gram, with Mrs. J. D. Cullen acting] Lewis Knopp and John Irons call- as chairman, was presented: Piano solo, Mrs. M. P. Ostby. Sundayed a~ themorning.M.B. Hogoboom home on Paper: "Immunization," Mrs. L. The Misses Nellie and Lillian C. Faltermeyer. Irons and Fay Lundblad were sight- Paper: "Our Movie Made Chil- seeing in the badlands Sunday. dren," Mrs. C. E. White. and her allies backed Turkey because France is now flirting with Russia, since Poland has been wavering in her allegiance to Paris. There you are. Can you imagine just how your Uncle Samuel would fare in that sort of international poker game? Our idea is that he would be lucky if he got back home in his short~. One gets satisfaction out of doing his best, even if he doesn't get what he wants and what he intended to get. Many a back seat driver has a husband who always tells her how to cook like his mother did, Economic recovery is like success~a continuous process. It will not come with a crash. A mere layman can tell when a man is crazy, but it takes an alienist to tell when he isn't. The man who turns back after he has been turned down, has taken a turn for the better. 2 ' ' • WIBAUX Dan Stockwell. who has been suf- ferin~g with a carbuncle, was in the ~lendive hospital for treatments several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Anderson are the proud parents of a baby glr~ born Wednesday las~ at the E B. Stair frame. Mrs. Kenneth Melrose and Mrs.~ M. B. Larson motored to Baker l~$t~ Wednesday. The birthday anniversary of Mrs. Gtm Somerfeld occasioned t~e sur- prise party at which her daughter, Mrs. E. D. Welliver was hostess on Wednesday afternoon last. Fancy work and conversation was the version for several hours conclusion a dainty lunch ed by the hostess, honor received ma~y Mrs. Eva Wills Duncan, been the guest o£ her were shipping horses from Glendive last week. O. ~. Drake who has been serious- ly ill the past week, is reported in~- proving, Mrs. Wallace Scott substituted as second and third grade teacher, dur- ing Miss Larson's illness with the chickenpox. Mrs. S. L. Sherman of Glendive visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. White, several days last ~far. and Mrs. Oscar Thom~sQn of Lyle, Minn., are guests at the ~0. Hanson'and E. B. Sherman home~. Mrs. ThOmpson is a sister of Mrs, ~nerman rand Mr, Hanson. Mrs N. G. HazelwooB from a visit to ~e Gen~tlrv ( / and father/who and ma~g re- farm west of ,~ibaux, t~e ~oas~ | month, depart~~ Monday in Det~t, Mich. Wm. was/~/Beach visitor Tuesday. "High lights of the State Conven- tion," by Mrs. Foss. Mrs. Danskin and Mrs. Euford of Olendive. Vocal solo, Miss Clara Langow- ski. The committee in charge of the luncheon and at'rangements was composed of Mrs. P. A. Fischer. Mrs. M. P. Ostby, Mrs. Frank Rogerson, Mrs. D. E. McCann, Mrs. L. C. Fal- termeyer, Mrs. A. B. McDonald and Mrs. Robt. Anderson. Republic of the Tartars Rich in Ancient History Exotic Kazan, capital and largest city of the autonomous Soviet So- cialist republic of the Tartars, de- scendants of the Golden Horde, is rich in ancient history, says the New York World-Telegram. This little-known city was for centuries the seat of the powerful Khanate ~f Kazan. In the Sixteenth century It was conquered by Ivan the Ter- rible, after a bloody battle, and an. hexed to Muscovy. On the city's skyline the bulbous domes of old Russian churches and the dagger-slender minarets of Mo- hammedan mosques mingle in pic- turesque confusion, hinting at the medley of contrasting peoples and tongues found in the streets below. IIere tt~e visitor is reminded by the swarthy, slant-eyed Tartar faces In the crowd, and the rippling, sibllm~t Tartar la~guage he hears spoken on every side, tlmt he is no longer in Russia, but in Tartary, one of tim score or more autono- mous national republics ~hich make up the vast and many-na- tioned Union of Soviets. The ancient Kazan Kremlin stands at the end of the main street on high bluffs, overlooking the Ka- zanka river. ~l?he mnssive battle- mented walls which withstood many a fierce assault In the days when the world was young, guard the lofty tower of Sulum Bey. Around this curious Oriental tower, perfect- Louise Bilgen returned to in South Dakota. Mrs. Earle the ladies aid of damental church, at home, last Thursday afternoon. Aftef~t~.bu~l~ hess meeting, at which the presi- dent, Mrs. Mary Scammon presided, an interesting program, with Mrs. Glenn Scammon as chairman was presented. An appetizing lunch serv- ed by the hostess, concluded a pTeas- ant afternoon. Mrs. Robt. Alton and infant son of Beach were guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cowee at the Milton hotel, la~t week. Berger Nelson and Dey Schlaft~ Mr. and Mrs~and Darton have ly preserved, centers a weird legend returned froar~a visit with Mrs. Dar- about a Tartar princess who flung ton s bro r m Havre, Mont, ' ~! ' . herself from the top of it rather Mr.~a~id Mrs. Ralph Zopfi were lthan submit to Ivan the Terrible. s~Sing in Glendive on Wednes-I fl~y last. Miss Margaret Scott, who teaches " Groat Rift Largest Valley in Baker spent the week end with The larges~ valley in the world is Wibaux relatives, the Great Rift of Africa, which be- Mr. and Mrs. Forest Roscoe and gins in the north of 1 alestlne and Harvey Scammon arrived Thursday] from Washington to visit at the1 home of Mrs. Mary Scammon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman areI the parents of a baby boy, Donald~ Francis, born Saturday, September/ 30th. MIss Dora Faltermeyer, Mrs. stretches nearty as far south as Na- tal, a total of 5,000 miles. Find 3,000-Year-Old University Discovery of a university 3,000 years old was made at Tel el Amar- ha, ancient city on the Nile. John Irons is very busy these days hauling wood from the badlands. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Irons and son Warren returned from their trip on Sunday evening and report having a very good time. and surely enjoy- ed it. A very large crowd attended the Wedding dance given by Mr. and Mrs. John Schmeling at the Alpha hall. A very good lunch was served~ at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth and Daisy Wassmann went ~o Beach on Wednesday morning and on the way home stopped at William Kremer's home for the Sunshine dinner. Remember the Birthday Ladies' club at Mrs. Alex LaSffta's Saturday October 20th, for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kin~ley and son Donnie spent Sunday at the Wm. Carew home. Ed, Eid¢ called at the Carew home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wassmann attended a birthday party at the Stoner Ekre home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oldis were in Beach Saturday. Mr. Ed. Shoen was a supper guest at Andrew Kohler's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. White and son Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. John- ston and Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Layton Nunn and Mr. Aud Nunn were Sunday dinner guests a~ the Otto Johnson home. R. L. Johnston drove our a new Ford V-8 pickup from Beach Sat- urday. Credit or Blame Jud Tunkln says a p'liflcal boss is like any other spotlight grabber. He takes all the credit for a suc- cess, bnt he gets all the blame for a failure. WHY 'FLU' KILLED SOLUIERS FIt~ generates a poison which de- stro:~s the kidneys/~ When you have a cokl regulate your bowels to suit ur'ew @@ it is more im- portaAt ~h~ tl~ l~dneys be looked after. \I~.y'sl Ca~!les for colds do that--ned mor4! ~ They embody much tinct has ~n learned about colds in ~]e past #ew years. Manu- factured l~ a p)~armacist who was a Soldier. "Se4d by 35c 35c Rice Drug Store THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, ..................., John Kalkman was hauling TROTTERS thistles from a field of Ben Russells down to his ranch on the Beaver last week. Ed. Franklin and Elmer Orr haul- BAZAAR ed Fredwin Crook's winter supply of A large crowd attended the ha. coal last Monday. zaar at the U. B. church parlors at Little Georgia Bell Andre cut her Trotters last Saturday. ~A fine din- hand very badly on a broken fruit nor was served at about 12:30, con- jar, three weeks ago. Her parents sisting of potatoes, gravy, chicken, hurried her to a doctor who took six dressing, beans, buns, salad, pie, or seven stitches. She was quite! cake, doughnuts and coffee. After weak for a few days from loss of all had eaten until they could eat blood, ~,~mTe~ling better now. We no more, they all went fishing for the hand will heal rapid- awhile and some real catches w~re ly.' made. Later, the articles suf~ as Miss Nellie Nelson spent last week aprons, towels, and So on w~e sold. end in Beach, having some dental A beautiful cake made by/~rs. Er-work done. nest Moore and decora~ by l~rs. Mrs. George Tusker visited her Moore, was then auctt~ed off and daughter, Mrs. Leonard Leland on sold to Amos Gasho./~ne pro Thursday of last week. of the entire sale w~e a little and Mrs. P. V. Moore and $30. We consider ~l~is sale a Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Frank- success; and exten~l thanks and Mrs. J. E. Metcalf, were who helped to ma~e it such. visitors at the Ernest Moore News of the death of Mrs. Herriack at the home of her Will, in Oregon, was received last week. She had been over a year with cancer of the so that it seems that death ,d Mrs. Ed. Fl'anklin went to Wednesday. UPOn their they stopped at Art l Adamson'~and visited, returning home on ~riday. ] Ben RusSell and daughter Kath- came as a relief from her great ryn went tO Beach on ~turday to fering. She lived at Trotters for get Mrs. Kidder, who r~urned home many years and while here made from Verndale, Min~., after having many friends who surely' mourn her been at the hon~ of her daughter passnig away. We also extend our for several~s. heartfelt sympathy to the husband .... ROy l~dder received some head and children who are bereaved. Bill Voyen and Stanley Stevens went last week with a car of beef cattle which were shipped to Chi- cago. Upor~ their return home, they will be met at Abercrombie by their wives, who left Thursday by car. They will then visit relatives and then return home together, i: Mrs. Kramer and her sister, Missi McKinney, left Thursday for Calif-I ornia, the home of the latter. Mrs.! Kramer plans to spend the winter there. Luther Hodgin took his father's cattle to the Leonard Leland place up north, last Sunddy, where they will be pastured for awhile. He is staying up there herding them. Some of the young boys were hav- ing a game of base ball at Trotters last Saturday, when a foul ball struck Charles Russell in the eye. It swelled badly and caused him a great deal of pain for a while. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Nelson, Mrs. Nels Nelson, Mrs. Minnie Smith and Mrs. Harold Smith, all of Beach, came out to attend the bazaar at Trotters on Saturday. Carlot Nellermoe has been em- ployed at the P. V. Moore farm re- cently. I injuries last week, when the which he was driving ran him. Billie Campbell spent last end visiting at the home of Omley. Quite a number of base ball were listening in on the radio, the Trotters store on Sunday, hear the report of the world's L. Hodgin and P. O. Johnson a business trip to Watford City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crook dren were Sunday dinner guests the Omley home. Webbs Willing Workers will at the church parlors on October All are invited to attend. Genoese Omley spent night at the Elsworth Orr home. Art Kammerers folks took a of sheep to Sidney, on Thursday, sell there. ~ 4,4-4.@.I. 4.4.4.@ VOTE FOR R. W. SCHELL DISTRICT JUDGE ÷ For his proven ability as ÷ your Judge. For the honesty and fairness of 79Jg' decisions. ÷ Believes in hb~hing teehni- ÷ calities of law'~m factor 0~ Jus- ÷ tice. Your support in tl~e gen- ÷ eral election will be appre- ,~ ciated. 22-to. ~" 4" • 4" 4. db 4. @ 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. @ NOTICE For the reason that our experience with so called benevolent societies, has been anything but satisfactory, we, the undersig~l, practicing physicians in this part of Nortl~Dakota, hereby give notice to the public, that f~cpn~and after this date, we will not accept case~/of~ sickness or acci- dent, to be paid for l~y any~ene~ol~nt society. Unpaid account~'wh~__her ~le~/ ~ ~- or not with such societies must b~ taken car~ ~f~y those ori- ginally responsible for~\~Sem. !'~, This notice is pubhshed in accor~ce with a resolution passed April 21st, 1934, by the South- western District Medical Society. M. W. Lyons, W. C. Bradley, Frank C. Tit- zell, J. W. Bowen, Geo. A. Perkins, A. P. Nacht- way, M. M. Heffron, R. W. Rodgers, A. E. Spear, S. Chinneusek. October 3rd, 1934. FOR HOMEMAKERS WHO WANT TO BE UP-TO-THE-MINUTE \ \ \ 3 Fascinating Books [:uH of THE NEWEST iDEAS on Entert ning, Cake Making, Marketing and Meal Planning ALL 3 FOR ONLY Supplementary to the 12-Lesson Course in the National Cookin~g School appear- ing each week in our commns, the ~.~. -" / also brings you these mree ma~'vdtous new books, which every woman will find indispensable. All three are written by Katherine Caldwell, America's foremost Cooking authority. PLANNING THE PARTY--Where is the woman who is not eager to know the newest things relating to every entertainment occasion --what to do and how to do it~what to serve and how to prepare it--whether it is for a simple bridge party or an elaborate wedding reception. It is indeed me tmog ottae smart hostess. It makes entertaining easy. The Beach Advance MARKETING AND MEAL PLANNING~ What to buy, how to buy it and how to make the best use of it~ How to plan meals wisely. What foods are regulatin~ What foods are building. About the vitamins. How to econo- mize. When there are children~ When consti- ~vtiOn enters. When they would change weight. ery subject in this book is oflmportance. THE EASF WAY CAKE BOOK--Thls and this alone is a recipe book, but its presentation of the subject represents an entirely new depar- ture. A book full o£ unusual cakes presented in a manner never before attempted. It is simplldty brought to a new degree. They are available to readers of this atthe nominal cost of 25c (for the paper ihree). Call or write now for your copies to i k